Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3205: Display repair

  Chapter 3205 Displaying cultivation base

  But Dugulun was different. He had never practiced a demon soul before, let alone know the demon soul technique.

In fact, Chen Xuan’s demon soul technique was also learned from Yu Wenqiu. Although the power of this demon soul technique is not as strong as Chen Xuan imagined, there is no way for people who have not practiced this technique. Transform the spiritual power in the inner alchemy into the power of the demon soul.

   Suddenly, Wanyan Tianhong’s body turned into a black light, and a fiery-red lightning flashed out of his hand, which hit Chen Xuan’s body directly.

  Seeing that Wanyan Tianhong was still able to perform the exercises, Chen Xuan couldn't help but marvel, but the long sword in Wanyan Tianhong's hand had disappeared, replaced by long nails.

  Wanyan Tianhong’s nails are more than half a meter long, very sharp, and more powerful than some weapons that have reached the top grade.

  The good times did not last long, that is, the current skin has defensive armor, but it still cannot be lower than Wanyan Tianhong's offense.

A few scratches were caught on the skin, and Chen Xuan's skin began to overflow with blood, and finally found a chance to take the Demon Soul Pill, but Wanyan Tianhong continued to rush over again, fast, and in a blink of an eye. He rushed in front of Chen Xuan.

  At the moment of death, Dugulun also rushed over, swinging the black giant sword in his hand, and directly slapped Wanyan Tianhong's body.

   With a bang, even if Wanyan Tianhong possesses these powerful powers, after Dugulun took the demon soul pill, plus the blessing of the demon soul, his current power is also very terrifying.

Seeing that Dugulun had gained enough time for himself, Chen Xuan immediately waved the long sword in his hand, and a series of terrifying sword auras quickly surrounded him. When the fire of the Vermillion Bird condensed into a fireball, Chen Xuan immediately swung the long sword in his hand. Xuan roared and killed Wanyan Tianhong directly.


  The flames are constantly blooming on the earth, a beautiful sparkle, and the nearby ground burning quickly, in the blink of an eye, it has been burned completely in a radius of more than ten kilometers.

If it weren't for being near Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan could have made the power of this sword aura more powerful, but unfortunately, they are currently fighting near Sky Dragon City. If the battle scene is too grand, it is likely to be Spread to Tianlongcheng.

  As the lord of Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan also had to think about Sky Dragon City, so he did not display his strongest power.

   But even so, this sword aura directly knocked Wanyan Tianhong into the air. With the strengthening of the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire was also improved accordingly.

  The reason why Chen Xuan was able to keep the demon soul from being controlled by the aura of heaven and earth was because he found a knack in the fire of the Vermillion Bird. As long as his power can continue to increase after going out, the power of his demon soul can also increase the upper limit.

Suddenly, the sword aura that Chen Xuan wielded continuously surrounded the sky, and gathered in the whole world in the next moment. All the residents of Tianlong City saw this terrifying sword aura, and their faces were surprised. Walked out of his house.

   "No way, someone seems to be fighting in the distance."

   "Looking at this sword aura, it seems to be the fire of the Vermillion Bird. It should be from our city lord."

   "Unexpectedly, Lord City Lord actually came back, and he was fighting with someone as soon as he came back, do we want to go over and help."

  In the vicinity of the city lord’s mansion, there were many warriors in the sky dragon city, all of them saw the flames that continued to bloom in the sky. When they saw these sword shadows, they immediately guessed that this was definitely Chen Xuan, that is, their city lord.

  "It seems that it is really our city lord, let's go over and help." All the warriors and the guards in the city, who were ordered by the captain of Sky Dragon City, began to rush in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  In just a few minutes, they came to the battlefield. At this time, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun were fighting Wanyan Tianhong.

Having fallen into a bitter battle, Chen Xuan can still compete with Wanyan Tianhong within a short time with this demon soul, but over time, the power of the demon soul pill will continue to weaken, and Chen Xuan will definitely not be finished. Yan Tianhong's opponent.

Seeing Chen Xuan and the others fighting, the leader of Tianlong City, with a hint of anger on his face, shouted at Wanyan Tianhong: "Damn the red-patterned monster, dare to provoke our city lord, brothers. , Today we will prove our strength to the city lord."

   "Let's go together!"

  All the warriors immediately became excited, and they ran back in the direction of Chen Xuan, and with the weapons they waved, the terrifying sword aura quickly surrounded them, and directly killed Wanyan Tianhong.

  With the help of many warriors, Chen Xuan finally gained an advantage.

"Let everyone go together and kill this red-patterned monster!" Dugulun roared out loudly, and then rushed to the forefront. The black long sword in his hand was quickly torn, and fierce sword auras immediately rushed on. The sky, directly towards Wanyan Tianhong to kill.

   There was a boom.

In the end, Wanyan Tianhong was not their opponent. He was defeated by all the warriors of Tianlong City. Seeing Wanyan Tianhong preparing to escape, Chen Xuan shouted and said to everyone: "Everyone, don’t let This red-patterned monster has escaped. This red-patterned monster has gone crazy. Now we are united to kill this guy."

   "The Lord of the City is right, let's go together, let's kill this red-patterned monster together."

   "It actually moved our city lord, today I absolutely disagree!" Many warriors in Tianlong City rushed out again, surrounding Wanyan Tianhong.

  Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Chen Xuan also showed a touch of sadness, and he kept admiring in his heart: "This group of guys, I didn't expect it to be very reliable at a critical time."

Without the help of these Heavenly Dragon City warriors, Chen Xuan would obviously need some time to defeat Wanyan Tianhong, and they might not even be able to win. After all, Wanyan Tianhong’s cultivation has reached the nine-fold top of the **** king realm. .

  In the Tianlongcheng prefecture.

  Chen Xuan said to everyone: “Thanks to you all today. Without your help, I’m afraid it’s not that easy for us to win this time.”

  Many warriors said one after another.

  "Master Chen Xuan, don't say that. It is my honor to be able to serve you."

  "Hahaha, Lord City Lord, you have said too much, but thanks to you, we were able to defeat the tribe of Dragon Blood Tribe. You have done a lot to us!"

"But Master Chen Xuan, where did the red-patterned monster come from? I have been wandering in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and I have never seen such a terrible red-patterned monster. Is it a man or a ghost?" The warrior of Sky Dragon City said.

Dugulun took the lead in answering: "This red-patterned monster was originally a person. Its name was Wanyan Tianhong. It was a disciple of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. Although the cultivation level was very outstanding, it was a pity that the people from the Pantheon later conspired. Up."

   "It is estimated that he took the pantheon's potion, and now he has turned into a red-striped monster. These people in the Pantheon are really hateful."

  After hearing Dugulun's words, many warriors in Tianlongcheng were silent for a moment, and then said to everyone.

   "I really didn't expect the people of the Pantheon to do such a thing, but I heard that the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is a very powerful sect in Luyu County. I don't know how they will deal with the Pantheon?"

  "I don’t think they would say anything to the Pantheon. Although the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is very powerful, it is still insignificant compared to the Pantheon. The entire Pantheon is almost spread across most of the county towns of the Yunye Empire."

"You can't say that. Now they are a peerless genius of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. They have been tricked by the people of the Pantheon. What's more, they originally wanted to unite. Now they are in the Pantheon plan, these Xiaoxiang Sword Sects. I’m afraid that the people who are not so peaceful."

"The Sect Master of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is very bad. I heard a rumor in the early years. It is said that a martial artist of the Heavenly Blood Sect injured a disciple of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. All the warriors of that sect were killed."

  Hearing everyone's discussion, Chen Xuan's face also showed a hint of thinking. Will the people of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect take action against the Pantheon?

  For the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, the people of his own sect were secretly calculated by the people of the Pantheon. As the Sovereign, he would certainly not look at it, otherwise the entire Xiaoxiang Sword Sect would definitely not be firmly integrated.

If you don’t do anything, I’m afraid the disciples of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect will be chilled. What's more, what the Pantheon did this time is too much. Even if the two are combined with each other, the Pantheon still uses the disciples of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect to come. Experiment.

  If Chen Xuan was the overlord of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, he would never give up.

  But it’s also hard to say. Now the strength of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is difficult to deal with the Pantheon. I am afraid that they will not be able to express it in a short time.

In the entire Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan also began to host a banquet for all the guards, including the warriors. Now the strongest in the entire Sky Dragon City is the current leader of the city guards and the city gates. Wei.

  The cultivation bases of these two people have reached the realm of the **** king, and the six-layer pinnacle is considered to be very powerful in the entire Sky Dragon City.

  In addition to a few of them, there are also many very old families in Sky Dragon City. Among these families, some of the patriarchs are also very powerful, but Chen Xuan faintly felt that some families were obviously not convinced by him.

  Now Sky Dragon City is not a monolithic one. After the previous battle, Sky Dragon City was almost captured by the people of the Dragon Blood tribe, and the original city lord was killed.

  Chen Xuan has just left the Sky Dragon City not long after taking office now, and there must be some dissatisfaction among them.

Because of this, Chen Xuan wanted to take this opportunity to sort out his majesty, so Chen Xuan said loudly in front of everyone, "Everyone, today we are almost drinking and drinking. Why don’t we go around the city lord’s mansion? ."

  After the battle with the Dragon Blood Tribe, this city lord mansion has long been dilapidated, and Chen Xuan has not built a new city lord mansion now, the purpose is to establish his own majesty.

   came to an open space in the city lord’s mansion, Chen Xuan looked at a huge rock in the distance, this rock is just a trial stone.

   "I don't know if anyone wants to try their strength in the past, or if anyone can reach 30,000 jin." Chen Xuan asked aloud.

  A warrior suddenly volunteered and walked over. Chen Xuan took a closer look and found that this person was the captain of the city defense.

   "Master Chen, you are optimistic!"


  He punched the stone, bursting with fierce rays of light, but the strength displayed on the stone was actually only 22,000 jin.

  Chen Xuan chuckled, and finally saw that many warriors also volunteered to go up and punch out, but no one could surpass 30,000 catties.

   At this moment, Dugulun actually started walking towards the front. Before he could raise his footsteps, Chen Xuan pulled him back directly.

   "Dugulun, wait a minute, let me try it today, and you will stay there and watch it later."

  Hearing Chen Xuan finished speaking, Dugulun suddenly knew what he wanted to do, so he stood beside him with a slight smile and said nothing.

  While everyone was talking, Yu Wenqiu seemed to smell the wind and walked towards them: "What are you guys doing here."

  Dugu Lun suddenly leaned in his ear and explained: "Chen Xuan, this guy wants to establish a prestige for himself, so let's just watch it by the side."

  When Chen Xuan walked to the trial stone, there was a burst of surging Vermillion Bird's power in his body, and then his pupils were slowly painted bright red.

  A turbulent fist peak suddenly slammed toward the top of his spirit stone. When the fist hit the top of the stone, a turbulent wind suddenly blew.


  The huge rock was directly shattered by Chen Xuan's fist. It broke into many fragments and spread out continuously, while the raging fist wind continued to rush forward, actually directly breaking a building.

  (End of this chapter)

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