Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6504: Mysterious time and space

Chapter 6504 Mysterious Time and Space

"This seems to be a sacrificial place." Lin Yuting whispered, and she carefully observed the surrounding environment.

 Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, these stone tablets and statues should be important symbols of ancient religion. Perhaps the monkey-shaped monster has a deeper relationship with this religion."

Just as they were staying at this sacrificial place, suddenly a voice sounded: "It's finally here:"

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting looked warily towards the direction from which the sound came, and saw a shining figure appearing in front of them. This is an old man wearing an ancient robe, with a hint of depth and mystery in his eyes.

“Who are you?” Chen Xuan asked. He felt the powerful aura of the old man. It seemed that it was not simple.

The old man smiled slightly: "I am the guardian of this place and the creator of the monkey-shaped monster."

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting were shocked. They did not expect to meet the creator of the monkey-shaped monster here. They stared closely at the old man, alertly preparing for possible dangers.

The old man continued: "You must be here to find clues about the monkey-shaped monster. I can tell you everything, but there is a price to pay."

 “What’s the price?” Lin Yuting asked.

The old man looked at them deeply: "You must promise that once you know the truth, you will help the monkey monster fulfill its wish."

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting exchanged a look. They were hesitant. After all, they didn't know what the monkey monster's real purpose was and whether it was worth helping it.

“We need to think about it.” Chen Xuan said calmly.

The old man nodded: "Okay, you can think about it, but remember, time is running out, the monkey-shaped monster is getting stronger and stronger, and its purpose is becoming more and more urgent."

“The conditions proposed by this guardian are very strange.” Chen Xuan whispered: “Can we believe him?”

 Lin Yuting frowned and thought for a moment: "I don't think he has any malicious intentions, at least he didn't do anything to us. And we can only believe his words for now, without any better clues."

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. They really had no other better way. They walked up to the old man again, and Chen Xuan solemnly said: "We are willing to accept your conditions, and we will help the monkey-shaped monster after knowing the truth."

 The old man nodded and said with satisfaction: "Very good, you have decided wisely. Now I will tell you everything."

 He began to tell an ancient legend about an existence called the Spirit Beast King.

 The King of Spiritual Beasts is the leader of ancient creatures. He has powerful power and can affect the balance of the entire world.

 However, in pursuit of higher power, the Spirit Beast King merged with a demonic aura, causing turmoil and chaos in the world.

"The monkey-shaped monster is the incarnation of the Spiritual Beast King." The old man continued: "It is eager to get rid of this curse and find a way to return. It needs to find the true dragon crystal, which is the only magic weapon that can be purified. However, you only got one, so what? It takes two to merge.”

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting listened with rapt attention. They finally understood the story behind the monkey-shaped monster. While they still have doubts about whether the monkey-like monster is worth helping, at least they now know what's going on.

"If you can help the monkey-shaped monster find three true dragon crystals, it will share its power with you and make you stronger." The old man said: "But please remember, your decision will affect the entire world. ”

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting were silent for a moment, and finally decided to try to help the monkey-shaped monster.

They believe that although the monkey-shaped monster has made mistakes, maybe it really has a chance to repent.

“We agree to your terms.” Chen Xuan said solemnly.

The old man smiled and nodded: "Very good, you are wise. Now, I will lead you to the location of the true dragon crystal."

 He stretched out his hand, and a ray of light emanated from the tips of his fingers, illuminating the passage ahead.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting followed closely behind.

 Under the guidance of the old man, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting walked through the passage of the cave and came to a brand new space. The sight before them shocked them, as if they had entered a mysterious world.

This space is a vast void with twinkling stars. There are countless colorful light spots floating in the boundless starry sky, emitting a faint light. And above this void, there is a huge spar suspended, emitting a faint glow. The bright light is the true dragon crystal they are looking for.

"This is the true dragon crystal." The old man's voice sounded, with a hint of awe: "It contains incomparable power, and it is also the target of the monkey-shaped monster."

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting quietly stared at the real dragon crystal, feeling the mysterious power it exuded. This crystal seems to be connected to the sky and the earth, and contains the secrets of the universe.

“Now, you need to put your hearts into it and establish a connection with the real dragon crystal.” The old man reminded gently. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting nodded, closed their eyes, and concentrated on feeling the aura contained in the real dragon crystal. Their minds gradually entered a fantasy space, as if they were integrated into the stars.

 In that space, they saw a giant dragon hovering in the sky, its body emitting golden light, and its majesty was extraordinary. The giant dragon stared at Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, seeming to be examining their hearts.

 Chen Xuan felt an invisible force surging deep in his soul, as if an invisible hand was guiding him. He began to communicate with the dragon with his heart, and his emotions were gradually conveyed to the dragon.

 At the same time, Lin Yuting was also communicating with the dragon deep in her soul. Her heart is full of firm determination, and she hopes that through this experience, she can gain stronger strength to protect herself and those around her.

Time seems to have lost its meaning in this fantasy space. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting feel that their souls are resonating with the giant dragon.

 Finally, when their wills merged with the dragon, a powerful spiritual energy poured into their bodies.

 Chen Xuan felt as if a new power had been injected into his body, and his cultivation level had been improved. ,

His perception seems to have become more acute. He can feel the airflow around him and hear faint sounds, as if he is connected to the entire world.

Lin Yuting also felt the powerful spiritual energy flowing in her body.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting successfully established contact with the real dragon crystal and felt the incomparable power contained in it. In the process of communicating with the real dragon crystal, their minds received some kind of wonderful revelation, as if they had glimpsed the mystery of the universe.

 When they slowly opened their eyes, they found themselves in the starry sky again.

 The old man walked to them with a smile and nodded in approval: "You have done a good job and successfully obtained the recognition of the True Dragon Crystal."

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting exchanged glances with each other, their hearts filled with joy and pride.

 They finally got the treasure they were looking for in this mysterious space.

“Next, you can bring the true dragon crystal back to the sect and refine the magic weapon. You will get twice the result with half the effort.” The old man said gently.

 Back at the entrance of the cave, they saw the familiar light again, as if everything was back to where it started. However, they are different now. They have gained more and grown more in this exploration.

“I didn’t expect that we could successfully obtain the True Dragon Crystal.” Chen Xuan said excitedly, his eyes filled with excitement.

 Lin Yuting also smiled and nodded slightly: "Yes, this time is really worth it. Not only did I get the true dragon crystal, but I also gained deeper practice."

The two people’s eyes met, and each other’s smiles revealed their expectations for the future.

They still have a long way to go in their cultivation, but at this moment, they have taken a solid step.

 Leaving the cave, they started back on their way back. On the way back, Chen Xuan once again felt the tranquility and vastness of the starry sky, and his heart became calm and deep.

“Lin Yuting, we still have a long way to go in cultivation, but I believe that as long as we persevere and work hard, we will be able to become a stronger being.” Chen Xuan looked into the distance and his voice sounded firmly.

However, the moment they stepped out of the cave, a ferocious howl sounded, making them involuntarily alert. The two of them held the swords in their hands tightly and looked around cautiously.

Suddenly, a powerful aura came from a distance, and the expressions of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting could not help but change. In their sight, a huge beast shadow quickly approached. It was a huge beast with a body covered in thick golden fur.

 The golden fur shimmered with dazzling light, like the brilliance of the sun. Its eyes were like two blazing fires from the sky. It was obvious that this was an existence of extraordinary strength. This giant beast exudes an extremely powerful aura, as if it can shake mountains and rivers and crush everything.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting couldn't help but gasped, feeling the terrifying strength of this giant beast. At this moment, they deeply realized what the insignificance between themselves and the world was, and what the true power of the immortal beast was.

"What kind of fairy beast is this?" Lin Yuting's voice was trembling, and her eyes were full of shock and helplessness.

 Chen Xuan gritted his teeth tightly, but looked firmly at the golden beast. He took a deep breath and said calmly: "This should be a golden firebird, and its strength may have reached the level of a fairy beast."

 Lin Yuting's face became more solemn. She knew that she and Chen Xuan had encountered an extremely powerful opponent. The golden firebird spread its huge wings and flew in front of them in an instant. Its eyes seemed to reveal a sense of contempt and arrogance.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. He knew that this was a critical moment, and if he acted carelessly, he might fall into a more dangerous situation.

“Lin Yuting, we must work closely together and do our best to fight against it.” Chen Xuan whispered to Lin Yuting.

Lin Yuting nodded, and there was no need for more words between the two of them. They grasped the sword tightly, condensed the spiritual energy in their bodies, and were ready for this fierce battle with the golden firebird.

The golden firebird spread its wings and flew towards Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting fiercely. At its instantaneous movement, a terrible heat wave surged in, as if it was going to melt everything around it.

 (End of this chapter)

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