Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3097: Tiger hunting

   Chapter 3097 Tiger Hunting

   "I understand if you say that, since the defeat of the two major mountain villas, Taixu Villa has become one of the strongest mountain villas near the Sun and Moon Fortress."

   "This matter has nothing to do with me. This is the battle between their two big mountain villas. Let's go quickly. If the scale of the battle expands, we will not be able to run away."

  Several warriors who were slightly weaker, fled towards the distance in an instant.

  After seeing them run away, Chen Xuan's face was full of sneers, and the lines of the demon soul on his arm continued to gather, and the power of the red demon soul continued to flicker on Chen Xuan's cheek.

  In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan rushed towards a warrior, a terrifying aura instantly appeared in the sky, and landed on the body of a warrior fiercely.


  In just a few seconds, his body was burned to a pile of bones by the flame.

  After seeing the restaurant owner beheaded, everyone stopped breathing, and showed shock to Chen Xuan.

   "This kid really killed him, but it has nothing to do with us, so we should not have seen it. If Lord Sun is locked up, we can explain..."

   "Let’s go quickly, there has been such a big movement here, and Lord Sun Bao will definitely bring people over. It will be difficult if we blame a good person by mistake."

  In an instant, there were still hundreds of warriors in the restaurant who were having fun here, but at this moment, everyone had no intention of continuing to drink.

After everyone left, Chen Xuan turned his head and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, let's leave here first. Master Sun Bao has a very strong cultivation base. The two of us are not necessarily his opponents. Wait for me to upgrade my cultivation base. Come to him again for revenge."

  Yu Wenqiu seemed to be immersed in the joy of destruction, laughed and said to Chen Xuan: "You are so interesting, you are just here to cause sabotage, I thought you wanted to fight him for three hundred rounds."

"Three hundred rounds are free. His cultivation has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Divine King Realm. My cultivation is not yet his opponent. Even if the two of us are added together, we may not be able to beat him." Chen Xuan Replied.

   "That's the case, if that's the case, let's leave here as soon as possible, he must have brought someone here." After Yu Wenqiu finished speaking, it instantly turned into a red light and shadow and dissipated in the space.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly followed, and their voices disappeared in the Sun Moon Fortress at the same time.

   After learning of this, Lord Sun Bao was furious, and his strong palm directly slapped on the table next to him.

  The table couldn't bear this huge force, and it scattered into a mass of ashes. After feeling the violent rage of Lord Sun Bao, several warriors next to it suddenly said.

   "Master Castle, let's quickly investigate who did it. Then we will find that kid out, and we will kill him again!"

"This kid actually dared to make trouble in the Sun Moon Fortress. This incident has completely lost my face. Now everyone knows that my Sun Ling was beaten up by a kid, and it is really embarrassing that I have not been picked out by a kid. !" The face of Lord Sun Bao was filled with anger. He wanted to rescue the instigator and kill him fiercely.

   "Master of the castle, we must not be arrogant."

  Three days later, they finally found the news, according to everyone’s description.

  Lord Sun Bao, I said to the people around me: “I feel their description, this time the person who beat us must be Chen Xuan. This kid is really hateful. I’m afraid he knows that I sent someone to assassinate him.”

   "The fifth group of people has been killed by him, and he has also shaken me out. These people from the Demon Wind Empire are untrustworthy!"

"Li Tang, you go take a few people to kill this kid, I don't want to hear any more news from this kid, if you can't kill him, don't come back!" Lord Sun Bao looked at him. On Li Tang's body.

  Li Tang was wearing a cyan robe, and a strong murderous aura was revealed on his white cheeks. He raised the sword in his hand and said to Lord Sun Bao.

   "Li Tang took the order, this time Chen Xuan must be beheaded. If he can't be killed, I won't come back!"

  This Li Tang, who was also a member of the Demon Wind Empire, has cultivated in these forts since he was a child, and his cultivation base is also very strong. In the Sun Moon Fortress, except for the Lord Sun, he is said to have the strongest cultivation base.

Seeing the long sword in Li Tang's hand, Master Sun Bao said cruelly: "This kid must be killed for me this time, remember? No matter what method I use, I only need to see this kid's head! "

   made a vicious voice, and Lord Sun Bao stroked the skeleton accessories on his body.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu appeared in Taixu Villa.

  The villa has not been attacked by the enemy for several days, and these days, the entire villa is peaceful, because the two coveted villas have been destroyed by Chen Xuan.

  Nowadays, Taixu Villa has an extremely powerful force nearby, and even the Lord Sun Bao is very worried about whether Taixu Villa will shake his position.

  On this day, Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual power in his body was constantly agitating, and wanted to hunt down a few monsters in the nearby mountains.

  With Chen Xuan's current demon soul, it is definitely not that difficult to improve, but the cultivation of the demon soul is also focused on accumulation. If Chen Xuan can kill more powerful monsters, the increase in the power of the demon soul will naturally be much faster.

With a trace of determination on his face, Chen Xuan began to rush towards the nearby mountain. This time Yu Wenqiu did not go with Chen Xuan.

Among the mountain peaks, Chen Xuan's eyes bloomed with a hint of killing intent, and he felt gusts of wind coming from a distance.

  The sound of the wind was very strange, which made Chen Xuan feel a trace of the breath of a beast, and instantly opened up the feeling of a demon soul, and Chen Xuan immediately dodged towards the side.


  A wind blade directly engulfed the air and killed Chen Xuan.

   Appeared in front of Chen Xuan, it was a bronze-eyed tiger hunting.

  Bronze-eyed Tiger Hunting's body is surrounded by layers of hurricanes. These hurricanes are so fast that they roll up a layer of ground in the blink of an eye.

  The flying dust from the trees directly scratched Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan hurriedly displayed the Suzaku fire, burning all the broken limbs that were blown in front of him.

  The bronze-eyed tiger hunting made a roar, and instantly charged towards Chen Xuan.

   By virtue of the hurricane, the bronze-eyed tiger hunts very fast, and it kills Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye.

   Lifted up his huge palm, his paws flashed with cold light against the sun.

  The bronze-eyed tiger hunting was rippling with layers of gusts all over his body. Following the attack of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting, another hurricane quickly blew towards Chen Xuan.

   Quickly transferred the spiritual power in the body, Chen Xuan let his body stay in place, and was not blown away by the hurricane.

  The huge paws of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting directly hit the ground, causing a layer of ripples.

After seeing the violent attack of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting, Chen Xuan was also agitated. Although this bronze-eyed tiger hunting was fast, it was not as fast as Chen Xuan's.

After displaying the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan's speed increased dozens of times in a blink of an eye. With this demon soul, Chen Xuan instantly distanced himself from the bronze-eyed tiger hunting.

  The bronze-eyed hunting tiger let out a roar, and a hurricane rushed towards Chen Xuan again.

   Feeling the violent hurricane from the body of the bronze-eyed hunting tiger, Chen Xuan quickly slashed out two sword auras.

  The hurricane engulfed the air and slammed towards Chen Xuan.

   After Chen Xuan stabilized his body, the cool breeze gradually rose on his body, and he also killed the tiger hunting towards the bronze eye.

  Suzaku's fire faced the hurricane attacked by the bronze-eyed tiger hunting, and it rose up against the wind, and the flame instantly became full and spread continuously in the sky.

  In an instant, the flames directly engulfed the sky, and the scorching fire waves, one after another, slammed into the bronze-eyed tiger hunting.

  In the face of the scorching fire wave, the bronze-eyed tiger hunting felt a strong danger, but the huge claws still slapped Chen Xuan fiercely.

After feeling this terrifying power, Chen Xuan immediately took two steps back.

  The paws of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting hit the ground, smashing a deep pit mark, and Chen Xuan rolled on the spot, directly avoiding another chase by the bronze-eyed tiger hunting...

   Although the speed is very fast, but the bronze-eyed tiger hunting wants to catch up with Chen Xuan, it is not so easy.

  Faced with Chen Xuan's sudden increase in speed, the Bronze Eyed Tiger Hunter let out a violent roar. The speed was suddenly really fast, and the Bronze Eyed Tiger Hunter's tail suddenly stretched out and grabbed towards Chen Xuan.

  Unexpectedly, the bronze-eyed tiger hunting tail could still be used like this, Chen Xuan showed a puzzled look: "What is this...this guy's tail can actually be extended, it's weird."

  The huge tail of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting suddenly continued to spread between heaven and earth, breaking through the void, and surrounding Chen Xuan.

   Facing this terrible murderous aura, Chen Xuan immediately condensed the power of the Vermillion Bird, gathered the Liaoyuan sword aura, and slayed frantically towards the bronze-eyed tiger hunting, the sword aura lingering in the sky.

  The bronze-eyed tiger hunting was not to be outdone, waving two paws in succession, and grabbed Chen Xuan fiercely.

  In the air, there were traces of phantom shadows of claws, which were almost too fast to leave afterimages. The speed was so fast that Chen Xuan was overwhelmed.

   Facing the sudden increase in the speed of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting, Chen Xuan hurriedly ran the Liaoyuan sword and quickly blocked the bronze-eyed tiger hunting attack.

  After forming a body-refining defense in front of him, Chen Xuan turned his hands down, and red light marks rose from the bottom of Chen Xuan's feet toward the top.

   instantly wrapped around a tree next to it, and the tree was directly burned by the terrible flame, and then rushed towards the bronze-eyed tiger hunting.

  Bronze-eyed Tiger Hunting seemed to have anticipated Chen Xuan's attack a long time ago and let out a low growl.

  The huge bronze-eyed tiger-hunting body suddenly jumped into the sky, and Chen Xuan was shocked by the jumping power.

   "This beast has such a strong jumping ability..."

  After the surprise, the huge body of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting directly landed on the ground, and hurricanes continued to swept through it.

  Within a few hundred miles of the surrounding area, the speed of this hurricane was flowing faster and faster, causing Chen Xuan's skin to feel a tingling, and finally Chen Xuan displayed the demon soul refinement.

  The tingling sensation of the skin is gradually reduced, but the speed of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting can continue to increase during the hurricane.

   Facing the bronze-eyed tiger hunting whose speed has been increased to the extreme, Chen Xuan felt a strong danger.


Chen Xuan's body stepped back two steps, and a soaring sword aura instantly displayed from the Liaoyuan Sword. Chen Xuan finally walked around behind the Bronze Eye Tiger Hunting, but he did not expect the Bronze Eye Tiger Hunting tail to face him. Wrists entangled.


The   Liaoyuan Sword fell to the ground in an instant, and Chen Xuan hurriedly used the technique to gather the Liaoyuan Sword in the sky.

   His face was full of anger, and Chen Xuan roared: "Thousands of swords and shadows."

  After displaying the Wanjian Sword Shadow, Chen Xuan's whole body continued to linger with the terrifying and violent Liaoyuan sword aura.

  These Liaoyuan swords were floating behind Chen Xuan, rushing into the sky in an instant, and circling between heaven and earth.

  The terrifying and violent power made the bronze-eyed tiger hunting feel some danger, standing in the distance, did not rush to attack.

   "Take advantage of his illness!" Chen Xuan roared, and instantly drove the Liaoyuan sword behind him, and Wan Jian Jianying immediately slew towards the bronze-eyed tiger hunting.

   Facing the dense sword shadows in the sky, the bronze-eyed tiger hunted and ran.

   "This beast, do you think there is still a chance to escape!"

  Chen Xuan sneered all over his face, and when he saw the bronze-eyed hunting tiger trying to escape, he gave a sharp roar, a layer of terrible spiritual power rippling all over his body.

  Following Chen Xuan's eyes, he only saw the back of the bronze-eyed hunting tiger, and directly inserted a sword intent.

  Jianying instantly exploded. The body of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting slammed down on a tree next to it, and after several trees were broken at the waist, the body of the bronze-eyed tiger hunting stopped.

  (End of this chapter)

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