Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6832: The secret of alchemy

Chapter 6832 The Secret of Alchemy

“The outer gate of Xinglong Sect was not threatened by these three people, why did they appear here?” Chen Xuan was confused, but he did not easily believe that this was just a simple coincidence.

He was immersed in swordsmanship, but always paid attention to the aura around him.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's mind gradually deepened, and he seemed to have touched some clues. His thoughts were clear, as if he saw a deep clue, which may be related to the identities of the three people.

“Their identities are unusual.” A sharp light flashed in Chen Xuan’s eyes, and he already had a preliminary guess in his mind.

 He slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

In front of the mountain gate of Xinglong Sect, Chen Xuan dressed in Tsing Yi and walked calmly into his residence. It was a secret and spacious room surrounded by simple wood carvings and books, and the Suzaku Sword Technique was hung on the wall. of the map.

He went to the middle of the room and took out an alchemy furnace. The furnace had a simple shape and its body was engraved with fine runes.

 Chen Xuan's heart was calm. He took out some rare Heavenly Fire Spirit Grass and other alchemy materials and arranged them neatly. These Spiritual Grasses exuded a faint breath of Heavenly Fire and were full of the potential of alchemy.

He gently activated the spiritual energy and gradually ignited the alchemy furnace. As the sky fire rose, swirling spiritual energy ripples began to rise in the furnace, attracting the spiritual grass.

 Chen Xuan waited intently, lightly touched the furnace body with his palm, and slightly circulated the heavenly fire energy in the Suzaku Sword Technique. The temperature suddenly increased. His eyes were deep and focused, as if he had integrated into everything in the furnace.

 The spiritual energy in the furnace rotated, and the breath of the herbs gradually merged, turning into a hot smoke that filled the entire room. Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, feeling the essence of heavenly fire contained in the spiritual herbs.

His technique is skillful, and he dexterously controls the fire and the power of refining. The furnace is filled with smoke, and the sword intention and spiritual energy merge with each other, as if the sword moves are dancing in the air, delicate and powerful.

Gradually, the smell of spiritual grass that filled the room gradually subsided, and the sky fire in the furnace gradually stabilized. A trace of satisfaction flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He gently suppressed the fire and stopped the process of refining the elixir.

 Taking out the exquisite medicine bottle, he carefully put the refined elixir into it. These elixirs exuded an orange-red crystal luster, and seemed to have a large amount of spiritual energy surging in them.

 Chen Xuan put the medicine bottle in his arms, with a satisfied smile on his face. Every time he made alchemy was a test of his soul, and he was constantly improving his level of alchemy every time.

Although the elixir is small, it contains infinite magical power.

Chen Xuan restored the room to tidiness and sat down again to close his eyes and relax.

In the spacious and quiet inner courtyard, Chen Xuan found a secluded corner. In the middle of an elegant garden, there was a simple bamboo chair. There are green trees beside the chair, the breeze blows, and the fragrance of plants fills the air.

 Chen Xuan sat down leisurely and closed his eyes. The tranquility and indifference spread around him, and a soothing atmosphere enveloped him. He took a deep breath of fresh breath and felt the spiritual energy flowing through his body.

 The quiet scene in the inner courtyard of the sect made him feel inner peace. The many days of training and fighting had taken a lot of energy out of him, and the sadness at this time was particularly precious. Here, he didn't have to think about training or fighting, he only needed to quietly talk to his heart.

 In this tranquility, Chen Xuan gradually let go of the pressure he had been under. Sit quietly with his eyes closed and feel the inner peace. His mind seems to gradually settle with the environment.

However, this tranquility was quickly broken by the sound of brisk footsteps.

“Senior Brother Chen, I wonder if I can ask you for some sword skills?” A young voice sounded, breaking the original tranquility.

 Chen Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the person who came. He is an outer disciple, dressed in green robes, with firm eyes, obviously full of yearning and enthusiasm for the way of swordsmanship.

"Please sit down." Chen Xuan smiled slightly and gestured for him to sit down. He was well aware of the difficulties and confusion in cultivation, and he was always willing to help his junior disciples when they asked.

 After the young disciple sat down, he looked a little nervous, but the desire and awe in his eyes made him appear determined. "Senior Brother Chen, I have encountered some bottlenecks in the way of swordsmanship. I hope to get your advice."

"Please tell me." Chen Xuan responded gently, prompting the junior brother to express his doubts and confusion.

“I am always unable to grasp the secrets when using a large amount of sword energy, and the flexibility and precision of the sword moves are lacking.” The junior brother said slightly anxiously.

"A lot of sword intent?" Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and stared deeply at his junior brother: "Sword intent is internalized in the heart and should not be restricted to moves. You need to understand it deeply and penetrate every move with sword intent. , instead of being limited to moves. " Chen Xuan's voice is powerful. He does not simply explain the moves of swordsmanship, but guides his juniors to explore the meaning of the sword. He knows that swordsmanship is not just a simple skill, but also a matter of mind. The embodiment combined with the sword intention.

“Try to internalize the meaning of the sword and integrate it into every move. Don’t pursue form, but pursue inner cohesion.” Chen Xuan’s tone was gentle, but his words contained the profound essence of kendo.

 Junior brother thought for a moment and seemed to understand something. He nodded heavily, his eyes shining with determination. "Thank you, Senior Brother Chen, for your guidance. I will try my best to understand it."

"To practice swordsmanship, you need to understand it yourself." Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "The road to swordsmanship is long, but every time you learn it, you will gain different insights."

Junior brother stood up to say goodbye, his eyes shining with expectation and determination for the way of kendo. Chen Xuan quietly looked at the back of his junior brother leaving, secretly wishing that the junior brother could gain some understanding in the way of kendo.

 In the secret room within the sect, this is a training place full of ancient atmosphere. There was a faint fragrance in the room, and wisps of early morning sunlight shone through the window and shone on him.

Hand holding the Vermilion Bird Sword, with each move, the sword's power was like fire, roaring and sharp. The light of the sword danced in the room like fairy fire, interweaving exquisite sword moves, as if it merged with the air.

However, during the sword moves, Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He was deeply involved in the practice of Suzaku Sword Technique, trying to explore its shortcomings.

"Although the Suzaku Sword Technique is fiery and sharp, it seems to lack the whistling and change." Chen Xuan said to himself. This was his self-doubt about his own sword technique, and this is also his understanding of the Suzaku Sword Technique. Continuously sublimate in this kind of thinking.

He practiced the sword moves slowly one by one, trying to find the shortcomings. He was not satisfied with the current state, but always tried to find a higher and deeper level.

With the practice of sword moves, the sky-fire sword light in the room gradually slowed down and turned into a leisurely posture. Chen Xuan stopped the sword in front of him, closed his eyes and meditated.

"This sword technique may need more whistling and changes, and should not be trapped in a single form." He kept thinking in his mind, trying to find more inspiration. He hoped that the Suzaku sword technique could be more perfect and more Close to his own way of cultivation.

He realized that in the way of swordsmanship, it is not only the rigid practice of moves, but also the understanding of the sword's intention and heart. As one of his main swordsmanship, the Suzaku Sword Technique must reach a higher level in order to truly display it. potential.

 While practicing, Chen Xuan worked hard to think about the turning point of each move and look for inspiration. He wanted to inject more changes and flexibility into the Suzaku Sword Technique to make it more in line with his temperament and cultivation.

 Gradually, he rehearsed the sword moves, each move presented in a different posture, flexible and changeable. The power of the sky fire is no longer single, but takes on an unpredictable posture, as if a real Suzaku spreads its wings and flies in the sky.

"Perhaps, the shortcomings of the swordsmanship are not in the moves themselves, but in the limitations of understanding and practice." Chen Xuan suddenly understood that the Suzaku Swordsmanship required him to understand it at a deeper level in order to reach a higher realm.

 He took a deep breath, his eyes firm and resolute. "I will continue to explore and strive to improve the Suzaku swordsmanship to a higher level." His determination to himself is firm and unshakable.

Each practice of sword moves is a test of inner understanding. Chen Xuan is immersed in practice and constantly explores the shortcomings of Suzaku Sword Technique.

He put down the sword in his hand and closed his eyes. His heart was as calm as water. In this tranquility, he tried to sense the soul of the sword technique and looked for the inner connection between the sword moves.

“The Suzaku sword technique is based on the power of heavenly fire, but it may need to incorporate more spiritual energy from heaven and earth.” Chen Xuan deeply realized its shortcomings. Although Sky Fire is its core, it may not be its only support.

He began to inject spiritual energy into his swordsmanship, trying to integrate the heavenly fire with wind, water, earth and other spiritual energy to find a broader vision of the sword. With the influx of spiritual energy, a new atmosphere seemed to appear between the sword moves. It is no longer just the sky fire, but contains more spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

"Swordsmanship is the externalization of the heart, the fusion of spiritual energy, and the bridge between monks and heaven and earth." Chen Xuan gradually understood the swordsmanship.

He waved the sword again, and the sword power was no longer just the power of heavenly fire, but a whistling sword move that carried more spiritual energy. The sword light danced in the room, and the light and shadow flickered, showing a more colorful change. , just like the Suzaku flying in the air.

"Everything in the world can be turned into a sword." Chen Xuan realized a new realm in his heart. The Suzaku sword technique was not a fire from the sky, but a more subtle display due to the fusion of the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth.

His practice is no longer simply to pursue technical progress, but to seek a higher realm of swordsmanship based on inner cultivation. On the road of practice, he never stops, and every thought is a deepening of his understanding of the way of swordsmanship. .

 (End of this chapter)

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