Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6516: Tireless

Chapter 6516 Tireless

When Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Gu Yun continued to move forward, they gradually felt a strange atmosphere, accompanied by the sound of breaking ice. These sounds were like faint alarm bells, making their nerves tense.

Lin Yuting frowned, her heartbeat began to beat faster, and her alertness also increased. She reminded softly: "Everyone, be careful, something seems to have changed here!"

 Chen Xuan nodded and listened attentively. As his perception deepens, he can also sense some unusual things. The temperature in the ice crystal cave did not change significantly, but the sound of the ice breaking became clearer and clearer, and the frequency gradually increased.

“These sounds, are there something approaching?” Gu Yun asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed from the front. It was so fast that it arrived in front of Chen Xuan and others in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly struck out to block the light.

 The light dissipated, revealing a ghostly figure. This is a woman wearing a white robe. Her face is pale and her eyes are empty, as if she is a being that does not belong to this world.

"It's a ghost!" Lin Yuting exclaimed, holding the sword in her hand tightly.

Gu Yun also clenched his teeth nervously. He could feel the coldness and evil emanating from the woman in white.

The woman in white looked at Chen Xuan and others. Her voice was cold and deep: "You shouldn't come here, this is my territory!"

 Chen Xuan's heart sank. He understood that the woman in white in front of him was not an ordinary ghost, but a being with powerful power. He asked warily: "Who are you? Why do you want to stop us from moving forward!"

The woman in white smiled slightly. Her smile was as beautiful as ice and snow, but it made people shudder: "I am the master of this ice crystal cave, and your arrival is a challenge to me. If you don't want to die here, you'd better retreat!"

Gu Yun protected Lin Yuting with a vigilant look: "We are not here to trouble you, we are just passing by, and we won't stay long if something happens!"

The woman in white's eyes became colder, and she shook her head slowly: "You are already here, so don't think about leaving. This is my territory, and I have my laws!"

Chen Xuan calmly observed the woman in white. He felt the powerful aura on her body. This was no ordinary enemy.

 He said softly to Gu Yun and Lin Yuting: "No matter what, we must deal with it carefully. Her power cannot be underestimated!"

Just as the three of them were preparing to deal with the woman in white, the surrounding ice crystal cave suddenly underwent drastic changes.

A ferocious smile appeared on the lips of the woman in white, and her voice echoed in the cave: "Haha, do you think you can challenge me? This is my territory, my rules!"

Following her words, the ice wall suddenly burst open, and countless ice crystal fragments flew everywhere, as if a destruction was coming.

The cold air filled the air instantly, and the icy wind roared in, surrounding Chen Xuan and others.

 Chen Xuan held the sword in his hand tightly, his heart as calm as a mountain. He knew that he must not panic at this moment. The woman in white who dominated this ice crystal cave obviously possessed extremely terrifying power. Once it falls into chaos, the consequences will be disastrous.

Gu Yun also stood in front of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, protecting them. With firm determination in his eyes, he said to the woman in white: "We are not here to challenge you, we are just passing by and don't want to be your enemy. We can leave and never break into your territory again!"

The woman in white seemed not to listen to the advice at all. Her figure was like a ghost, jumping among the ice crystal fragments at a speed that was almost impossible to catch. She rushed towards Chen Xuan and others, the ice crystals in her hands turning into sharp blades, extremely sharp.

 Chen Xuan met her attack. The sword light flashed and the sword energy was sharp. It intersected with the ice blade of the woman in white, making a sharp impact.

 The forces of the two are intertwined, and the duel between ice and fire causes the temperature in the entire cave to rise sharply.

Lin Yuting also exuded sword intent. Her attacks were sharp and precise, and she occasionally struck fatal blows at the woman in white.

 But the woman in white was able to neutralize almost every attack, and her power was beyond the imagination of Chen Xuan and others.

The speed of the woman in white is dazzling. She condenses the ice blade in an instant, releases the cold frost in an instant, and turns into ice wind in an instant. She is as elusive as a ghost.

Her attacks are fast and accurate, and from time to time she can unexpectedly bypass the defense lines of Chen Xuan and others, making them feel a little passive.

During this fierce battle, the internal structure of the ice crystal cave also underwent drastic changes.

The originally quiet ice crystal wall began to crack, ice crystal fragments flew everywhere, and the ice wall seemed to collapse.

The woman in white's laughter echoed in the cave, and she seemed to be full of enthusiasm for this battle.

Her attacks became more and more fierce, constantly trying to break through the defense lines of Chen Xuan and others, forcing them into a desperate situation.

Chen Xuan and Gu Yun cooperated tacitly, and their sword attacks came like a tidal wave, suppressing the woman in white and retreating steadily.

However, the speed and counterattack of the woman in white still eluded them.

Lin Yuting remained vigilant, constantly reminding Chen Xuan and Gu Yun to avoid surprise attacks.

 Her swordsmanship is sharp and precise, and she is always guarding Chen Xuan and Gu Yun.

The woman in white's eyes became more and more fanatical, and her laughter became hoarse.

She seemed to be immersed in a state of madness, fighting against Chen Xuan and others, turning the ice crystal cave into a chaotic battlefield.

This battle is destined to be a life and death struggle. Chen Xuan and others must go all out to have a chance of survival.

The woman in white's attack speed was so fast that it almost exceeded Chen Xuan's reaction ability.

At one moment, she used an unexpected crampon attack to scratch Chen Xuan's shoulder. Blood immediately sputtered out and seeped into his robe. Chen Xuan groaned, but he didn't stop. He knew that there was no room for slacking off in this battle. Once he lost his vigilance, the consequences would be disastrous.

His sword flashed with light and intersected with the ice blade of the woman in white again, causing a harsh collision sound.

Gu Yun was not to be outdone. His sword skills were like a violent storm, constantly resisting the attacks of the woman in white.

 Sweat broke out on his forehead, but his eyes remained firm.

 Lin Yuting was guarding Chen Xuan from the side. Her swordsmanship was precise and sharp, and she constantly tried to interfere with the attack rhythm of the woman in white, making her unable to deal with Chen Xuan wholeheartedly.

There was a sneer on the lips of the woman in white. She seemed to be enjoying the fierce fight. Her attack became more fierce. The ice turned into a blade and swept across Chen Xuan and others.

 Chen Xuan felt the pain in his body, but he gritted his teeth and his whole body exuded strong sword intent.

His sword skills became more and more fierce, the sword energy burned like fire from the sky, and the sword light cut through the night sky like electricity.

 He kept trying to find the weakness of the woman in white and launch a fatal blow to her.

 The face of the woman in white gradually turned pale, her offensive weakened, and she began to show fatigue. However, she still did not flinch, her eyes flashed with crazy light, and she seemed to have been swallowed up by the fighting fever.

The battle became increasingly difficult, and Chen Xuan and others had to make more efforts. They knew that only by defeating the woman in white could they survive and leave this ice crystal cave.

Sword light, sword energy, and ice blades intertwined into a heroic battle scene. The cave was freezing cold and the smell of blood filled the air. The life-and-death fight between the three people and the woman in white completely broke the silence of the ice crystal cave.

 Chen Xuan bit the tip of his tongue violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, falling directly on a pill in his hand. This elixir was something he had prepared a long time ago. It was an advanced healing elixir that could quickly restore his injuries in a short period of time.

 The elixir melted in his mouth, and a warm power began to spread, quickly healing his injuries. He felt that the wound on his shoulder was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blood stopped flowing, and the pain gradually eased.

At the same time, Chen Xuan quickly performed a complex set of gestures and laid out a heavenly formation.

 This formation is a special formation that he has studied alone for many years and is designed to provide powerful defense and auxiliary power.

 The symbols of the formation emerged on the ground, emitting a faint golden light.

With a thought in Chen Xuan's mind, the formation began to operate, and mysterious runes were intertwined and woven to form an indestructible protective barrier. This formation can not only resist external attacks, but also enhance Chen Xuan's strength and speed.

The woman in white had an anxious expression on her face when she saw that Chen Xuan was recovering from his injuries and setting up a formation. She understood that time was no longer profitable for her, and the battle must be ended before Chen Xuan and others fully recovered.

 She launched another offensive, her ice claws like swords piercing the air, trying to break through Chen Xuan's defense. However, Chen Xuan had returned to his peak state at this moment. He waved the sword in his hand, and the light of the sword cut through the night sky like a meteor, intersecting with the attack of the woman in white.

 A fierce battle broke out again, and the protection of the formation gave Chen Xuan a relative advantage. His sword skills became more and more fierce, and his sword energy was like a rainbow, and he launched a fierce offensive against the woman in white.

The woman in white still refused to be outdone. Her ice claws were like silver snakes, constantly trying to stab Chen Xuan's vitals.

 Lin Yuting also joined the battle. Her exquisite swordsmanship and tacit cooperation with Chen Xuan made it difficult for the woman in white to deal with the two men's joint attack.

The cooperation became more and more tacit, and they tried to force the woman in white into a desperate situation.

The figure of the woman in white flickered on the battlefield. She was extremely fast. She used the frost to dodge danger in an instant and made a sudden attack in an instant.

 The sneer on her lips became more cunning, as if she was waiting for an opportunity.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting's brows gradually frowned, and they understood that this battle might turn into a protracted war. The woman in white is very powerful, and she seems to have endless power of frost.

The woman in white let out a high-pitched scream, and the sound echoed in the ice crystal cave, making it creepy. Her face was filled with despair and horror as she saw the creatures she had previously dismissed as corpses come to life.

The corpses, or rather the former corpses, slowly stood up from the ground. Their eyes flashed with malice, and their bodies were covered with crystal frost, making them look weird and terrifying.

 The originally dead lives seemed to be rekindled by a powerful force, giving them a new lease of life.

 Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu were also stunned by this scene. They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

This is not only a phenomenon that transcends common sense, but also a profound threat.

Those reborn creatures moved closer to the woman in white. Their actions were quick and methodical.

The woman in white is no longer the only enemy in this battle, now they face a seemingly endless army of ice crystal zombies.

The woman in white was also in extreme panic at this moment, and her original confidence was gone.

 She tried to control the ice crystal zombies, but her attempts were obviously in vain, and the creatures seemed completely beyond her command.

 Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qianqiu saw this and quickly stood together, preparing to face this sudden threat.

 Though they were once enemies, now they both face a common danger.

 (End of this chapter)

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