Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6734: Thinking about how to deal with it

 Chapter 6734 Thinking about how to deal with it

 “One million fairy stones, the current highest price!” The auctioneer’s voice sounded again, breaking the silence caused by the bidding. This price caused the entire square to fall into a brief silence.

The value of Longxuan Ring was undoubtedly revealed in the bidding, but it also caused many people to fall into an inner struggle. The proposed price was almost unimaginable for most practitioners. The atmosphere in the auction hall became solemn and full of expectation, as if waiting for the next higher bid.

Amid the fierce bidding, Chen Xuan unexpectedly said: "Two million immortal stones!" His voice was calm and firm, as if declaring his determination.

 However, what was even more surprising than Chen Xuan was that the bidding voices kept ringing: "Three million!"

"four million!"

This offer shocked the practitioners in the square and stunned them.

The scene exploded instantly, and everyone was dumbfounded by the astonishing price increase. The value of Longxuan Ring was completely redefined at this moment. This high bidding made the practitioners present unable to believe and understand.

The auctioneer was also shocked. He originally thought that two million was the limit, but he did not expect that the bidding would further escalate to such an outrageous price. The intensity of the bidding scene completely exceeded his expectations.

 The atmosphere in the square became extremely heated, with people talking a lot and expressing various expressions. Some practitioners began to rethink what is so mysterious about this magic weapon that makes people willing to pay such a price.

 “Five million!” A steady voice suddenly sounded, causing everyone to turn their attention to the source of the voice. This bid seemed to cause a ripple, causing an even greater sensation.

The practitioners at the scene looked at each other with shocked expressions. Such a price increase had completely exceeded their expectations, and the intensity of the bidding scene even exceeded all usual expectations.

The auctioneer could not hide his shock. He could hardly believe the scene in front of him. This bidding scene was completely beyond his control. Every price increase seemed like a shocking decisive battle.

This fierce bidding plunged the entire square into unprecedented tension and shock. The bidding continued to escalate, and the price exceeded anyone's imagination.

 Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes revealed a thoughtfulness and determination. He would not give up easily. His desire for this magic weapon was indescribable, and the intensity of the on-site bidding far exceeded his expectations.

However, the price seems to be beyond his ability.

 He was thinking silently in his heart whether he was willing to continue to increase the price and pay more for this mysterious magic weapon.

 Chen Xuan was pushed into an unprecedented situation by this auction. He took a deep breath and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Although Longxuan Ring has a mysterious space linking ability, it is unknown whether this connected space really exists and whether there is anything in it. However, he felt a familiar aura from the ring, which made him have to get it. .

"Ten million immortal stones!" Chen Xuan's voice sounded again, as if all the bidders present were shocked by his decision. This price was already several times the previous bidding price, enough to shock anyone.

 However, in this fierce bidding atmosphere, suddenly, a mysterious voice sounded in the void. "Chen Xuan, stop!" Although the voice was cold, it was full of warning.

 Chen Xuan's body trembled slightly. He looked closely and found that the practitioners around him didn't seem to notice the existence of this voice. Only he could sense that this sound seemed to come from the depths of the void, carrying some kind of ominous warning.

"Ten million immortal stones, the current highest price!" The auctioneer's voice sounded again, but Chen Xuan felt the waves surge in his heart. This voice was unusual, as if it came from an unknown existence, and the warning it conveyed made him There was an uneasiness in my heart.

"Chen Xuan, you should not continue to increase the price." The mysterious voice sounded again, and there was a majesty in the voice that could not be ignored.

 Chen Xuan's brows frowned slightly. He began to realize the seriousness of this unusual warning. He didn't know the source of the sound, but the majesty and warning made him feel fear.

The auctioneer looked at Chen Xuan with a confused look. He did not realize that Chen Xuan seemed to be communicating with some strange power. Other practitioners on the scene were shocked and puzzled by Chen Xuan's price increase. They were all frightened by the offer and had many speculations in their minds.

Chen Xuan's face was solemn, and the mysterious voice seemed to be warning him, implying that this auction might have unpredictable consequences.

With Chen Xuan's firm determination, he once again raised the bidding price to 10 million immortal stones. This time, there was no voice warning, only the determination deep in Chen Xuan's heart.

The auctioneer announced almost in disbelief: "Ten million fairy stones, deal!" For a moment, the entire square fell into deathly silence.

Then, like a long-suppressed volcanic eruption, there was a huge sensation in the square. The practitioners couldn't believe their ears, and expressions of shock and confusion spread across everyone's faces.

 “Ten million!” Someone repeated in disbelief. This price was far beyond anyone’s expectations, let alone for a mysterious magic weapon. Some practitioners' eyes flashed with shock and confusion, and they found it difficult to understand Chen Xuan's actions. For such an almost ridiculously high price, they could not imagine how mysterious power and value this magic weapon had.

The representatives of the big forces present were also exchanging meaningful glances, and they all felt the shock of this moment. Such a high price has exceeded most people's expectations, and has also changed their perception of the value of this mysterious magic weapon. Know.

The auctioneer was filled with shock, and his eyes couldn't help but light up. The intensity and price of this bidding scene far exceeded his expectations, and Chen Xuan's firm attitude made him admire him very much.

Chen Xuan still had a calm and firm expression on his face. He got the Longxuan Ring. Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, it was more of curiosity and expectation for the unknown. He knew the meaning of this magic weapon and understood the sacrifice. The cost, but for him, it may be a big gamble.

The atmosphere in the entire square seemed to be shocked by Chen Xuan's bidding. The silence contained indescribable shock and confusion. The price surprised and disbelieving everyone, and also changed their views on this magic weapon. .

When Chen Xuan successfully competed for Longxuan Ring, the representatives of the three sects had different moods, but they all showed great shock and curiosity.

The representative from the Tianhuo Sect, the young monk in the Yanfeng robe stared at Chen Xuan, with a trace of shock that could not be concealed in his eyes. Their sect has always been arrogant, and they have always paid high attention to the competition for practice resources. At this moment, they were deeply surprised by the price Chen Xuan paid, and at the same time they also had suspicions about the value contained in Longxuan Ring.

The representative from the Qinglong Sect, a plainly dressed old man with deep eyes, looked at Chen Xuan with an indescribable light. Their sect always paid attention to the decisiveness of practitioners. Chen Xuan's move made them Chen Xuan admired him deeply.

The representative from Liuyun Palace, a female monk with a mysterious face, although her expression is still calm, her glass-like eyes reveal a deep light. Liuyundian has always had special research and interest in mysterious magic weapons. At this moment, Chen Xuan's act of obtaining the Longxuan Ring aroused strong curiosity in their hearts.

 The representatives of the three major sects were also communicating in low voices.

The representative of Tianhuo Sect said in a disdainful tone: "To pay such a huge price for an unknown magic weapon, this kind of gamble is really stupid."

The old man of Qinglong Sect said softly: "Determination is also the most precious quality of a practitioner. Maybe he sees the value that we cannot see."

The female monk from Liuyun Palace smiled mysteriously: "Unknown things often contain the greatest surprises. Maybe they will bring us some unexpected discoveries."

 The representatives of the three major sects had different attitudes towards Chen Xuan, but they all showed an inexplicable curiosity and expectation towards his actions.

"Dear practitioners, the next item to be auctioned is the Ghost Dragon Grass." The auctioneer's voice suddenly echoed throughout the auction room: "This magical herb has an extraordinary origin. It is said to be a rare treasure that appears once in a thousand years."

His voice was melodious and loud, attracting the attention of the practitioners present. "It is rumored that Ghost Dragon Grass grows in the mysterious valley, where it is shrouded in clouds and mist, making it difficult for ordinary people to see it. The growth cycle of this herb lasts for thousands of years, so it is extremely rare."

The auctioneer’s words were full of mystery, which aroused strong interest among the practitioners present. "Its appearance is like a jasper carving, full of deep brilliance. It is said to contain the power of the dragon, which can help practitioners achieve breakthroughs in cultivation. It is a supreme auxiliary elixir."

He continued to explain the magic of Ghost Dragon Grass, with a hint of admiration and excitement in his tone. "The Ghost Dragon Grass we are auctioning today is a rare one. The base price is 120,000 immortal stones, but practitioners please note that the value it contains far exceeds this number."

His words attracted the attention of the practitioners present, and everyone was silently thinking about the precious value of this herb.

“Now, let’s start the bidding for the Ghost Dragon Grass!” The auctioneer’s voice aroused the desire of the practitioners present to bid.

 Chen Xuan did not take action immediately, but chose to quietly watch the bidding on the ghost dragon grass in the crowd.

He stood in the crowd, a dark robe covering his slender figure, his eyes focused and deep, as if he was thinking about something profound. He did not show any intention to increase the price, but quietly watched. , as if waiting for a certain moment.

There were practitioners in the crowd constantly raising their prices, and the bidding atmosphere became extremely fierce. Every increase in price caused a burst of noise. The practitioners were all attracted by the mystery of Ghost Dragon Grass and expressed their desire for this herb.

 Chen Xuan was silent, but his eyes were extremely focused, as if he was carefully observing every bidder. His interest in Ghost Dragon Grass was self-evident, but he did not show any urgency to take action immediately.

The bidding sounds in the crowd came and went, but Chen Xuan's mood seemed calm, as if he was outside the hustle and bustle, concentrating on thinking about certain issues. There was a quiet confidence in his eyes, as if he was waiting for something. opportunity or signal.

"Two hundred thousand immortal stones!" Someone shouted the price loudly, which caused a burst of excitement and cheers, but Chen Xuan remained silent. His eyes scanned every corner of the auction house, as if he was looking for something.

 (End of this chapter)

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