Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6829: Very well coordinated

 Chapter 6829 The cooperation is quite tacit.

“Yes, Chen Xuan, you showed outstanding leadership skills in this battle.” Bai Yunfei added.

 Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "This is the effort of all of us. Everyone has made a contribution. Our team spirit and cooperation are the cornerstone of this victory."

 The conversation between the three of them was full of respect and appreciation for each other. They were grateful and understood that this victory was hard-won, and they also understood the hard work and hard work behind it.

Not far away, other members of the Star Dragon Sect were also congratulating and talking to each other. The cohesion of the team was fully demonstrated in this victory, and everyone's heart was filled with pride for the team and expectations for the future.

“We are really good!” Liu Bing said excitedly, her eyes shining with pride.

"Yes, our team works very well together." Chi Yan also nodded repeatedly: "This victory is the result of our joint efforts."

Everyone expressed their congratulations for the victory and praise for the team. Everyone enjoyed the joy of victory, and at the same time they were full of confidence and expectations for future practice.

When Chen Xuan and Biyu arrived at the Star Dragon Sect, the good news of victory had already spread within the sect, and the elders could not wait for their return.

After passing through the sect, they were surrounded by cheers. The disciples of the Star Dragon Sect gathered around, cheering and clapping to celebrate, expressing their respect and joy for their victory. Chen Xuan and Biyu accepted it calmly. Everyone’s congratulations were expressed with humility and gratitude.

 The elders came up to them with smiles on their faces and invited them to come and wash away the dust. According to rumors, this is a special courtesy given by the Star Dragon Sect to the winner.

In the wind-washing hall, the elders warmly welcomed Chen Xuan and Biyu. The hall exuded the fresh aroma of herbs and a touch of sandalwood, making it particularly solemn. The elders treated them politely and poured tea for them. , serve delicious food.

“Your performance on the battlefield makes us proud.” One elder said with admiration.

“Yes, your strength and talent have won glory for the Star Dragon Sect.” Another elder added.

Although Chen Xuan accepted the praises from the elders, they still maintained a peaceful attitude and showed respect and humility to the elders.

“This victory is not only due to us, but also to the strength of the team.” Chen Xuan responded sincerely.

Biyu also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, we feel very honored to be able to contribute to the sect."

 The elders listened, their faces full of satisfaction and relief. After receiving the wind and washing away the dust, Chen Xuan and the others left the elders' hall and came to the sect.

On the way back to the sect, the eyes of other disciples were also different. Some eyes were shining with respect, some were full of curiosity, and some were full of admiration and envy.

“I didn’t expect their strength to be so high!”

 “That’s amazing, we need to learn from them!”

 Chen Xuan returned to his courtyard. The atmosphere in the courtyard seemed quiet and peaceful. He walked slowly into the room, his heart still full of the lingering sounds of the battle, recalling the fierce battle scene.

At this moment, Yachen stood quietly at the entrance of the courtyard, showing an unusual determination. Chen Xuan noticed Yachen's arrival. He was slightly stunned. He was quite surprised by her initiative. .

"Senior Brother Chen, you are back." Yachen bowed his hands in greeting respectfully, with admiration in his eyes.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yachen said without any hesitation: "I would like to ask Senior Brother Chen about his experience in this battle, and I would like to know more details and insights about the battle."

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, then he sat down and shared his battle experience with Yachen.

"This battle is extraordinary." Chen Xuan took a deep breath: "With the cooperation and trust of the team, we can defeat the powerful enemy..."

 Yachen listened with great interest and listened intently to Chen Xuan's story. He listened to Chen Xuan's sharing of combat experience, especially the importance of teamwork and leadership. "In battle, we need mutual trust and tacit cooperation, which is more important than personal strength." Chen Xuan said deeply: "And every battle is a growth process, and only through continuous experience and learning can we continue to improve."

After hearing this, Yachen showed admiration and respect on his face: "Senior Brother Chen, I have benefited a lot from your experience and insights. I will study hard and improve my practice."

"Work hard, Yachen." Chen Xuan encouraged gently: "In cultivation, diligence and persistence are equally important."

Yachen was full of gratitude and admiration for Chen Xuan's words. He expressed his thanks and left.

Chen Xuan was sitting in his spacious and bright alchemy room. It was quiet. Only the breeze blew through the window, making a rustling sound. In the middle of the room, there was a bluestone table with various alchemy equipment and equipment on it. medicinal materials.

Chen Xuan's eyes were fixed on the alchemy furnace in his hand, and he gently twisted a pure white elixir in his hand. His eyes revealed a kind of concentration and calmness. This elixir was not an ordinary grade, but one that Chen Xuan had experienced for many years. The high-grade elixir was refined in the first attempt, and it contains extremely precious spiritual power.

He took out the medicinal materials needed for alchemy and placed them in various vessels around the bluestone platform. Each medicinal material was carefully selected. Chen Xuan classified them into categories and placed them neatly. These medicinal materials were accumulated and collected by him over the years. They are all extremely precious alchemy materials.

Chen Xuan put the elixir in his palm into the center of the alchemy furnace, closed his eyes slightly, and began to condense the spiritual power in his body. His fingers gently passed around the alchemy furnace, and a weak spiritual energy flowed from his fingertips. came out and slowly penetrated into the alchemy furnace.

With the injection of spiritual energy, the alchemy furnace gradually gave off a faint halo, and a layer of light smoke gradually rose. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and concentrated, controlling the flow of spiritual energy, and constantly adjusting the balance between the fire and the medicinal materials.

The medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace began to melt slowly, exuding a subtle aroma. It was a refreshing aroma that seemed to calm people down and feel the flow of spiritual power.

Chen Xuan's eyes opened slightly. He stared at the changes in the alchemy furnace. He waved his fingers gently, guiding the spiritual energy to flow in different directions, slowly releasing the spiritual energy contained in the medicinal materials. He controlled the heat and kept it just right. The temperature always remains calm and balanced.

Under his operation, the liquid in the alchemy furnace began to gradually become denser, exuding brilliant colors, and waves of lingering spiritual energy filled the furnace, forming a star-like halo. This was the elixir that was about to Signs of formation.

Chen Xuan adjusted the flow of his spiritual power, maintaining balance and stability, and at the same time focused on sensing the subtle changes inside the alchemy furnace. The medicinal liquid in the furnace gradually condensed into blocks, exuding a dazzling light, revealing a mysterious and powerful of aura.

“It’s almost done.” Chen Xuan whispered to himself, with a look of anticipation in his eyes. He continued to maintain control in his hands and let the elixir slowly condense in the alchemy furnace, not daring to slack off at all.

As time goes by, the light in the alchemy furnace becomes more and more brilliant, and the medicinal liquid gradually condenses into a small elixir. It is a crystal clear elixir that exudes extremely rich spiritual energy.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, his heart full of satisfaction. He gently took out the elixir, put it into a porcelain bottle, and carefully preserved it. This elixir contained his hard work and efforts, and was also one of the fruits of his alchemy process. one.

The process of refining alchemy made Chen Xuan feel a kind of inner peace and satisfaction. He knew that this was not the end, but a stage on the path of practice. Every time he made alchemy was a practice and an improvement in his own cultivation.

Chen Xuan left the Star Dragon Sect and embarked on the journey to a nearby town. He walked through the lush forest. The scenery along the way was pleasant, with green trees and quiet birdsong. The breeze blew by, blowing Chen Xuan's robe, making walking feel more peaceful and comfortable.

When he arrived at the town, the town was bustling with people coming and going. Chen Xuan was walking on the streets, looking around at the shops and stalls. This town had alchemy as its main industry, and the dazzling array of spiritual materials in the shops attracted people. Monks from all over come to buy.

 He first walked into a shop that mainly sold rare spiritual herbs. The decoration in the store is simple, but the spiritual materials on display are of various types. Chen Xuan browsed the various spiritual herbs carefully.

“These spiritual herbs have been recently collected by us from various places to ensure their freshness and quality.” The shop owner introduced to Chen Xuan diligently.

 Chen Xuan carefully looked at various spiritual herbs, carefully observing the characteristics and qualities of each type. He selected some commonly used spiritual herbs, such as Flame Dragon Grass, Green Ice Vine, etc. These are commonly used materials for refining spiritual pills.

Then, he came to a jade shop, which displayed various spiritual stones and crystal clear ores. These ores contain rich spiritual energy and are important auxiliary materials for refining elixirs.

“This dragon scale stone can enhance the effect of the elixir, and this galaxy crystal stone can enhance the efficacy of the elixir.” The shopkeeper patiently introduced the effects and uses of various minerals to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan carefully selected several pieces of ore, which were auxiliary materials he planned to use to improve the quality of the elixir. He knew that refining the elixir required the combination and proportion of various medicinal materials, as well as the addition of ores, in order to refine it. High quality elixir.

 (End of this chapter)

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