Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3184: Return to Lu Yucheng

  Chapter 3184 Return to Lu Yucheng

"Since you don't say it, it's useless for me to keep you. It's better to be a dead body, so that your mouth can be quieter." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his eyes were on the east, where is Lu Yucheng. Direction.

   "Get up, Dugulun, you guy actually slept for so long, let's go back to Lu Yucheng, I don't know what the Lord Lu has asked us to do." Chen Xuan said to Dugulun.

   stretched, Dugulun stood up directly from the ground, then yawned, and said to Chen Xuan, "Don't be so anxious."

  Chen Xuan couldn't help having a headache, slapped him on the head, and said to Dugulun: "How come you guys have become like this!"

   At this moment, Du Gulun suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from a distance, his ears moved, and then he said nervously to Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, I seem to hear a monster beast in the distance. I really want to know that the monster beast is running towards us. How about we kill this monster beast and return to Lu Yucheng?"

  Chen Xuan nodded hurriedly, and at the same time took out the Liaoyuan sword. The battle has just ended, and now there is another monster, which also makes Chen Xuan feel overwhelmed.


  Several monsters suddenly surrounded Chen Xuan's side, and after a fixed glance, Chen Xuan found that these were all thunderbolt secret dragon bears.

   "Unexpectedly, there are so many Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears here." Chen Xuan whispered.

"No matter how much he has, let's just kill these Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears. I don't believe that these are still fierce and can pose a threat to us." Dugulun's face was full of disdain, and he waved the black in his hand. The giant sword walked towards the Lei Po Secret Dragon Bears.

These Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears also felt that the other party was not good, and they screamed and killed Dugulun. The Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bear suddenly burst into blue thunder and lightning. When these lightnings gathered, The speed of the two Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears suddenly increased, and they quickly rushed towards Dugulun.

Seeing the Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear rushing towards him, Dugulun instantly raised the black giant sword, and slashed directly at one of the Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear, and a violent blade suddenly split around. , Kill all the two Lei Po Secret Dragon Bears from the surrounding attack.

After seeing Dugulun's powerful swordsmanship, Chen Xuan also stood by and did not express, but calmly watched how he dealt with the two thunder-breaking secret dragon bears.

   "These Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears were all cultivated by the people of the Pantheon. Now they don't have any IQ. They only know how to kill." Chen Xuan watched as he expressed his thoughts.

   But this is the case. All of the Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears that are attacking them are all coming from the Pantheon stronghold not far away. I am afraid they are all violent monsters that have been researched by the people of the Pantheon.

  Although this group of monsters has fallen into a rage, the basic hunting skills are still known, especially for small predators such as Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bear. Although the speed is very fast, the damage caused is very terrible.

Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear’s speed is very sensitive, and Dugulun’s several attacks have caused Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear to hide. So far there is only one Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear covered in red hair. This Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bear had huge canine teeth, and suddenly rushed towards Dugulun.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly raised the Liaoyuan Sword and plunged it towards the Leibo Secret Dragon Bear. This Leibo Secret Dragon Bear still wanted to attack in mid-air, but its body was directly inserted into the ground by the Liaoyuan Sword. , Accompanied by the flow of flames, Lei Po Secret Dragon Bear was directly burned into ashes.

  After killing several Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears in succession, it was determined that no monsters were nearby, so Chen Xuan took out all the inner alchemy in these Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bears.

Although the Thunderbolt Secret Dragon Bear has fallen into a violent state, and has obviously been taken by the Pantheon to do a lot of weird experiments, the inner alchemy in the body still has a lot of spiritual power, and it can be a target for Chen Xuan to absorb. .

  The inner alchemy of these monsters is minimal for the cultivation of warriors, but it can be one of the major breakthroughs in the cultivation of the monsters. There is only one way for the monsters to break through, and that is to continuously hunt down the monsters.

  Only by hunting and killing monsters, through the blood of the monsters, and the inner alchemy of the monsters, can the power of the monsters be broken through, otherwise the monsters cannot be improved at all.

After absorbing the inner alchemy of these monsters, Chen Xuan and Dugulun turned and walked towards the distance.

   "Since this stronghold has been killed by us, let's return to Lu Yucheng as soon as possible."

  In a hurry, the two of them came to a village near Lu Yucheng in a blink of an eye.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was constantly wandering in the village and town, and wanted to buy some herbs in the village. These days, Chen Xuan had been actively preparing to refine the anti-poison pill.

  Since he fought with the leader of the Five Poison Gang, now Chen Xuan has always wanted to store a few pills in his storage ring.

"If you don't prepare the anti-poison elixirs, you will encounter a lot of dangers by then. When I was fighting with the leader of the Five Poison Gang, I almost fell into his plan. If I hadn't prepared for it, I'm afraid I will do it now. Was killed." Chen Xuan said.

"Jianghu, people are sinister. I really don't know if this group of guys will use any insidious methods, but I want to prevent toxins, and there are many other ways, as long as we don't touch these sources of poison. "Dugulun said.

Chen Xuan shook his head lightly and explained to him: "What you said is very light. It is not so easy to prevent these sources of poison. When I fought with that guy last time, I got him in the palm of five poisons. This palm is very terrifying. Just a little bit of skin breaks and my arm is completely dead."

  Dugu Lun scratched his head, and then followed Chen Xuan behind: "What you said makes sense, but why don't we go back to Lu Yucheng directly? What herbs can I buy here?"

  Chen Xuan smiled lightly, and then said to Dugulun: "I have an old friend here. It can help me buy many herbs that are not available elsewhere."

   Then Chen Xuan came to a chamber of commerce. In the chamber of commerce, a deacon was full of joy. Seeing Chen Xuan was simply happy to see his father.

   "Master Chen, when do you have time to come over? It's really a miss!" The deacon of the Chamber of Commerce hurried towards Chen Xuanwei.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then said to him: "I want to buy some herbs. I don't know if you can help me prepare them. I need a lot of them."

  After hearing what Chen Xuan said, the deacon of the Chamber of Commerce hurriedly agreed: "Master Chen, just list me what you want, and I will prepare everything for you then."

  Chen Xuan didn't say much, he just listed all the herbs he needed with paper and pen, and then handed it to the deacon of the Chamber of Commerce, and then said to him.

   "These are all the herbs I need. You must be careful when you choose the herbs for me. I don't want the dead herbs. If I find out, I won't spare you."

The deacon of the Chamber of Commerce nodded hurriedly, and then said to Chen Xuan: "This is easy to say, this is easy to say. As long as Mr. Chen is here, I will definitely prepare the best medicinal materials for you. You can go ahead and come directly in a few days. I can just pick it up here."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan and Dugulun left the town and walked in the direction of Lu Yucheng.

  Outside Lu Yucheng.

  Dugulun showed a look of surprise, looked at Lu Yucheng, and said to Chen Xuan: "It seems that I have not been in Lu Yucheng for several years, and many changes have taken place from the time I left here."

  Like before, when Chen Xuan and Du Gulun left Lu Yucheng to find Yu Wenqiu, it was already two years ago.

  Time is fast, now Dugulun has returned to Lu Yucheng again, but it has also made him feel a lot of memories.

  For Dugulun, although he is a descendant of the Dugu family and therefore a member of the Demon Wind Empire, he does not have a good impression of the Demon Wind Empire.

  In comparison, Dugulun has survived in the Yunye Empire since he was a child, and he has also met many demon hunters in the Yunye Empire, so he has developed a lot of good feelings for the Yunye Empire.

  Especially Lu Yucheng, when Chen Xuan and Du Gulun joined the Yunye together, they even got acquainted with the Lord Lu Cheng for a long time because they escaped from the Pantheon.

   "Let's go, it is estimated that City Master Lu has been waiting for us for a long time. Don't let City Master Lu wait too long." Chen Xuan said softly.

  When they walked in, many onlookers actually started pointing at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan had become the focus of Lu Yucheng a year ago, and none of these people knew him.

Hearing the people around him, Du Gulun chuckled lightly, and then said softly to Chen Xuan: "I said Chen Xuan, it seems that you have become a big star here, as if everyone knows you, before I There was no such treatment when I left here."

  At this moment, a warrior wearing a green hat suddenly walked towards Chen Xuan. He saw Dugulun next to Chen Xuan. He was stunned for a while, but then he showed a touch of joy.

   "Hahaha, isn't this Dugulun? Brother Chen, when did you come back?" the warrior said loudly.

Chen Xuan showed a hint of surprise, but then he recognized who the person in front of him was. This person was a servant in the city lord’s mansion, and Chen Xuan was somewhat impressed with him until he had been in the city lord’s mansion for a long time. time.

   "This is Dugulun, you didn't expect it." Chen Xuan said awkwardly.

The descendant hurriedly led the way, and then said to Chen Xuan: "City Master Lu has been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come so quickly. I thought it would take another half a month for you to come."

  While talking, he led Chen Xuan and others to the City Lord's Mansion.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan had just arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion. A young girl suddenly stopped by Chen Xuan. After seeing the girl, Chen Xuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

   "Brother Chen, why did you come back so long after going there? Do you know how long I have been waiting for you here." Li Qiuyu pouted and said to Chen Xuan.

  After seeing Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan could only scratch his head in embarrassment. After all, he said to Li Qiuyu that he would come back every year, but now that so long has passed, he has never returned to Lu Yucheng once.

   "It turned out to be Qiu Yu, I'm really sorry, I have encountered too many things recently, saying that I have become the lord of Sky Dragon City, or you can go to Sky Dragon City with me." Chen Xuan said.

   coldly snorted, and the girl said to Chen Xuan: "You said this, don't lie to me anymore."

  Chen Xuan nodded hurriedly. At this moment, Dugulun suddenly walked up and touched the girl's head and said.

   "Oh, I didn't expect this girl to grow so big."

Suddenly being touched her head, the girl became irritable, and then she threw away Dugulun's hand and said to him: "Who are you? Don't do anything to me, or I will cut off your hand. "

I didn’t expect Qiu Yu’s character to suddenly become so irritable, she could only point to Dugulun, and said to him: "Have you forgotten? This is Brother Wang Lun. Didn’t he disappear before? Now your eldest brother is the Dugu family People."

  "Dugulun?" The girl showed a look of doubt, and then thought about it, the expression on her face suddenly became happy.

   "It turned out to be you, who I thought it was? Great. Brother Chen told me that you suddenly disappeared, and I am still worried about you."

   Just as they were discussing, the next person pointed to the front and said to Chen Xuan, "Master Chen, of course the city lord has already come over, so hurry up."

  Chen Xuan hurriedly bid farewell to Qiu Yu and others temporarily, and then walked towards the inside of the city lord’s mansion.

  When Chen Xuan and Du Gulun walked in, City Lord Lu was taken aback for a moment. When he watched Du Gulun carefully, he instantly reacted.

   "It seems that you have changed your name now, and you can't call your old name. After all, you are also a descendant of the Dugu family, hahaha." Lu Chengzhu said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan was surprised. After all, Dugulun came out of the Dugu family. No one knew about this. He didn't expect that City Lord Lu knew about it.

   "City Lord Lu, how did you know?" Chen Xuan asked.

  "This is still a question. I knew Dugulun before, but now his appearance has hardly changed."

  The eyes of the two were on Dugulun, and they only saw Dugulun looking left and right, as if the surrounding things had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Du Gulun's expression, Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

   "What the **** is going on with you guy? This kind of indifferent look no matter where you go." Chen Xuan thought to himself inwardly.

  (End of this chapter)

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