Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6503: golden firebird

Chapter 6503 Golden Firebird

 The golden firebird pounced on them again, and the blazing fire from the sky surged in like a huge wave. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting did not flinch. They worked together and concentrated all their strength on the long sword.

Chen Xuan raised the prairie fire sword high, and the spiritual energy burned on the blade like heavenly fire. His body suddenly changed, and a weak layer of sky fire appeared around him, like a sky fire warrior.

The long sword in Lin Yuting's hand also made a crisp sound, and her spiritual energy gathered on the long sword, forming a rotating silver halo. Her body exuded a determined aura, as if she had transformed into an unyielding warrior.

 Chen Xuan of the Heavenly Fire Warrior and Lin Yuting of the Silver Shadow Warrior launched attacks at the same time. Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword, and the sword energy intertwined with the sky fire, forming a huge sky fire sword energy, heading straight towards the golden fire bird.

Lin Yuting's silver halo also rotated rapidly, creating a powerful whirlwind. She jumped up, drew a silver arc in the air, and threw the silver halo towards the golden firebird.

The Skyfire Sword Qi and the silver light halo bombarded the golden firebird one after another, making a huge explosion. The air in the cave seemed to be shaken, and sky fire and light filled the air.

The golden firebird let out an angry scream, and its body swayed under the impact of heavenly fire and light. However, although Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting's attacks caused some damage, the power of the Golden Firebird was still beyond their imagination.

 The sky fire and light gradually dissipated, and the golden firebird spread its wings again, the anger in its eyes getting stronger. Its eyes were locked on Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, as if it wanted to completely eliminate them.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting's bodies also began to feel tired. Their previous attack consumed a lot of their spiritual energy and physical strength. But in the face of the threat of the Golden Firebird, they did not dare to relax at all.

 Lin Yuting also had a determined look on her face. She clenched the long sword in her hand, determined not to let the Golden Firebird succeed.

The golden firebird spread its wings and flew towards it again, and Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting launched attacks at the same time. Chen Xuan swung the prairie fire sword, and the sword energy gathered into a huge sky fire sword light, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, striking at the golden firebird.

Lin Yuting's silver halo also glowed with silver light, like a rotating blade, cutting the air instantly and flying towards the golden firebird.

The golden firebird's eyes were cold, and it suddenly flapped its wings, instantly generating a powerful storm aura. The storm distorted the trajectory of Chen Xuan's Heavenly Fire Saber and Lin Yuting's silver halo, causing them to lose their direction.

 However, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting did not stop attacking, their eyes were full of determination. Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword, and a tornado of sky fire rose up, absorbing the power of the storm, and the sky fire became more intense.

 Lin Yuting activated her spiritual energy and regained control of the silver halo to keep it stable in the storm. The silver light was dazzling, gradually dispelling the aura of the storm.

 Golden Firebird felt the tenacity of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, and their anger and anxiety became more apparent.

It suddenly opened its sharp mouth and let out a loud roar. A tornado of heavenly fire came out of its mouth and rolled towards Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting faced the attack of the sky fire tornado, and they poured all their strength into the attack. Chen Xuan, the Sky Fire Warrior, swung the prairie fire sword and collided the Sky Fire Sword Qi and the Sky Fire Tornado, making a huge explosion.

Lin Yuting, a Silver Shadow Warrior, used spiritual energy to condense the silver halo into a strong shield to resist the invasion of the sky fire tornado.

 The aftermath of the explosion spread, and the air in the cave was shaken by the shock. Sky fire and light instantly filled the air, making the entire cave glow red.

The golden firebird's body was swaying unsteadily, and it was retreating steadily from the attacks of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting. However, despite the heavy damage it suffered, its will to fight remained undiminished.

Its wings vibrated again, sending out a violent storm that completely distorted Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting's attacks.

The golden firebird quickly condensed a blazing fireball and threw it towards Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting both had a flash of determination in their eyes, knowing that this was the final battle.

 Chen Xuan swung his sword horizontally and launched the final blow. A huge sky fire sword energy spurted out from the blade and collided with the fireball thrown by the golden fire bird.

Lin Yuting launched her final attack. The silver halo rotated rapidly, forming a huge whirlwind, gradually pulling away the fireball's sky fire, and eventually completely disintegrating it.

 The sky fire and light intertwined again, making a strong explosion sound.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting's attacks hit the golden firebird with unstoppable force, surrounding its body in sky fire.

The golden firebird let out a shrill scream, its body was violently burned by the sky fire, and the flickering golden light gradually dimmed. Its power weakened rapidly, and it eventually disappeared in the sea of ​​blazing fire.

 The temperature inside the cave gradually dropped, and the sky fire and light gradually dissipated.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting stood there tiredly, their bodies already under tremendous pressure and exhaustion.

 After the golden firebird disappeared, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting breathed a deep sigh of relief. Although their bodies were exhausted, their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment and the joy of victory.

 “We finally won.” Chen Xuan gasped, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Lin Yuting smiled and nodded: "Yes, although there were many difficulties, we finally overcame it."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, then walked to a corner of the cave and sat down to rest. At this moment, the cave was filled with the residual aura of sky fire, but the tranquility gradually returned. "This challenge is really difficult. The strength of the Golden Firebird exceeded our expectations." Chen Xuan sighed.

 Lin Yuting nodded in agreement: "Yes, if we hadn't worked together, it would have been difficult to win."

 Chen Xuan's brows gradually frowned: "However, I still feel that something is wrong. Why did the monkey-shaped monster give the real dragon crystal to us, and also attracted such a powerful fairy beast to protect it?"

Lin Yuting thought for a moment, and her face became solemn: "You mean, all this may be a conspiracy of the monkey-shaped monster?"

 Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, the more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. The monkey-shaped monster can obviously defeat us easily, why did it choose this method? Also, why did it know that we were looking for the real dragon crystal from the beginning?"

A flash of vigilance flashed in Lin Yuting's eyes: "Could it be that the monkey-shaped monster deliberately lured us here, and then tried to eliminate us with the help of the golden firebird?"

 Chen Xuan clenched his fist tightly: "The possibility is very high. We have already seen the power of the Golden Firebird in battle. If it weren't for the two of us working together, it would be difficult to defeat it. This is all too coincidental."

Lin Yuting said solemnly: "If this is the case, then what is the purpose of the monkey-shaped monster? Why do you want to prevent us from obtaining the true dragon crystal?"

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Perhaps, the true dragon crystal contains some important spiritual energy, and the monkey-shaped monster does not want us to master it. It may be trying to protect this spiritual energy to prevent it from falling into our hands."

 Lin Yuting nodded: "It is also possible that the power of true dragon crystal is a huge temptation for some people. If it is abused, it may bring disaster."

Chen Xuan took a deep breath: "No matter what, we must find out the true intention of the monkey-shaped monster. Since it lures us here, it must hide more secrets."

 Lin Yuting stood up, with a determined light in her eyes: "We cannot let the monkey-shaped monster succeed. No matter what conspiracy it hides, we must reveal its true face."

 Chen Xuan also stood up, holding the prairie fire sword tightly: "Yes, we have gone through so much, we can't stop here. We have to continue to investigate."

 The two decided to continue looking for clues about the monkey-shaped monster and figure out the real intention behind it. They rearranged their equipment, regained their strength, and set out again to explore.

They moved along the passage in the cave. This time the goal was no longer the real dragon crystal, but looking for clues about the monkey-shaped monster. The passages in the cave are complex and sometimes wide, sometimes narrow. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting constantly shuttled through them, carefully avoiding various traps and dangers.

As they moved forward, they discovered some ancient carvings and markings from time to time, which seemed to be traces of ancient civilization. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting stopped and carefully observed these carvings, trying to find clues about the monkey-shaped monster.

"These carvings seem to depict some kind of ritual or sacrifice." Lin Yuting frowned and said, "It seems that this cave may be related to some ancient religious beliefs."

 Chen Xuan stared at a sculpture with a thoughtful look on his face: "Perhaps, the monkey-shaped monster is related to this religious belief. It may be the incarnation of this belief and has a special status."

Lin Yuting nodded: "It is also possible that it has mastered the power of these ancient beliefs in some way, thus gaining powerful capabilities."

 The two continued to search for clues in the cave, and they found more and more signs related to ancient religion. It seemed that the cave was once the site of some important ritual. At the same time, they also discovered more and more skeletons, either animal or human.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened here, and they were not good things." Chen Xuan frowned, and he began to feel that this cave was unusual.

Lin Yuting also felt a little uneasy: "The atmosphere here is getting more and more weird, and there seems to be an ominous premonition."

As they went deeper into the cave, more and more strange phenomena began to appear. On the wall of a certain cave, they discovered an ancient mural depicting a monkey-shaped monster standing in front of an altar, seemingly performing some kind of sacrifice.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting stared closely at the mural, and this scene made them feel even more uneasy. The monkey-shaped monster in the picture has wild eyes, as if it is performing some kind of ritual, and there seems to be some mysterious object placed on the altar.

“This may be the origin of the monkey-shaped monster.” Chen Xuan whispered: “It may be inextricably linked to this ancient religious belief.”

Lin Yuting frowned deeply: "But why did the monkey-shaped monster choose to lure us here in this way? Does it want us to uncover its past?"

A flash of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes: "No matter what its intentions are, we can't give up. We must continue to look for clues and figure out the truth of everything."

As the exploration continued, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting felt more and more that the secret of this cave was extremely complicated, and there seemed to be a deeper truth hidden behind the monkey-shaped monster.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting decided to continue going deep into the cave to explore its secrets. They passed through narrow passages and dark caves, constantly looking for clues and trying to solve the mystery behind the monkey-shaped monster.

 The cave was dark and cold, and they instantly encountered some strange marks, which seemed to be traces of ancient religious rituals.

 Murals, sculptures, and every mark tell an ancient story. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting seem to have traveled through a mysterious time and space.

They walked for a long time and finally came to a more open place. In this place, there is an ancient atmosphere in the air, and there are some stone tablets and statues placed on the ground. These stone tablets are covered with ancient texts. Although Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting did not know each other, they could feel the solemnity and mystery contained in them.

 (End of this chapter)

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