Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3261: Lord Gorefiend

  Chapter 3261 Lord Blood Demon

"I'm not afraid. I have endured it for so long now. I definitely can't let Yunxiao Mansion continue to underestimate me. Today I must let the power of the hybrid blood demon possess me, as long as my cultivation level can be improved. , I can shock the entire Yunxiao Mansion and let this group of guys know that it's not always easy to mess with!" Patriarch Zhang's face was full of hideous meaning.

At this moment, in the city lord’s mansion, a guard hurriedly ran into his mansion. Seeing the guard’s panting look, Chen Xuan whispered to him: "What are you doing so fast? Could something big happen? ."

  The guard quickly replied: "Master Chen, it is said that a weird suicide incident occurred on the west side of Sky Dragon City. I don’t know who did it. Go and take a look."

   After hearing these words, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a touch of surprise in his pupils, but he also followed closely behind him and started to rush towards the murderer.

   "What happened!?" Chen Xuan saw the scene, the floor was full of blood, and there were three human bones. He had obviously been assassinated by others.

   "Who are these three people!?" Chen Xuan asked the guard beside him.

  These guards, look at me, I look at you, but I don’t know who these three people were killed.

  "My lord, we did not investigate. We just received the news, so we hurried to report it to you, because the time when the three people were killed this time is really weird."

   "They weren't the same people at all, but they all died here. This incident was definitely done by one person." Chen Xuan said suddenly.

  "How do adults know." The guard showed a panic.

"Did you not see the tokens on them? The three of them are from different places, but it makes me feel very strange. The blood on the three of them seems to have been sucked up in half. Is there any blood sucking in the city recently? Monster beast?" Chen Xuan showed hesitation on his face, and now he is constantly inferring why these three people died.

  At this moment, the scream of a young girl reached Chen Xuan's ears, so Chen Xuan hurriedly walked into the room.

   Seeing a corpse on the ground, Chen Xuan discovered that the flesh and blood of this corpse had already been eaten cleanly, and there was still a sword aura remaining on his body, which was obviously killed by someone.

   "This person is even weirder." Chen Xuan walked over and sealed the entire scene.

   Seeing that a blood dragon dagger had been dropped on the ground, Chen Xuan walked over and took the blood dragon dagger into his hand and observed it carefully.

"This blood dragon dagger actually has the words Qingyunzong written on it. Could it be said that the Qingyunzong who killed this person was done by the Qingyunzong, and the three people who died outside the door were all killed by the Qingyunzong!?" The guard showed doubts, and he didn't know why the blood dragon dagger had Qingyunzong written on it.

  Chen Xuan shook his head lightly, and said to a guard beside him: "Go and investigate for me. What happened to him was a few days ago when he died. By the way, help me look at the texture of this blood dragon dagger."

After Chen Xuan put the blood dragon dagger in the opponent's hand, he bowed his head and said to everyone: "We don't know if it was done by Qingyunzong, or it may be someone else wants to blame Qingyunzong."

But Chen Xuan was also very hesitant in his heart. He knew that the Azure Cloud Sect he had provoked, these Sky Azure Cloud Sect must have sent people to Sky Dragon City, or it was possible that the disciples of Azure Cloud Sect had a dispute with others, so he gave these three people to Killed.

  Fifteen minutes later.

  It didn't take long for the guard to bring the blood dragon dagger over, with a look of surprise on his face, carefully placing it on Chen Xuan's hand.

"My lord, I don't know what the material of the blood dragon dagger is made of, but the words carved on it are only three days old at most. If you don't guess wrong, this blood dragon dagger is definitely not left by a disciple of the Azure Cloud Sect. "

   "That said, someone must be trying to blame Qingyunzong!?" Chen Xuan's face showed a murderous intent. Although he didn't know who did it, he could guess it.

"When Zhang Gongzi was taught by his father, he must have lost his face in front of everyone. This guy is very likely to pick something for me. Maybe he did this thing." Chen Xuan's heart Thinking secretly, he had already begun to doubt Young Master Zhang in his heart.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan still can’t conclude that this is what he did. After all, this young man did it behind the scenes, and Chen Xuan can only infer from clues.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan's pupils turned red, causing all the warriors of Sky Dragon City to look at him in surprise.

   "Look, this is the demon soul of our Lord City Lord. As expected, Master Chen came from Yunxiao Mansion. He has mastered the demon soul at a young age."

   "I heard that the power of the demon soul is very difficult to cultivate. I never thought Master Chen had such a deep understanding of the demon soul." Several warriors immediately flattered.

  Hearing their voices, Chen Xuan's face was very calm, and then he ran the demon soul perception and began to check what happened a few hours ago.

It's just that these very vague impressions began to appear in Chen Xuan's head, but Chen Xuan couldn't see what faces these people had grown into. He could only see what happened in the first place.

   "It seems that two killed them, but the stages of occurrence are different. One was two days ago and the other was three days ago." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "My lord, what do you mean!?" A warrior showed surprise on his face. He didn't know what Chen Xuan meant, let alone how Chen Xuan knew.

Nodding lightly, Chen Xuan said to everyone: "It was two days ago that were killed in the house, but the three people outside were all killed before three o’clock, and they were also killed. Not killed here."

   "Master Chen, how did you know? This is too powerful, right? You actually cultivated the demon soul to this level. I have never seen anyone possessing such terrible power..."

  "Does this mean that when you come to a strange room and just look at the bed, you can..." A smirk appeared on a warrior's face, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but smash his head with his fist.

   "You fellow, can you think of something good?" Chen Xuan said.

After   , they did not continue joking, but carefully observed the three corpses on the ground.

Seeing that the blood of three of the corpses had all been sucked up, and the corpse in the room actually showed signs of being eaten, so Chen Xuan could infer that it was the Black Blood Sect who did this kind of thing. The crowd, but it is also very likely to be a mysterious monster.

  In the past history of Sky Dragon City, there was once a very powerful monster beast. The name of this monster beast is not known for the time being, but everyone has heard the rumors of the monster beast.

This monster not only likes to **** human blood, but the more blood it absorbs, the stronger the monster's strength will become. At the beginning, Sky Dragon City sent three masters to destroy this monster, but Without exception, they were all killed by this monster.

Fortunately, the time for the monster beast was very short. It only went out for more than half a month, and then mysteriously disappeared. Some people speculated that the monster was beheaded by a mysterious power, but there was another thing that explained later. , This monster is still in Tianlong City and has not left.

  "Could it be said that the mysterious monster made it!?"

In the City Lord's Mansion, Yu Wenqiu said softly with a hint of doubt on his face.

Chen Xuan also nodded and said: "It is not clear who did it, but whether it is a monster or not has yet to be determined. It will definitely drain the blood of others. It is definitely not simple. There are definitely other conspiracies in the single vendetta."

   "That's right, after all, this fact is too weird, and a total of twelve people have died in our Sky Dragon City in the past few days, and all of them were mysteriously killed." Du Gulun said.

  Are twelve more dead recently! ? "Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts. He did not expect that in these short three days, several people would have died one after another.

"Could it be that this thing was really done by a monster?" Chen Xuan struggled inwardly, but now they didn't get any clues, and every day, Tianlong City would die one or two people, and finally five days later. , Chen Xuan got some clues.

"Sir, we seem to have found three more people dead on the streets of Sky Dragon City, but this time someone seems to have seen the mysterious monster. It is said that the appearance of this monster is very similar to that of the Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat! "

Suddenly another guard walked in and hurriedly said to Chen Xuan: "Master Chen, the monster that killed so many people this time is a Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat. This Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat is very powerful. Almost most of the Sky Dragon City have seen him."

   "It took only five seconds to kill four people. I am afraid that the cultivation base of this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat has reached the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm!" the guard said hurriedly.

  Chen Xuan and Dugulun fell into thinking one after another, and then led all the guards to chase them out. At this time, Chen Xuan's face was murderous, and he cursed in a low voice.

"Unexpectedly, it was actually made by the Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat. I thought it was done by the Zhang family. I didn't expect this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat to be so courageous that it would endanger all parties in Sky Dragon City. I really didn't treat me as the city lord as an adult." Chen Xuan cursed, and hurriedly speeded up his pace, and walked towards the place where the incident occurred.

  In the east city of Sky Dragon City, many people surrounded the three corpses. The blood of the three corpses had been drained long ago, but there was still a lot of blood left beside them, apparently just recently died.

   "What happened!?" Chen Xuan walked over and asked.

  After seeing Chen Xuan coming, several warriors rushed to answer him.

"You didn't see it just now. There was a sky-devouring giant rat coming from a distance suddenly. We were walking on the road, and we saw this sky-devouring giant rat sucking up the efforts of three people. And it’s very fast!"

"Master Chen, you have to be careful. This Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat has a very strong cultivation base. Its speed is almost at its extreme. It only took three seconds to run for several kilometers. We It was not caught at all."

"That's right, this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat has hidden in the Sky Dragon City. It is too dangerous. Maybe it will suddenly rush out to **** up people's blood. Master Chen, you must take this Only the Sky Devourer Spirit Rat will be caught!" A warrior's face was full of panic, obviously very afraid that the Sky Devourer Spirit Rat suddenly rushed out and sucked his blood.

Chen Xuan nodded secretly, and then commanded the crowd to dispose of these corpses, and then said to them: "Don't worry, I will take people to chase this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat, but you must be careful. One thing, don't fight head-on with the Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat."

   "Since the cultivation base of this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat has reached the Ninth Level of the God King, I am afraid I am not an opponent of the Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat."

"Don’t worry, adults. We will go with you this time. After all, this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat harmed the Quartet in Sky Dragon City. We are also from Sky Dragon City, and we must also live in the city. The Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat suddenly rushed out and killed our wife and daughter. We will not be reconciled!"

"That's right, we must catch this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat, and return our Sky Dragon City to peace!" Many of the Sky Devourer's warriors fell into anger one after another, and they also knew this Sky Devouring Giant Spirit Rat. If the rats stay in the city for one more day, they will add a lot of danger to the relatives around them.

  (End of this chapter)

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