Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2858: The power of the Sky Extinguishing Formation

  Chapter 2858 The power of the sky-destroying formation method

Lu Shan also noticed Chen Xuan’s smile, so he laughed helplessly, and then said to Chen Xuan, “I didn’t expect that Brother Chen Xuan was so skilled in arranging the formations. We only got half of it and you are about to finish it. People are more popular than others."

   "Yes, Brother Chen Xuan is really quick to lay out the formation." Lian Qing has been staring closely next to him.

Although Lian Hong asked Lian Qing not to disturb Chen Xuan’s formation, Lian Qing had been around Chen Xuan. He wanted to see how Chen Xuan arranged the formation. Before Chen Xuan arranged the formation, he She quietly ran towards Chen Xuan and asked what materials Chen Xuan needed.

"Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan is not only powerful, but also able to arrange formations. Our young master is already very fast at deploying formations. If we can arrange a small formation within two hours, it will have to be against the formation. Only by familiarity can it be done."

"That's right, Chen Xuan is really too mysterious. I really don't know which sect he comes from. He can actually arrange a formation in just over an hour. I have never heard of such a thing. Said it."

   "Although there are some strong powers who can set up the formation in such a short time, most of those strong are layout divisions, and the confrontation method is already clear."

"Where are you talking? Our eldest brother Chen Xuan is probably also an array division. Although this requires a stronger cultivation level to do this, I am afraid that the true strength of eldest brother Chen Xuan has not been revealed yet. You have not seen him before. When dealing with Wang Jinping? That Wang Jinping has reached the seventh level of the Divine King Realm, but he can still be cut off by Brother Chen Xuan!"

Hearing the compliments of the crowd, Chen Xuan showed embarrassment, and said to them: "Everyone, I just set up a small formation at random. It is completely different from the one set by Brother Lu. Brother Lu has to be the same. Guardian formations, this kind of formation is very difficult to arrange, and I have heard of it. To arrange the guardian formations not only requires coordination of various materials and other spiritual power, but also takes a lot of time to complete."

   "Chen Xuan, you don't know what formation it is." Lu Shan showed curiosity and looked at Chen Xuan.

  After listening to him, the others also showed a touch of surprise, and immediately gathered towards Chen Xuan.

So Chen Xuan replied: "I am just a small formation. To be precise, this is a Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation. The layout of the Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation is a bit simpler than the Guardian Formation, but the Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation and formation are simpler. There are some differences in the law. The Sky Destruction Sword Array has powerful lethal power, and all monsters that come in will be killed by the Heaven Destruction Sword Array, which is fundamentally different from the Guardian Array."

   Hearing that, Lu Shan was even more surprised. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to arrange this kind of formation.

"No, it's actually the Sky Extinguishing Sword Formation. I have heard of this kind of Sky Extinguishing Sword Formation before, but although the Sky Extinguishing Sword Formation is easier to set up, it is difficult to obtain the technique for setting up the Sky Extinguishing Sword Formation. Adding to the difficulties, even our family has only one Heaven Slayer Sword Formation." Lu Shan answered.

At the same time, Lian Ru also walked towards Chen Xuan. He put the spear on his back on the ground, and sat down and said, "Chen Xuan, if I didn’t guess wrong, you must be the Qiushuang Empire’s Heaven Slayer Sword. Array, when I traveled to the Qiu Shuang Empire, I also saw this kind of Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation. The power of this Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation is extremely powerful. If you are a warrior under the triple level of the God King realm, you will enter this Heaven-Extinguishing Sword. In the formation, I am afraid that they can't stop the power of the Sky Destruction Sword Formation!"

Lian Ru is the oldest among them, and he traveled through various empires when he was young. Therefore, his knowledge and knowledge are more profound than those of the others, and only he can directly point out the Chen Xuan formation. origin.

In response, Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said to him: "It's really good. I got this formation from a secret room, and the owner of that secret room came from the Qiushuang Empire, who was also a famous person in the Qiushuang Empire. Sword Master."

  Wang Lun also walked over, and he put the flag in his hand on the ground. This flag was blooming with a faint blue light, indicating that Lu Shan and the others had also completed the formation of the formation.

  As soon as he walked over, he asked Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, was the city lord a member of the Qiushuang Empire? Why didn’t I know?"

  Wang Lun did not know that in the secret room, Chen Xuan obtained the inheritance technique of the previous city lord. The most important thing was that Chen Xuan had obtained the demon spirit. However, under the city lord’s secret room, the pattern of the Qiu Shuang Empire was inscribed.

People who knew the Qiushuang Empire before Chen Xuan naturally knew what the national emblem of the Qiushuang Empire was. Generally speaking, most people who symbolized the identity of the Qiushuang Empire would leave a mark with a black blade on their clothes. Those with a black mark. Naturally, they belonged to the Qiushuang Empire.

  And Chen Xuan had seen such a pattern on the city lord’s robe in the city lord’s secret room, so Chen Xuan determined that the former lord came from the Qiushuang Empire.

  The Yunye Empire and the Qiu Shuang Empire have had good relations since ancient times. It is not unusual for the people in the Qiu Shuang Empire to become the city lord in the Yunye Empire.

  But everyone heard Wang Lun’s words just now, and they were suddenly surprised: "What do you mean...City Lord?"

   Seeing everyone's surprised look, Chen Xuan smiled lightly: "It's the city lord of Lu Yu city. I'm afraid everyone knows the name of the city lord."

   Hearing this, Lu Shan said in surprise: "Of course I know that he still has contacts with my father."

   "That's right, that Ouyang Chengzhuo's cultivation base is very strong, even reaching the realm of the gods, but unfortunately he was attacked by the dragon blood troops in the north, so he died in the north." Lu Fan said.

   "I didn't expect Chen Xuan that you could find the secret room where he once practiced, but you didn't find any powerful techniques in his secret room?"

   "No way, Brother Chen Xuan actually went into the secret room of City Lord Ouyang, that City Lord Ouyang is in our Yunye Empire, but has a great reputation, but he killed more than 20 dragon blood tribe warriors at the beginning!"

  Chen Xuan replied: "Although I entered the secret room, I didn't get any exercises. I only got this formation. He has more than one secret room. I'm afraid the real exercises are still elsewhere."

Chen Xuan didn’t tell them the truth. He actually got a sword technique in the secret room. This is one of the sword techniques of the Qiushuang Empire. Chen Xuan did not practice the sword technique. He planned to integrate this one into Among his Suzaku swordsmanship.

  Chen Xuan's Suzaku swordsmanship is already very powerful, and Chen Xuan does not need to distract himself from practicing other swordsmanship.

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, everyone knew that they shouldn't ask any more, and at this moment the sky was getting dark.

"Everyone, it's getting late, everyone must be careful. There are still unknown dangers in the poisonous rock forest. If you encounter an attack by a monster, you must calmly deal with it. Now we have the blessing of two formations. Even if we encounter a lord-level monster, we are confident that we can deal with it." Lu Shan said.

"That's correct, but there should be no powerful lord-level monsters in the poisonous rock forest. I heard that there are powerful monsters in the poisonous rock forest. In the end they were poisoned to death unknowingly, so in this mountain range There are no more powerful lord-level monster beasts!" said a warrior.

Hearing his words, everyone smiled, and then a warrior stood up and said jokingly: "I'm afraid those powerful monsters can't withstand the poisonous snakes and beasts here, although the poisonous insects in the poisonous rock forest are not so powerful. But as long as it is poisoned, even those powerful monsters can't resist it."

"Nevertheless, we still have to be careful. There are still many risks in the poisonous rock forest, and you have to be careful of the surrounding trees. These trees are also very likely to be highly poisonous. Otherwise, they will not be here. Known as the poisonous rock forest." Lian Ru said with a serious expression.

Hearing Lian Ru's words, everyone thought for a while, and then a warrior stood up and said: "The elders are justified. Although we now have two formations, the unknown danger in the poisonous rock forest is not what we can imagine. ."

  At this moment, everyone regrets going this way, but they can't turn back now. The only way is to stay here for the whole night, and they can go on after the poisoned guard wakes up.

  Otherwise, this guard is likely to be poisoned and die. He was poisoned by the poisonous snake. Now he has finally been brought over by Chen Xuan. If he continues to walk, blood will pour in again.

  Lu Shan ordered: "Xiao Wang, you are optimistic about him tonight. If he is poisoned to death, I will ask you at that time, do you know?"

  The guard who was called Xiao Wang nodded immediately, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, Young Master, I will definitely look after his safety next time!"

Chen Xuan saw his look, so he said to him: "He should be fine tonight, but remember not to let his body move randomly, otherwise it is very likely that the poisonous blood will rush to the heart. Once the poisonous blood enters the heart, Then there is no way for me to save it. As long as he is not allowed to move, I can drain all his poisonous blood until tomorrow. As long as the poisonous blood is discharged, then we can continue to set off. Up."

  Lu Shan solemnly bowed to Chen Xuan at this moment, and then said: "Brother Chen Xuan, thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you here, my people would not know what danger they would face."

   Chen Xuan hurriedly replied: “Don’t say that, it’s really serious.”

Lian Ru laughed and said, "Brother Chen, what he said is not wrong. If you were not here this time, we would be in danger. Let’s not say that you saved the life of the guard before, and you also saved Lian. Qing once, now thanks to you setting up the Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation, with your Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Formation, the old man is also relieved a lot!"

"That's right, Brother Chen, if it were not for you this time, my second brother would not know what kind of danger he would encounter. He was caught by Wang Jinping. Thanks to your flying sword, Wang Jinping's arm was cut off. In this way, my second brother is likely to lose his life in this mountain range!" Lian Hong said solemnly.

   Hearing what his elder brother said, Lian Qing hurriedly stood up and said to Chen Xuan, "Big Brother Chen Xuan, thank you for saving my life. If I need to use my place in the future, I will definitely help!"

   Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed, so he replied: "You have already said before, if there are any difficulties in the future, I will definitely go to you."

  Seeing Chen Xuan's expression a little embarrassed, everyone burst into laughter.

   Soon, the night enveloped their camp. The poisonous rock forest at night was extremely silent and there was no sound at all, but everyone was vigilant. They knew that the poisonous rock forest would definitely not be so safe.

  Sure enough, in the middle of the night, Chen Xuan was about to fall asleep, but a sudden sharp noise made Chen Xuan hurriedly open his eyes.

   "No way, I just heard it wrong." Chen Xuan looked around in surprise.

He clearly heard a movement just now, but he woke up and found that there was nothing around him. This is not in line with common sense at all. Unless Chen Xuan's perception has improved, so he can be sharp without everyone hearing it. I found the noise around.

   "Something's wrong, the sound I heard clearly just now." Although Chen Xuan closed his eyes just now, he has been in a state of semi-drowsy and semi-sleep, and has not really fallen asleep.

  (End of this chapter)

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