Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6743: make excuse

 Chapter 6743 Making Excuses

Suddenly, one of the men in black raised his head and locked his eyes on Chen Xuan.

"Who are you? How dare you stay here!" There was a cold vigilance in his eyes.

Chen Xuan faced the gaze of the man in black, but he remained calm.

 “I was just passing by, and I didn’t mean any harm:” His voice was calm but firm.

 The man in black's expression relaxed slightly, but he was still wary.

 “Don’t let us see you again, or there will be consequences at your own risk!” they threatened, turning and leaving.

Facing the departure of the man in black, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief, but their eyes were still full of worry. They were bound by this dark force and could not get rid of it.

 Chen Xuan observed everything silently, becoming more curious and vigilant about the situation in this mountain forest.

This dark force seems to have taken control of the entire village, plunging the villagers into endless fear and helplessness.

Late at night, Chen Xuan was alone in the inn room thinking about everything that had just happened. The threat of the men in black and the helplessness of the villagers filled him with uneasiness.

Outside the window, the fog still filled the air, seeming to envelop the entire village. There was a gloomy atmosphere. Chen Xuan secretly decided in his heart that he could not sit back and watch this mountain forest be shrouded by the forces of darkness.

In the middle of the night, there was a faint knock on the door. Chen Xuan was slightly surprised. He walked to the door and opened it, only to see a young villager standing outside the door anxiously.

“You are the one who confronted the man in black, right?” the young villager said in a panic.

“It’s me, what’s the matter?” Chen Xuan asked.

"You must leave here. Those men in black are not good. They will not let you go." The young villager spoke anxiously, with deep worry on his face.

 “Why did you say that?” Chen Xuan asked with concern.

The voice of the young villager was trembling: "They are the ones who control this place and have some kind of mysterious power. Whenever night falls, they will appear in the village and ask the villagers to hand over protection money. Moreover, some people have seen some people in the mountains. Abnormal phenomena, there seems to be some kind of dark power in the rumors.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan became more determined to explore the truth. He said to the young villager: "Don't worry, I have my own plan."

 The young villager looked panicked and said: "Please be careful, things here are far more complicated and dangerous than what you see."

 Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and the young villagers left in a hurry. His heart was full of thoughts and determination. The village controlled by this dark force hid deeper secrets.

 Early the next morning, Chen Xuan decided to go deep into the mountains and forests to search for clues. The fog lingered in the mountains, making it difficult to see the scene ahead. He set foot on a deep path, and the surrounding environment became increasingly weird.

While strolling, he suddenly discovered an ancient statue. The statue was covered with moss, as if it had existed for endless years.

 The statue of the **** is engraved with ancient writing, which seems to be an ancient rune.

 Chen Xuan approached the statue and felt the ancient aura emanating from the statue. He tried to decipher the words on the statue, but it was extremely difficult. These runes were full of mystery and profound power, making it difficult to understand.

At this moment, a strange wave came from the statue. Chen Xuan immediately became alert, but his body was restrained by an invisible force and he could not move.

Suddenly, the statue's eyes began to emit bursts of red light, and the surrounding environment instantly became strange, and a dark atmosphere gradually filled the air.

In the darkness, Chen Xuan felt a strong oppressive force, as if there was a mysterious existence hiding in the forest. He tried his best to resist the oppressive force, but his body could not move and was tightly bound.

"This is...demon energy!" Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart. He realized how powerful and incredible this power was. This dark power seemed to come from the ancient statue. He tried to break free, but it seemed to have no effect.

In the valley, the mysterious mist filled the air, and an ancient statue that had been eroded by the years stood in it. Chen Xuanjing stood in front of it. The statue was covered with ancient and incomprehensible runes, and the demonic aura emanating from it became increasingly intense.

He tried to touch the statue, but as soon as his fingers made contact, a powerful demonic energy surged out instantly, like a turbulent tide, knocking him back suddenly. Chen Xuan lost his balance and was forced to take a few steps back before barely regaining his balance.

This demonic energy was extremely powerful, and Chen Xuan deeply felt an irresistible sense of oppression, as if the surrounding air had become heavy and oppressive.

He was shocked. The power of the demonic energy was beyond his expectation. It seemed that there was some deeper power hidden there. This kind of demonic energy did not come from evil, but it contained elusive mystery and threat.

"This kind of power..." Chen Xuan frowned and fixed his eyes on the statue. Although physically knocked back, he didn't give up.

He tried to penetrate the cover of the demonic aura of the idol. Chen Xuan tried to use his inner strength to fight against the demonic aura, trying to find its source.

He circulated the cultivation in his body, gathered the strength in his body, and tried to resist the demonic energy released by the statue. His internal strength tried to penetrate this invisible barrier.

However, even if he tried his best, he could not fight against this mysterious evil spirit. The power of the demonic energy became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to completely repel him from the vicinity of the statue.

 Chen Xuan was extremely anxious, and he felt helpless against the power of the demonic energy. No matter how he tried, he couldn't penetrate this mysterious power, and instead was pushed further and further away.

Under the resistance of the demonic energy, his body was bounced several feet away. His firm will allowed him to barely keep standing, but he could no longer get closer to the statue.

"What exactly is this demonic energy?" Chen Xuan was full of doubts in his heart. The mysterious power prevented him from prying into the secrets. This demonic energy seemed to be the guardian of some ancient power, and was full of strong repulsion and resistance to outsiders. defense.

He tried to get close to the statue again, but the demonic energy was like an iron wall with no cracks to peek through. Chen Xuan felt a little powerless in his heart. This demonic energy concealed even more unfathomable secrets, which made people afraid to stop. "Maybe I have to find other ways to unlock the secrets of this mountain forest." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

 There is a deep silence permeating the mountains and forests.

 Chen Xuanjing stood in front of the mysterious ancient statue, but still felt the strong repulsion of the evil spirit, making it difficult to get close.

Suddenly, there were subtle footsteps in the distance, as if someone was approaching. Chen Xuan raised his head alertly, and a figure appeared in the dark forest shadow in the distance. A man in black appeared in his sight.

The man was wearing a black robe, his face was covered by a black gauze, his expression was cold and unpredictable, and his eyes revealed a sharpness, as if he was looking for something.

 “Who are you?” The voice of the man in black was cold and hoarse, with an unquestionable majesty.

 Chen Xuan remained calm, with a hint of wariness between his brows.

 “I was just passing by here and had no other intention.”

The man in black stared at Chen Xuan, seeming to be considering his words. His eyes scanned Chen Xuan's figure, as if scrutinizing his every move.

 “Passing by?” The man in black said in a slightly cold voice.

The aura on your body is not simple. It seems that you are not just passing by. "

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. The man in black's insight made him feel uneasy. He knew that the other person might have noticed some special aura about him, which made him even more alert.

 “What are you looking for?” The man in black’s tone became more severe.

“Have you become interested in the secrets of this place?”

 Chen Xuan frowned, trying to hide his intentions: "I just passed by this place by chance, and I didn't delve into the things here."

The man in black didn't seem to believe it. He frowned slightly and glanced at Chen Xuan's surroundings.

“This is not a place you can set foot in casually. The secrets of this forest are not something outsiders can easily touch.”

 Chen Xuan noticed the warning in the words of the man in black. He knew that the other person might not be a kind person, but he also realized that there were some important secrets hidden under this evil spirit.

“Are you from this mountain forest?” Chen Xuan tried to remain calm. "What kind of secret does this evil spirit hide?"

There was a fierce look in the man in black's eyes, as if he was dissatisfied with Chen Xuan's curiosity: "This is not something you should care about, so just leave."

 Chen Xuan knew that he would not be able to get a real answer from him, but he realized that the man in black represented a certain force in this mountain forest, and there were some more profound secrets hidden behind this force.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black, as if he was thinking about how to deal with it.

"If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

Chen Xuan felt the threat from the man in black's words, and he knew that the other person would not give up.

The man in black frowned, and his eyes flashed with a firm and cold light. He was uncompromising in his attitude towards Chen Xuan, as if he had made up his mind.

“Your curiosity about this mountain forest is really hard to understand.” There was a hint of coldness in the voice of the man in black.

“But you know nothing about this place.”

 Chen Xuan was secretly alert. He knew that the man in black was not an ordinary pedestrian, but a representative of a certain force in the mountains and forests, and he might know many secret things.

“I just want to understand the nature of this demonic energy, and there is no malicious intent in exploring the mountains and forests.” Chen Xuan tried to explain.

The man in black seemed indifferent.

“You cannot find out the secrets here. Leave, otherwise there is only one ending.”

 Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the man in black was not planning to let him go. He felt the firmness in his words. However, his curiosity about this mountain forest had already arisen, and he did not want to give up just yet.

"Why do you emphasize the mystery of this demonic energy so much? What does it represent?" Chen Xuan said firmly, trying to get more information.

A trace of vigilance flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

“You’ve asked too many questions. The best option for you is to stay away from here.”

 Chen Xuan's heart was full of reluctance, and he could not give up easily. He knew that this demonic energy carried some kind of secret, perhaps the truth behind the mountain forest. He was full of doubts about the warning of the man in black, rather than fear.

 (End of this chapter)

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