Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6830: three shadows

Chapter 6830 Three Shadows

Finally, he came to a rare medicinal material store, which specialized in selling some extremely precious and rare spiritual materials. These spiritual materials were limited in quantity, but they were an important part of refining high-grade elixirs.

“This guest, the spiritual materials we have here are all carefully collected by the sect, and their quality is guaranteed.” The shop owner greeted Chen Xuan with a smile.

Chen Xuan walked slowly in the store. He glanced at the rare spiritual materials. His heart moved slightly. He selected several rare spiritual materials, such as star fruit and illusory flower. These are rare and extremely spiritual spiritual herbs. , can add a lot of color to the elixir.

 After purchasing the required spiritual materials, Chen Xuan carefully put these precious treasures into the ring. He left the town with satisfaction and embarked on the road back to the Star Dragon Sect.

 The whole trip made him feel very satisfied. He knew that these spiritual materials would become an important support for him to refine spiritual elixirs in the future and help him continuously improve his cultivation level.

When Chen Xuan left the town and returned to Xinglong Sect, the sky was getting late, and a red sun slowly set, spreading a golden afterglow to the earth. He walked on a green path, the breeze blew through the forest, and the trees Shadows dance.

When he was walking halfway, he suddenly noticed three shadows flashing out from the forest. Three men in black appeared in his sight. Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly. The auras of these three people were vague and elusive. , giving off a weird atmosphere.

“Chen Xuan, are you Chen Xuan?” One of the taller men in black said, his voice was steady and powerful.

 Chen Xuan's face changed. He didn't recognize these men in black, but they seemed to know his name, which made him wary.

"Yes, I am." Chen Xuan remained calm, scanning the other person's eyes, feeling the changes in their auras vigilantly.

“Haha, we finally found you.” Another man in black showed a sly smile: “We have some things we want to discuss with you.”

"Who are you? What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked with sharp eyes and vigilance.

“Hey, don’t be so nervous, we don’t mean any harm.” The third man in black said calmly, but his tone revealed a sense of oppression that could not be ignored.

 Chen Xuan's heart sank slightly. He could feel that these three men in black were not good people, but he did not intend to rush into action. He wanted to find out their purpose first.

"We have something to discuss with you. This is not the right place to talk about it. Come with us." The first man in black spoke calmly, but with a firmness that was hard to ignore.

“I don’t remember knowing you.” Chen Xuan said solemnly.

"We are entrusted by others and want to cooperate with you in a business." The second man in black showed a seductive smile: "Don't worry, there will be no harm to you."

 Chen Xuan was silent for a moment. He was not willing to trust these strangers easily. His intuition told him that this encounter was not a simple negotiation, and there might be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it.

"Cooperation? What kind of deal?" Chen Xuan asked deliberately hesitantly, trying to find out the other party's true purpose.

"If you can cooperate, it will be good for you." The third man in black still smiled, but there was a trace of impatience in his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

 Chen Xuan frowned, he did not take it lightly. Beside him, the spiritual materials in the pill bag seemed to have a subtle reaction, and a weak spiritual energy fluctuation circulated around him, as if to remind him to be wary of these strangers.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Chen Xuan shook his head indifferently, and his vigilance became more intense: "I still have things to do, so I won't waste your time."

He decided to get rid of these three people and turned around to leave. However, the three people did not let him go. There was a trace of displeasure and oppression on their faces, as if they did not intend to let him go easily.

"Chen Xuan, don't refuse in a hurry." The tone of the first man in black changed slightly: "The business we are talking about is an excellent opportunity for you."

 “Opportunity?” Chen Xuan was confused, but still vigilant: “What opportunity?”

"Follow us and listen to our plan. You will be interested in our proposal." The second man in black's tone was no longer gentle, but slightly threatening.

 Chen Xuan was wary, but he did not agree. He became more and more distrustful of the intentions of these three people.

"Let's do this. If you can listen to what we say before making a decision, we will let you go." There was a hint of impatience in the voice of the third man in black: "Otherwise, you may regret it."

 Chen Xuan frowned. He understood that these three people were not good people, but he also knew that it might not be a wise move to confront them head-on now. Staying calm for now and listening to the other person's plan may help you better understand their purpose.

"Okay, you say it." Chen Xuan was wary in his heart, but remained calm on the surface: "But I only listen, and I can't guarantee that I will agree to your request." The three of them looked proud, as if they had expected it, and they asked Chen Xuan told a secret plan, which seemed to be related to the Star Dragon Sect, but the content was obscure and hidden. As they talked, Chen Xuan became more and more confused. There might be a big conspiracy hidden behind it.

However, he did not believe it all and remained alert. He analyzed it secretly and tried to find flaws or traps.

While the three of them were talking, alarm signs rose in Chen Xuan's heart, and unkind intentions filled the surrounding atmosphere. In an instant, the three of them took action at the same time, each showing off their unique skills, in an attempt to trap Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan raised his sword to resist. His sword technique was swift and tenacious. He used the Vermilion Bird Sword Technique to meet the sudden attack of the three men. The shadows of his swords were flying, and the surrounding air seemed to be broken by this sharp aura, making a faint sound of cracks.

The three of them each performed unique skills. One was nimble and could dodge like a ghost, the other was fast and powerful with fists and kicks, and the third controlled the air control method, making virtual and real moves, and quickly changing positions, trying to trouble Chen Xuan. Defense.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly. The strength of his opponent was far beyond his expectation. He transformed into a sword spirit with a calm expression. Every move he made was swift and accurate. Although he fought against three people, he always remained calm and looked for the opponent. flaw.

 The light of swords and shadows of fists intersected, and their battle caused ripples in the surrounding air. The branches and leaves of the trees swayed, as if they were witnessing this strange battle. Chen Xuan was fighting against the three of them. His figure flashed in the sword light, as if he was integrated with the sword, and the sword was full of intention.

The three of them cooperated tacitly, forming a strange offensive and defensive barrier. Their tacit cooperation made Chen Xuan feel a little passive, but he still responded calmly, defusing every attack invisibly.

Suddenly, a strong spiritual energy emerged, and the momentum of the three people increased significantly again. They seemed to have released a skill containing mysterious power, forcing Chen Xuan into a corner.

 Chen Xuan still looked calm when facing the menacing three men. He gathered all his strength in an attempt to break through the opponent's siege.

“Chen Xuan, don’t underestimate us!” One of them sneered, a powerful aura surrounding him, preparing to launch a more powerful attack.

Suddenly, the spiritual elixir materials around Chen Xuan started to move, and emitted a strange light. His heart moved, and he sensed that these spiritual materials seemed to have some kind of special interaction.

He did not hesitate at all. With a thought, the elixir material was quickly integrated into his sword energy. A mysterious spiritual energy surged around him, bringing about a strange change.

Suddenly, the Suzaku Sword in his hand emitted a dazzling fire, and the sword was ignited with blazing heavenly fire. He seemed to be integrated with the sword, surrounded by the shadow of Suzaku.

The three of them were stunned by this sudden change for a moment. Chen Xuan quickly seized the opportunity and stabbed the opponent with his sword like fire from heaven.

"What is this?" The three of them couldn't help but exclaimed, falling into a brief state of astonishment.

Chen Xuan took this opportunity to break through the opponent's defense with the power of sky fire and launched a more fierce counterattack. His sword was bright and the sky fire was blazing, like an unbridled fairy fire, burning wantonly, and instantly started a fight with the three of them. war.

The three of them were shocked by Chen Xuan's sudden and powerful offensive. There was a trace of panic in their eyes. They were temporarily unable to adapt to Chen Xuan's changes. In order to prevent further injuries, they had to temporarily stop the attack and try to find opportunities to resist Chen Xuan's fierce offensive.

Although Chen Xuan had the upper hand, he did not dare to be careless. Although the three of them suffered an unexpected blow, their strength was still extraordinary. Chen Xuan must seize this opportunity and not give them any room to breathe.

As the fire burned, the air in the forest seemed to tremble slightly. Chen Xuan was surrounded by the shadow of the Suzaku, and his sword moves swept across like fairy fire.

"This guy has changed too fast!" The three of them were shocked and fell into the bottleneck of the opponent's powerful offensive.

Chen Xuan's figure is like lightning, with sword light flashing and sky fire entwining him. During the battle, he constantly peeks at the opponent's defense line, trying to find loopholes to deal with them.

The three of them are not ordinary people. Although they were attacked suddenly, they still remained calm. They cooperated tacitly and tried to neutralize Chen Xuan's attack.

 “Stop him quickly!” one of them shouted, determination flashing in his eyes.

The three of them joined forces and performed a mysterious formation. A powerful surge of spiritual energy formed a vague spiritual energy barrier, trying to block Chen Xuan's attack.

 (End of this chapter)

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