Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3096: Froze

   Chapter 3096

  In the Sun and Moon Fortress.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of murderous aura, and Chen Xuan could remember exactly what Sun Ling had done to him.

At this moment, Yu Wenqiu suddenly stood up and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, we still have to be more careful. The Lord Sun and Moon has been in the Sun and Moon Fortress for so many years. We want to attack him. I'm afraid there is none. so easy."

  Looking at Yu Wenqiu, Chen Xuan said: "I know this naturally, but I will definitely not make him feel better. We will go to his place in a few days."

  Three days later, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu appeared next to a restaurant. This restaurant has an extremely important identity in Riyue Fortress, precisely because the restaurant was established by Lord Sun Bao himself.

  In the thousands of years since this restaurant was built, no one has ever been able to waver, and no one dared to be wild here, but Chen Xuan is going to be wild here today.

With a vicious look on his face, Chen Xuan walked directly into the restaurant.

The person in charge of the restaurant immediately greeted Chen Xuan in, and walked into the restaurant, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  This restaurant is magnificent in the Riyue Fortress, it can be regarded as the most powerful restaurant in the Riyue Fortress, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

  Many warriors in the restaurant had already drank wine in it. There were many private rooms inside. When Chen Xuan approached, several warriors instantly took Chen Xuan into a single room.

  In this single room, Chen Xuan felt the sound of the wind coming from around him, and a murderous look appeared on his face.

With a sneer on his face, Chen Xuan said to the person in charge: "Boss, I want a few catties of cooked beef. I wonder if you have it here?"

   "Of course there is!"

  The boss also knew that Chen Xuan's clothes were not like ordinary people, with a respectful look on his face, he said hurriedly, and then asked someone to prepare cooked beef.

   And Chen Xuan quietly drank the wine on the table in the eyes of everyone.

When the beef came up, Chen Xuan immediately spurned: "The taste of your beef is not very good. It is completely different from the one I had eaten before. It is also said that it is the most famous restaurant in Sun Moon Fortress. I think you are really bold. I dare to claim this smell!"

  Faced with Chen Xuan's ridicule, the person in charge of the restaurant was also full of anger. He looked at Chen Xuan, but did not know where Chen Xuan came from.

  Sun and Moon Fortress, many warriors from the Demon Wind Empire came here, but Chen Xuan's dress was not like the people from the Demon Wind Empire but more like the Yunye Empire.

  Chen Xuan continued to ridicule: "I won't come to this kind of broken place even if I was invited. This is the place where I came to the most broken place, and I am leaving."

   Seeing Yu Wenqiu’s face with a smile, Chen Xuan continued: “Don’t bring me over again after this kind of broken place. I feel sick once and I'm about to vomit.”

Hearing Chen Xuan's mocking voice, the person in charge of the restaurant immediately became furious, and said to Chen Xuan crazy: "What kind of thing are you kid? Do you know what kind of background our restaurant has? This is Lord Sun Bao Do you dare to ridicule me like this for the restaurants that you personally counted? Don't let your life go!"

  Seeing that Chen Xuan didn't know how to promote, the person in charge of the restaurant directly carried him out to Master Sun Bao.

  Chen Xuan was afraid that he would not bring Lord Sun Bao out, and he laughed, "What is Lord Sun Bao? I have never heard of it. Which miscellaneous hair is it?"

Hearing that Chen Xuan didn't put Lord Sun Bao in his eyes at all, the person in charge of the restaurant suddenly chuckled and said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, you really don't know how to promote, you haven't even heard of Lord Sun Bao. Do you know how much power Lord Sun has in the Sun and Moon Fortress!?"

Faced with her questioning, Chen Xuan continued to sneer: "I have never heard of it. It's just a miscellaneous hair. I even dared to bark in front of me. If you have the ability, please invite him out and let me. Check it out!"

  The person in charge was full of fury, but he did not attack Chen Xuan.

  As a restaurant operating in the Sun-Moon Fortress, he knows exactly how many masters of hidden power the Sun-Moon Fortress has.

  These masters do not change their colors on weekdays, but their cultivation bases are quite the opposite. If they suddenly show their cultivation bases, they are definitely not their opponents.

But he was still testing Chen Xuan. The person in charge of the restaurant said to Chen Xuan crazy: "Boy, where on earth did you come from? If you have the ability, tell me your background, and let me see which one is great between you and Master Sun Bao. ."

  Every word of this person is inseparable from Lord Sun Bao, which also convinced Chen Xuan of the idea of ​​killing him.

  Chen Xuan sneered and said, “I still have a little relationship with Lord Sun Bao, I don’t know if you can’t hear me clearly?”

   Hearing Chen Xuan said that he was related to the castle owner, the person in charge of this restaurant quickly thought in his mind, but he still didn't come up with anything.

   Calm down for a while, he said to Chen Xuan: "Do you know Master Sun Bao? Then why did you come to this place to fight our court? Come on!"

  The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and there was a burst of flame around his body, and the flame burned the entire room in a blink of an eye.

The person in charge of the hotel was full of shock. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to take the shot, and the Suzaku fire burned extremely fast, and the entire room was instantly burned by the flames.

   "Little bunny, who are you? You dare to do such a cruel thing to us..."

  The flame burned to death the several guards next to him. These guards turned into a pile of ashes in a blink of an eye, making the person in charge full of panic. He felt that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was very powerful, far surpassing him.

   Seeing this person in charge questioning himself, Chen Xuan asked, "What are you? You dare to ask me!"

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body turned into a stream of light, and he directly killed the person in charge.

  Turning around the Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand, a violent sword aura burst out, and he slashed towards the person in charge.

  Suddenly his head fell on the ground, and Chen Xuan slowly walked out of the room.

  Yu Wenqiu also raised two short knives, and looked at the guards surrounded by them.

  The guards are all people responsible for safety in the restaurant. They have no hatred with Chen Xuan, but they did one thing wrong.

  That is, under the name of Lord Sun Bao, Chen Xuan would never let them go easily. With a strong murderous look on his face, Chen Xuan fixed his gaze on the opposite man in a red robe.

  This middle-aged man in red robe is the owner of this restaurant, with a trace of sullenness on his face, said the middle-aged man in red robe to Chen Xuan.

   "Boy, who are you? Why come to my place to be wild!"

Facing his question, Chen Xuan smiled sneerly on his face, and directly replied: "It's so funny, who am I has to do with you? What does it have to do with you when I come here to set fire? Is it possible that you still Want to shoot at me?"

   Seeing Chen Xuan playing around with the blade in his hand, the restaurant owner showed a solemn look, and he felt a terrible threat from Chen Xuan.

  This threat even far surpassed Master Sun Bao, but he would not easily let Chen Xuan go.

  He has worked here for more than ten years, and no one has ever been so arrogant and dare to hit the ground in such a place.

  He sought asylum from Lord Sun Bao, where he has been doing business for more than ten years.

With violent anger on his face, the man said to the guards beside him: "You go and invite Lord Sun Bao over. I will teach this kid a good lesson."

   "No, I'm afraid you haven't invited him over. This place has turned into a mass of ashes."

  Chen Xuan's sneer came, causing the restaurant owner to show a dignified look.

  But he still said to the guard beside him: "Don't bother with this little messy hair, go and invite the castle owner."

  As soon as the voice fell, a red breath came from all over the body instantly, and this terrifying sword aura quickly burned in the space and continuously volatilized.

   directly wrapped around the two guards who wanted to lift their feet away.

  The two guards let out a scream, and they were burned into a mass of ashes in a blink of an eye, and the next moment, a touch of red light released from Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly increased Chen Xuan's speed.

   After displaying the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan's speed far exceeded their imagination. In only two seconds, Chen Xuan instantly approached many guards and waved the sword in his hand.

  A sword pierced the neck of a guard, and blood kept flowing out.

With a look of anger on his face, the restaurant owner yelled frantically: "Hurry up and kill this little mess for me. Someone dared to cause trouble in our place. Today I must twitch him and grab him. The skin, leaving him dead without a place to bury him!"

  The anger was unforgivable. He didn't expect anyone to make trouble in such a place, his face was full of crazy.

   Chen Xuan just sneered at this, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Go and kill all these guys. If Lord Sun is here, we will not be easy to deal with, don't let him know."

  Yu Wenqiu heard this, his body instantly turned into a group of red light, and he rushed directly towards the two guards.

  The short knife in his hand flipped quickly and quickly approached a guard. The blade instantly touched the guard's neck, and blood shot instantly.

  In the inn at this moment, everyone was panicked. They all heard the sound of fighting from a distance, but they found nothing.

  Finally someone saw Chen Xuan show off the Suzaku swordsmanship, beheading a guard with a single sword, everyone gathered here, but they did not dare to approach.

"No, this guy dared to make trouble in this place. Doesn't he want to live anymore? This is the place led by Lord Sun Bao. It's really unbelievable!" With a panic on his face, the person living in the inn The man was eating grapes in the room and enjoying his family.

   did not expect that a huge movement suddenly appeared and his room was also affected.

"Let me see, let me see, who on earth is daring to make trouble in this place!" Many good tourists are constantly observing nearby, wanting to see what the people who dare to make trouble in this restaurant are. Kind of face...

  For these tourists, this restaurant has an extremely important position in the Sun Moon Fortress.

  At the same time, this place is also one of the properties of Lord Sun Bao. If someone is making trouble here, it must be directed towards Lord Sun Bao.

   "This guy doesn't look very old. Could it be that he has any conflict with the Lord Sun Bao? He actually made trouble in such a place."

   "Maybe this is just a stunner, this kid may just be short of money, so he wants to rob this inn, but he doesn't know that this is the place controlled by the Lord Sun Bao."

   "Hahaha, it seems that this kid is going to die later, let's watch the show, this battle has nothing to do with us."

   Seeing Chen Xuan constantly waving the Liaoyuan sword and approaching a warrior once again, Yu Wenqiu was not to be outdone, and two short knives were constantly floating around her body.

  Each swipe took the life of a warrior. In the end, there were originally a dozen guards, but now only two are left.

  The remaining two guards trembled constantly on the ground, and their eyes were full of shock. Seeing Chen Xuan was like killing a god, beheading several of their companions in succession.

  The two guards were timid. They believed that they were not Chen Xuan's opponents and knew that they could not defeat Chen Xuan.

   "Master, please forgive us. We are just working for people. This matter has nothing to do with us. If you want to kill him, hurry up!" A guard was full of surprise.

"That's right, this uncle, this matter has nothing to do with us, just let me go!" After the guard said, he threw the long sword in his hand on the ground and turned away. Flee.

  Chen Xuan did not catch up with him and kill him. They were right. These guards were just working for Lord Sun Bao, and there was no need to drive these people out.

  But the owner of the restaurant, Chen Xuan would not let her leave safely. This person has a great relationship with the Lord Sun Bao. As long as it can be killed, the Lord Sun Bao will definitely feel the pain.

With a cruel smile on his face, Chen Xuan slowly walked towards the other party. The strong murderous intent on his body continued to agitate, making everyone look shocked.

   "Look at it, this kid is so bold, he even dared to kill the restaurant owner, this guy is so bold!"

  "Does he not know that the boss here has a lot to do with Lord Sun Bao? Should we go over and remind him? I don't think this kid is too old, he must be just a stunned boy."

  "What is Lengtouqing? Did you see the woman next to him? That woman belongs to Taixu Villa. I'm afraid this matter has a lot to do with Taixu Villa."

  (End of this chapter)

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