Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3166: A battle

  Chapter 3166 A battle

  In Tianlong City.

   "There must have been a battle a few days ago." Chen Xuan looked at the surrounding broken walls and whispered to several warriors beside him.

  Standing beside him were several guards wearing armors. They were wearing black iron armors, and they were holding old long swords in their hands.

Among them was a man in a yellow robe who was actually a school in Tianlong City. When he saw Chen Xuan coming to Tianlong, he thought Chen Xuan was a passing tourist, but when Chen Xuan explained his intentions, he was still a little unbelievable. .

   "Did I say that you are really the Chen Xuan that Palace Master Yunxiao told us? But I don't think you look like a strong person." The man was surprised and looked at Chen Xuan constantly.

It seems that Chen Xuan is not like a strong man. This is because Chen Xuan is really too young. He looks only like a human warrior in his twenties. It stands to reason that a strong man has reached the eighth level of the **** king realm. , I have to be close to the appearance of more than 30 years old.

  Even if he is a genius, his actual cultivation age may have to be hundreds of years old before he can reach the eighth level of the Divine King Realm.

"My lord, the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe launched an attack on us a few days ago. Our people suffered heavy casualties. Now there are only a thousand people left. If the Dragon Blood Tribe continues to attack us, I am afraid it will be difficult for us. Can withstand it." The guard said as he led them and started walking forward.

  Dugulun scanned the surrounding cities, and muttered: "I didn't expect these Dragon Blood tribes to be so cruel. I don't know how many residents of Tianlong City they killed."

Yu Wenqiu sighed, and then said to them: "I was forced to practice by my father since I was a child, and I also saw how many Dragon Blood tribes killed their own people. These are all from my childhood. Nightmare."

  This is the first time I heard Yu Wenqiu talk about his childhood. Chen Xuan also became interested, and immediately asked: "Have you seen a similar scene when you were in the Dragon Blood Tribe before?"

Yu Wenqiu nodded and said to them: "I used to survive in the Dragon Blood Tribe when I was very young. My father was the patriarch of a tribe, but in the end our tribe was also attacked. The most terrifying thing was that it was still being attacked. Attacked by one's own people."

Chen Xuan is no stranger to this kind of thing. When he was in Yunxiao Mansion, he had met some Dragon Blood tribesmen. They were all warriors who grew up in the Dragon Blood tribe, but since his own family has been used by other dragons. After the blood tribe was destroyed, it fell into the Yunye Empire.

   sighed, Chen Xuan said to the others as he walked: “Let me see these wounded as soon as possible. Maybe I can treat their injuries.”

  In a blink of an eye, they came to a hall. At this time, Chen Xuan was standing outside the hall. A black-robed old man suddenly walked out with a respectful look all over his face.

   "This lord, I am afraid you are Chen Xuan." After the black robe old man finished speaking, he immediately made a gesture of welcoming.

   Chen Xuan showed a look of surprise. He didn't know the origin of the black-robed old man in front of him. Before Chen Xuan could speak, a guard standing next to him suddenly said it.

   "Master Chen Xuan, now you are the city lord of our Sky Dragon City, he is serving you, now you can enter the city lord mansion."

  The entire City Lord’s Mansion was not as magnificent as Chen Xuan had imagined, and even looked a bit dilapidated. Chen Xuan was full of black lines and couldn't help scratching his head and said.

   "Unexpectedly, Yunxiao Mansion actually photographed me in such a place. I thought he had photographed me in a decent place. I didn't expect this place to be so broken." Hearing Chen Xuan's complaint.

The servant couldn’t help being embarrassed, and then the old man walked towards Chen Xuan and said, “Master Chen Xuan, then you don’t have to say that, but we still have to rebuild the city lord’s mansion. A few days ago, the city lord and the dragon blood tribe’s People fought a battle, and the city lord was killed by them."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression also became serious, and then asked him: "What level of cultivation did the city lord have reached before? Why was he killed by the Dragon Blood tribe?"

"The Lord City Lord's cultivation is very strong, and he has reached the early stage of the seventh stage of the Divine King Realm, but the dragon blood tribe who killed him has a stronger cultivation base, and it is very likely that he has entered the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm." Said.

  Lightly nodded, and Chen Xuan began to think continuously in his heart: "Since his cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king, why can't even beat this dragon blood tribe in the early stage of the seventh stage?"

   "Master Chen Xuan, you don't know. Although the Dragon Blood Tribe did not focus on our Sky Dragon City this time, many powerful men came to attack, including the High Priest of the Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "Dragon Blood Tribe's great sacrifice have come to attack in person?" Chen Xuan revealed a look of surprise in his heart.

  Although Prince Yunxiao had already told Chen Xuan before he came here that the great sacrifice of the Dragon Blood tribe might attack Sky Dragon City, but when Chen Xuan came here, he realized how simple he was thinking.

"Unexpectedly, Sky Dragon City has caused so many tribulations. Since I am now the lord of Sky Dragon City, I must lead Sky Dragon City out and make Sky Dragon City the largest city in the northwestern part of the Yunye Empire." Chen Xuan thought inwardly, and swore an oath to himself.

  The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and then Chen Xuan unexpectedly appeared in his mind, only to see a red eye staring at Chen Xuan suddenly.

A low voice suddenly sounded and said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, I just felt a very powerful aura under Sky Dragon City. You must be careful. If you are killed, I won't Let you go."

After speaking, the scene in front of Chen Xuan changed again. Seeing the servant in front of him bowing to him respectfully, Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be so deliberate, I am a person. It's very casual."

  Dugu Lun laughed and said: "That's right, my brother Chen Xuan is really free and easy, you don't need to be so restrained, by the way, do you know where the high priest of the Dragon Blood tribe is."

   "Hurry up and tell me the location of the High Priest of the Dragon Blood Tribe." Chen Xuan whispered.

For the dragon blood tribe’s great sacrifice, Chen Xuan’s WeChat still has some fear, because he knows that as a dragon blood tribe’s sacrifice, the cultivation base is definitely very strong, and at the worst, it must have reached the eighth level of the **** king realm. As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, his cultivation is still dangerous.

  Fortunately, they are now united with Dugulun and others. If there is a fight, Chen Xuan believes that they can defeat each other if they go together.

"This time, the Dragon Blood Tribe sent a total of more than 300 people into Sky Dragon City, but the fighters of this group of Dragon Blood Tribe are very powerful. The Lord of the City has been killed by them. Now we have all the city defenses in Sky Dragon City. The total number of the army is only 1,000."

  "City Lord, have you really decided to attack them?" Several servants showed panic.

Chen Xuan showed firmness in his pupils, and then said to them: "This can still be false. Now we quickly unite to attack them. If things continue to drag on, it is very likely that Tianlong City will continue to fall into distress. "

Chen Xuan already has some understanding of the danger that Tianlong City is facing now. Although Tianlong City is in the western part of the Yunye Empire, it is not a big city at all. It can be described as insignificant, but Chen Xuan has become After the city owner, he would not sit and wait for death.

  Two hours later, everyone appeared above a hall. At this time, all the city defense forces stayed in the hall and talked to each other. When Chen Xuan came out, everyone's expressions showed a touch of tension.

   "Who is this person?" a guard said suddenly.

   "I don't know if he doesn't look like a good person, I don't know if it is from the Dragon Blood Tribe, so hurry up and beat him to death."

   "That's right, now our Sky Dragon City has been attacked by the Dragon Blood Tribe, we must not let any of the Dragon Blood Tribe's bits and pieces infiltrate our City Lord's Mansion!"

Many of the guards in the main hall, many people have stayed in Sky Dragon City for several years. They have already had feelings for Sky Dragon City. Now Sky Dragon City has been attacked by the Dragon Blood Tribe, and they hate dragons very much in their hearts. People of the blood tribe.

   At this moment, a guard suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan while holding a long sword in his hand. A fiery-red storm burst out of the blade, and quickly killed Chen Xuan’s chest.

   After feeling the opponent rushing towards him, Chen Xuan had a disdainful smile on his face, and saw bursts of Vermillion Bird's fire lightly rippling in his fingers, and it instantly reached this warrior's body.

   Then Chen Xuan's body rushed towards him. Chen Xuan's speed was very fast. The guard had no time to react, and was knocked to the ground.

  Chen Xuan reduced his strength and did not directly kill him. After all, Chen Xuan was about to become the lord of Sky Dragon City, and it was impossible to use force on these guards.

  When the guard was overturned to the ground, he wanted to get up. The servants who were outside hurriedly shuttled into the hall and hurriedly explained to everyone.

   "Don't do it. This person's name is Chen Xuan, he is the current lord of Sky Dragon City, and now he is our lord."

"No way!"

Many guards looked at Chen Xuan with unbelievable faces. In their impression, those who could become the lord of a party would certainly not be that young. However, Chen Xuan's age is not that big, and his cultivation is indeed very strong. .

  The guard who had just been knocked to the ground showed a touch of fear, and then apologized to Chen Xuan.

"My Lord City Lord, I'm really sorry. I was really clumsy just now. I thought you were sent by a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe. A few days ago, they sent one to infiltrate our City Lord Mansion. I don't know what to do now. Is there their spy room."

  "The spy room of the Dragon Blood Tribe?" Chen Xuan revealed a hint of confusion.

  He didn't expect that the Dragonblood tribe would actually send the spy room out. You must know that the Dragonblood tribe's warriors are all demon souls.

   "They can infiltrate our Sky Dragon City?" Yu Wenqiu showed a touch of doubt, and walked towards the guard at the same time.

  The expressions of everyone changed one after another, and they didn't expect that someone would have killed him. As far as Chen Xuan was concerned, he had now become the lord of Sky Dragon City, and he naturally wanted to find out these spies.

  But the more than a thousand guards in front of him were all the guards of Sky Dragon City. If Chen Xuan searched their bodies one by one, it would definitely be uncomfortable, but if they didn't do this, the spy room would definitely have no way to tell.

Now Chen Xuan in the City Lord’s Mansion has roughly understood that there are many servants in the City Lord’s Mansion, and there are more than 100 servants in total. Chen Xuan has not thoroughly investigated these servants, nor does he know whether these servants have dragon blood in them. A spy room sent by the tribe.

  But Chen Xuan guessed that there must be many spy rooms in the current city lord’s mansion. Otherwise, the Dragon Blood tribe would not suddenly attack Sky Dragon City. They must know that Sky Dragon City’s defense is weak, so they came back to attack Sky Dragon City.

  (End of this chapter)

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