Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3206: Sun family traitor

  Chapter 3206 Sun family traitor

  At this time, the expressions on everyone's faces became more serious.

"No, our city lord's cultivation base is already so strong. This trial stone can withstand 40,000 catties. Is it possible that our city lord's strength has reached 40,000 catties? This is too terrifying!" The famous warrior's face was full of shock, and he showed an expression of admiration to Chen Xuan.

   everyone applauded, including all the big families in Sky Dragon City. The patriarchs of these families were still wary of Chen Xuan because Chen Xuan was not strong enough.

  But only now, they realized how outrageous they were. Chen Xuan's strength had reached the realm of the **** king. In the early days of the Eighth Layer, their families of Heavenly Dragon City could not be Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

  As the so-called three fires for the appointment of new officials, Chen Xuan is just showing them his strength. If there is a family who wants to secretly destroy them, Chen Xuan will not give them good fruit.

According to the rumors that Chen Xuan got, in the Sky Dragon City, the people of the Sun family tried to do damage again and again. The people of the Dragon Blood tribe were able to break the formation of the Sky Dragon City because the people of the Sun family secretly hooked. A warrior of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

  Although Chen Xuan does not have enough evidence now, he believes that everything will not come from nowhere. There must be some evidence, but Chen Xuan does not have the evidence yet.

The patriarch of the Sun family suddenly showed admiration, and he slapped his palms and flattered Chen Xuan: "It is indeed our Lord Chen Xuan, this cultivation base is simply too strong, I am afraid that Lord Chen's strength I can act as the princess of our county!"

   Hearing his flattering sound, Chen Xuan also smiled awkwardly, and then said to everyone: "Just now I just wanted to test the power of this trial stone. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

   Soon it was night. When everyone left, Chen Xuan was in a hidden room in the City Lord’s Mansion, talking with Du Gulun and Yu Wenqiu.

"Two, now I have just become the city lord of Sky Dragon City. I am afraid that many people in this city are still unconvinced. Although I killed a large sacrifice of Dragon Blood Tribe before, I heard a rumor." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yu Wenqiu nodded, and then replied: "In the days when you and Du Gulun left Tianlong City, I also heard the leader of Gongsun and told me something."

   "Which Gongsun is in charge?" Chen Xuan revealed a hint of confusion.

   "Of course it is the leader of our Sky Dragon City, don't you know what his surname is." Yu Wenqiu suddenly laughed.

  Chen Xuan shook his head awkwardly, and then said: "I really don't know what his surname is. He was originally surname Gongsun." After hearing Yu Wenqiu's words, Chen Xuan now knew what his surname was.

   "The Gongsun family is also considered a large-scale family in our Sky Dragon City. Besides him, the captain who helped you deal with the red-patterned monster last time is also his younger brother."

   "It turns out that there is a Lieutenant Gongsun, and a Lieutenant Gongsun." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

  But Chen Xuan didn’t think too much, and then he asked, “What news did you hear before?”

   Yu Wenqiu pondered for a moment, and replied to Chen Xuan: “I seemed to have heard that the Sun family of Sky Dragon City secretly united with the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and seemed to have some hooks with the Pantheon.”

"Although Sky Dragon City has long been lonely, according to my inquiries, Sky Dragon City was very strong a long time ago, and the history of Sky Dragon City is also very old. It is rumored that there was a Sky Dragon in this city. Zhongfeisheng, even this Tianlong has been blessing this city, I don't know much about it."

   "But I know that there are still many families with very long history in Sky Dragon City. These big families are not only more powerful, but also have some strange cultivation techniques."

  "Sky Dragon City is actually far away from the Yunye Empire, and there are many other empires around. Therefore, the entire Sky Dragon City is very tolerant." Yu Wenqiu said.

   "Is the news you heard before is true? If this Sun family really unites the Pantheon, then I can't let him go." Chen Xuan said spiritly.

  Compared with the Dragon Blood Tribe, the Pantheon is Chen Xuan’s main enemy.

Not to mention, the Pantheon tried every means to kill Chen Xuan before. Chen Xuan and the Pantheon hated him as early as he had just arrived in the black rock world and was in the forest.

The same is true for Dugulun. When the three of them were hunting demon in the Black Rock Forest, they were chased by the Pantheon powerhouse. At the beginning, Chen Xuan was suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, and his cultivation level had not been fully recovered, so it was not them at all. Opponent.

   But now it is completely different, Chen Xuanxiu has already recovered.

   Now the cultivation base has become stronger and tougher. He believes that as long as he meets some Pantheon powerhouses, he can use his cultivation base to deal with it.

  "I still dare not say whether they have anyone who unites with the Pantheon, but let's find out in secret. If the Sun family really has a relationship with the Pantheon, it will not be too late for us to do it again."

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, “What you said has some truth, and I will go over and inquire with Dugulun in a few days.”

  This is Chen Xuan who knows very well that Dugulun’s personality is already very lively. Compared with Chen Xuan, Dugulun seems to have no pursuit, but his improvement in cultivation is always reflected unconsciously.

  As a descendant of Dugu's family, Dugulun's only purpose now is to find what happened to his parents.

   Chen Xuan hasn’t heard of Shen Lie Shan now. They found a ruin before, but they still have no eyebrows.

  Two days later, Chen Xuan appeared by a river in Tianlong City. At this time, Chen Xuan kept inquiring about the news of the Sun family, and knew very little about the Sun family Chen Xuan.

He only knew that the Sun family was considered a very powerful family in Lu Yucheng, and that the Sun family’s family cultivation was not weak. It had reached the realm of the **** king, and the seven major consummations. When the dragon blood tribe attacked, all the heavens Almost all of Dragon City's family participated in the war.

  Only members of the Sun family stayed onlookers. Not only did they not participate in the battle, they were likely to hook up with the members of the Dragon Blood Tribe. If Chen Xuan really found some clues, he would never let the Sun family go.

  At that time, Chen Xuan is very likely to kill the Sun family. Even if the Sun family has the greatest strength, Chen Xuan will kill him.

  Chen Xuan has been looking at the Sun family for several days, and so far, the Sun family has not shown any signs of it.

The hard work paid off, and Chen Xuan finally found some clues. On this day, the patriarch of the Sun family was secretly meeting with a man dressed very much like a dragon blood tribe warrior, and Chen Xuan had already used the Liaoyuan sword. Plus his own tactics, secretly listening behind.

The patriarch of the Sun family sat in a boat and looked at the martial artist in front of him and said to him: "I didn't expect this Chen Xuan's strength to be so strong. There are actually two strong men beside him."

"This Yu Wenqiu's strength is not weak. I have discovered before that this woman's cultivation has entered the Divine King Realm's Seven Major Consummation, and her cultivation has been continuously improving in the past few days, and I really want to find out some news. This woman also cultivates a demon soul."

The warrior of the Dragon Blood tribe wearing a black cloak also lowered his voice and said, "Don’t say so much, did anyone see what I came here this time? If it was discovered by Chen Xuan, it would be bad this time. Up."

The patriarch of the Sun family shook his head and said to him: "You don't need to be so careful. I will definitely protect your safety when you come to me. Now Tianlong City is unusual. Since Chen Xuan's birth, the entire city has been defended. The army has begun to become enthusiastic, but you don't have to worry about coming to our Sun's house."

   "As the big family of Sky Dragon City, our Sun family pays a huge amount to Sky Dragon City every year. I don't think Chen Xuan will easily move our Sun family."

  After hearing their words, the sneer on Chen Xuan's face became even stronger. He didn't expect the patriarch of the Sun family to be so confident.

  As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, then their family will eradicate only good things and no bad things, and then confiscated all their Sun family's property, and the Sky Dragon City can be built.

"That's good. I only have one thing I want to tell you when I came here. Recently, our Dragon Blood Tribe wants to install a few spy rooms in Sky Dragon City. If you can help us, we will provide it to you. A huge spiritual stone."

"These are not ordinary spiritual stones. These spiritual stones not only contain extremely powerful spiritual power, but they can also increase your cultivation by two levels. This is a big deal for you. You must Think about it." said the warrior of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

The patriarch of the Sun family showed a hideous look on his face, and then said to him: "Of course, no matter how many spy rooms you have installed, I can help you take all the orders. Chen Xuan, although his strength is stronger, But it's just a shock."

   Chen Xuan just sneered at this. He did not expect that he was actually a green head in front of him. Although Chen Xuan's mentality was young, he was already a red-patterned monster that had lived for thousands of years.

   chuckled lightly, Chen Xuan was not ready to wait any longer, only saw his body transform into a light, and instantly rushed out, almost only in the blink of an eye, his body stood on top of the ship.

  Chen Xuan's face had a hint of coldness, and when the head of the Sun family saw Chen Xuan's approach, his face was already shocked to the point of being overwhelmed.

   "No way, why did he come here? How did you know!" The patriarch of the Sun family panicked, and his body kept moving back.

  His cultivation base is not Chen Xuan's opponent at all. Now Chen Xuan is here, and he definitely heard their discussion. Otherwise, Chen Xuan would never come here.

"It seems that the news is really true. You actually united with the Dragon Blood Tribe, then I can't keep you anymore." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into a red light, directly towards Sun. The patriarch of the family killed him.

The warrior of the Dragon Blood Tribe also showed a touch of shock. He hurriedly displayed the power of the demon soul, but found that Chen Xuan also displayed the demon soul, and the speed was faster than him.

  Almost only in an instant, Chen Xuan's palm directly touched the body of Family Sun.

   Suddenly, a terrifying spiritual force instantly knocked the head of the Sun family away. Even though his cultivation had reached the seventh peak of the Divine King Realm, his attack against Chen Xuan was still not an opponent.

   Seeing that Clan Chief Sun was directly knocked into the air, the fighters of the Dragon Blood Tribe jumped off the lake and prepared to escape, and then Chen Xuan also rushed out in an instant, slamming his body directly.

   "Since you have done this kind of thing, do you want me to put you back?" Chen Xuan grabbed the dragon blood tribe warrior with a cruel look on his face.

  (End of this chapter)

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