Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3185: Makes sense

  Chapter 3185 It makes sense

  At this moment in the city lord’s mansion.

With a calm expression on Chen Xuan’s face, he directly asked, "City Lord Lu, I don’t know what you are writing to ask me to come over this time. If you need help, just tell me directly on the envelope. ."

City Master Lu nodded and then replied: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but that I have been monitored by the people of the Pantheon. The elder of the Pantheon you killed the other day caused me a lot of troubles. "

   "Now the people in the Pantheon are constantly tracking down who killed them."

   Chen Xuan showed a look of doubt, and then asked: "Does the people in the Pantheon already know that I did that thing?"

"They don't know for the time being, but I have recently heard some news. I heard that there is a stronghold in the mountains near Lu Yucheng, and they have also developed many medicines to control monsters in the stronghold. Of course I It's just that I haven't really investigated it now." Lu Chengzhu said.

  Chen Xuan had already encountered the stronghold of the Pantheon in the Tianlong Mountain Range before. Knowing that what Lu City Lord said was true, he said to him.

"We have already met the people of the Pantheon when we were in the Tianlong Mountain Range, but their stronghold has been uprooted by us. Later I asked a person and he told me that the Pantheon also has many sub-temples. There are still many strongholds in these branch halls." Chen Xuan said softly.

City Master Lu showed a look of thinking, and then said to Chen Xuan: "That's what you said, I just want you to investigate what they are studying. I haven't found a sample yet. If I find it, I will You can talk to the Yunxiao Palace."

   "There is no need to trouble you, City Lord, if I really find a clue to them, I will report it directly to the Yunxiao Palace at that time." Chen Xuan said.

   "Hahaha." The city lord laughed, and then said: "Then I will trouble you. Anyway, I heard that you are now the city lord of Skydragon City. Congratulations."

   "Where and where." Chen Xuan said.

   "I hope you can help me investigate this matter quickly. Now I have been targeted by the people in the Pantheon, otherwise I would not invite you over." Lu Chengzhu said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He knew that he and City Lord Lu could bring him many benefits, especially since Chen Xuan has now become the City Lord of Heavenly Dragon City.

Although Sky Dragon City is not the largest city at present, and the status of Sky Dragon City in Yunxiao Mansion is not very high, Chen Xuan fully believes that as long as he can unite with many cities on the land, he can make Sky Dragon City. The strength is once again improved.

  Before this, Chen Xuan wanted to increase the trade of Sky Dragon City, and the reason Sky Dragon City could be established in the northwest was because it was very close to the Devil Wind Empire.

  In addition to the Demon Wind Empire, Sky Dragon City is also very close to the Qiu Shuang Empire, and even one step away from the Dragon Blood Empire.

  If you can trade with Lu Yucheng, then the status of Sky Dragon City will be greatly improved.

"By the way, City Lord, I want to ask you something. I have just become the City Lord of Sky Dragon City, but the current Sky Dragon City has long been ravaged by war. I don’t know if you can fight Sky Dragon City in a few days. Reach a level of trade so that Sky Dragon City can survive." Chen Xuan said.

  City Lord Lu smiled lightly, waved his big hand and said to him: "Chen Xuan, these are all small things, as long as you can help me investigate what the group of people in the Pantheon are studying, these are all right."

After    finished speaking, Chen Xuan also smiled, and then bid farewell to Lu Chengzhu.

  In Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan still has a mansion. Although this mansion is a bit far away from Lu Yucheng, it still has a place to live.

After returning to his mansion, Chen Xuan looked ahead and turned around and said to Dugulun: "The Lord Lu has promised to help me assist Tianlong City, but now we have to go to the Lu Yu Mountains to find the remains of the Pantheon. The group of guys don't know what they are doing."

  "When to go to Lu Yu Mountain Range?" Du Gulun was eager to try, as if he was already prepared.

Chen Xuan pondered for a while, and then said: "A few days later, I am going to refine some pills recently. I haven't refined it the other day. In addition, the previous battles made me want to consume it. Many materials, I’m going to Lu Yucheng these few days to find out if there are any medicinal materials."

  Dugulun lightly nodded, and said to him: "Well, then I will stay in the mansion for a few days these days, you can go out."

  After finishing speaking, Dugulun went straight back to his house and fell asleep.

  This really made Chen Xuan feel a little headache. He didn't expect Dugulun to become so lazy now since he came out.

  However, even if he does not practice much, his cultivation level will continue to improve.

   "I'm afraid this is talent." Chen Xuan sighed, and then walked towards the small town near Lu Yucheng.

Above the small town, in a chamber of commerce, Chen Xuan got the medicinal materials he needed, and then he was about to leave.

   At this moment, I suddenly saw several warriors wearing gray robes walking towards him. Judging from their uniform dress, these warriors were all from the Pantheon.

  There was a glimmer of light in his pupils, Chen Xuan looked at these warriors in secret, and then dodged in a dark corner next to him.

   "What are these guys doing here?" Chen Xuan whispered.

  The three Pantheon warriors did not seem to notice Chen Xuan, and their direction was also the Chamber of Commerce.

  "Do they want to go to the Chamber of Commerce to buy things? It seems that these guys must be related to the distance of the Pantheon in the Land Range Mountains." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  This small town is very close to the direction of the Lu Yu Mountain Range. If the Pantheon really studies the potions for controlling monsters in the Lu Yu Mountain Range, it will definitely buy a lot of medicinal materials in this small town, and there are even many heavenly materials and earth treasures.

   "It must be." Chen Xuan quietly followed behind them, constantly looking at the three of them.

  Three warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe, two tall and one short, all wearing light gray robes, and at the same time very guarded, constantly looking around.

  When they found that no one was following, they immediately walked into the chamber of commerce.

  Chen Xuan quietly followed after seeing them enter. At this time, Chen Xuan had already condensed all the aura in his body, and the warriors of the Pantheon did not find him at all.

  When Chen Xuan walked to the door of the Chamber of Commerce, he seemed to feel that a warrior glanced in his direction.

   "Did this guy spot me?" Chen Xuan revealed a hint of doubt, then condensed the breath in the body, and took out a mask from the ring and put it on his face.

  He believed that even if he was seen by the people in the Pantheon, he would never recognize him.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to go in to inquire, he then found two men walking from the side. The two men swayed like drinking a lot of wine, and almost bumped into Chen Xuan's body.

   "Damn thing, you dare to hit Lao Tzu's way, believe it or not Lao Tzu killed you." The drunk warrior suddenly said loudly.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He didn't expect that he was just standing here, and this person was actually looking for him.

  "Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice. At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was bursting with turbulent flames, and this layer of flames burned quickly on his body, making the drunk man show a touch of worry.

   "This guy seems to be very strong." The drunk man said.

Next to it there was a man with a blessed figure, who laughed loudly: "What are you laughing at? No one is our opponent in this small town. The entire Lu Yu Mountain Range is owned by the two of us. is ours."

   "Hurry up and kneel down and apologize to us, or I will blow yours." The warrior suddenly said wildly.

  A sneer appeared on Chen Xuan's face. For him, killing these two people didn't take much effort, but Chen Xuan still had more important things to do.

  The three warriors of the Pantheon have entered the Chamber of Commerce. I want to figure out what heaven and earth spiritual materials they need to buy, but now I don’t have time to consume them with the two of them.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan ignored them at all, the drunk warrior was furious, took out a dagger from his pocket, and stabbed Chen Xuan in the neck.

When Chen Xuan felt that the opponent was killing him, he immediately condensed the spiritual power in his body, and slapped the opponent's chest with a palm. Originally, his cultivation was only the three major consummation of the prestige realm. Chen Xuan was hit by Chen Xuan. In the middle, the body flew out directly.

  When he fell to the ground, Chen Xuan's pupils burst into red light, his legs trembling quickly, and he gradually flashed into the Chamber of Commerce.

After entering the Chamber of Commerce, Chen Xuan began to look around for three warriors including the Pantheon, but there was no sign of it when he looked around. There was a look of doubt on his face, and suddenly he saw two drunks walking towards him. Come here.

  The two drunks still laughed loudly at Chen Xuan, and said loudly to Chen Xuan: "Damn it, I must kill you today."

  The two drunks suddenly made trouble, causing Chen Xuan's face to show a hint of murder. Chen Xuan wanted to do it himself, but suddenly saw several warriors from the Chamber of Commerce rushing over.

The deacon of the Chamber of Commerce naturally knew Chen Xuan and knew his identity.

   "You two guys don't want to die, do you know who this person is!" The Chamber of Commerce just shouted.

The hideous colors on the faces of the two drunks, waving wildly with daggers in their hands, said loudly to Chen Xuan: "We don't care who he is. This kid just stood in front of me. Today I absolutely want to give him killed."

   "That's right, this kid must be killed today, otherwise the reputation of the two of us will be lost."

  After hearing the words of the two of them, the deacon of the Chamber of Commerce showed a mocking smile on his face, and said to both of them: "It seems that you don't know who this person is. His name is Chen Xuan."

  After hearing Chen Xuan's name, the two drunks seemed to have a lot of alcoholic spirits, and there was a look of surprise on their faces.

   "No way, he is Chen Xuan."

   "This is terrible. I didn't expect us to provoke Chen Xuan. What should I do with this..."

  Naturally, they had also heard of Chen Xuan's name, and now there was a panic on his face, making Chen Xuan unable to help showing a faint smile, but this smile was threatening.

   "Since you know that you don't know how to beat Master Chen Xuan and apologize, or Master Chen Xuan can kill both of you with a wave, don't you know!" Martial artist said loudly.

  The two drunks showed fearful expressions, their legs trembling constantly. They had heard of Chen Xuan's name, and they also knew how widespread Chen Xuan's reputation was when he killed the three major families of Lu Yucheng.

   "We didn't mean it just now, we really didn't mean it." The drunkard said in surprise.

  Chen Xuan waved his hand and said to them: "Hurry up and get out. If I see you again, you both will die."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the two drunks ran away hurriedly, never daring to come to the Chamber of Commerce again.

The deacon of the Chamber of Commerce chuckled, approached Chen Xuan, and said to him: "Master Chen, these two guys are famous evil spirits in our town. Now you have been taught by you. They can only be regarded as unlucky. "

   "By the way, Master Chen, what else do you have? If there is anyone who needs help, I will definitely help." The deacon of the Chamber of Commerce whispered.

  He knew Chen Xuan's reputation, and he also knew that Chen Xuan was decisive, and now he suddenly returned to the Chamber of Commerce, there must be other things.

With a look of worry, Chen Xuan looked into the chamber of commerce, then walked in toward the deacon of the chamber of commerce, and whispered in his ear: "I really need your help in one thing when I came here. Have you seen the Pantheon warriors entering the Chamber of Commerce?"

  (End of this chapter)

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