Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6744: The mystery of demonic energy

Chapter 6744 The mystery of demonic energy

"If you don't want to tell me the truth, then I will find it myself." Chen Xuan was determined.

“I must know the origin of this evil spirit and why it exists in this mountain forest.”

When the man in black heard this, his eyes became even colder: "Do you really want to challenge us? This will be the biggest mistake in your life."

Chen Xuan's face was solemn and there was no room for doubt.

The man in black was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about how to deal with Chen Xuan's determination: "You have caused trouble yourself, don't blame me for not warning you."

Chen Xuan faced the threat of the man in black without flinching. His curiosity about this evil spirit made him willing to take risks to explore, even in the face of unknown and danger.

"I will bear the consequences myself." Chen Xuan's voice was firm, and he decided not to give up the exploration of this mountain forest easily.

The figure of the man in black was getting further and further away in the dense forest, but his eyes did not leave Chen Xuan. Suddenly, he stopped, turned around and glanced coldly, with an indifferent smile on his lips.

"Since you are so persistent, let me feel the true power of this forest for yourself." The man in black said in a cold voice, accompanied by a biting chill.

 Chen Xuan's heart tightened as he noticed the unfriendliness of the man in black. He stared at the man in black alertly, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and an ancient rune quickly formed on his palm. These runes emitted an eerie light, like a precursor to summoning some ancient power.

 Chen Xuan noticed something was wrong, his body trembled, and his heart became extremely vigilant. However, the runes in the palm of the man in black quickly condensed, forming a powerful demonic energy.

 “Bear the reality of this mountain forest!” The voice of the man in black was full of coldness and ridicule.

With a wave of his palm, a demonic energy that condensed the dark power of the entire mountain forest rushed towards Chen Xuan. This demonic energy was as solid as substance, and it rushed towards Chen Xuan with the power of destruction.

 Chen Xuan reacted instantly. He dodged his body and tried to avoid this powerful demonic attack. However, this demonic energy was extremely fast and seemed to be everywhere, covering him.

He tried his best to use the cultivation in his body to resist this powerful demonic attack. His internal energy surged to form a strong protective force, trying to resist the demonic attack released by the man in black.

The devil's breath collided with Chen Xuan's protective body, causing a strong wave of spiritual energy. Chen Xuan felt that his body was in violent shock, and was pulled by this magic power, and he could not help but retreat.

His muscles all over his body were tense, trying his best to resist this huge force.

The pressure brought by the magic attack released by the man in black was suffocating, as if it was going to completely destroy him.

 Chen Xuan realized that he could not directly resist this force, so he decided to look for opportunities to dodge and find ways to deal with it. His mind was spinning rapidly, trying to find a way to deal with it.

The man in black's eyes flashed with a hint of pride. He seemed to enjoy the pain of Chen Xuan's situation. He continued to release this powerful demonic attack without mercy, trying to completely defeat Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan's heart was tense, and a sense of crisis enveloped his whole body. He knew that he was in a disadvantageous situation, but he firmly decided not to surrender, but to find a way to deal with this magical attack.

Facing this oppressive force, Chen Xuan did not choose to avoid it, but responded calmly. He was already prepared in his heart. Although the situation was critical, he did not give up easily.

 “Where does this power come from?” Chen Xuan was puzzled, trying to understand the source of this demonic energy.

There was a sneer in the eyes of the man in black: "You know too little. This mountain forest hides more profound secrets than you imagine."

Facing the contempt of the man in black, Chen Xuan's heart did not waver. He realized that this battle was not a simple confrontation, but an exploration of mysterious power.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and began to use the spiritual power in his body. He tried to find a way to resist the attack of demonic energy.

The demonic energy was getting closer and closer, and the dark power was like a thick iron wall, forcing Chen Xuan to a desperate situation. He felt that every cell in his body was trembling, and he was in danger of being crushed at any time.

However, Chen Xuan did not give up looking for a countermeasure. He gathered his inner strength and tried to find a gap in this dark force.

“Can’t resist it?” The man in black’s eyes flashed with pride: “You are still too weak.”

 Chen Xuan was determined in his heart. He was not swayed by the ridicule of the man in black. He continued to gather the spiritual energy in his body, trying to find flaws in the demonic attack.

The man in black seemed a little impatient with Chen Xuan's tenacious performance: "Struggle, you will eventually die."

Chen Xuan noticed the indifferent attitude of the man in black and was alert, but he would never give up easily. He tried his best to concentrate and find a way to fight against this evil spirit.

 Suddenly, he felt a weak spiritual energy fluctuating among the demonic energy. He suddenly seized this opportunity and tried to get out of the attack of the demonic energy.

"Found it!" Chen Xuan's heart moved. He found a flaw. He grabbed this weak gap and tried to avoid the attack of this demonic energy.

His figure dodged, cleverly avoiding the invasion of this demonic energy and avoiding the direct contact of the dark power. However, the man in black did not stop attacking, and he continued to release the powerful demonic energy.

Chen Xuan calmly analyzed his opponent's movements and looked for new opportunities. He did not rush into the fight, but carefully looked for gaps that could be exploited. Seeing Chen Xuan successfully avoid the attack, the man in black's expression changed slightly. He was not surprised, but showed a gloomy smile: "Where else do you want to escape to?"

 Chen Xuan did not answer. He was calm and calm. He continued to look for opportunities and tried to find a way to deal with this evil spirit.

The man in black launched another attack, and the demonic energy swept towards Chen Xuan again. This time, Chen Xuan nimbly dodged the attack, trying to find an opportunity to counterattack.

He already had a countermeasure in his mind, and he was waiting for the best time to prepare to deal with this dark demonic attack with more powerful force.

Fighting the demonic energy released by the man in black with his bare hands, Chen Xuan's every movement seemed extremely calm. His eyes were deep and solemn, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to echo the mysterious aura contained in the mountains and forests.

The demonic energy in the hands of the man in black was like a huge wave of darkness, carrying a strong pressure and attacking Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan did not choose to resist directly, but used his flexible body and keen observation to try to find A gap for the man in black to release his demonic energy.

 He was as light as a leaf avoiding the attack of evil spirits, and he was always vigilant. Every avoidance seemed extremely flexible, as if the surrounding woods were covering and assisting him.

"It seems you don't want to give up." The voice of the man in black came from the demonic aura. "But you will inevitably die."

 Chen Xuan did not answer. He knew that in this confrontation with the man in black, he could not take it lightly. His eyes were fixed on the other person, constantly looking for opportunities, waiting for the best time to deal with the demonic energy.

There was a trace of disdain on the face of the man in black: "Do you think you can escape the envelope of this evil spirit? The power of this mountain forest is far beyond your control."

 Chen Xuan pursed his lips slightly. He was not shaken by the other party's words. He was calm in his heart and tried to feel the laws and power contained in the demonic energy. He began to adjust his rhythm and tried to find a way to resist this demonic energy.

 The demonic energy raged around Chen Xuan, forming a dark whirlpool. Chen Xuan realized that this force was extremely powerful and he must find a way to deal with it.

 Suddenly, he felt a subtle change, as if he had discovered a weak link in the demonic energy. He moved in his heart and tried to take advantage of this opportunity.

He seized the opportunity, flexibly changed his body shape, and approached the seemingly weak vulnerability step by step. He took a deep breath and gathered firm determination in his heart.

The man in black frowned slightly, feeling the changes in Chen Xuan. The demonic energy in his hand continued to rage, trying to completely envelope Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan had already had a plan in his mind, and he suddenly launched a counterattack. He used his flexible body and internal strength at extremely fast speeds to find a gap in the dark demonic energy that he could break through.

His figure was like a bolt of lightning, suddenly rushing forward. At this moment, he exuded a powerful aura, as if he wanted to integrate the power of the mountain forest into it.

The man in black looked at Chen Xuan's sudden change in surprise. He did not expect that the other party would have such a strong counterattack. His face was slightly solemn, but he did not stop the attack of releasing demonic energy.

 Chen Xuan's figure flashed instantly, and his body moved nimbly through the demonic aura. His internal energy was constantly running, as if echoing the aura in the mountain forest.

He tried to use his own power to gradually weaken the demonic energy released by the man in black. He constantly observed the movement of the demonic energy and tried to find a more effective way to fight against it.

The oppressive feeling in the demonic aura gradually weakened, and Chen Xuan seemed to have found a way to resolve it. He was filled with determination and confidence deep in his heart, and he unwaveringly fought against the power of the man in black.

The man in black noticed the subtle changes in the situation, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes. He did not expect that Chen Xuan could find a way to fight against the demonic energy in this mountain forest. He was secretly vigilant in his heart, but still unwilling to give up.

Chen Xuan constantly tested the weakness of the demonic energy. His figure was able to maneuver in this dense forest with ease. His internal energy surged like a tide, forming a subtle interaction with the demonic energy.

 The confrontation between the two is like a delicate contest, with every step involving extremely complex internal rhythms.

The demonic energy released by the man in black was like a dark ghost, controlling this area. Chen Xuan realized the power of the man in black, and his heart was filled with awe and vigilance.

The man in black's eyes were deep and cold, and the demonic energy in his hands became more intense and spread to all directions. He did not stop attacking, but instead released this mysterious spiritual energy even harder.

 Chen Xuan's expression became solemn. He deeply felt the unfathomable power of the man in black. He was vigilant in his heart, trying to find the weakness of the man in black so that he could deal with his attack.

The fingers of the man in black quickly formed ancient runes. These runes were filled with a sinister aura. These runes gathered into a magical attack full of destructive power and shot toward Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He felt the powerful pressure brought by this demonic attack. His muscles and bones all over his body seemed to be trembling. Faced with the aura released by the man in black, he understood clearly.

"Do you think you can resist the power of this mountain forest?" The man in black said in a cold voice, with a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

 Chen Xuan did not answer. He stared at his opponent quietly, but he was always alert in his heart. He knew that this confrontation was not only a contest of strength, but also a contest of mind and will.

The man in black's demonic attack formed a thick magic barrier, covering Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt as if he was in a dark whirlpool, being mercilessly swallowed.

He tried his best to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, trying to resist the attack of the demonic energy released by the man in black. His internal energy surged to form a strong protective force, trying to resist this violent demonic energy.

A cruel smile flashed in the eyes of the man in black: "Have you finally experienced the feeling of powerlessness?"

 (End of this chapter)

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