Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6718: Wonderful thing

 Chapter 6718 The wonder

"Yes, he exudes a special aura and aura." Chen Xuan smiled: "I think he is some kind of special existence, but we don't know what it is specifically."

Yun Xiao sighed and looked at Chen Xuan: "I feel like this time has made us understand the wonders of this world better. Chen Xuan, what do you think?"

“Yes, this experience has indeed given me a deeper understanding.” Chen Xuan nodded slightly: “The world we live in is full of unknowns and mysteries, and our power may be far less than what we can imagine.”

The two fell into silence for a while, and the atmosphere in the cave became a little heavy. But as time passed, Yunchuan and Qingyang began to wake up slowly, and the conversation between Chen Xuan and Yunxiao gradually shifted to the injuries and consequences of their teammates. On the next plan.

 Chen Xuan and his teammates slowly left the mysterious cave and stepped into a peaceful bamboo forest.

This bamboo forest is lush and green, with green bamboo leaves swaying gently in the breeze.

The surroundings were quiet. They were walking among the bamboo forests, feeling the fresh air. Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful. But at this moment, the world suddenly shook, and a strong spiritual energy wave came from a distance.

 “What is this?” Qingyang’s voice was filled with surprise.

 Chen Xuan raised his head, looking for the source of the spiritual energy fluctuations. Deep in the bamboo forest, a dazzling light rose into the sky, accompanied by huge spiritual energy fluctuations, covering the heaven and earth.

 “What is that?!” Yun Xiao said in surprise.

 Chen Xuan stared at the light in the distance, frowning slightly, and felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. "I don't know, but that spiritual energy fluctuation is extremely powerful, we have to be careful."

The teammates also looked around with vigilance, feeling the powerful spiritual energy fluctuations coming from the light, which seemed to involve the entire bamboo forest. As the light became more and more dazzling, the surrounding environment began to become strange.

Suddenly, the wind sound in the bamboo forest suddenly changed. The breeze turned into a strong wind in an instant. The bamboo leaves rolled up and the entire bamboo forest undulated like violent waves. Chen Xuan and others felt the drastic changes in the surrounding environment and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. .

“I have never felt this kind of spiritual energy fluctuation before!” Yun Chuan’s voice was trembling.

“We must deal with it carefully!” Chen Xuan reminded his teammates, trying to stay calm: “This situation may have unpredictable consequences.”

The light became more and more dazzling, and the spiritual energy fluctuations in the bamboo forest became more and more violent. The surrounding air began to twist, as if it was about to break at any time, and the entire bamboo forest was also shaking under the huge spiritual energy fluctuations.

"This is not an ordinary spiritual energy fluctuation." Qingyang frowned, trying to find the source of the spiritual energy fluctuation: "I feel... there seems to be some kind of strange aura."

 Chen Xuan frowned tightly, and he deeply felt the abnormal aura contained in the fluctuations of spiritual energy. In the light, he saw an unusual fluctuation, which seemed to come from some special power.

"This breath... is the power of time and space!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with surprise: "But why does it appear here?"

As the fluctuations of this spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, the air in the bamboo forest became twisted and chaotic, as if everything was involved. The teammates also felt the unusual tension, and their mood became restless.

 Chen Xuan tried to calm down everyone's emotions: "We must remain vigilant and not be fooled by this kind of spiritual energy fluctuation. Perhaps, we need to leave this bamboo forest."

  But as time goes by, the light becomes stronger and the fluctuations of spiritual energy become more severe. Suddenly, the spiritual energy fluctuations in the entire bamboo forest reached its peak, and the air seemed to explode.

Chen Xuan frowned tightly, realizing that the situation was becoming more and more dangerous. He tried to protect his teammates and looked for a possibility of escape. However, as the light reached its peak, the entire bamboo forest suddenly shook violently, and the bamboo leaves fell one after another. It seemed like he was about to fall into some uncontrollable whirlpool.

 “Be careful!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  The spiritual energy in the bamboo forest fluctuated like a violent storm and began to surge towards their location. The teammates looked horrified and tried to stabilize themselves, but the surrounding environment had become chaotic.

At this moment, the world suddenly changed, the light disappeared, the spiritual energy fluctuations quickly subsided, and the environment in the entire bamboo forest returned to tranquility. Chen Xuan and his teammates felt a little confused, wondering what happened just now.

After the sudden spiritual energy fluctuation, the bamboo forest became quiet. Chen Xuan and his teammates looked around, trying to find clues that could explain the strange phenomenon just now.

“What on earth is going on?” Yun Xiao asked softly, frowning slightly.

 Chen Xuan stared at the surrounding environment. He took a deep breath and tried to find the answer from the weak signs. "We have to pay attention to the changes around us and maybe we will find something unusual."

 The teammates began to search for possible clues in the bamboo forest. Yunchuan observed the bamboo leaves attentively and found that some leaves seemed to change slightly, appearing clearer and more transparent than the surrounding ones. He carefully picked a few pieces and placed them in the palm of his hand.

"This bamboo leaf seems to be a little different." Yun Chuan whispered: "It looks more transparent and seems to have a special aura."

“Special aura?” Qingyang also walked over and looked at the bamboo leaves in his hand attentively: “Maybe these bamboo leaves are related to the fluctuation of aura just now.”

 Chen Xuan nodded and studied the bamboo leaves in his hand carefully. "It is indeed something special. Perhaps these bamboo leaves contain clues to the fluctuations of spiritual energy just now."

 They began to carefully observe the surrounding bamboo forest, trying to find more traces. Suddenly, Chen Xuan found slightly glowing traces on the ground, like traces left by the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

 “Quick, come and take a look!” Chen Xuan called to his teammates.

 They gathered on the ground and found traces of light. There are not many traces, but it has a mysterious luster, as if it has been touched by some special power.

 “What is this?” Yunxiao probed for traces, trying to find out the clues.

“It looks like traces of being touched by spiritual energy fluctuations.” Chen Xuan frowned and thought, “But what kind of power is this spiritual energy caused by?”

 They continued searching along the direction of the light traces, hoping to find more clues. During their search, they found some faint ripples of spiritual energy, which seemed to be telling them some kind of information.

"This ripple...has signs of time and space distortion." Qingyang stared at the ripples on the ground intently: "This is related to the power we feel." Teammates followed the traces of these ripples, trying to find out more Information. Gradually, they discovered a weak ripple in space, which seemed to be inextricably linked to the fluctuation of spiritual energy just now.

“There seems to be some irregular distortion in the space here.” Yun Chuan looked at the ripples in the surrounding space: “This situation is unusual.”

“Perhaps, the spiritual energy fluctuations we feel come from the distortion of space here.” Chen Xuan thought: “This situation may have caused the strange phenomenon that just happened.”

The teammates' eyes met, each trying to sort out the clues. They were silent for a moment, trying to connect the information in their minds to find possible answers.

“The aura fluctuations and space distortion in this bamboo forest should be caused by some unknown force.” Chen Xuan tried to summarize: “We need more clues and information to figure it all out.”

While chasing clues in the bamboo forest, Chen Xuan and his teammates were focused and focused on finding clues to solve the mystery. As they gradually approached the faint ripples of spiritual energy they sensed, the bamboo forest suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

There was no wind, and the surrounding bamboo leaves became still in an instant. It seemed that everything in the bamboo forest had entered a state of stillness. Chen Xuan and others were alert, but before they had time to make any reaction, suddenly, the surrounding bamboo leaves were surrounded by The bamboo leaves began to glow slightly.

Yunxiao looked around alertly: "What's wrong with these bamboo leaves?"

  But the moment he finished these words, those bamboo leaves suddenly changed drastically. The weak light became brighter and brighter, and in the blink of an eye, these seemingly ordinary bamboo leaves turned into gleaming sharp blades, attacking Chen Xuan and his teammates one after another!

 “Be careful!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly, trying to remind his teammates to avoid.

They all tried to avoid this sudden attack, but the scene was extremely chaotic. The sharp bamboo leaves were flying erratically like flying knives, trying to attack their figures.

“Why did these bamboo leaves suddenly become like this?” Yun Chuan shouted loudly, trying to resist with some palm skills.

Chen Xuan immediately performed the body movement technique.

“This bamboo leaf seems to be full of some kind of spiritual energy, we have to deal with it carefully.”

Qingyang also tried his best to avoid those sharp blades. They began to change their positions constantly, trying to avoid this sudden attack. A dangerous atmosphere filled the bamboo forest. With the blade-like bamboo leaves flying wildly, the entire environment became extremely dangerous.

Chen Xuan tried to observe these mutated bamboo leaves, but as the attack intensified rapidly, he could only focus on protecting his teammates and trying to avoid being hurt. He kept fending off the flying bamboo leaves while vigilantly observing the bamboo forest. The change.

“We have to find a solution as soon as possible!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly: “It is not an option to continue this situation!”

The teammates also tried their best to avoid the attack. Yunxiao tried to use his own cultivation to form a protective shield, but the mutated bamboo leaves actually penetrated his protective shield and still attacked them.

“The attack power of these bamboo leaves is so powerful!” Yun Xiao shouted in shock.

 Chen Xuan realized that this unexpected situation was unusual. The attacks on the bamboo leaves they faced were extremely fierce, as if there was some uncontrolled power driving them.

“We must find a solution!” Chen Xuan thought, trying to find a way to deal with this mutated bamboo leaf.

But at this moment, the situation in the bamboo forest became worse, and more bamboo leaves turned into sharp blades and attacked them. Chen Xuan and others faced the siege and had to retreat and find a way to escape.

“The attacks of these bamboo leaves are becoming more and more fierce!” Yunchuan shouted loudly, and they were forced into a situation with no way out.

Qingyang saw a huge rock in the distance and immediately pointed there: "Quick, there is cover over there!"

 Chen Xuan understood the intentions of his teammates, and they worked together to escape quickly in the direction of the rock. However, during the escape process, the mutated bamboo leaves seemed to have found their target and kept chasing them, without giving them any chance to breathe.

They fled towards the rocks while avoiding the attacks of bamboo leaves. The bamboo forest was filled with danger, and the flying bamboo leaves almost enveloped the entire area, leaving Chen Xuan and his teammates almost helpless.

 “We must find an exit!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and they ran in the bamboo forest, trying to get out of this crisis.

 But just as they approached the rock, a faint light began to appear on the surface of the rock, and Chen Xuan and others suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

 The situation of bamboo leaf attacks is becoming more and more serious.

In a life-or-death crisis in the bamboo forest, when Chen Xuan and his teammates were trying to escape the attack of mutated bamboo leaves, a man in black suddenly appeared in front of them.

This is the man in black from before. He is tall and mysterious, holding a dark long sword, and his eyes are full of fierceness.

 Chen Xuan and his teammates immediately became vigilant at the critical moment. They knew that the sudden appearance of the man in black was not simple, especially when faced with the attack of mutated bamboo leaves, the situation was even more critical.

"It's him!" Yun Xiao lowered his voice and looked at the man in black alertly: "He seems to be taking advantage of the situation."

“He appeared at the right time!” Yun Chuan said anxiously: “We have to find a way to deal with the threats from these two parties.”

 Chen Xuan's eyes were serious. He realized that the situation had become very critical. They had to deal with the surprise attack of the men in black and avoid the attack of Zhu Ye, and they were in an unprecedented dilemma.

“We must resolve the immediate crisis first!” Chen Xuan said to his teammates: “Zhuye’s attack is becoming more and more fierce. We must get out of this dangerous situation first.”

The man in black's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he walked towards Chen Xuan and others without hesitation. Under Zhuye's attack, Chen Xuan and his teammates could only retreat continuously, trying to avoid this sudden double threat.

 (End of this chapter)

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