Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3259: Qingyunzong

  Chapter 3259 Qingyunzong

"Qingyunzong shouldn't have produced so many blood-devouring ancient tigers, I am afraid there are others behind this matter." Chen Xuan thought for a while, suddenly felt a strange breath coming from a distance, so he hurriedly Turning his head, he found a burst of black air behind him.

"What is this!" Chen Xuan's face was horrified, but he also felt the mysterious power carried in this black aura, so he hurriedly left, his face was full of alertness, and he began to keep on Looking at this black air.

   "What the hell..." Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous aura: "Who the **** is trying to kill me? If I find him, I must stab him!"

Finally, it was Chen Xuan’s turn to say this, but now Bond is really angry to the extreme. He has encountered strange things in the last two days, especially since he and Zhang Gongzi had an awkward relationship, and finally calmed down for a few days. To many tricks.

  This black air spread towards the surroundings, and Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that the rhizomes of the plants next to him suddenly filled with bursts of black light, and the plant began to grow wildly, directly covering Chen Xuan's body.

   "Grandma, what happened to these plants." Chen Xuan was surprised, and rushed out holding the Liaoyuan sword, and then began to look at the black energy.

The black energy is still spreading in the city lord’s mansion. At this moment, Chen Xuan has a wary look on his face, and then starts to cast the magic circle, restricting all the black energy to a range of about one kilometer, and can't continue to move towards other things. Direction spread.

  After Dugulun and the others rushed back, they suddenly saw a burst of black gas in front of Chen Xuan, but they couldn't get close to Chen Xuan's body with a single step.

After    walked over, Dugulun then asked: "Chen Xuan, what are these black angers? Why are you standing motionless here."

   "I don't know what these black angers are, but if I didn't guess wrong, I'm afraid the master behind this scene should be the same person who controls the monster beast."

   "How did you know it was one!?" Du Gulun asked.

"Does this still need to be asked? The entire Sky Dragon City has not been peaceful in the last two days. I am afraid that the master behind the scenes just wanted to kill me. I found that the last few things were all aimed at me. Dugulun, you help me investigate what the Zhang family is doing." Chen Xuan carried a strong murderous look on his face.

Since he ruled out several suspected targets, Chen Xuan has now locked his main clue to the Zhang family. He also knows that the Zhang family has a lot of power in Sky Dragon City, and now Chen Xuan must have shaken the Zhang family too. Interest, otherwise they would definitely not do anything against Chen Xuan.

  Dugulun just wanted to take someone to search for clues, but Chen Xuan suddenly saw a subordinate rushing towards him. Seeing the subordinate running in a posture, Chen Xuan's face showed a vigilant look.

   "I'm afraid this guy has no good intentions." Chen Xuan said softly.

   Seeing that these people had already ran to his side, Chen Xuan then asked softly: "What happened? Why are you running so fast."

  "My lord, Zhang Chuyuan really wants to invite you to their family banquet. Of course, you should go there quickly. This matter can't be sloppy."

  "Yes, yes, this was personally invited by Zhang Biyuan, Master Chen Xuan, must go to the banquet, I heard that he is going to give you a treasure." The servant hurriedly said.

There was a sneer on Chen Xuan's face. He also knew that this servant was not qualified to know about this. It just made Chen Xuan feel very surprised that Zhang Jiali had already placed his own in the city lord's mansion before. Eyeliner.

All this happened by coincidence, especially after the blood-devouring ancient tiger had just attacked Tianlong City, this family began to send people to invite him. I am afraid that the people in the Zhang family also know that the blood-devouring ancient tiger did not attack the sky. Longcheng, and this black aura didn't kill him, so I wanted to have a feast for the grand family.

  Chen Xuan began to make preliminary inferences, but he also wanted to go to the Zhang family to meet the owner of this family.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been searching for information about the Zhang family. He heard that the clan chief Zhang of the Zhang family has a lot of contact with Qingyunzong, and his cultivation is also very strong.

   "Let's go." Chen Xuan didn't have time to think too much. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt the eyes of the servant next to him erratic and seemed to have some thoughts.

In an instant, the servant directly waved the blood dragon dagger in his hand and stabbed Chen Xuan's back. The speed at this moment was so fast that Chen Xuan almost didn't react. Fortunately, the demon soul Instinct had already responded in advance, so Chen Xuan began to avoid it.

  The blood dragon dagger rubbed his heart, but Chen Xuan did not suffer any harm.

   "You actually took the initiative to our city!" The other servant next to him was full of panic. Seeing this companion who was with him day and night, his face was full of shock.

  Want to assassinate Chen Xuan's servant, after seeing that he hadn't succeeded, he directly inserted the blood dragon dagger into his heart, and then fell into a pool of blood.

  Everything is heralding a problem. Someone must have bought this servant to assassinate him, but Chen Xuan can only suspect that someone from the Zhang family did it now.

  The other servant was already shivering with fright. When he saw his partner assassinating the city lord, his face began to show panic. He was very worried now, and Chen Xuan would try to ask him.

   Seeing his expression, Chen Xuanlie slowly walked towards him, suddenly pressing his hands on his head.

  The servant felt a burst of severe pain in his head, and his body knelt on the ground involuntarily, and began to twitch constantly on the ground.

After a while, his pain gradually improved, and Chen Xuan also withdrew his spiritual power, and said softly to him: "It seems that you have nothing to do with him. People from the Zhang family want to invite me over to a banquet. is that true."

  The servant covered his still aching head, stood up from the ground hard, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Of course, my lord, this matter must be true. I dare not hide it from you."

Chen Xuan's gaze was like a knife, constantly scanning his body, but now he also inferred that this servant certainly didn't know the inside story, so he simply stopped asking questions, but turned to Zhang's family. Go in the direction.

   "Chen Xuan, do you want me to accompany you." Du Gulun asked suddenly.

"Yes, but don't be impulsive when you accompany me. I am afraid that this family has come prepared. I don't know what level of strength their Patriarch Zhang has reached, but there are rumors that his cultivation level has been reached. The Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "This guy has reached the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm. When the Dragon Blood Tribe attacked Sky Dragon City, he didn't even make a move. It's really hateful." Dugulun complained.

  Chen Xuan's face showed a touch of hideousness. He has become more and more aware of these power games, so he didn't say more.

   "Let's go over quickly, don't waste time, I really want to see what this guy looks like, and assassinated me over and over again, this family, I really don't want to be confused." Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous aura.

  But they did not lose time, and then they walked towards the Zhang family. In just fifteen minutes later, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun arrived at the Zhang family.

At this time, outside the Zhang family, there were several beggars wandering constantly. According to the information received by Chen Xuan, this family often performed good deeds and gave a lot of rice to these beggars. Therefore, Zhang family fell into the Tianlong City Some good reputation.

However, there are people in Tianlongcheng who know what the Zhang family is. Almost the entire big family of Tianlongcheng has been suppressed by the Zhang family, and their Zhang family has almost exploited the warriors of all classes and helped them. Production of spirit stones.

  As for the Zhang Family’s behavior, the former city lord of Tianlong City already knew a lot, and he had been trying to destroy the Zhang Family.

  In the Zhang family mansion, Zhang Chuyuan smiled, and when he saw Chen Xuan walk by, his face suddenly showed respect, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that he must have pretended to be.

However, Chen Xuan didn't point him up, but walked directly into the hall of the Zhang family in the welcome of everyone. At this time, many celebrities in the hall of the Zhang family had already sat in and started toasting each other. Obviously, they didn’t take the Blood Devouring Spirit. Gu Hu's attack on Tianlong City became a problem.

   Seeing that everyone had toasted to each other, Chen Xuan simply sat directly in the middle seat. This biting Yuan still respected him so much that he even arranged the seat of the main seat for him.

After seeing Chen Xuan sitting down, Zhang Biyuan immediately raised the wine glass on the table, laughed at Chen Xuan and said: "My Lord, I heard that you defeated the attack of the blood-devouring spirit ancient tiger with your own strength. But the greatest fortune of our Sky Dragon City, I never thought that our Sky Dragon City actually attracted you such a good city lord, this is the blessing of our Sky Dragon City's eight lifetime cultivation!

   "That's right. Although the previous city lord also thought about our Sky Dragon City, his strength was indeed weaker, so he could only die in the attack of the Dragon Blood Tribe."

"But Master Chen Xuan is a young talent. He has reached the ninth level of the God King Realm at a young age. He is indeed a model of my generation!" Many warriors began to slap Chen Xuan's flattery, making Chen Xuan's face show. A murderous aura, but it was completely suppressed, without any performance.

   "These celebrities in the Sky Dragon City, when the blood-devouring spirit ancient tiger attacked our city just now, they didn't even go to help, and now they dare to raise a wine glass and slap my ass!" Chen Xuan kept thinking inside.

  Dugulun's mood was very flat, everyone toasted to him and he ignored him, just drank his own alone, as if he was already in the personal world.

  Many celebrities in Tianlongcheng saw that Du Gulun was very cold, so they ignored him and began to talk to Chen Xuan constantly.

   "Master Chen, where did these blood-devouring ancient tigers come from? Why haven't we in Sky Dragon City suffered so many blood-devouring ancient tigers before." A warrior suddenly asked.

  Chen Xuan replied: "I don’t know exactly who did it, but..."

"You said this was done by someone!?" A Sky Dragon City celebrity showed doubts on his face. He couldn't believe that someone could combine so many blood-devouring ancient tigers. If the entire Sky Dragon City, really If anyone can do it, I'm afraid they will be the only ones in the Zhang family.

  Because the Royal Beast Jue cultivated by the Zhang family is unique in the entire Sky Dragon City. Looking at the entire Yunye Empire, they are the only ones who can master the Beast Control Technique proficiently.

After hearing everyone's discussion, Chen Xuan then said: "If you can control so many blood-devouring ancient tigers to attack Sky Dragon City, this person must have a very strong cultivation base. I'm afraid he has come into contact with many magic weapons, otherwise. Many blood-devouring spirit ancient tigers will never follow orders."

   "When I was dealing with these blood-devouring ancient tigers, I found a spirit stone in the middle, but this crystal core has now exploded, so I can't find evidence."

   "But..." Chen Xuan's face showed a heavy look, and a murderous aura bloomed in his tone.

"If I were to find out who did it, I would never let him go. It happens that there is still a human leather cushion under my bench, and I can use his leather to make a cushion at that time." Chen Xuan's face There was a sneer on it.

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Zhang Chuyuan's face was instantly green, but he was already an old fox, and he adjusted immediately and drank a drink to Chen Xuan.

"Master Chen Xuan, our Zhang family is also responsible for this matter. I will definitely help you search for it. After all, our Zhang family has also practiced Yuju Jue. These blood-devouring ancient tigers suddenly became manic. I can also wait and see. , If I find a clue, I will definitely report it to you in time." Zhang Weiyuan drank a glass of wine and shook it in front of Chen Xuan, as if he wanted Chen Xuan to raise the glass too.

Seeing the expression on his face, Chen Xuan didn’t move. He ignored him at all. Instead, he said: “Okay, I hope you can find information for me within three days. If you can’t, you Zhang Family Waiting for my punishment."

   "My Lord, what do you mean... what do you mean."

  (End of this chapter)

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