Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2859: Explore the camp

   Chapter 2859 Exploring the Camp

  In this mountain range, Chen Xuan will maintain this state every time he sleeps. There are many unknown dangers in the mountain range, not to mention that he is still in the poisonous rock forest.

   Opening his eyes, Chen Xuan found that there was no movement around, so he quietly got up and saw Wang Lun, already in a deep sleep, Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

  "Wang Lun, my heart is so big every time." After sighing, Chen Xuan quietly walked out of the tent.

  Now Chen Xuan is already a warrior in the four levels of the God King Realm, and he can control the severity of his steps. When he walked out, he did not wake up the sleeping Wang Lun.

At this moment, Wang Lun was still snoring and immersed in his sleep. Chen Xuan turned his head and found that Wang Lun scratched his nose with his hand. He originally thought Wang Lun was awakened by himself, but he did not think of Wang Lun. Lun actually turned over and went on to sleep.

  Because Chen Xuan did not see any monsters around. So he didn't wake Wang Lun, but Chen Xuan clearly heard the movement just now, so Chen Xuan walked towards the outside of the camp.

The camp’s formation covers only a dozen meters. It is a veritable small formation. Although I don’t know that this is a small formation, it also consumes more than an hour of Chen Xuan’s time. Chen Xuan will be consumed within this hour. A large amount of zhenqi, and the zhenqi consumed by Chen Xuan has also been replenished during this time.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan walked toward the outside of the camp. The tents in the camp were lined up one by one. Chen Xuan walked past Lian Ru’s tent and found that there was a grunt in Lian Ru’s tent.

  Chen Xuan concluded that this grunt must have been made by Lian Qing, and only this half-old boy could sleep so deeply with this character.

  Chen Xuan walked gently toward the outside of the camp, and soon he walked outside the camp. At this time, the poisonous rock forest was still very quiet, and no quiet sound was heard, so Chen Xuan couldn't help holding his breath.

  The voice that Chen Xuan heard just now came from the north, so Chen Xuan walked gently towards the north.

As he walked over, Chen Xuan also displayed the power of the Suzaku. A faint red light emerged from his body. It is inevitable that some poisonous insects and beasts would inevitably be encountered in this poisonous rock forest. Chen Xuan opened the Suzaku fire. It can also resist the bite of these poisonous insects on him.

  There are even some poisonous insects as big as a fingernail. Such a small poisonous insect will be bitten if one is not careful.

  Chen Xuan had also seen how virulent these poisonous insects are before. Even warriors in the realm of God Kings will be poisoned to death if they are bitten by these poisonous insects.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan walked quietly toward the poisonous rock forest in the north. The poisonous rock forest in the north was as quiet as other places. Chen Xuan walked on the ground, stepped on the leaves, and made a rustling sound.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a green light on the trees in front of him, so Chen Xuan walked forward.

   "It's really strange, why didn't you see it during the day." They had walked from the north at first, but when Chen Xuan came, they didn't see the green gloomy plant.

  When Chen Xuan walked over, he suddenly discovered that it was not the luminous Ganoderma he had imagined that emitting green light, but a poisonous insect with green dots on its tail.

   Chen Xuan had never seen this poisonous insect before, and he walked slowly towards this poisonous insect.

   "What is this." Chen Xuan showed a look of doubt.

  He has never seen a poisonous insect that emits a green light on his tail, and this poisonous insect is very small, not even as big as his nails, Chen Xuan walked over and secretly opened the power of the Vermillion Bird.

  When he approached, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that dense green spots of light suddenly lit up on the tree.

  Seeing this change, Chen Xuan hurriedly displayed the Vermillion Bird Fire, burning toward the tree.

  Chen Xuan’s flame was instantly burned onto this tree, and in a blink of an eye, an intact tree was burned to ashes.

  But those green light spots actually flew in the air, which was obviously disturbed by Chen Xuan's actions.

  These poisonous insects flying in the air hovered around Chen Xuan's head continuously, and one of the poisonous insects actually bitten towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan showed a cruel face, opened his palm, revealing a smudge of the Vermillion Bird's fire, and immediately the flames burned onto the poisonous insect's body. "Little poisonous insects want to hurt me too!" Chen Xuan roared, while casting the wings of the Vermillion Bird, the flames suddenly burned to the poisonous insects.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know the origin of these poisonous insects, but he knew very well that the poisonous insects in the poisonous rock forest were very toxic, so Chen Xuan played the Suzaku fire while looking at the nearby poisonous insects.

  The number of these poisonous insects is actually a lot, far beyond Chen Xuan's imagination, but even so, they can't surpass Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire.

  The real threat of the poisonous insects was actually to bite him inadvertently, but Chen Xuan was now prepared, and these poisonous insects did not have any powerful strength in themselves, so Chen Xuan did not consume too much of Chen Xuan's energy by helping them.

   Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. After Chen Xuan killed the last poisonous insect, he walked over and took a look at the poisonous insect's corpse.

  Because Chen Xuan is far away from the camp, he did not alarm the warriors in the camp.

  Looking at the corpses of poisonous insects scattered on the ground, Chen Xuan took out the white handkerchief, picked up a poisonous insect, and put it in the storage ring.

   Although these poisonous insects were burned to ashes by Chen Xuan, they also had medicinal value, not to mention that they were poisonous insects that Chen Xuan had never seen before.

  After taking in all these poisonous insects, Chen Xuan continued to walk slowly toward the back.

   "I heard the sound clearly just now, and it must have come from the north." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  While thinking about his body, he was walking toward the north, but after he had walked several hundred meters, Chen Xuan still found nothing.

   "It's weird, could it be that I heard it wrong? It should be wrong, the voice was so clear just now, why didn't they hear it..."

In fact, this is not to blame them, because Chen Xuan's demon soul perception has been improved again before he knew it. Originally, Chen Xuan's demon soul power increased speed, but Chen Xuan got it in the city lord’s secret room last time. With the demon soul spirit body, the demon soul spirit body not only increased Chen Xuan's power, but also improved Chen Xuan's perception ability.

The demon soul spirit body that Chen Xuan encountered last time was also the bloodline of an ancient monster beast, but the demon beast spirit body has been hidden in the secret room for many years, and there are also levels of strength in the monster beast spirit body, which Chen Xuan encountered The strength of that monster beast territory is not too strong. It has now been completely refined by Chen Xuan and has become a part of Chen Xuan's body.

  And what Chen Xuan obtained from the demon soul spirit body was the keen perception ability. Although Chen Xuan's perception ability was not as strong as Yu Wenqiu at the beginning, it was already very powerful compared to Wang Lun.

When Chen Xuan was about to return, he suddenly heard a sound from the tree. Chen Xuan hurriedly looked up, but the night was too dark. Chen Xuan only saw a dark shadow passing through the tree, and then There was no more movement.

   "Not good! Someone!" Chen Xuan panicked.

  However, at this moment, the black shadow suddenly jumped from the tree towards Chen Xuan.

  Through the moonlight, Chen Xuan vaguely saw the face of this group of dark shadows.

  The black shadow looks extremely hideous, just a cursory look, Chen Xuan knows that this is not a human being.

   "Obviously this is a monster." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

  But Chen Xuan has never seen this kind of monster. The monster is very dexterous in a tree, with very narrow arms, long legs, pale red eyes, and a pair of sharp teeth.

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan was a little panicked in his heart, but then he pulled out the Liaoyuan sword and stared at the monster beast on the tree closely.

  The monster beast's red eyes stared at Chen Xuan below, and then the monster beast jumped from the tree to the other side and grabbed Chen Xuan again.

  Chen Xuan's body shook slightly and flashed to the side. The monster grabbed the air, but Xuan even kicked it towards Chen Xuan next to him.

   "The speed is so dexterous." This is the first time Chen Xuan has seen such a dexterous beast. The speed of this beast is very fast, and Chen Xuan can barely keep up with the power of the demon soul.


  A tree was suddenly blasted to pieces. Seeing that it hadn't hit Chen Xuan, the monster beast let out a roar, and Li in his hand rushed towards Chen Xuan again.

  The speed of the monster beast was very fast. Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan Sword and blocked it in front of his chest. At the same time, flames burst out from both sides of the Liaoyuan Sword, and the flame surrounded the body of the monster.

   The monster beast felt the threat of the Vermillion Bird's fire, and let out a roar, and then retreated far behind.

  After their battle, everyone in the camp was disturbed, and soon they rushed from the camp in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  The one who rushed to the front was Wang Lun. When Wang Lun was awakened by an explosion, he suddenly saw Chen Xuan next to him was gone, so he guessed that Chen Xuan must have found something, so he left the camp.

  When Wang Lun arrived, he saw Chen Xuan standing on the spot with the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

  And Chen Xuan said nothing at the moment, looking at the gloomy poisonous rock forest, without speaking.

   "What happened to Chen Xuan." Wang Lun asked in surprise, and then he moved closer to Chen Xuan.

   But when he approached Chen Xuan, he found that Chen Xuan's body suddenly turned around.

   "You are not Chen Xuan!" Wang Lun said in shock.

  Next, he saw the Liaoyuan sword held by Chen Xuan and suddenly threw it towards him.

Seeing this change, Wang Lun hurriedly took the black giant sword from his back, and bursts of black aura bloomed on his body. These infuriating auras set off Wang Lun and made Wang Lun's body completely hidden in the dark poisonous rock forest. among.

  Everyone also rushed over, seeing Wang Lun who was fighting Chen Xuan, these people suddenly showed curiosity and asked one after another.

   "No way, why did Brother Wang and Brother Chen fight together? Is there any conflict between them."

  "It shouldn’t be right. The two of them have known each other a long time ago. How could it be possible for some trivial things to fight against each other? I think the two of them definitely want to learn from each other here."

  "But it’s too dangerous to learn in the poisonous rock forest. Although there are no powerful monsters in the poisonous rock forest, it will be attracted by the unevenness!"

  (End of this chapter)

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