Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6705: Didn't show weakness

 Chapter 6705 did not show weakness

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, deeply feeling the spiritual energy surging in his body, and comprehending the message sent to him by the Suzaku spirit. His heart seemed to be integrated with the universe, and that powerful force surged in his heart, guiding him. The way forward.

At this moment, he opened his eyes again, and his eyes were full of determination. He knew that even if the road ahead was long and full of difficulties and obstacles, he must embark on this unusual road. His decision had been made, and what he had to do next was Just bear all the consequences of your decisions.

 As he walked, the surrounding scenery seemed different from usual.

 He took a deep breath and showed a firm smile on his face.

At this time, Chen Xuan was walking through the mountain trails, and a subtle aura surrounded him. Suddenly, his senses caught a strange aura, as if someone was lurking.

He frowned slightly and looked around. Sure enough, in front of him, three tall warriors with scars all over their faces appeared. Their sinister eyes were full of hostility, as if they wanted to tear Chen Xuan into pieces.

 Chen Xuan was alert, but not panicked. He stared at the three warriors, smiled slightly, and then approached them with a calm expression.

 He was already prepared in his heart, and he was not afraid of this sudden challenge.

Three warriors approached him with fierce momentum. They held sharp blades and their eyes flashed with fierce light. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and stroked the hilt of the Suzaku Sword Technique with both hands. His spiritual energy surged around his body, and he stood in the mountains like a sword demon.

“Hand over the treasure you have, or you will die!” the oldest of the scar-faced warriors shouted, his voice like a violent storm.

 Chen Xuan was calm and composed, with a hint of calmness and determination in his eyes.

"I don't have any treasures. If you want to fight, I'll be with you at any time." His voice was firm and powerful, but not arrogant.

 The three warriors saw that Chen Xuan did not show weakness, and their anger became even stronger.

"You are looking for death!" They rushed towards Chen Xuan like wild beasts, their swords and swords flashing across the air with murderous intent.

A cold light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He moved his body. The Vermillion Bird Sword Technique moved as fast as lightning, avoiding the enemy's attack. His movement was extremely flexible, like a dragon soaring into the sky, extremely agile.

The three warriors did not relax. They surrounded Chen Xuan and used all their strength. Their swords were flying with astonishing momentum. However, Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was as smooth as clouds and water, extremely agile, and he almost avoided every attack without any damage. .

 He ​​was not taking the initiative to attack, but was avoiding the enemy's attacks with dexterity. He knew that this was not the best time to fight these three people, and he needed to find the best time to take action.

Time seemed to be freezing. The attacks of the three warriors became more and more fierce. They put increasing pressure on Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan still remained calm, with calmness and determination shining in his eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he spotted a flaw. When the enemy attacked, his body was like lightning, and he struck quickly, displaying the Suzaku sword skill to the fullest.

 A sword light pierced the sky, carrying the power of Suzaku's soul, and instantly fell into the enemy's defense line. The three warriors each suffered severe injuries to varying degrees, their bodies were swaying, and they were surrounded by dangers.

 Chen Xuan saw the opportunity and decided to take advantage of the situation and leave.

Not long after, Chen Xuan stepped on the edge of Qingyun City and felt a tense atmosphere filling the air. The noise of fighting was heard not far away, and he immediately quickened his pace in alarm.

He quietly approached the location of the battle and found that two forces were fighting fiercely. A team of monks wearing green robes and a group of warriors holding sharp blades were fighting fiercely in an open field outside the city. The monks wore green robes and held magic weapons. The aura they exuded was in sharp contrast to the ferocity of the warriors.

Chen Xuan observed the battle from a distance and noticed that the monks were avoiding direct harm, while the warriors were using any means. Although the two were equally powerful, a battle was deadlocked.

At this moment, a monk was suddenly attacked by a warrior and was hit by a warrior. He fell to the ground. A trace of uneasiness flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, but he did not take action immediately, but was observing the movements of both parties.

 Subsequently, another monk saw that his companion was injured and gradually lost his mind in anger. He began to cast more violent spells and launched a fierce attack on the warrior. This intensified the fighting between the two sides and the situation on the battlefield became more chaotic.

 Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with thought. He realized that the battle had lost its balance and that continuing like this would only lead to greater casualties. He took a deep breath and made up his mind. He decided to intervene in this battle.

 He stepped towards the battlefield, nimbly bypassing the two warring parties, looking for the best opportunity to intervene.

 Chen Xuan approached the injured monk, gently helped him up, and conveyed a sense of calmness: "Stop fighting, please."

His voice was gentle but firm, trying to get both sides to stop holding their weapons.

 But the situation on the battlefield was out of control. The monks and warriors ignored Chen Xuan's persuasion and continued fighting. Chen Xuan saw that the situation could not be alleviated, so he decided to take action.

His feet moved dexterously, and the Suzaku sword technique moved like the wind, turning into a line of light and shadow, and suddenly appeared between the two forces. His appearance stunned both sides, but then they attacked him one after another.

 Chen Xuan did not fight back. He was agile and avoided the enemy's attack with agility. His appearance was not to join the battle, but to create an opportunity for both sides to stop.

His movements were not aggressive, but they made both parties feel a strong pressure, causing them to temporarily stop their movements and hesitate for a moment.

 “Stop!” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed across the battlefield like thunder.

 “There is no need to continue this battle.”

Chen Xuan stood in the middle of the battlefield, calling on both sides to stop fighting, but the monks and warriors seemed unwilling to listen to his advice. Although they paused briefly, they resumed their attack.

 Chen Xuan felt a little disappointed, but he was not discouraged. He knew that there might be a deeper conflict behind this fight, which could not be solved by a simple advice. There was a mixture of reality and reality under his feet, nimbly dodging attacks from both sides, trying to find an opportunity to stop the fight in the chaos.

However, the monks and warriors seemed to be driven by anger and hatred, completely ignoring Chen Xuan's existence. Their attacks became more fierce, and the atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly tense and chaotic.

The helplessness in Chen Xuan's heart gradually rose. He understood that this battle was beyond the control of his own strength. He felt the wind and sound around him, and the light and shadow of swords and swords were rampant around him. He could only rely on Defend yourself with dexterous body skills.

 An invisible force surged in Chen Xuan's heart. He gathered the spiritual energy in his body and prepared to show more powerful power. He knew that now was the time to release the power of Suzaku Soul.

A bright red light began to surge around his body, and the aura seemed to turn into a red phoenix, circling and flying around him. This power gradually attracted the attention of both sides on the battlefield, and the monks and warriors stopped one after another. He noticed the movements in his hands and looked at Chen Xuan in surprise.

 They were shocked by the powerful aura emanating from Chen Xuan. This power gave them a strong sense of oppression and made them feel an unprecedented threat.

"What kind of power is this?" Some monks exclaimed. They all stopped attacking, with horrified expressions on their faces.

A trace of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He did not stop. Instead, he concentrated the power in his body to the extreme. Beside him, a red phoenix appeared, spreading its wings and flying, emitting a blazing light.

 “Stop.” Chen Xuan’s voice was calm and firm, as if it had a kind of power of its own.

The light of the phoenix shone on the entire battlefield, and the atmosphere on both sides gradually calmed down. They took a few steps back, their eyes filled with astonishment and awe. The power displayed by Chen Xuan made them feel an irresistible pressure.

"We...we stopped!" A warrior said with a trembling voice, and others also agreed.

Chen Xuan saw that the situation was gradually under control, and he slowly reduced his strength. He was not proud of this, but realized that this was only a temporary lull. Conflicts and problems still existed. He needed to continue working hard and seek a more lasting solution. s solution.

"This fight is meaningless. I hope both sides can calm down and find a way to reconcile." Chen Xuan's voice echoed on the battlefield.

 At Chen Xuan's call, the monks and warriors left the battlefield one after another, and a **** battle subsided.

At this time, the Lord Zhao Long was dressed in a brocade robe, looking solemn and majestic in the setting sun.

 Chen Xuan was smiling, his face filled with calmness and calmness.

Going towards City Lord Zhao Long, he exchanged a salute with him.

“I’ve met City Lord Zhao Long.” His voice was calm and polite, showing confidence and humility.

City Lord Zhao Long nodded slightly, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

"Chen Xuan, your reputation has spread all over the world. I admire your practice and moral character very much." His voice was solemn and full of majesty.

 “Thank you City Lord Zhao Long for your compliment.”

City Lord Zhao Long glanced at Chen Xuan, his eyes revealed curiosity about Chen Xuan, and he suddenly smiled slightly: "Chen Xuan, I heard that your swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle, and there are even rumors that you have comprehended the Suzaku Soul. . "I'm very curious."

 Chen Xuan smiled slightly and did not answer directly, but said humbly: "These are just daily practice, I am ashamed of the expectations of the Lord Zhao Long."

City Lord Zhao Long scanned the surrounding warriors, and then turned to Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, you are here this time. I have something in mind that I want to discuss with you."

Chen Xuan understood this in his heart. He knew that City Lord Zhao Long would not come to him for no reason. There must be important things to discuss. He nodded slightly to express his agreement.

City Lord Zhao Long led everyone towards the city, with Chen Xuan beside him, following at a steady pace.

The spacious streets in the city are bustling with people, neon lights, and bustle.

City Lord Zhao Long looked sideways at Chen Xuan and said in a solemn voice: "Chen Xuan, there have been frequent strange phenomena recently. I feel that this is not a simple coincidence, but some kind of ominous sign. I have sent people to investigate, but have been unable to do so. Find out why. I need your help."

Chen Xuan frowned. He could sense the seriousness in the words of City Master Zhao Long. His heart moved and he began to think about the possible hidden meaning behind it. If this kind of phenomenon appears, it often represents a change in the laws of the universe. It may It involves a larger situation.

"City Lord Zhao Long, I will do my best to help you find out the truth of these visions." Chen Xuan's tone was firm and sincere.

City Lord Zhao Long nodded, his eyes focused. "It goes without saying how important this matter is. I believe you can give me the answer."

The conversation between the two was publicized in the city, and everyone paid attention. The words of City Lord Zhao Long caused a sensation, and everyone was speculating on what this vision was.

The Lord of Zhao Long City brought Chen Xuan to a magnificent palace. The dragon-shaped decoration above the palace shone with golden light. City Lord Zhao Long sat on the main seat, while Chen Xuan was waiting quietly at the side.

 Everyone in the hall was talking a lot, and some were curious about Chen Xuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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