Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6704: Leaving the Ice Crystal Cave

Chapter 6704 Leaving the Ice Crystal Cave

 The fluctuations of spiritual energy inside and outside the body are no longer the surging and tense before, but a light and natural flow. His heart is as peaceful as water, but full of extraordinary power and talent.

Stepping out of the cave, Chen Xuan looked around and felt the beauty and vitality of the world around him. His body exuded the power of the dragon and was integrated with the surrounding nature.

 Under the sun, he seemed to feel the connection and balance of all things in the universe, his mind became sharper, and his perception became weirder. The surrounding wind blew his hair, as if celebrating his breakthrough in cultivation and improvement in talent.

His steps are light and easy, and every step is full of confidence and strength. This breakthrough in cultivation not only improved his strength, but more importantly, gave him a deeper understanding and understanding of the laws and talents of the universe.

The moment Chen Xuan left the ice crystal cave, the three Nebula Sect elders were quietly observing on the cliff in the distance. They had long understood the fluctuations of Chen Xuan's cultivation breakthrough, so they came to the vicinity of the cave early.

These three elders are wearing the unique robes of the Nebula Sect. The wrinkles on their faces are full of traces of time. Their eyes are deep and sharp, exuding a calm aura. They are the head elders of the Nebula Sect and are good at the Nebula Technique. and the laws of heaven and earth.

 When they saw the powerful spiritual energy emanating from Chen Xuan's body, a trace of displeasure showed on their faces. The elders of the Xingyun Sect knew that Chen Xuan's breakthrough in cultivation meant that there was another powerful opponent in the competition in the world of cultivation.

The elders exchanged glances quietly, and one of the elders slowly said: "Chen Xuan, as expected, he has made a breakthrough in his cultivation. With such powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, his strength has improved rapidly, which is comparable to that of ordinary monks."

Another elder frowned and said: "How can the monks of the Nebula Sect tolerate others' surpassing in strength? We must prevent his development to prevent him from becoming our strong enemy."

The third elder was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Chen Xuan's appearance may bring changes to the Nebula Sect. Let us not make premature conclusions and observe his performance to see if he is worth worrying about."

The three elders looked solemn, and their inner thoughts were spinning. Chen Xuan's breakthrough in cultivation meant that Nebula Gatekeeper had a new opponent, which might be a challenge or an opportunity.

At the entrance of the cave, Chen Xuan stood under the sunlight and felt the strong aura coming together inside and outside the cave. He realized that the elders of Xingyun Sect had noticed his improvement in cultivation.

On the Central Continent, the Nebula Sect is a solemn and ancient sect, with a history that can be traced back tens of millions of years. This sect is located on the top of the mountains, towering into the clouds, overlooking the vast land, and has become a bright spot in the world of cultivation. Pearl.

The establishment of the Nebula Gate can be traced back to the ancient mysterious era. At that time, the Central Continent was full of mystery and unknowns. People began to explore the secrets of aura and aura. A group of like-minded sages founded the Nebula Gate on this land to explore the universe. Secret, it is the mission to master the rules of time and space.

When the sect was founded, the sages of the Nebula Sect took the nebula of heaven and earth as their source, explored the way of the universe, and explored mysterious spells such as Nebula Technique. Through the combination of understanding and talent, they integrated the power of the nebula of heaven and earth into their practice and opened up a new world. A unique path of cultivation.

 As the years went by, Nebula Sect gradually grew, attracting countless monks to come and explore their talents and strength. The sect takes the talent of the universe and the rules of heaven and earth as its core, and advocates understanding and talent, thus attracting many like-minded people to join its ranks.

 The training ground of Nebula Gate is filled with the energy of nebula, and the space is distorted, as if you are in the starry sky. Monks practice nebula here, explore the rules of time and space, and understand the mysteries of the universe. The Xingyun Sect's cultivation method focuses on the improvement of understanding and talent, rather than the simple accumulation of strength.

The elders of the Nebula Sect are the pillars of the sect. The past leaders of their sect are all people with advanced cultivation. They guide their disciples to explore the mysteries of the universe. The sect inherits unique spells such as Nebula Technique. These spells contain knowledge of the laws of the universe. of understanding and understanding. Nebula magic is based on the power of nebulae, which can explore the rules of time and space, change the structure of matter, and even control the aura of the universe.

The Nebula Sect has gone through many vicissitudes of life and has encountered many storms and challenges, but the sect has never given up on exploring the genius of the universe.

 In the world of cultivation, Xingyun Sect has always maintained a dignified and solemn image.

 However, discounting is not that simple.

The elders of Xingyun Sect stood at the entrance of the cave, overlooking the scene of Chen Xuan coming out of the ice crystal cave. Chen Xuan's body exuded the spiritual energy fluctuations of the five great perfections of Shenlong Poshen.

“This kid has developed some skills.” An elder said coldly, with an imperceptible displeasure flashing in his eyes.

“Yeah, it’s a pity that although the cultivation level is high, the talent is still at a low level.” Another elder added, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

The third elder frowned. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Maybe he does have some potential. We shouldn't underestimate his talent and understanding."

 The words of the elders revealed some evaluations of Chen Xuan's cultivation, but their attitudes seemed to be inconsistent. Some elders showed a certain degree of dissatisfaction with Chen Xuan, while others held a more open attitude towards his potential.

Chen Xuan stepped out of the ice crystal cave and faced three Xingyun Sect elders. They were wearing special robes of the Xingyun Sect. Their eyes were deep and they exuded a calm aura.

“Chen Xuan, although your cultivation has improved, have you also understood some of the mysteries of the rules of the universe?” an elder asked, his tone calm, but revealing his expectations for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan stood in front of the elders with a calm expression: "In the ice crystal cave, I realized the wonders of the universe. Although my cultivation has improved, my understanding is still being explored."

 Another elder nodded slightly: "Comprehension is the foundation of cultivation. You have some understanding of this, but the road to cultivation is long and arduous."

“The Nebula Sect has been passed down for thousands of years and has inherited the talent of the universe. I hope you can gain something from it.” The third elder spoke calmly, as if he was full of expectations for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan stood in front of the three elders of Xingyun Sect. After the elders pondered for a moment, one of the elders slowly spoke: "Chen Xuan, although your cultivation has improved, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We hope you can join Xingyun." Door, let’s explore the way of the universe together.”

Chen Xuan was slightly startled. He had not expected that the elders of Xingyun Sect would extend such an invitation to him. He thought for a moment and then said respectfully: "The invitation from the elders is a great honor for me, but I am a free practitioner. I hope Be able to remain free to explore the universe.”

Another elder smiled slightly: "The Nebula Sect will not restrict your practice, but will give you more resources and guidance. We believe in your potential and talent. By joining the Nebula Sect, you may be able to better explore the universe. Mystery.”

“The resources and talents of Xingyun Sect are unparalleled. We can provide you with a broader space for practice.” The third elder said lightly, with expectations in his eyes.

 Elder Xingmen Yun’s expression changed slightly. The expressions of the other two elders also changed slightly after hearing the news. Chen Xuan's refusal attracted their attention, and the three elders looked at each other in silence. There was an invisible pressure passing among the elders, as if implying that Chen Xuan's decision would have unpredictable consequences.

Elder Xingmen Yun stared deeply at Chen Xuan, with an elusive light shining in his eyes. His voice was calm and deep: "Chen Xuan, our invitation is not ordinary. Xingmen Yun has gone through vicissitudes of life and always adheres to the path of heaven. Today, The invitation is extraordinary and involves the cycle of the future.”

The other two elders also spoke immediately, their voices were calm and solemn: "Chen Xuan, this invitation is for the sake of the order of the universe. If you refuse, it may cause unpredictable variables."

Chen Xuan was silent for a long time. He knew very well that the meaning behind Elder Xingmen Yun's words was extraordinary. However, he was firm in his heart and had iron-clad faith, and was unwilling to go against the insistence in his heart.

 He shook his head slowly: "Elders, although I feel honored, the path is not yet clear. I need to pursue my own path of cultivation based on what I believe in my heart."

Facing Chen Xuan’s determination, the three elders remained silent for a moment. Elder Xingmen Yun nodded slowly, his expression still solemn: "We respect your choice, but remember that fate cannot be easily broken, and your actions may affect the future."

 Chen Xuan's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he felt the warnings from the elders. He realized that his decision might involve the broader order of the universe.

However, the belief in his heart remains firm, and he must continue to pursue his inner desires and explore his own path.

The three elders silently watched Chen Xuan's leaving figure, and they exchanged meaningful glances. Elder Xingmen Yun spoke slowly: "Chen Xuan's choice may have destined an inevitable change."

Another elder looked solemn: "He has the soul of Suzaku. Perhaps his decision has affected some kind of cosmic law. What impact will this have on our Star Gate Cloud?"

The third elder pondered for a moment and then said: "The Star Gate Cloud has always followed the laws of the universe, but Chen Xuan's decision seems to violate some kind of heavenly law. Should we take action to prevent unknown crises from coming?"

Elder Xingmen Yun's eyes were profound: "Chen Xuan may be destined to undertake a certain mission. We cannot interfere with his choice, but we can prepare before the unknown comes. The decision of this meeting will be directly related to the future of Star Gate Cloud. "

The elders were silent, and a tense atmosphere spread among them. They knew that Chen Xuan's decision might be an unprecedented challenge in the history of the Star Gate Cloud, and it was related to the safety of the entire Star Gate Cloud.

Elder Xingmen Yun continued: "We need to explore deeply to understand the challenges faced by Chen Xuan and what he represents. Our actions should be prudent and fully prepared."

Another elder echoed: “We must closely observe his movements and look for any possible signs and changes.”

The third elder frowned slightly: "We also need to consider the reactions of other forces, especially those related to the Suzaku Soul."

 The three elders echoed each other mentally.

Chen Xuan was walking alone among the green mountains, with ups and downs in his heart. He looked into the distance, his eyes flashing with deep thought and determination. Elder Xingmen Yun's warning words echoed in his mind, and the invisible pressure was like the weight of heaven and earth. The soul of Suzaku was also tumbling in his heart at this moment, seeming to be having a conversation with him.

 (End of this chapter)

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