Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6828: Junior of Xinglong Sect

 Chapter 6828 The Junior of the Star Dragon Sect

The sword energy was churning, the phantom of the Suzaku soul appeared again, and the sky fire was burning. The team led by Chen Xuan struggled to resist this wave of fierce attacks.

“Are they crazy?!” Liu Bing murmured in a low voice, with a look of astonishment in her eyes. This fanatical and fearless offensive made people feel an unprecedented aura of despair.

Bai Yunfei and Biyu shuttled quickly, trying to create openings to counterattack. However, the attacks of the masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were like a flood, leaving them with almost no chance to breathe.

 Zixia and Jinlong are constantly releasing secret methods of defense and counterattack, but under this crazy attack, it is difficult for them to completely defend the line of defense.

 The cavalry and Ziwei continued to assist their teammates, but seeing the enemy's offensive becoming more and more fierce, people felt a little helpless.

The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect seemed to be driven by crazy fighting spirit and launched attacks desperately. All they saw in their eyes was the desire for victory and the cruel threat to the enemy.

 Chen Xuan calmly watched the situation on the battlefield, with a trace of determination in his eyes. This crazy offensive made him feel unprecedented pressure. He knew that something must be done, otherwise the situation would be completely out of control.

“No, we can’t lose here!” Chen Xuan whispered to himself, his eyes burning with firm fire. He took a deep breath, and his thoughts flashed like lightning.

"We must join forces and concentrate our efforts to break through!" Chen Xuan's voice was calm and determined: "According to the original tactics, assist each other, find the right breakthrough, and don't let them succeed!"

The nine disciples of the Star Dragon Sect nodded one after another. They did not dare to be careless at all. Under the command of Chen Xuan, they readjusted their formation and tried to find the best way to break the offensive of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect.

Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei cooperated instantly. They turned into two lightning bolts and quickly shuttled across the battlefield, trying to distract the enemy and find loopholes.

 Zixia and Jinlong also cooperated tacitly and released a more powerful defensive barrier in an attempt to resist this crazy offensive.

 Liu Bing and Chi Yan are constantly releasing auxiliary and strengthening secrets to provide stronger support to their teammates.

 Chen Xuan stood at the front, his sword skills became even more fierce, and the Suzaku Sword Qi roared out. He seemed to be trying to open a path to victory.

On the battlefield, sky fire burned, sword light flickered, and secret techniques intertwined, forming a fierce battle scene. The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were like crazy monsters, but the nine-person team of the Star Dragon Sect also worked hard with unremitting efforts. , trying to find an opportunity to break through. The outcome of this battle seems to depend on a split-second decision.

The fierce confrontation between the Star Dragon Sect and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect has entered a fierce state. On the battlefield, the sky fire is burning, the sword energy is circling like a dragon, and the secret techniques are intertwined, forming a chaotic and fierce fighting scene.

Chen Xuan was clothed in sky fire and held the Suzaku Sword in his hand. His eyes shone with sharp light, and he seemed to have integrated his whole body into the sword's intention. Under his command, the nine-man team he led worked in tacit understanding and cooperated with each other in order to resist the blood. Wenxian Sect's crazy offensive went all out.

Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei turned into two streams of light and shuttled quickly on the battlefield, trying to create openings for the enemy and cut into the openings for attack. Their movements were as fast as lightning. Every time they took action, they seemed to cut the battlefield, creating a ray of light. Tao opportunity.

Zixia and Jinlong are constantly releasing powerful defensive barriers. Their defensive barriers have almost become a barrier on the battlefield, resisting the powerful attacks of the Blood Mark Immortal Sect. Their bodies are shining with brilliance, and the layers of defense nets are like a sky. Generally thick.

Liu Bing and Chi Yan continued to release auxiliary and strengthening secrets, providing endless support to their teammates. Their secrets merged into beams of light, adding hope and vitality to the battlefield.

Tieqi and Ziwei are applying secret methods of healing and buffing to their teammates. They constantly use their healing power to provide help to injured teammates.

The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect did not show weakness. Their increasingly violent attacks seemed to break the entire battlefield. Their eyes were full of fanaticism and violence, and they launched a destructive attack on the nine-man team of the Star Dragon Sect desperately. attack.

Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was like a violent storm. The Suzaku sword energy roared out, and thousands of sword shadows intertwined. He seemed to be one with the sword, pouring all his strength into every attack.

The atmosphere of the battle has become extremely tense, and every slight change may bring about a different situation. On the battlefield, sky fire rises, sword light flashes, and secret techniques fly, seemingly intertwined into a magnificent and chaotic picture.

"Hold on! Don't give up!" Chen Xuan's voice echoed on the battlefield, his eyes shining with tenacious will. He knew that there must be no retreat or wavering at this time.

The nine-member team of Star Dragon Sect constantly adjusted their tactics and tried to find a breakthrough point. Everyone devoted themselves to the battle in order to protect the dignity and glory of Star Dragon Sect.

And the masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were not to be outdone. Their offensive became more and more fierce, as if they wanted to destroy everything.

As the battle intensified, the nine-member team of the Star Dragon Sect gradually began to gain the upper hand. Under the leadership of Chen Xuan, they became more courageous as they fought, cooperated with each other, and had flexible tactics. The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect continued to fight. After the fierce battle, his fatigue began to show.

Chen Xuan glanced at the battlefield. He felt that the enemy's defense line was gradually loosening. He waved the Suzaku Sword in his hand, and the sword energy swept away like heavenly fire. He followed up with the order: "Team of nine, concentrate firepower to attack its weakness. point!"

 Liu Bing and Chi Yan responded quickly, releasing a series of auxiliary and attack secrets, paving a land of opportunity for their teammates. Zixia and Jinlong cooperated tacitly, cleverly using space distortion to lead the enemy master to a more disadvantageous position.

 “Unite together!” the Iron Cavalry shouted loudly, and then he and Ziwei released more powerful buff secrets to provide powerful support to teammates.

The team of the Star Dragon Sect gradually formed a tacit synergy. They complemented each other, both offensively and defensively, and stabilized the situation on the battlefield. However, the masters of the Bloodline Immortal Sect began to show fatigue, were forced to defend, and began to appear in positions. signs of looseness.

"One more wave! They can no longer hold up!" Chen Xuan ordered loudly, his sword skills became more fierce. His eyes swept across the battlefield, and when he saw the opponent's flaws, he immediately directed his teammates to attack.

Bai Yunfei and Biyu moved quickly, taking advantage of the enemy's fatigue to launch fierce attacks. Their movements were like ghosts, their sword moves were like lightning, and there was already a gap in the opponent's defense.

 Zixia is using the power of space to create more chaos and increase the enemy's position. They accurately locate the opponent's weak points, exacerbating the enemy's confusion.

"Their resistance is declining!" Liu Bing said excitedly. She saw that the other party gradually gave up their previous persistence and became a little confused.

Chi Yan continued to release blazing sky fire attacks, creating more attack space for his teammates. He felt that the enemy masters were gradually finding it difficult to resist this offensive. "This is our chance!" Ziwei shouted. She saw that the other party was gradually becoming passive and was a little at a loss.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He felt the changes on the battlefield. He took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Don't relax, hold on, we are close to the edge of victory."

"Yes, we can't relax!" Liu Bing nodded in agreement, full of confidence.

"Don't let them have a chance to breathe!" Bai Yunfei reminded, he saw that the opponent was in a weakened state.

 Zixia and Jinlong nodded tacitly. They continued to create more chaos and increased the signs of each other's collapse.

Chi Yan continued to release the sky fire attack, his eyes flashed with determination, knowing that now was a good opportunity to eradicate the weeds.

 The cavalry and Ziwei provide full support to their teammates, allowing them to maintain their best condition and continue to suppress the enemy.

"Their resistance is getting weaker and weaker!" the cavalryman said excitedly, feeling the instability of the enemy's defense line.

 “If you work harder, you can achieve the final victory!” Ziwei said excitedly, she had already seen the dawn of victory.

The situation on the battlefield gradually tilted towards the nine-member team of Star Dragon Sect. Their tacit cooperation, determination and belief allowed them to gradually gain the upper hand. The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect gradually became unable to support themselves, and their defense lines became loose. They began to feel that they could not reverse the situation. disadvantages.

The shadow of the sword danced like flames, and he started fighting with the master of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect. Each of his swordsmanship brought a burning breath, cutting through the icy air.

Bai Yunfei and Biyu attacked fiercely, their swords flashed with cold light, and their sword moves seemed to be as fast as lightning, breaking the air fiercely.

Zixia uses strange space power to distort the battlefield and create chaos. Her skills make the enemy unable to resist. There is a harsh shattering sound in the space fluctuations, causing the enemy's line to gradually collapse.

The red flame releases blazing sky fire, burning the surrounding ice and snow. The heat and coldness of the sky fire are in sharp contrast, forcing the enemy to a desperate situation.

 Liu Bing's divine ice power envelopes the battlefield, and the ice crystals condense into ice walls, trapping the enemy and weakening them.

 Tieqi and Ziwei cooperated tacitly and always maintained stable support.

In the continuous fierce battle, Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei shuttled like meteors, criss-crossing their swords. Their movements were agile and their swordsmanship was sharp. Every swing seemed to cut the battlefield into countless pieces. Their offensive surged like a torrent. Pushing the masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect into a desperate situation.

The enemy was tired of dealing with the shadow of the sword, and his formation began to have holes. Bai Yunfei's sword shined like rain, cutting off the enemy's defense line, while Bi Yufei spun in the air, and the sword light burst out, splitting the enemy's defense in an instant.

As time went by, the masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect gradually became unable to support themselves. The tacit cooperation of Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei caused the enemy to retreat steadily. With the help of their quick and flexible movements, they continued to cut into the enemy camp and kill the enemy. people.

During the sword strokes, a powerful spiritual energy gathered around Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei, like a pair of rotating sword air whirlwinds, drawing the surrounding enemies into it. The two of them connected with each other, and a clear whistle sounded, and their swords The moves merged into a volley of sword light that instantly penetrated the enemy formation.

The enemy masters were retreating steadily under this terrifying offensive, and the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect's defense line began to collapse. Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei's offensive was unstoppable, pushing the enemy to the brink of collapse.

With the last earth-shattering roar, Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei struck together and released a monstrous sword energy. This spiritual energy fell like a mountain and the earth cracked, completely destroying the remaining enemy forces.

There was silence on the battlefield. The smoke and dust dispersed, leaving only Bai Yunfei and Bi Yufei standing upright. Their bodies were tall and straight, their faces were calm, and their swords were filled with energy, just like the arrival of the gods of war.

The nine-member team of the Star Dragon Sect achieved a brilliant victory. The masters of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were completely defeated by their impeccable offensive. This battle became an important victory for the Star Dragon Sect.

"This was a long and fierce battle, and we finally won." Biyu's voice was low and firm, revealing her pride in victory.

"Yes, this is a hard-earned victory." Bai Yunfei nodded slightly: "The tacit cooperation and persistence of our team are the key to this victory."

A few people looked at each other and smiled, feeling like brothers. They understood each other without words, and their hearts were full of cooperation with each other.

“Bisu, our team works very well together, and your performance on the battlefield is also very good.” Bai Yunfei said approvingly.

“Bai Yunfei, you are equally outstanding. Your swordsmanship played an indispensable role in this battle.” Biyu responded with the same praise.

 Subsequently, Chen Xuan came over.

“Bai Yunfei, Biyu, you performed well in this battle, and we all benefited a lot.”

“Chen Xuan, you are also very good. You are the key to our victory.” Biyu expressed her recognition of Chen Xuan without hesitation.

 (End of this chapter)

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