Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3165: Sky Dragon City

  Chapter 3165 Heavenly Dragon City

  Sky Dragon City.

"But there is no spiritual formation around, how can we break the formation?" Chen Xuan also showed doubts. He didn't know how to break the water, but looking at Yu Wenqiu's appearance, it seemed that he had encountered a similar Jin Xuanling before. crystal.

   So Chen Xuan asked directly: "Just tell us directly, how exactly should I get this Jinxuan Lingjing."

Yu Wenqiu walked towards the one-touch switch next to him, with a mocking expression on his face: "You two think too simple, this Jin Xuan Lingjing can exist in the cave without any problems, and it hasn't been Others have discovered that it must not be that simple."

  I only saw Yu Wenqiu stretch out his snow-white palm and lightly press it on the switch, and then a red light burst out from the switch, converging directly into the sky, as the light grew bigger and bigger.

  Then the green gloom radiating from the Golden Profound Spirit Crystal disappeared directly, and the Golden Profound Spirit Crystal appeared directly in front of them, causing Chen Xuan and others to walk towards the Golden Profound Spirit Crystal.

   There was a shock on his face, and Chen Xuan stretched out his palm. This time the Jinxuan Lingjing did not emit any fluctuations in spiritual power, but it contained a very terrifying power.

   "As expected of the Golden Profound Spirit Crystal, it really possesses extremely powerful energy. Such a simple Golden Profound Spirit Crystal can be absorbed by us for several days." Chen Xuan said softly.

Dugulun was eager to try, and hurriedly walked towards the Jin Xuan Lingjing. After everyone took out the Jin Xuan Lingjing, they immediately began to discuss.

   "How much energy do you think this Golden Profound Spirit Crystal can absorb for us?"

   "I don't know, but there is a lot of energy in the Golden Profound Spirit Crystal. After all, it is a natural existence. Let's leave here. I don't think there is anything in it."

After the three of them finished speaking, they took their steps and left the cave. There was a golden profound spirit crystal in the cave, which exceeded their expectations. However, when they left here, Chen Xuan felt the forest in front of them. There has been a little change.

   "I feel that the trees in front are a bit weird." Chen Xuan said softly.

   Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that a tree in front of him burst out with a terrifying spiritual power, and then two eyes grew from the tree.

   "No way, let us meet the tree spirit." Yu Wenqiu was slightly surprised, and suddenly took out two daggers, with a terrible look on his face, and looked at the tree spirit.

  There is definitely not only one tree spirit appearing, obviously they encountered a large-scale tree spirit.

"Everyone, be careful, we have now come to the territory of the Dragon Blood Empire. These tree spirits are not that simple. They can survive in the Dragon Blood Empire, which shows that they have extremely powerful energy." Yu Wenqiu whispered. Said.

  Yu Wenqiu had also survived in the Dragon Blood Empire before, and naturally knew that these monsters in the empire had extremely powerful energy.

  Because the warriors of the Dragonblood tribe will hunt out a large number of monsters. If it were not for the powerful monsters, they would not be able to stop the attack of these tribal warriors.

  The warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe possess extremely powerful power, and many ordinary monsters are not the opponents of these Dragon Blood Warriors.

  Dragonblood tribe warriors have fought various monsters since they were young, and Yuwenqiu is no exception. Judging from Yuwenqiu's skills, the two dryads in front of him are not his opponents at all.


Yu Wenqiu turned into a red light and ran directly in front of the tree spirit. Before the tree spirit could react, his body was directly knocked out. The vines that were originally sticking out did not attack, so he was directly attacked. Yu Wenqiu was cut in half.

   "Hurry up and kill these few tree spirits, we can't continue to consume them here, it will be very troublesome if these tree spirits gather together!" Yu Wenqiu said loudly.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuanyue was eager to try, and hurriedly circulated the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body, his body turned into a fiery red light, and the flames that burned out all over his body gave Dugulun a look of wonder.

   "Your Suzaku's power has increased again, and the good guy is stronger than what I saw before." Dugulun's face was full of surprise, but at the same time he waved the black giant sword in his hand and displayed his family's swordsmanship.

  Dugu Family's sword art is extremely powerful. When he displayed it, bursts of terrible energy suddenly rippled in the sky, and quickly slew towards the tree spirit.

  It didn't take long for them to kill the tree spirits. Looking at the killed tree in front of him, Dugulun was surprised.

   "Unexpectedly, there will be tree spirits here. I haven't encountered them for a long time. I heard that the tree spirits have existed for a very long time, even tens of thousands of years ago."

   "Yes, tree spirits are very ancient monsters. They are not so much monsters, but rather they are a group of spirit beasts. They can already absorb the aura of heaven and earth." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yu Wenqiu waved his hand, greeted the two of them, and then quickly said: "Don't talk about it here, let's go there quickly, isn't Chen Xuan going to confess his fate this time?"

Nodded, Chen Xuan then said: "That's right, we are going to Sky Dragon City this time, but I have never been to Sky Dragon City before. We must be careful when we go. I heard that Dragon City The people of the blood tribe are about to attack."

   "The Dragon Blood Tribe should not attack so quickly. They are only attacking two cities in the north of Yunxiao Mansion. This time their ambitions are not that big." Dugu Lun laughed.

"Regardless of their ambitions, there has been a tug-of-war between the Dragon Blood Tribe and the Yunye Empire. This war is not something we can participate in, but we should hurry to Tianlong, or else there will be a lot of delays on the road. time."

  The three continued to move forward and walked forward. If they want to reach Sky Dragon City, they must bypass the Dragon Blood Empire, so they will pass through this forest of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

  After three o'clock, they finally appeared outside of Sky Dragon City. At this time, Sky Dragon City seemed to have just gone through a battle, and the walls of the city seemed a little shabby.

Chen Xuan showed a touch of surprise, and then he thought to himself: "Palace Master Yunxiao actually sent me here, and he didn't send me a few partners. Let me come here alone. If it's a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe. The attack has come, how can I resist?"

  Although Chen Xuan still has a secret mission this time, which is to find the high priest of the Dragon Blood Tribe who attacked the Yunye Empire this time, Chen Xuan is completely confused now, and now he has just arrived in Sky Dragon City.

   "Chen Xuan, didn't you say that there is another mission, which is to find a great sacrifice? Why are we here now in Tianlong City?" Du Gulun asked.

   "I don't care what I do, this is my territory now, let's enter Sky Dragon City as soon as possible." Chen Xuan said.

  The entire Sky Dragon City seemed to be in a lonely state, and everyone couldn't get out of it behind closed doors.

   "It's very strange, why there is no one here, there is no one on the street, not even the guards guarding the city." Dougulun's face was puzzled, and he looked at the city gate.

  "Don't worry about so much for now, I'm afraid the Dragon Blood Tribe has also sent people to attack here a few days ago. Let's go and take a look first." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "That's also true, since Chen Xuan is now the lord of Skydragon City, we can get a little light with him." Yuwenqiu laughed, and then followed Chen Xuan and the others into it.

  Being able to become the lord of a city, and it is still the Sky Dragon City very close to the Dragon Blood Tribe, this shows that Palace lord Yunxiao still attaches great importance to Chen Xuan, otherwise no one can become the lord of Yunxiao Palace.

  Compared with the city lord within the Yunye Empire, most of the city lord appointed in the territory under the jurisdiction of Yunxiao Mansion have extremely powerful strength, and the worst is the Seventh Level of the Divine King Realm.

  Now Chen Xuan's cultivation has reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Divine King Realm. Although among all the City Lords appointed by Yunxiao Mansion, the strength is not the strongest, but he is still the Lord of a City.

  The reason why Yunxiao Mansion has such a strong power is because Yunxiao Mansion faces the Dragon Blood Tribe. Every time the Dragon Blood Tribe attacks the Yunye Empire, Yunxiao Mansion is in the far north.

   Had it not been for the existence of Yunxiao Mansion, I am afraid that it would have been destroyed by the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe only by virtue of Yunye King Mansion.

The   Dragon Blood Tribe is now rising rapidly and possesses extremely powerful power. If there are ten masters in the Yunye Empire, then the Yunxiao Mansion will almost occupy more than half, which can reach about 60%.

   Yunxiao Mansion can absorb so many geniuses because Yunxiao Mansion is relatively fair. Anyone who has the ability to cultivate a strong base can become Yunxiao Guardian, and even become a city lord in the territory of Yunxiao Mansion.

  For Yunxiao Mansion, Chen Xuan is very special. He naturally knew that Chen Xuan had a lot of intersections with Lu Chengzhu before, so he also had some understanding of administration, otherwise he wouldn't let Chen Xuan govern a city.

  Sky Dragon City is in the northwest of Yunxiao Mansion, which is quite close to Sun Moon Fortress. Therefore, Yunxiao Mansion will arrange Chen Xuan here, because no one can mobilize the power of Sun Moon Fortress except Chen Xuan.

Although Sun Moon Fortress is located in the western part of the Yunye Empire, it has been disobeyed by the Yunxiao Empire for many years. As a result, many families in the Sun Moon Fortress are closer to the Demon Wind Empire.

  A few days ago, Chen Xuan had become the savior of the owner of Taixu Mountain Villa. Therefore, Yunxiao Mansion had already investigated and arranged Chen Xuan here.

In   Sky Dragon City, all the guards were squeezed into a house, and in front of them, a man with a very strong physique and a beard on his face stood in front of them.

"Today, the Dragon Blood Tribe sent three strong men to attack us. Now we must go out of the city to fight, or we will be judged by them. As the men of the Yunye Empire, we can’t just watch them attack us. , Now we should take the initiative!" After the man finished speaking, many guards around him responded.

As the guards of Sky Dragon City, they were attacked by the Dragon Blood Tribe and the loss was very heavy. There were originally several thousand guards, but now there are only close to one thousand. It can be said that the loss has almost reached. half.

"We can't sit still and wait for death right now. I heard Palace Master Yunxiao have already said that in a few days there will be a man named Chen Xuan. He is a Yunxiaowei, and his cultivation is very strong. He can definitely lead us to defeat the dragon. These clutters of the blood tribe!" The bearded man continued to speak loudly.

   "That's right, this time we must repel the Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "Although the warriors who attacked our Dragon Blood Tribe this time are just some low-powered guys in the Dragon Blood Tribe, we can't let them go. This time we must kill all the tribes."

   "But when will that person come over? What level of strength has he reached? I don't believe that he can lead us to defeat the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe. If you want me to say, let the big brother be the city lord directly."

With a sigh, the bearded man knew that he was not this piece of material, so he could only say to them: "I'll forget it. The city lord was killed in the previous battle, depending on the strength of the few of us. It's not the opponent of the dragon blood tribe fighters at all, we can only look forward to this coming Chen Xuan now..."

   "I hope his cultivation is very strong, so he can deal with the sacrifice of this dragon blood tribe."

  "Unexpectedly, this Dragon Blood Tribe’s sacrifice would personally attack our Sky Dragon City. Could it be that they wanted to go around from the left to Yunxiao Mansion and cause a fatal blow?"

   "I heard that this time it's just one of the tribes. They definitely don't have such a powerful force. There must be other reasons for this group of guys attacking Sky Dragon City."

  Everyone was discussing, and at this moment, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun were walking towards the interior of Sky Dragon City, walking on the street, feeling that the city seemed lifeless.

  (End of this chapter)

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