Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6733: Tianhuomen

 Chapter 6733 Heavenly Fire Gate

However, this behavior also caused a wave of discussion. The practitioners looked questioningly, puzzled by Chen Xuan's actions, but for Chen Xuan, this auction was not only about wealth, but also about his belief and desire for swordsmanship.

His heart is calm and firm, unwavering, because he knows that this secret book of swordsmanship will be of immeasurable value to his future.

The atmosphere in the entire square gradually calmed down, and the practitioners returned to a wait-and-see state. This explosive confrontation was temporarily calmed down, but the dissatisfaction and uneasiness of the representatives of Tianhuo Gate were still in their hearts.

Chen Xuan still remained calm and silent. He understood that the contradiction in this bidding had not really been resolved, but was only temporarily shelved.

The Tianhuo Sect's representative's eyes flashed with determination and perseverance. He did not hesitate to raise the bidding price to one million immortal stones. This price was already an extremely huge amount for the practitioners present.

 The atmosphere in the square suddenly solidified. Everyone was surprised by the high-priced bid represented by Tianhuomen. Chen Xuan took a deep breath, with a trace of contemplation flashing in his eyes.

 He did not doubt the importance of this secret book of swordsmanship to his practice, but faced with the sudden increase in bids, he began to think about whether it was worth it.

  Chen Xuan was troubled in his heart. Representatives from Baiyun Sect, Fengyun Pavilion and other forces also began to express shock and doubts. They were surprised by the changes in this bidding. After all, one million immortal stones had exceeded many people's expectations.

However, Chen Xuan did not react immediately. He felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He also began to have some doubts about such a high-priced bid.

The importance of this secret book of swordsmanship to him is indescribable, but one million fairy stones is not a small amount for him. He needs to carefully consider whether it is worth paying such a high price for this secret book.

The scene fell into a brief silence. The cultivators who were watching showed doubts, and they were surprised by Chen Xuan's reaction. The representatives of Tianhuomen continued to remain firm and persistent, and seemed to have decided to push this auction to a new level.

The representative of Tianhuo Gate has a firm gaze, seeming to be sending a message to Chen Xuan.

 He is serious and will never give up easily.

Chen Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, between his desire for this secret book of swordsmanship and the high price of one million fairy stones in reality. Finally, Chen Xuan raised his hand again, and a calm and firm voice echoed in the square: "One hundred Two hundred thousand immortal stones.”

This decision may seem easy, but it is actually the result of Chen Xuan’s careful consideration.

One and two million fairy stones is a huge amount, but to him, the value of this secret book of swordsmanship cannot be measured by money.

 Chen Xuan's voice spread throughout the square, causing an uproar. This unexpectedly high price shocked everyone. The practitioners' discussions started again, and the scene once again entered into a commotion.

The representative of Tianhuo Sect also showed a hint of surprise and confusion. Such a high-priced bid made him feel a little unexpected, as if he did not expect Chen Xuan to be so decisive. The price had exceeded many people's expectations, and the scene became more complicated and confusing.

 The atmosphere in the square suddenly became tense, and the high bid surprised all the practitioners present. The representatives of Baiyun Sect and Fengyun Pavilion showed obvious surprise, because the price of 1.2 million immortal stones had far exceeded their expectations.

 In their hearts, although this secret book of swordsmanship is important, they never expected that it would trigger such fierce competition. The bid of 1.2 million Immortal Stones made them re-evaluate the preciousness of this secret book.

 However, the representative of Tianhuo Sect had a gloomy face and eyes burning with anger. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would be so decisive and even dared to directly raise the price to 1.2 million immortal stones, which made him feel angry and dissatisfied.

"Chen Xuan, you, an outsider, are so arrogant!" The representative of Tianhuo Sect said fiercely, and his eyes were filled with anger and unwillingness. In his opinion, Chen Xuan's actions were a provocation to Tianhuo Sect and a violation of his dignity. trample.

 Chen Xuan looked very calm when facing the anger of the representative of Tianhuo Sect. His eyes were not afraid of the other party's anger, as if to show everyone that his desire for this secret book of swordsmanship was unshakable.

When the situation got a little out of control, the auctioneer cleared his throat and tried to calm down the situation slightly.

“One million and two hundred thousand fairy stones, the highest price so far! Is anyone else prepared to pay a higher price?”

The practitioners present fell into silence, as if waiting for the next decisive move. Most people are waiting and watching, but no one dares to propose a higher price. Such a high price is beyond their capabilities.

But Chen Xuan still remained calm, and there was a ripple in his heart. He didn't really want to show off his wealth or provoke the Tianhuo Sect, but he was just willing to pay more for the importance of this secret book of swordsmanship.

 Finally, the auctioneer announced: "1.2 million immortal stones, deal done!" Chen Xuan successfully obtained the secret book of swordsmanship.

When Chen Xuan got this magic weapon, his heart was calm and fulfilling. This secret book of swordsmanship was of great significance to his practice. It represented the direction and possibility of his future practice.

 The cultivators who were watching were also discussing the outcome of the auction. Some of them admired Chen Xuan's decision, and some were puzzled, but most of them realized that the price was beyond their ability.

 Subsequently, Chen Xuan took the secret manual of swordsmanship into his arms. The next magic weapon to be auctioned was quickly brought up.

  Longxuan Ring is a magic weapon passed down from generation to generation and is known as an artifact that can connect different spaces. According to rumors, this magic weapon can open space channels and allow people to travel to different realms or worlds.

This ring has an ordinary appearance, with silver light shining all over, and exquisite dragon patterns carved on the surface, which seems to contain mysterious power. Rumor has it that it has the ability to connect spaces and open portals to other realms.

In the square, the auctioneer raised the Longxuan Ring and introduced softly: "The next auction is the legendary Longxuan Ring. It can open space channels and connect different fields. It is an extraordinary magic weapon. The reserve price is Two hundred thousand Immortal Stones, interested parties can start bidding.”

 For a time, the atmosphere in the square became active again. The practitioners started bidding one after another, full of curiosity and yearning for this mysterious magic weapon. The functions of the Longxuan Ring are fascinating, especially those practitioners who explore the unknown, and they are even more attracted to it.

The bidding gradually started to sound, and the practitioners rushed to raise the price. The unique functions of the Longxuan Ring have attracted many people. They hope to own such a magic weapon, which may bring them more opportunities and adventures.

 “Two hundred and fifty thousand fairy stones!” Someone raised the price.

 “Three hundred thousand fairy stones!” Another practitioner increased the price.

Bids are coming one after another, and the price keeps rising. The practitioners did not hesitate to raise the bidding price for this mysterious magic weapon, and showed their desire for the space connection magic weapon without hesitation.

The unique function of the Longxuan Ring has attracted much attention. Many practitioners are eager to obtain this magic weapon that can open space channels. The atmosphere in the square has become more and more enthusiastic. Some major forces also sent representatives to participate in the bidding, showing their interest in the Longxuan Ring. strong interest.

During the auction, the price of the Longxuan Ring also continued to rise, exceeding the original estimate, showing the practitioners' recognition and desire for its value. This magic weapon that can open space passages is for explorers and adventurers. Said to be of immeasurable value.

During the bidding process of Longxuan Ring, the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, and the bidding sounds came and went, which demonstrated the desire of every practitioner for this mysterious magic weapon.

"Four hundred and fifty thousand Immortal Stones!" A voice suddenly sounded, causing a sensation. This price increase made people look askance at how someone dared to increase the price so significantly.

The practitioners in the square were also shocked by the high price increase. They couldn't help but cast surprised and puzzled looks. The price was almost twice the previous bidding price. It was obviously a person who was willing to take a big gamble.

 “Fifty thousand Immortal Stones!” Another practitioner raised the price immediately, as if he did not want to fall behind and joined the fierce competition.

The audience present stared intently at the Long Xuan Ring in the hands of the auctioneer. Their moods were also affected by the fierce bidding, as if they were in an incredible competition.

The bidding volume keeps rising, practitioners increase their bids one after another, and the price keeps rising. Every price increase brings a burst of discussion and expectations, and everyone is waiting for the next practitioner to raise his hand.

 The atmosphere in the square gradually ignited a frenzy, and the practitioners all showed their desire for this mysterious magic weapon. They either hoped to use the Longxuan Ring to explore unknown spaces, or they expected to get some breakthroughs and opportunities from it.

 “Six hundred thousand immortal stones!” A voice suddenly sounded, the volume was calm but full of determination and determination.

This bidder did not appear, and his voice seemed to come from the void, but it was so clear and resolute. His bid made people focus again, as if waiting for the next higher price to appear.

 The value of the Longxuan Ring has exceeded many people's expectations, and this auction has become the focus of the entire square.

During the bidding of Long Xuan Ring, a sensational voice sounded: "One million immortal stones!" This bid was like a shock bomb, and the practitioners present immediately became excited.

"One million fairy stones!" This price increase made people's hearts tremble. It was almost several times the previous bidding price, making the atmosphere at the scene extremely warm. This bold bid seemed to spark an enthusiastic debate and debate. discuss.

The practitioners present were stunned with shock, and they couldn't help but talk about it. Some were shocked and surprised, disbelieving that someone would offer such a high price. Others fell into deep thought and began to re-evaluate the value and significance of Longxuan Ring.

“What a determination!” Someone exclaimed in a low voice. The person who proposed this high price must have a deep understanding of the value of Longxuan Ring, or have an indescribable need.

The auctioneer also felt a little surprised. There was confusion and surprise on his face. The price was completely beyond his expectation. He couldn't help but pause for a moment, thinking secretly about how to deal with it.

“It’s unimaginable that the price is so high!” a practitioner said softly, but there was a trace of confusion and hesitation in his tone.

 Other bidders present also began to discuss this bid. This bid brought about inner fluctuations and struggles for many people. They began to re-evaluate the value of this mysterious magic weapon and consider whether they were willing to increase the price.

Representatives of some major forces were also communicating in low voices. They began to re-examine the situation and significance of this bidding. What such a high-price proposal means, it has a major impact on the entire practice world.

 (End of this chapter)

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