Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3260: Hybrid Gorefiend

  Chapter 3260 Hybrid Blood Demon

   "We just kindly wanted to help the city lord find the culprit. I didn't expect the city lord to punish the old man. This is really a loss of life." Zhang Weiyuan complained.

Seeing the sour expression on his face, Chen Xuan had a chuckle on his face, and did not directly break him, and then said: "I just want to put some pressure on you so that we can find the murderer faster. , Otherwise this matter has been dragged on, and there will be no murderer."

   "That's what I said." Du Gulun, who had always been taciturn, raised his glass at this moment and said to everyone.

   "Since the Zhang Family is a big family in our Sky Dragon City, we should give everyone in Sky Dragon City a role model!"

   "Yes, after all, the Zhang family is indeed a big family in our Sky Dragon City. If they can really find the culprit, it would be a good thing for us." A celebrity from Sky Dragon City said.

After hearing these celebrities’ talk, Zhang Weiyuan’s face was black and purple, but he hurriedly suppressed it, then ordered some wine, and said to Chen Xuan: "Master Chen, in fact, I still have some money when I came to you this time. I want to discuss with you."

  Chen Xuan knew what he wanted to say without thinking, but now he still has to install garlic.

   "I don't know, what Zhang Chuyuan wants to discuss with me, you are already the chief Zhang of the big family of Sky Dragon City, so you still want to ask me!?" Chen Xuan had a mocking expression on his face.

Hearing that, Zhang Chuyuan was not angry, but put down the wine glass in his hand, smiled apologetically at Chen Xuan, and then said: "My son had a dispute with you a few days ago. I heard about it, but later I was busy with other things, so I never asked you to apologize."

   "Master Chen Xuan, this is the wrong thing that Dogzi did. I have already taught him a good lesson. You mustn't come out quickly!" Zhang Chuyuan suddenly yelled.

  Zhang Yuanjian then walked out from behind the barrier and saw that his face was bruised and swollen, and he was obviously beaten severely.

  This made Chen Xuan feel a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhang Biyuan to be so cruel. He really beat his son like this. The skin on his face was broken and there was a trace of blood remaining on it.

  However, Chen Xuan knew that this was definitely a show. His son had a conflict with Chen Xuan three days ago, and the injury on his face has not recovered yet.

  If you are an ordinary cultivator, it is definitely not that difficult to recover from the injury. In other words, you can buy a rejuvenation pill with three spirit stones to restore your injury.

  In just two short days, the skin trauma was almost healed. Seeing the blood on his face, Chen Xuan was not merciful at all, and directly splashed the wine glass on his face.

Chen Xuan sneered and said to Young Master Zhang: "When you provoke me, I have warned you. I didn't expect you to be good or bad. Now I want your father to beat you up. You are honest now. Up!"

  Zhang Yuanjian had a silent look on his face, but he didn't say a word, but just stood there in silence.

Seeing that his son didn't say a word, Patriarch Zhang suddenly became furious, and directly drew out a rattan weave and drew it on his son's body: "Damn wicked obstacle, I asked you to apologize to Master Chen. Why are you dumb now? Isn't it arrogant? Hurry up and apologize to Master Chen!"

Zhang Gongzi’s face was full of anger, but he also knew that heroes did not suffer immediate losses, and also knew that Chen Xuan’s cultivation level was very strong, and that he was not his opponent. He also knew that Chen Xuan’s current status was far higher than that of him, and it was not because they disobeyed. of.

However, Chen Xuan saw a vicious look in his eyes, so Chen Xuan also sneered coldly: "I made you kneel, didn't you hear it? Kneel on the ground honestly, so as to avoid it. Fuck you a little life!"


Patriarch Zhang directly hit the iron plate on his son’s left leg, and kicked him to the ground: "Damn evil barrier, how did you talk to you just now? I asked you to apologize to Patriarch Zhang, what are you doing now? Don’t move anymore, weren’t you a girl from Yi Xiliang’s family? Why don’t you have the guts now!?"

  A questioning hit Young Master Zhang’s face, making Zhang Yuan see that, unable to lift his head, he could only cover his face, and blood spilled from his palm.

Madam Zhang saw that her son was beaten, she also showed a touch of surprise on her face, and then she was angry. However, this ancient man’s eyes were like human-eating monsters, looking straight at Chen. mysterious.

  Suddenly, Mrs. Zhang came over and said to her husband: "This is your biological son, how can you beat him so hard!"

   But Young Master Zhang didn't say a word, his eyes were full of resentment. Obviously, Chen Xuan knew that he would still find a way to figure out himself.

It's just that everyone is watching him now, so Chen Xuan didn't show his anger too much. Instead, he went out and said to everyone, "Since Zhang Chuyuan punishes his son like this, then I, Chen Xuan. I won't be held accountable anymore."

   "That's also true, although Young Master Zhang has done a lot of bad things, but now he knows that he was wrong."

   "Hahaha, the two families are reconciled!" All the warriors onlookers continued to say with joyful smiles on their faces.

For these martial artists of Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan can unite with Zhang Chuyuan, which is a good thing for everyone, especially now that the people of Sky Dragon City are unstable, and Zhang Family, as the big family in Sky Dragon City, It has other effects on the stable development of Sky Dragon City.

Zhang Biyuan came over, with a smile on his face that was not a smile, and then he said to Chen Xuan: "Master Chen Xuan, I will apologize to you this time, I don’t know if you can forgive me. my son."

Chen Xuan also knows that the current situation is difficult to ride a tiger. If he refuses, it will discredit his Sky Dragon City reputation, but Chen Xuan also wants to take this opportunity to make things difficult for him, because Chen Xuan looks at Zhang Chuyuan. A trace of murderous aura was felt in it, although it was just a rumorous emotion.

  But Chen Xuan's demon soul felt very keen, and had already captured the other's thoughts.

   "This guy, I don't know what he is thinking in his heart, but now I should give him a step, otherwise the people in the entire Emperor Dragon City will call me Chen Xuan's small belly chicken intestines." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

   "Since the city lord has already said so, let's not say anything else, come and drink this glass of wine!" Zhang Weiyuan suddenly raised his glass, his face full of joy.

  Finally, the banquet was over. A few hours later, in the very large-scale room in the Zhang family's mansion, Zhang Chuyuan said to a white-bearded old man with a fierce face on his face.

"This kid is really getting more and more proud. I almost didn't put me in my eyes. I have personally apologized to him. He didn't let my son go. If I had a chance, he would definitely kill him. Fallen!" Patriarch Zhang's face was full of anger.

At this time, the black-clothed old man next to him walked up to him and said, "Clan Chief Zhang, don’t get angry. This kid will not live for a few days. As long as we can summon a mixed blood demon, I believe he can definitely be killed. Death, when the time comes, the position of the Heavenly Dragon City Lord will be in our hands!"

   "Hahaha, what you said is also very reasonable, but now I still can't act rashly. Today I have already apologized to him in front of everyone. I don't think he will do anything to me again."

"But I have to watch out now. This kid is still very stigmatized. When he dealt with the group of miscellaneous hairs of the Dragon Blood tribe, he killed them in this way. I don't know how this kid will deal with it now. Me." Zhang Biyuan showed a hint of thought on his face, although he has now traded for a brief peace.

However, both Chen Xuan and Zhang Biyuan knew that this matter was definitely not over. I am afraid that a war would break out between them. For Chen Xuan, he did not know what Zhang Biyuan had planned, but Chen Xuan also started investigating Zhang's family.

And Zhang Biyuan is also planning an unprecedented plan. As long as he can summon the hybrid blood demon, he thinks that he can serve as the lord of the electric dragon city. This plan has already been carried out ten years ago until Only now did he get twenty-five lives and complete the sacrifice of the hybrid blood demon.

Beside a huge stone in the distance, Zhang Chuyuan's face was full of hideousness, and he said to the black-robed old man next to him: "Now the hybrid blood demon has not fully awakened, the strength of this hybrid blood demon is very powerful. , Are you sure I can gain the power of the mixed blood demon!?"

The old man’s face was full of longing, but there was a hint of slyness in his eyes, and he hurriedly said to him: "Don’t worry, this has been calculated by me. As long as I can find 25 fresh female blood, I can. Make sure that you can summon the hybrid blood demon, then you can have the power of the hybrid blood demon, directly break through to the realm of the gods, and even give you stronger energy!"

"Hahaha, I have waited for this day for ten years. I didn’t expect it to be completed until recently. However, I am still a little worried about the kid Chen Xuan. This guy has been investigating our Zhang family these days. What he found out, we are in a bad shape." Zhang Weiyuan said suddenly.

While the two of them were talking, a sneaky figure in the distance was constantly looking around in the jungle. Zhang Chuyuan obviously saw this figure too, so he immediately teleported it and grabbed the other's neck with both hands. , Grabbed him from the bushes.

   "Who!" Zhang Biyuan showed terrible anger, and a pair of eagle-like eyes constantly scanned the opponent's body.

   "Don't, my father is me, I just have a look." Zhang Yuanjian's face was full of panic, for fear that his father would accidentally cut his neck.

Seeing that it was his son, Zhang Biyuan revealed a terrible anger, and hurriedly said to him: "You guy dare to peek around, so I thought someone infiltrated our Zhang family. , I tell you, hurry back to me, don’t tell anyone about this."

   "If the news goes out, I will definitely ask you!"

  Young Master Zhang was very afraid of his father. Seeing the murderous look on his father's face, this salary nodded timidly, and then left cautiously.

The black-clothed old man came over, looked at the back of Zhang Gongzi and said, "Master Zhang, I don’t think he will give up his salary. Today you humiliated him in front of everyone, and you also made him lose a lot of money. , I think he will definitely find the opportunity to plot against Chen Xuan."

   "This thing is definitely not that simple."

Zhang Biyuan also nodded secretly. He was very clear about his son’s virtues, but he couldn’t manage so many things, so he said, “Now, don’t worry about that much. As long as Chen Xuan gives me some money these days. At the time of the day’s planning, I can summon the mixed-element blood demon, and then I will have stronger power. Isn’t it easy to kill it!?"

   "Hahaha, what Mr. Zhang said is right, but you must be careful not to let Chen Xuan find out, otherwise the people at Yunxiao Mansion will also learn about it."

   "Yunxiao Mansion..." There was a strange look on Zhang Chuyuan's face. He thought of something that had happened to him in Yunxiao Mansion three years ago that was unpleasant.

"Yunxiao Mansion, I will definitely make them pay the price, but my current strength has not reached such a high level. As long as 20 years later, I can make my cultivation reach the top level of Yunxiao Mansion and let them Look down on me!" Zhang Weiyuan's face was full of anger, but then he turned around and looked at the giant humanoid stone behind him.

   "Now, how much effort is needed to complete the offering of the Hybrid Blood Demon!?" Zhang Weiyuan asked suddenly.

The black-clothed old man hurriedly walked over and said on the ground behind him: "Master Zhang, it takes 30 lives to complete, but the cultivation of these 30 people must reach the fifth level of the Divine King Realm. Only the stronger their cultivation base, the stronger the power you will eventually get."

   "However, you must also be careful, because if these forces are too strong, it is very likely that your body will not be able to bear it, and you will even be backlashed." The old man said.

  (End of this chapter)

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