Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6825: The power of divine ice condenses

Chapter 6825 The power of divine ice condenses

Twenty monks from the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect fought on the top of Qinglong Mountain. Both sides used exquisite formations and tacit cooperation in order to gain an advantage in the chaotic battlefield.

 Chen Xuan led the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect. Seeing that the battle was becoming increasingly fierce, he urgently needed to strengthen teamwork and made a quick decision. "Zixia, Green Narcissus, let's use the Heavenly Fire and Purple Ice Formation! Bai Yunfei, Red Flame, and Jasper cooperate to release the Thunder-Burning Wind Flame! Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry form the Golden and Iron Great Wall Formation! Liu Bing, you and I will lure the enemy together. !" Chen Xuan gave the order, and everyone understood their tasks and took action quickly.

Zixia and Green Narcissus quickly deployed their formations. Purple sky fire burst out from Zixia's fan, which complemented the power of Green Narcissus' divine ice, forming a defense network of sky fire and purple ice to resist all the opponent's attacks.

Bai Yunfei, Red Flame and Jasper simultaneously released the power of Nine Revolutions Sky Thunder, Sky Fire and Jade Flower. The three spiritual energies converged to form an attack of burning thunder and wind flame, which bombarded the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect, creating chaos. The battle situation.

The golden dragon, Ziwei and the cavalry quickly formed the Golden and Iron Great Wall Formation. The power of gold gathered in the Golden Dragon Sword, Ziwei's meteor hammer released the light of stars, and the cavalry's iron-blooded spear burst into the embankment with momentum. The three intertwined to form an incomparable solid defense. The enemy's attack was firmly blocked.

Liu Bing and Chen Xuan worked together skillfully. They used their mysterious skills to lure the enemy monks, and at the same time launched a rapid raid, trying to find flaws in the enemy's line.

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect did not show weakness. They reacted instantly and formed a formation of blood, frost, thunder and fire. One monk released a red blood sword, and the other used the power of divine ice as a boost to form a formation of ice and fire. In addition, The two monks gathered the power of the nine-turn heavenly thunder and formed an atmosphere of exploding fairy thunder around the formation.

The Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation of the Star Dragon Sect collided with the Blood Frost, Thunder and Fire Formation of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. Sky Fire and Blood Fire, Purple Ice and Ice Fire were intertwined, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

“Zixia, Green Narcissus, our defense is not strong enough! Strengthen the left side!”

“Bai Yunfei, Red Flame, and Jasper, focus on attacking the center!”

 “Golden Dragon, Ziwei, Iron Cavalry, maintain the formation, don’t be scattered!”

 Chen Xuan's command voice echoed on the battlefield. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect cooperated with the command, constantly adjusting their formations, and doing their best to deal with the enemy's powerful formation.

 “Don’t let them succeed!”

“The power of the formation cannot be underestimated! We must break through their front!”

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect also cooperated closely. They fought together, trying to destroy the opponent's defense line and find a breakthrough.

The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect used their own formations, and every move and move caused huge waves on the battlefield. The two sides were evenly matched, and they were trying their best to gain the upper hand.

Disciples of the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect continued to fight fiercely on the top of Qinglong Mountain. Both sides used their full strength, and the scene was extremely chaotic and grand.

Chen Xuan waved the Suzaku Sword, and the sword light flew like heavenly fire. His body skills whizzed past and turned into a stream of light, trying to break through the enemy's formation and looking for flaws, but the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect cooperated closely and kept blocking him. attack gap.

“Zixia, Green Narcissus, stay stable and strengthen the defense on the left!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

“Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Bi Yu, seize the opportunity to launch a concentrated attack!” His command voice echoed on the battlefield, and the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect adjusted their tactics and tried their best to cooperate.

The Feiyun Sword in Bai Yunfei's hand emitted a dazzling sword light. He, Chi Yan, and Biyu worked together to concentrate their firepower to break through the enemy's key defenses.

 "Cavalry, Ziwei, Golden Dragon, we need a stronger formation!" Chen Xuan noticed that the opponent's attack was more fierce, and he immediately ordered to adjust the formation.

Under his command, the Iron Cavalry, Ziwei and Jinlong worked closely together to withstand the powerful attacks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect monks and maintain the Star Dragon Sect's formation.

Zixia and Green Narcissus cooperated tacitly in the Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation. They resisted the enemy's offensive, maintained the Star Dragon Sect's left defense line, and continuously released brilliant purple ice and sky fire.

On the other side, the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect also cooperated closely. They fought together and tried to find flaws in the Star Dragon Sect.

“Fight quickly, don’t give them a chance to breathe!” A monk from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect shouted loudly.

“The formation must be used continuously! Break through their defenses!” Another monk from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect also gave the order.

The formations of both sides were intertwined on the mountain top, with defenses and attacks intertwined. The battlefield was extremely chaotic. Every monk devoted himself to this irreversible battle. Their will was firm and they refused to give in.

Chen Xuan led the monks of Xinglong Sect to defend with all their strength while looking for the opponent's flaws.

"We must hold on! We cannot let them break through our defenses!" Chen Xuan's voice was firm and powerful, inspiring the monks of the Star Dragon Sect.

 “No…no…they are too powerful!” A disciple of the Star Dragon Sect gradually felt powerless during the battle.

"Don't give up! We can definitely do it!" Bai Yunfei encouraged his companions and gritted his teeth to keep fighting.

 “Zixia, Green Narcissus, we must persist until the last moment!” Chen Xuan’s eyes flashed with determination not to back down.

 The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were fighting fiercely on the top of Qinglong Mountain. When the swords were at war, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination.

"Time Stop Formation! Form a Time Stop Formation immediately!" Chen Xuan's voice echoed throughout the battlefield. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect quickly followed his command, each showing their strengths, and quickly formed a faint formation.

 "Zixia, Green Narcissus, maintain your defense line!" Chen Xuan's eyes were firm, and he knew the criticality of this moment.

 Zixia and Green Narcissus immediately held their breath and concentrated, stabilized the defense line, and continued to release the power of the Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation to withstand the offensive of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. "Bai Yunfei, Chiyan, and Biyu, focus your attack!" Chen Xuan immediately gave the order.

After hearing the words, the three people immediately cooperated and launched a sharper offensive, using burning thunder and wind flames to attack the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect in an attempt to attack the opponent's defense line.

“Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry, maintain a solid defense!” Chen Xuan’s commanding voice was firm and powerful.

The three of them had faith, gathered strength, and firmly held the line to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of them.

 Under his command, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect executed the formations in an orderly manner and steadily responded to the offensive of the Blood Stripe Immortal Sect.

However, the enemy's attacks became more and more fierce. Although the disciples of Xinglong Sect tried hard to defend, they gradually became unbearable.

 “This can’t go on like this!” Chen Xuan was anxious. He knew he had to gain something.

Just as the situation became increasingly tense, a look of determination flashed across Chen Xuan's eyebrows, and he suddenly used the secret technique he had mastered to stop!

A mysterious power emanated from Chen Xuan, and the time around him seemed to be frozen. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect stopped all movements, but their eyes were full of surprise and expectation.

Time seemed to have stopped, everything came to a standstill. Chen Xuan used the secret method of time-stopping to gain valuable time and opportunities for his team.

At this moment, they saw everything about the enemy. Everyone's posture and the direction of each attack were clearly visible. This short time seemed to have been extended several times, allowing them to think and respond more.

“Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Bi Yu, take the opportunity to attack!” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed across the battlefield. The three disciples of the Star Dragon Sect quickly found the enemy’s weaknesses and concentrated their attacks, hoping to cause greater damage.

“Zixia, Green Narcissus, concentrate on attacking the right side!” He commanded again, using this short pause to strike a powerful blow at the enemy.

The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect took quick action in this short period of time. They used this time to accurately attack the weaknesses in the enemy's front and tried their best to reverse the situation.

But the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were restrained by the time stop. Their movements were frozen instantly and they were forced to stand still. They had to witness the surprise attack by the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect.

Time is like running water. Soon, the time-stop effect disappears and the battlefield returns to its original intense chaos. However, this short time has given the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect unlimited hope and opportunities.

"Come again!" Chen Xuan's voice sounded. They knew this was the best time. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect gathered their strength again, trying to take advantage of the enemy's confusion to launch a sharper attack.

 Under the command of Chen Xuan, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect worked together to launch sharper attacks.

Chen Xuan holds the Suzaku Sword in his hand, and the sword light burns like heavenly fire. His body is strong and strong, turning into a beam of lightning, dodging in and out of the battlefield, looking for the enemy's weaknesses.

 Zixia and Green Narcissus work closely together to release the power of the Heavenly Fire and Purple Ice Formation. The power of Heavenly Fire and Divine Ice are intertwined to form a hot and cold area, blocking the enemy's attacks.

Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Biyu cooperated with each other, and the sword strikes came one after another. The burning wind and flames penetrated the battlefield like nine-turn thunder, bringing up bursts of wind and sky fire, posing a serious threat to the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect.

Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry always stick to the defense line. They guard the entire formation, constantly adjust their positions, and resist the enemy's fierce attacks.

Every Xinglong Sect disciple is giving full play to his or her own strengths, working closely together, and working tirelessly toward a common goal.

At the same time, the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were not to be outdone and resisted tenaciously on the chaotic battlefield.

They continued to release powerful attacks, trying to break through the Star Dragon Sect's defense line. Each attack carried infinite power, making it difficult for the Star Dragon Sect's disciples to resist.

“Hold on! Don’t be defeated by them!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly, his eyes shining with determination.

Every detail on the battlefield seemed extremely tense. The disciples of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect and the Star Dragon Sect were trying their best. They were evenly matched and the battle was extremely fierce.

 Zixia and Green Narcissus' attacks were like fire and ice, maximizing the power of the Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation. They worked hard to maintain the stability of the formation.

 “Don’t stop attacking!” Zixia commanded calmly, her eyes full of determination and determination.

Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Biyu worked together. Their sword moves were extremely sharp, and the thunder, wind and flames continued to attack the enemy, leaving the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect in a state of embarrassment.

Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry stood on the defensive line. They cooperated tacitly and tried their best to protect the entire formation, not giving the other side any chance to break through.

Each disciple tried his best on the battlefield, unleashed all his strength, and fought for the honor and dignity of the Star Dragon Sect.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly tense. Both sides were struggling to gain the upper hand. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect showed their incomparable unity and strength. Although they encountered powerful opponents, they did not flinch at all. .

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect also went all out, and despite facing powerful opponents, they did not flinch at all.

The entire battlefield is full of tension and fierce atmosphere. Every attack and defense makes people feel that life or death is uncertain. Every disciple is trying his best for his own beliefs.

 (End of this chapter)

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