Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6517: sudden threat

 Chapter 6517 Sudden Threat

The ice crystal zombies are approaching quickly. Their speed is not slow, and every step is accompanied by the release of the power of frost.

 Chen Xuan waved the sword in his hand and released a sword light, knocking down an ice crystal zombie.

 Lin Yuting used her sword skills to condense an ice front and freeze another ice crystal zombie in place.

Qianqiu cast a powerful wind spell and blew away a group of ice crystal zombies.

However, these creatures seem to be resilient to external attacks, constantly getting up, ready to attack again.

 During this battle, Chen Xuan and his companions felt unprecedented pressure.

 They must find an effective way to deal with these ice crystal zombies as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will become increasingly unfavorable.

The woman in white fell into despair. She was no longer the leader of the battle, but a trapped prey.

 Her eyes were full of fear, as if she had seen her own end. This scene made Chen Xuan and others feel a cold sense of satisfaction. They knew that now was the time to reverse the situation and defeat the slander of the woman in white.

The body of the woman in white suddenly turned into a piece of ice crystal and disappeared into the air of the ice crystal cave.

This scene made Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu feel weird and shocked, as if the woman in white disappeared from reality, leaving her cold traces.

However, the ice crystal zombies did not stop because of this, they still attacked Chen Xuan and others.

These creatures seem to be no longer under control, becoming more crazy and ferocious.

Chen Xuan raised the sword in his hand and released a burst of sky fire sword energy, turning a group of ice crystal zombies into ice slag. Lin Yuting followed closely behind, and her sword skills condensed a sea of ​​frost, freezing another wave of ice crystal zombies in it.

Qianqiu cast a powerful wind spell and used the power of the whirlwind to blow away some of the ice crystal zombies. However, these creatures seem to have tenacious vitality. Even if they are knocked down, they will stand up again and continue to attack Chen Xuan and others.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the ice crystal zombies' offensive became more and more fierce, as if they were not harmed. Chen Xuan and others understood that these creatures were no ordinary enemies. They were more powerful than they imagined.

 During the attacks one after another, Chen Xuan and his companions constantly adjusted their tactics, trying to find a way to deal with the ice crystal zombies. Although their attacks can temporarily knock down these creatures, how to completely destroy them becomes a huge problem.

 As time passed, the battle became more and more difficult.

Chen Xuan felt tremendous pressure, because these ice crystal zombies seemed to show no signs of stopping, and there were more and more of them.

In the ice crystal cave, Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu continued to fight fiercely with the ice crystal zombies. Although these ice crystal zombies are lifeless, their attacks are terrifying, and every icy touch is accompanied by a terrifying freezing effect.

 Chen Xuan's sword dance was like a violent storm, and the sky fire sword energy swept across wantonly, leading a group of ice crystal zombies to their destruction. Lin Yuting used the instant freezing frost sword technique to freeze a large area of ​​ice crystal zombies, causing them to fall into ice.

 In battle, Qianqiu releases powerful wind spells and uses whirlwinds and wind blades to repel enemies. His wind control surged like a tidal wave, giving his teammates precious breathing space.

However, the number of these ice crystal zombies continues to increase and seems to be endless. Their attacks became more and more violent, and Chen Xuan and others had to remain vigilant at all times to avoid fatal injuries.

 Chen Xuan frowned, realizing that this battle was far more difficult than he imagined. These ice crystal zombies seem to be immune to external interference. Unless their weaknesses can be found, it is difficult to completely destroy them.

 Lin Yuting noticed Chen Xuan's hesitation, she turned around and said to him: "Chen Xuan, we must find their weaknesses, otherwise this battle will be endless!"

Qianqiu also echoed: "That's right, Chen Xuan, is there anything you can do?"

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. The situation in front of him was indeed critical, but he could not be discouraged. He began to carefully observe these ice crystal zombies, trying to find their weaknesses.

 Finally, during an attack, Chen Xuan discovered a key problem. These ice crystal zombies seem to be controlled by a huge ice crystal core, and this core is located in their body position.

 “I found it!” Chen Xuan suddenly announced loudly, attracting the attention of Lin Yuting and Qianqiu.

"What? You found their weakness!" Lin Yuting asked excitedly.

 Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, their weakness is in their bodies. There is a huge ice crystal core there that controls their actions. As long as that core is destroyed, they will collapse!"

 Qianqiu quickly understood the situation: "Then let's attack their bodies quickly!"

 The three of them immediately changed their tactics and focused their attacks on the body of the ice crystal zombie with sky fire, frost and wind blades. As the attack continued to intensify, the ice crystal core began to show signs of fragility and made a crunching sound.

 After a fierce battle, Chen Xuan finally pierced the body of an ice crystal zombie with his sword.

The ice crystal core shattered under Chen Xuan's sword energy. The surrounding ice crystal zombies also collapsed one after another, and the ice crystals turned into fragments and scattered in the air. A strong cold air was released, making Chen Xuan and others shiver.

 “This is their weakness!” Chen Xuan reminded Lin Yuting and Qianqiu loudly.

The three of them surrounded the ice crystal zombie, focusing on finding the target in the body position, and then quickly launched an attack. Skyfire, frost and wind blades gathered together and continuously attacked the core of the ice crystal. The ice crystal zombies let out sharp roars, but under the powerful combined attack, they were unable to prevent their own destruction.

 One after another, the ice crystal zombies fell down after their cores were broken. Finally, the threat in the entire cave was eliminated. Chen Xuan and others took a short rest and continued to move forward after confirming that there was no more danger. They passed through the other end of the cave and came to a more mysterious place. The scene here is completely different, the air is filled with the faint fragrance of flowers, and the surroundings are green vegetation. A small stream meanders past, with gurgling water, like a fairyland.

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qianqiu looked at each other and smiled. This beautiful scene made them feel a little relaxed. However, they still looked around vigilantly in case something unexpected happened.

Just as they were about to explore this new territory, suddenly, a white light flashed and a female figure appeared in front of them. She was wearing a white robe, with long hair hanging over her shoulders, and her eyes were as clear as water. She looked very beautiful.

Her face also became paler, like a piece of ice and snow.

 Chen Xuan had a doubt in his heart, and he began to notice the changes in this woman.

She was once so fierce, but now she looked exhausted, as if the strength that supported her was slowly draining away.

"Why did she become like this!" Lin Yuting asked in a low voice, obviously aware of the abnormality.

 Qianqiu also showed doubts, but still remained vigilant and did not relax his attack on the woman in white. The movements of the woman in white became sluggish, and every attack caused her to suffer considerable backlash.

Suddenly, the woman in white let out a shrill scream, and her body began to slowly collapse, like ice and snow melting.

A strong chill filled the entire cave, and then, her body completely disintegrated, leaving only a pool of ice crystal residue.

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qianqiu were stunned on the spot, staring at the ice crystal in disbelief.

The woman in white actually collapsed on her own during the battle and turned into nothingness.

However, just when they relaxed their vigilance for a moment, the corpses covered by ice crystals suddenly came to life.

Their eyes become deep and emit a strange blue light, as if they are controlled by some kind of power.

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu immediately raised their swords again, preparing to deal with this sudden threat.

These corpses seemed to have received some kind of order, and they rushed towards Chen Xuan and others.

“These guys are no longer under her control!” Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice, knowing that the situation had become very dangerous.

The battle broke out again, and Chen Xuan and others no longer faced ordinary corpses, but terrifying opponents given new life by some evil force.

The speed and strength of these corpses have been greatly improved, as if they have become cold killing machines.

Lin Yuting's frost swordsmanship continued to work wonders, freezing the movements of the corpses, but unable to completely restrict them.

Chianqiu used wind magic to resist the enemy's attack, but their numbers were large and the pressure was increasing.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword tightly, and with the energy of the sword, he launched a fierce attack on these terrifying enemies.

 His goal is to destroy the bodies as quickly as possible before they can cause more damage.

In this ice crystal cave full of cold and dead atmosphere, Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu are facing a thrilling battle. These resurrected corpses are no longer the weak opponents they were before. They have been given new life by some mysterious force, becoming more powerful and terrifying.

 The bodies of the corpses emitted an eerie blue light, and their pupils were filled with only coldness and death. Their speed was astonishing, approaching Chen Xuan and others step by step with cold steps, as if they were messengers from hell.

Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword, the sword's light flashed, and slashed at the corpses. However, despite the fierceness of his attacks, these corpses continued to recover and seemed unable to be completely destroyed.

Lin Yuting's frost swordsmanship constantly condenses the power of frost to try to freeze these corpses. Her attacks were able to restrain them temporarily, but as time passed and the corpses' resistance increased, the frost effect became increasingly difficult to maintain.

Qianqiu stood aside, flying his hands, releasing powerful wind power, trying to blow away the corpses. However, these corpses seemed unaffected by the power of the wind and still attacked them tenaciously.

“What the **** are these guys!” Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice, feeling helpless as never before.

At this moment, a corpse suddenly pounced on Chen Xuan. Its speed was as fast as lightning, and he almost couldn't dodge it. Chen Xuan Liao Yuan sword swung, just enough to repel him, but his body was also scratched with a shallow wound.

"Be careful!" Lin Yuting screamed, and the attack of her frost sword restrained the corpse again.

Upon seeing this, Qianqiu immediately released more powerful wind power, sucking the surrounding corpses into a whirlwind. The bodies were torn apart but still struggling.

 Chen Xuan thought quickly, trying to find a way to deal with these corpses. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He injected the sky fire of the prairie fire sword into the sword body, and then slashed suddenly.

 A scorching sky fire sword energy swept out and instantly penetrated the head of a corpse. The corpse screamed, then burned completely to ashes, with no chance of resurrection.

In the ice crystal cave, Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu kept fighting the resurrected corpses.

After Chen Xuan's discovery, they understood how to deal with these corpses. Their heads must be destroyed to permanently prevent their resurrection.

 (End of this chapter)

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