Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6717: wielding black sword

Chapter 6717 Wielding the Black Sword

The formation was crumbling under the impact of the black light. The blue aura on the monster became more and more intense. The strong air flow in the cave became extremely chaotic. The rock wall of the cave continued to tremble, as if it might collapse at any time.

The man in black's eyes were locked on the monster beast. His eyes were cold and ruthless, as if he just wanted to destroy this existence that he thought he could not control. He waved his black sword, releasing an even more terrifying black light, and struck the monster beast fiercely. .

The monster was shrouded in black light and let out a deafening roar. Blue spiritual energy surged wildly like a volcanic eruption. Its body trembled violently, as if it was about to lose control.

When Chen Xuan saw this, his whole body's spiritual power exploded, trying to resist the invasion of the black light. He stood up, and the golden sword energy was like a wall of light, trying to isolate the erosion of the black light.

 “Stop!” Chen Xuan’s voice was like thunder, spreading throughout the cave.

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the man in black. He seemed not to care about Chen Xuan's persistence. The black sword in his hand released the black light even more violently, as if it was going to swallow up everything.

 Chen Xuan felt that his strength was insufficient, but he did not flinch. The golden sword energy gathered in his body became weaker and weaker. He knew that he must persist, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The air in the cave became heavy and oppressive, as if it was about to collapse. The rock wall began to crack, and the rocks on the roof of the cave fell one after another, which could cause a large-scale collapse at any time.

The monster howled in pain, its body twisted under the impact of the black light, and its originally gentle eyes gradually became crazy and violent, as if it was struggling in endless pain.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He felt the pain of the monster and the ominous aura released by the man in black. He knew that he had to stop the man in black, otherwise the monster would completely lose control and threaten the area. Cause devastating effects.

 “Stop!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly again.

 “The existence that you cannot control is not the same as danger! Your actions will bring greater disaster to this.”

The man in black's eyes became even colder. He ignored Chen Xuan's dissuasion and instead intensified his attack on the monster. The black light emitted by the black sword was like the power of destruction, filling every corner of the cave.

 Chen Xuan felt desperate and angry. He knew it was time to take decisive action. He concentrated his mind and the sword energy in his body, trying to use his last strength to stop the destruction of the man in black.

The black light of the man in black collided with Chen Xuan's sword energy, and the strong spiritual energy fluctuations in the cave made everything chaotic.

During this conflict, Chen Xuan's whole body was shaking violently, and his body seemed to be unable to support himself.

In the cave, the confrontation between Chen Xuan and the mysterious man in black intensified. The air flow was violent, and the rock walls around the cave began to shake violently, as if they might collapse at any time.

The indifference and ruthlessness in the eyes of the man in black collided fiercely with Chen Xuan's firm belief, and the battle between them became increasingly fierce.

The black sword held by the man in black released a deep black light and rushed towards Chen Xuan like a giant dragon. Chen Xuan's whole body exuded golden sword energy, trying to resist the invasion of the black light.

The spiritual energy of the two collided fiercely in the cave, and a dazzling light burst out instantly. The spiritual energy in the cave fluctuated like a landslide and tsunami.

The attack of the man in black was extremely fierce. Every collision of black light brought a strong impact, shattering the surrounding rocks into powder. Chen Xuan continued to dodge the black light attacks, trying hard to find opportunities to counterattack.

His heart was filled with anger and determination. He could not tolerate the ruthless attack of the man in black on the monster. He used all his sword skills to try to block the attack of the man in black.

The black light was like a sharp sword. Every time it struck Chen Xuan, it brought devastating power. Chen Xuan kept dodging, but the offensive of the man in black seemed endless.

The sound of swords clashing resounded in the cave, the air flow was violent, and the sound of the surrounding rock walls collapsing continued. Chen Xuan felt the severe pain in his muscles and bones, but he still persisted and refused to give up.

The black light released by the man in black kept approaching Chen Xuan, and every attack made him unable to avoid it. Chen Xuan's muscles and bones seemed to be unable to support him. He felt huge pressure and felt anxious.

He tried to mobilize more spiritual power and looked for opportunities to counterattack, but the offensive of the man in black was like an iron wall, making it difficult for him to find a loophole.

Wherever the black light passed, everything in the cave became distorted and trembling, and Chen Xuan felt that his power was constantly weakening.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of the man in black: "Do you think you can control it? This is a destined disaster, and it's not worth your efforts!"

The black sword in his hand shone brightly, and the strong spiritual energy fluctuations in the cave became more and more violent. Chen Xuan felt that he was in danger, but he did not flinch and still fought hard to resist.

The battle between the two became more and more fierce, the sword energy and the black light intertwined, bursting out with dazzling light.

The space inside the cave was distorted, as if it was about to be completely torn apart by this powerful spiritual energy.

The man in black's offensive became more and more fierce. He seemed to have decided to destroy the monster, but Chen Xuan still stubbornly resisted.

Sword light and black light kept colliding in the cave, making a deafening sound.

The air flow was violent, and the strong spiritual energy fluctuations in the cave plunged the entire space into chaos.

The fight between the two lasted for a long time, and the cave was in a mess. Chen Xuan's body was covered with scars, and every attack caused him severe pain.

The men in black's offensive became more and more fierce, and the sword light and black light kept colliding in the cave.

 During the fierce fight, the spiritual energy fluctuations in the cave became increasingly chaotic. Just when the battle between the man in black and Chen Xuan reached a fever pitch, suddenly, the blue aura on the blue monster beast burst out with a dazzling light.

The blue light was like the bright stars in the sky, illuminating the entire cave in an instant. The blue light in the monster's body became stronger and stronger, as if there was a powerful force boiling in its body. Both Chen Xuan and the man in black felt the change in power. They stopped fighting and turned to look at the monster. The blue light on the monster became more and more dazzling, as if it would dye the entire cave blue.

Suddenly, a powerful spiritual energy burst out from the demon beast's body, forming a blue vortex. This spiritual energy surged like a huge wave, sucking the man in black into it.

The man in black tried to struggle, but this blue aura seemed to have a will of its own, binding him tightly. Chen Xuan was surprised to see the man in black wrapped in blue aura and disappeared into the whirlpool.

The whirlpool became more and more violent, and the blue spiritual energy was like a raging tsunami, stirring up the spiritual energy in the entire cave.

Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual energy on the monster's body became extremely large and seemed to be out of control. He immediately gathered all his spiritual power and tried to stabilize the situation, but the blue light around the monster continued to grow like a frenzy, and the airflow in the cave began to churn. .

Just when Chen Xuan was trying to stabilize the situation, the blue vortex suddenly collapsed and released a dazzling light. The light gradually dissipated, revealing the original location of the man in black, but at this moment, the man in black had disappeared. .

Instead, the blue light on the monster's body became extremely bright, and the entire cave was covered in blue light. The monster's body trembled slightly, as if there was a huge spiritual energy surging within it, but its eyes became extremely clear.

 Chen Xuan was shocked and extremely curious when he witnessed all this. He felt that the aura of the monster beast had changed tremendously, and it seemed that it was no longer the irritable and restless state before.

The monster's blue light became brighter and brighter, and its body began to slowly change, as if it was undergoing some kind of strange transformation. Its body gradually shrank, and the blue light around it flashed, forming a blue light curtain to wrap it.

This blue light curtain is constantly changing its shape, as if it is reshaping the body of the monster. Gradually, the light curtain began to fade away, revealing a human-shaped figure, but it was emitting blue light.

When the light completely dissipated, the monster's figure had turned into a human figure wearing a blue robe, but there was a pair of blue wings swinging slightly above its head.

This new figure stood in the cave. Its eyes were as clear as lake water, exuding the light of talent. The blue light around it gradually condensed, forming a long sword that shimmered with blue light. The sword had complex lines on it, exuding a mysterious light. the breath.

The aura emitted by this blue-light humanoid became extremely pure, as if in sharp contrast to the chaotic aura in the cave. Chen Xuan stared at the scene in front of him, he was shocked and surprised.

The aura and aura emanating from this blue-light humanoid made him feel a strange sense of calm, as if this existence had extraordinary talents and powers.

The spiritual energy fluctuations in the cave gradually subsided. After the monster transformed into this blue-light human form, the surrounding environment became extremely calm. It stared at Chen Xuan, with a softness and gratitude in its eyes, as if it was conveying some kind of message.

 Chen Xuan stood quietly on the spot, staring at the blue light human figure in front of him, his heart full of curiosity and expectation. He could feel that the aura of this existence was extremely powerful, but also full of talent.

The blue-light human figure slowly raised the blue sword in his hand, seeming to have some kind of decision. Its voice resounded throughout the cave, clear and powerful: "Chen Xuan, thank you for your help."

As the last sentence fell, the blue light on the blue-light humanoid began to gradually fade away, as if it was returning to some kind of origin.

 Chen Xuan turned around and left the place where the blue light humanoid disappeared and walked towards where his teammates were. His heart was full of worries about his teammates. The fierce battle had a great impact on everyone.

He walked to Yunxiao, Yunchuan and Qingyang and found that they were still sleeping and suffered considerable injuries.

 Chen Xuan gently touched Yun Xiao's forehead and found that although his breathing was steady, the injuries on his body were still difficult to ignore. Then he turned to Yumikawa and found that the injury on his arm looked more serious, but the overall condition was still stable. Finally, he came to Qingyang's side and found that although his aura was weak, his injuries were not the most serious.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and sat quietly next to his teammates.

 “Yunxiao, Yunchuan, Qingyang.” Chen Xuan whispered.

 Chen Xuan looked around. The scene in the cave still made people feel majestic, but his mood was not peaceful.

 He hopes his teammates can wake up soon, they need rest and they need time to recover.

At this moment, Yun Xiao's brows moved slightly, as if he was feeling a little uncomfortable in his dream. Chen Xuan immediately put his hand on Yun Xiao's shoulder and shook him gently: "Yun Xiao, wake up, how are you?"

Yun Xiao slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were a little confused, but he soon regained his clarity: "Chen Xuan? What happened?"

"We encountered a fierce battle." Chen Xuan's voice was full of worry: "You and other teammates have suffered some injuries, and you need to take a good rest."

Yunxiao tried to open his eyes and try to see the surrounding environment clearly: "Where are the others? How are they?"

 Chen Xuan patted his shoulder comfortingly: "They are also resting. Yunchuan and Qingyang are both in good condition. Don't worry too much."

Yunxiao sat up slowly and looked at his body carefully: "It seems that I was not seriously injured. Chen Xuan, what happened? I remember that we seemed to have encountered a monster."

“Yes, but the situation is a bit complicated.” Chen Xuan explained frankly: “We encountered a monster, but it has undergone some changes and is no longer what it was before.”

"Monster? Change?" Yun Xiao was slightly confused: "What happened after that?"

 Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then slowly explained to Yun Xiao what had happened. He described the changes in the monsters, the surge of blue light, the sudden appearance of the man in black, and the disappearance of the last blue light humanoid.

"Well, I understand." Yun Xiao nodded slightly tiredly: "It seems that the situation is indeed complicated. However, that blue light gives people a wonderful feeling."

 (End of this chapter)

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