Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6826: Try your best

Chapter 6826 Try your best

The battle between the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect became increasingly fierce. Every collision stirred up gusts of wind, and the top of the mountain seemed to be shaking.

Chen Xuan led the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect to engage in a fierce confrontation with the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. However, even Chen Xuan's powerful team seemed abnormal under the powerful attack of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect monks. Hard work.

"Their strength is stronger than we expected!" Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel anxious. Although they resisted with all their strength, the strength of their opponents made him feel a pressure.

 Zixia, Green Narcissus and others constantly adjusted their formations in the Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation, trying to resist the enemy's offensive. However, the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect's attacks became more and more fierce, as if they were going to completely destroy the Sky Fire and Purple Ice Formation.

Although Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Biyu cooperated tacitly, they were still unable to withstand the strong attack of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect monks. Their attacks became more and more passive and they were forced to be on the defensive.

Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry were also holding on. However, as the battle progressed, their strength gradually became weak, and the defense line wavered slightly.

“Everyone, hold on!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly, knowing that it was now a matter of life and death.

Under the attack of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect gradually struggled. They tried their best to resist, but the opponent's strength made them feel unprecedented oppression.

Chen Xuan personally rushed into the battlefield and stood in the front of the disciples. He held the Suzaku Sword, the sword was shining, but his eyes were full of determination not to back down.

“Monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect, what else do you want?” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed throughout the battlefield: “We, the Star Dragon Sect, will not surrender to anyone!”

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were silent, but their attacks became more and more fierce, as if they wanted to completely defeat the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect.

Every collision on the battlefield brings violent fluctuations of spiritual energy. Sword energy and secret techniques are intertwined, stirring up layers of sky fire and nine-turn sky thunder.

 Chen Xuan and others tried their best, and every time they took action was a desperate effort, but the opponent's strong strength made them feel an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

"Hold on a little longer!" Chen Xuan was determined in his heart. He knew that he could never retreat at all now. Only by resisting with all his strength could he have a chance of survival.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly tense, and the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect were struggling under the strong attack of the enemy. They tried their best, but they were still unable to control the situation.

 The battlefield on the top of Qinglong Mountain seemed to have become a whirlpool of violent storms, chaotic and ferocious.

 Chen Xuan's hair was disheveled, and the sweat on his forehead was intertwined with the hot aura of the battle. The scars on his body gradually increased, but he was still not afraid at all. The Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand danced with bursts of heavenly fire.

“Star Dragon Sect, hold on!” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed on the battlefield, injecting unyielding power into the disciples.

The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect are like crazy ligers. Each one is struggling with all their strength to resist the violent attacks of the disciples of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. Every move and every move is transformed into a mark of life and death. They are on the battlefield. A fierce confrontation.

Zixia and Green Narcissus are still persisting. They have gathered all the power of the Heavenly Fire and Purple Ice Formation to resist the powerful offensive from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect as much as possible. Their bodies are bathed in blood, but their eyes are twinkling. Tenacious light.

Bai Yunfei, Chi Yan, and Biyu worked closely together. Their figures were flying on the battlefield, and every move was full of fanatical aura. They worked hard to find the enemy's flaws and tried to reverse the situation on the battlefield.

Golden Dragon, Ziwei, and Iron Cavalry stood on the defense line. Their bodies were dripping with blood, but their eyes still shone with the desire to win. They always guarded the formation firmly and did not allow the enemy to have the slightest chance to break through.

On the battlefield, the crisis of life and death appeared at every moment. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect were struggling under the powerful offensive of the Blood Mark Immortal Sect.

The violent attacks of the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect seemed to be endless. They launched a crazy attack on the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect without any mercy.

“Guys from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect, that’s not enough!” Chen Xuan’s eyes flashed with fierceness. He faced the enemy without fear at all, trying hard to keep the Star Dragon Sect’s team going.

Under the leadership of Chen Xuan, the disciples of Xinglong Sect continued to unleash their full strength. Their moves were extremely sharp, but the opponent's attacks became more and more fierce, making it difficult for them to have a chance to breathe.

 “Be patient a little longer!” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed on the battlefield. His injuries were getting more serious, but his eyes were full of unyielding.

The fight between the strong and the strong on the battlefield never stops, every collision arouses a burst of brilliance, and every move is a life-or-death power.

Chen Xuan felt the crisis in the fierce battle. He concentrated his mind and decided to use the Suzaku Formation. This is an extremely advanced formation. It is based on the Suzaku mythical beast and combines the power of heavenly fire to gather fiery attack and protection. strength.

“Suzaku Formation, come out!” Chen Xuan chanted an ancient spell in a low voice, and a hot spiritual energy surged around him.

Powerful heavenly fire aura began to gather, forming a fiery red halo around Chen Xuan. This halo continued to expand, spreading blazing heat and permeating the entire battlefield.

When the disciples of Xinglong Sect saw this scene, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. They knew that Chen Xuan was going to use the Suzaku Formation.

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect also sensed the abnormality. They changed their offensive and began to intensively besiege Chen Xuan's location.

“Don’t let him complete the formation!” A master from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect shouted loudly. They tried their best to suppress Chen Xuan and try to break his formation.

Chen Xuan knew that time was running out. He exuded hot heavenly fire breath all over his body and began to activate the Suzaku formation. The Suzaku sword in his hand also began to emit powerful light from the sky fire. Ancient runes appeared on the sword, gradually forming a Mysterious rune array.

 “Hold on!” Chen Xuan shouted to the disciples around him, trying his best to maintain the stability of the formation.

The monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect attacked Chen Xuan more and more fiercely. They knew that once the Suzaku formation was formed, it would be a major threat to them.

Sweat dripped from Chen Xuan's forehead. He felt the fiery power gathered in the formation, but he also knew the danger of this process. The Suzaku formation not only required a huge amount of spiritual power, but also withstood attacks from the outside world. It may collapse if you are not careful.

In order to protect Chen Xuan, the other disciples of the Star Dragon Sect stepped up their defense and tried their best to block the attack of the Blood Mark Immortal Sect. Although they also felt the pressure, they still resisted desperately and bought time for Chen Xuan. “Brother Chen Xuan, hold on!” a disciple shouted loudly, and they tried their best to share the pressure on Chen Xuan.

The burning atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more intense, and the aura of the Suzaku Formation continued to spread, forming a blazing barrier of sky fire, like an indestructible line of defense, blocking the fierce attack of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect.

During the confrontation, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect and the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect launched a fierce confrontation. Everyone was fully coping with the enemy's offensive, leaving varying degrees of scars on their bodies.

"These guys are not simple!" Liu Bing tried his best and said to Zixia beside him: "We have to find a way."

“Our formation is about to be unable to hold up.” Zixia frowned, her eyes flashing anxiously.

Bai Yunfei stared at the battlefield, looking for a breakthrough. "We need a way out!" he said to Jasper and Narcissus.

“Brother Chen Xuan is supporting the Suzaku formation, we have to deal with these guys as soon as possible!” Green Narcissus looked anxiously into the distance, knowing that time was becoming more and more precious to them.

Chi Yan shouted: "The defense is solid and the attack is difficult to perform. We need to change our strategy!"

Jinlong and Ziwei leaned closely together, and they were discussing: "Can we use the stone formation over there?"

“Tieqi, how are you doing there?” Ziwei turned to ask Tieqi, trying to understand the enemy’s movements.

 The cavalryman scanned the surrounding battlefield with a serious expression on his face. "We must buy more time for Brother Chen Xuan!"

Faced with the enemy's crazy attacks, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect are not only resisting with all their strength, but also trying to find opportunities for breakthroughs. Everyone is looking for ways to change the situation of the battle. For the honor of the sect and each other's safety, They discussed with each other, hoping to find the key to a breakthrough.

On the battlefield, the atmosphere instantly became tense to the extreme. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect were struggling, and each one tried their best to exert their full strength.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. As the Suzaku Sword danced, the blazing sky fire spread out one after another, shrouding the enemies around him. He displayed the pinnacle of Suzaku Sword Technique without any mercy. Thousands of sword shadows lingered, as if It engulfs surrounding enemies like fire.

Liu Bing moved leisurely, and the water mirror sword in her hand turned into a curtain of water, bending beside her. Her figure was like a dream, and each sword contained astonishing power of fairy water, trapping the incoming enemy. Keep out.

Bai Yunfei's whole body was shrouded in a thin layer of white mist. His footwork was unusually whistling. Every figure turned into an attack as fast as lightning. His sword skills were as erratic as flowing clouds. , making it difficult to capture its traces.

Green Narcissus and Zixia cooperated tacitly, one yin and one yang, and both displayed the sky fire and purple ice array. The sky fire burned and the purple ice condensed, forming a blurred light curtain, which severely frightened the enemies who came to attack.

The red flames of heavenly fire burned blazingly on the battlefield, and his figure was like a whirlpool of heavenly fire. Every blow released blazing power, forcing the enemy back several steps.

Jasper and Golden Dragon work together, silver light and jade energy intersect, condensing into a gorgeous attack, like a meteor across the battlefield, shooting down enemies in the air.

Ziwei waved the Purple Thunder Sword in her hand, and the power of the immortal thunder gathered into a fierce momentum. Every strike she struck was accompanied by an explosion of lightning, making it impossible for the enemy to resist.

The fighting spirit in the iron cavalry is awe-inspiring, and his footwork is unusually whistling. Each step contains amazing power, causing the enemy to continuously retreat.

Every disciple of the Star Dragon Sect tried their best at this moment. Even though they were scarred, they still resisted tenaciously. Their attacks firmly suppressed the enemy.

Not to be outdone, the monks of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect fought back with extreme strength. On the battlefield, sky fire and water curtains intertwined, and fairy thunder and silver light collided, forming a brilliant melee.

Every disciple of the Star Dragon Sect tried their best, but still felt the heavy difficulties. The monks of the Blood Mark Immortal Sect continued to release amazing power, and every attack seemed to carry the aura of destroying everything.

 Chen Xuan felt the fatigue deep in his body. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to maintain the Suzaku formation, but he knew that once the formation was broken, the Star Dragon Sect would be in a lot of crisis.

 “We must persevere!” Chen Xuan thought silently in his heart, a strong will supporting him.

The power of water and fog on Liu Bing and Bai Yunfei is rapidly weakening, and their defenses are becoming increasingly difficult to withstand the strong offensive of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect.

"This formation can't hold on any longer!" Liu Bing's face was solemn. She looked at Chen Xuan with a trace of anxiety in her eyes.

"We must make a breakthrough!" Bai Yunfei frowned and shouted to his companions.

 Zixia and Green Narcissus worked together, but cracks began to appear in their formation, and traces of flaws began to appear.

“Our defense can no longer hold up!” Green Narcissus frowned, and they felt tremendous pressure.

As their injuries worsened, the disciples of the Star Dragon Sect began to feel desperate. There seemed to be an infinite number of monks from the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. Their attacks were constantly changing, making the resistance of the Star Dragon Sect precarious.

"We can't give up!" Chi Yan waved the sky fire in his hand and gritted his teeth and insisted: "The glory of the sect cannot be lost easily by us."

 “Hold on!” Jasper and Golden Dragon also tried their best to support, although they also felt the extreme consumption of physical strength.

 Ziwei’s figure was swaying, but her eyes were shining with unyielding light. "We cannot be defeated!" she shouted to the crowd.

 (End of this chapter)

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