Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3167: Weak defense

  Chapter 3167 Weak defense

  Outside the main hall.

  According to the Dragon Blood Tribe’s offensive route in previous years, they generally would not attack the Yunye Empire from the west, most of them attacked from the east.

  Because the most northwestern part of the Cloud Leaf Empire is close to the Cloud Demon Wind Empire, many people in the Dragon Blood Empire will not offend the Demon Wind Empire. Although the Dragon Blood Tribe is very powerful, they are not comfortable dealing with the two empires at the same time.

  Dragon Blood Tribe wants to attack in a big way. The best way is to attack from the middle. However, the Sky Dragon City to the west is also a very good springboard. If they can occupy Sky Dragon City, their pace of attacking the Cloud Leaf Empire will increase.

Although Sky Dragon City has not become the main attack target of the Dragon Blood Tribe in previous years, the strategic position of Sky Dragon City has become more and more important in recent years, because the strong men of the Dragon Blood Tribe have discovered that Sky Dragon City is now The defense is weak.

  It is precisely because of the many powerful forces of Sky Dragon City that have been dispatched to other locations in Yunxiao Mansion, which has also caused no one to use Sky Dragon City now.

Just like what Chen Xuan can see now, in the entire Sky Dragon City, except for the city defense captain’s cultivation level that has reached the realm of the **** king, and the five major consummations, the cultivation levels of everyone else are very weak. The cultivation base of the city lord is only the sixth level of the **** king realm.

  Compared with the other city masters of Yunxiao Mansion, the former city master of Sky Dragon City is obviously already very weak. By Chen Xuan, it can be said that he is the strongest city master of Sky Dragon City.

With a sigh, Chen Xuan said to all the guards: "You have done a great job in guarding the Tianlong a few days ago. At that time, everyone will be rewarded. As long as we can defend the Dragonblood tribe’s attack this time, everyone has meat. eat!"

  After listening, all the guards were excited and shouted loudly: "Great, with the help of Master Chen this time, we will definitely be able to repel the beasts of the Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "I don't know what level the city lord's strength has reached, can I challenge it next time?" A guard of Sky Dragon City said softly.

  The guard who spoke was almost forty years old, but Chen Xuan knew that his true age was definitely more than that. As a cultivator, the signs of aging were very slow.

  But Chen Xuan doesn’t know how old he really is? So I could only say softly: "I don't know how I should be called?"

  Below is the captain of the city defense.

   Hearing the words, Chen Xuan smiled lightly, and then said to him: "Since you are the captain of the city, let me try your cultivation."

Before coming to this hall, the people next to Chen Xuan had already introduced all the power that the City Lord’s Mansion could mobilize. He also knew the man in front of him, since he was the captain of the city defense, that is, his cultivation level reached the **** king. The strong man with the fifth level of realm.

  Compared to Sky Dragon City, his cultivation level can indeed be regarded as a strong one.

Chen Xuan stood on the spot with a touch of warfare in his eyes, lightly hooked his finger at the city defense captain in front of him, and then whispered: "Since you want to challenge me, then I will see your cultivation. If your strength is not strong, you will not be able to protect our Sky Dragon City at all."

"I heard Chen Xuan, I added the word us in front of Sky Dragon City." The captain of the city defense suddenly laughed, and then suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan, a cyan light burst out of his palm. The turbulent palm wind quickly hit Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also displayed his body skills in an instant, but he did not take out the Liaoyuan sword. Chen Xuan knew very well that this was just a discussion, so he also condensed his aura, but ran out of the six-layer power of the Divine King Realm. Deal with each other.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan's body skills were constantly changing, so that Captain Chen Xuan couldn't catch him at all. Faced with the dazzling figure, he continued to shuttle through the hall. Captain Chen Xuan suddenly roared, and bursts of bursts burst out of his body. Fiery red light.

"My Lord City Lord, although it's just a discussion today, I must let you see it, I am not annoying!" He yelled, and then the cyan black light in his body finally gathered on the palm of his hand and slammed towards Chen. Xuan Pai came over.

  Chen Xuan chuckled, and a more raging flame burst out of his body, and then gathered on his palm, and the two rushed out at the same time.


  The palms collided with each other, and Chen Xuan's body remained motionless, but his body was directly knocked out and fell directly to the ground.

Lieutenant   Cheng Fang also knew that his cultivation was not as good as Chen Xuan, but he did not admit defeat. He shouted, a carp from the ground stood up and rushed towards Chen Xuan again.

"Master City Lord, let you see my Qingxuan palm technique today. This is what I learned in a sect before. Under my palm technique, no one can stop it!" After finishing it, His body rushed in front of Chen Xuan in a second, but at this moment, Chen Xuan's body flickered slightly to the left, directly avoiding his fatal blow.


  Chen Xuan directly blasted out a turbulent palm wind burning bursts of flames, and instantly killed the captain of the city defense.

  This city defense captain's cultivation base is not weak, but he has no chance of winning in the face of Chen Xuan. He was directly knocked out by Chen Xuan's palm, and his body was smashed into the crowd.

  All the guards saw how Chen Xuan defeated the captain of the city defense, but they did not show frustration, but exhaled loudly and happily.

   "Great, Master Chen is here now, we can definitely kill the tribe of Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "I wonder if Lord Chen can defeat the Dragon Blood Tribe's Great Sacrifice."

   "The cultivation base of the Great Sacrifice has reached the eightfold realm of the God King, but I'm afraid that the cultivation base that Master Chen displayed just now is already in the eighth realm of the God King."

  Many guards were happy. After being attacked by the Dragon Blood Tribe a few days ago, they were very depressed. You must know that Tianlong City is now riddled with holes because of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

   Feeling that Sky Dragon City can counterattack, all the guards suddenly showed a murderous aura, and a terrifying spiritual power burst out all over their body.

   "Let's go now to kill those dragon blood tribe's stray pieces without leaving a piece of armor, let them know that our Sky Dragon City is not easy to provoke."

   "If you want to kill our Sky Dragon City, you must give them a little color to see. Our Sky Dragon City is about to rise now, hahaha.

  "Master Chen helped them. Our Sky Dragon City is definitely the strongest city in Yunxiao Mansion. Are you right? Master Chen."

Now that Chen Xuan has received their approval, all the guards were so excited that they started running towards Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan was surrounded by the guards, and Yu Wenqiu next to him covered his mouth and smiled gently, then Said: "This is the first time I have seen Chen Xuan so popular."

With an awkward smile, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu softly: "Then you can't say that to me. These people are still very good in nature. Now I have become the lord of Sky Dragon City. The sacrifice will be killed."

  Looking around, Chen Xuan immediately said to all the guards: "Listen well, everyone. Now that I have become the lord of Sky Dragon City, you must follow my orders."

  Today's Tianlong City, all the guards fought again and stood beside Chen Xuan.

   "Of course the city lord said that as long as you give an order, all of us will kill and beat up these dragon blood tribes."

   "Hahaha, today we can be considered saved. I thought that Sky Dragon City was going to fall."

  After hearing the person next to him calm down, Chen Xuan immediately said: "Do you know where the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe are now? We are going to be surprised. Now we have a chance to defeat them."

The captain of the city defense suddenly stood up, knelt on one knee to Chen Xuan, and hurriedly said, "My lord, I know where these dragon blood tribes are located. According to what I know, they are not far away. On the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain."

Tianlong Tianlong Mountain is located not far from Tianlong City. The huge Dragon Blood Tianlong Mountain almost runs through the Demon Wind Empire, as well as the three major regions of the Dragon Blood Empire and the Cloud Leaf Empire. Not only is the area very large, but the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain is also Became the battlefield of the three empires.

It’s just that this happened thousands of years ago. Now the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range has returned to peace. Although there are many powerful monsters and spirit beasts, and even many strange beasts, the current Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range, It's not as scary as before.

  Under the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range, Chen Xuan led more than fifty guards with outstanding strength and quietly walked into the Tianlong Mountain Range.

  Because Sky Dragon City also needs defense, Chen Xuan arranged the city defense captain to lead a large number of people to defend Sky Dragon City. If Sky Dragon City does not have a defensive force, then the Dragon Blood tribe will definitely be allowed to enter.

  If Chen Xuan did not find the dragon blood tribe's great sacrifice in the Tianlong Mountains, they would be in danger by then.

With a light sigh, Chen Xuan was said by more than fifty guards beside him: "You are all following me, don't be left behind. By the way, we must keep a distance from each other. If you focus too tightly , It will definitely let the voice go out, and it will startle them."

   "Why are these dragon blood tribesmen in the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range? Did they find anything in the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range?" Dugulun suddenly said.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slowly, and then said to him: "I don't know what happened, but they definitely think hiding in the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range can better assault Tianlong City."

At this moment, one of the guards said: "In the battle a few days ago, it was correct. Our Sky Dragon City suffered a huge loss, but the entire Sky Dragon City suddenly radiated a very terrible energy. We have never seen it before."

   "What terrible energy?" Chen Xuan asked unexpectedly.

  In fact, Chen Xuan did feel a little weird. Since the former city lord of Sky Dragon City had been killed by them, why didn't the Dragon Blood tribe directly occupy Sky Dragon City.

In the Tianlong Mountain Range at this time, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strange breath coming from the front. Through this breath, Chen Xuan's face changed suddenly, and then he said to Dugulun beside him: "You have to be careful. I felt a very terrifying aura of monsters in front of me. There are still many monsters with very powerful strength in the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range."

  Tianlong City has been established for a long time, but the Tianlong Tianlong Mountain Range also has a very ancient history.

Suddenly turning his head, Chen Xuan said to them: "You now disperse quickly. Let's search for the hiding place of the Dragon Blood Tribe. I feel a breath of monsters coming from the front. These monsters are very powerful. Individuals are not their opponents at all."

  All the guards were so excited, they seemed to think that Chen Xuan looked down on them, and they said one after another.

  "Sir, you can’t say that. Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and we are all trying to do your best. If you let us go today, we will never go."

   "The big deal is that we will die here. We are all good men from Sky Dragon City. We will never leave easily."

   "That's right. We, Sky Dragon City, are all the best fighters. If you let us leave here, we absolutely must refuse. You are right."

Hearing that none of these guards were ready to leave, Chen Xuan could only helplessly shook his head, and then said to them: "When this monster comes out later, you only need to watch the battle by the side, because you know the monster The strength of the beast is very strong, and we have to save the strength to deal with the people of the dragon blood tribe."

  (End of this chapter)

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