Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6833: Seeking a higher realm of swordsmanship

Chapter 6833 Seeking a higher realm of swordsmanship

Gradually, the whizzing of sword moves in the room gradually subsided, and Chen Xuan stopped practicing. A trace of satisfaction appeared on his face, and his heart was filled with a new understanding of swordsmanship and expectations for future practice.

“The Suzaku swordsmanship still has infinite possibilities.” He thought silently in his heart. There is no end to practice, and his exploration of the way of the sword becomes more subtle and perfect with each realization.

 At the Xinglong Sect’s training place, Chen Xuan was still concentrating on practicing the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique. The sword light in the room shone like heavenly fire, and every move seemed to contain a lot of power and talent.

However, at this time, an outer disciple appeared in Chen Xuan's sight. He was a new cultivator, with a confident expression and brisk steps. This disciple walked towards Chen Xuan self-righteously, with a face full of confidence and arrogance.

“Hey, isn’t this Chen Xuan?” He said loudly, glancing at Chen Xuan arrogantly: “Looking at your practice of Suzaku Sword Technique, it’s a pity that some of the moves still lack the firepower.”

When Chen Xuan heard these words, he stopped the sword move in his hand, frowned slightly, and cast his indifferent eyes at this conceited disciple. He did not speak, but just looked at him indifferently.

“Even though I am only an outer disciple, my understanding of the way of swordsmanship is much better than yours.” The disciple continued with an arrogant tone, as if he was trying to show Chen Xuan his ability.

 Chen Xuan remained calm and indifferent. He was not touched by these arrogant words. He knew that his cultivation and understanding would not be affected by this disciple's boastful words.

"If you are willing, I can give you some advice." This disciple's words were full of confidence, as if his advice was enough to benefit Chen Xuan a lot.

However, Chen Xuan remained silent. He did not respond to the words of this arrogant disciple. His attitude towards practice was rigorous, and he was not interested in arrogance and arrogance.

“Are you so indifferent because you feel inferior? Are you afraid of accepting my teachings?” This disciple’s words were full of contempt and disdain.

However, Chen Xuan remained unmoved, his eyes remained cold, as if he didn't care at all about his disciple's arrogance.

In this training place, the quiet atmosphere seemed to be destroyed by the words of this conceited disciple. However, Chen Xuan still remained indifferent and calm. He knew that great progress in cultivation could not be achieved by relying on bluff and conceitedness. of.

“I look down on your attitude!” This disciple said with dissatisfaction and uneasiness: “Do you think that no matter how good you are in cultivation, you can ignore other people?”

 Chen Xuan remained silent, his cold eyes seeming to be silently responding to this conceited disciple. He knew that his path of cultivation would not be affected by other people's words.

"I'm going to let you know today that you have to pay the price for being arrogant!" The disciple's tone was full of provocation and threats, as if he wanted to provoke a dispute with Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan finally spoke, his voice calm and firm: "I don't like meaningless disputes, you'd better leave."

However, this disciple did not listen. He became more and more agitated, seemingly driven by his inner dissatisfaction and inferiority. His body trembled slightly and his tone became sharper: "You are just a waste, unable to understand the essence of the true swordsmanship." !”

 Chen Xuan still remained calm, and his eyes remained firm and peaceful. He was unwilling to waste time and energy on such an occasion. He knew that cultivation lies in inner firmness and understanding, rather than seeking victory in verbal battles.

“If you don’t leave, I can only show you the consequences of arrogance and arrogance!” There was a hint of madness and provocation in the disciple’s voice.

 Chen Xuan's brows frowned slightly. He did not respond immediately, but silently waited for the disciple's next move. He did not want to get involved in meaningless disputes, but he would not compromise on his principles.

The disciple's eyes flashed with fanaticism. He suddenly took a step forward, the sword in his hand shone brightly, and headed towards Chen Xuan Tool like a meteor.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He did not take action immediately, but quietly waited for the opponent's attack. On the path of practice, he had learned to master calmness and calmness, and knew when to take action and when to wait.

As the light danced, the sword move performed by the disciple was sharp and sharp, and the sword was extremely powerful, as if it was going to cut the entire training place in half. However, Chen Xuan still stood motionless, as if he was not immune to such an attack. Don't care at all.

When the sword move came, Chen Xuan suddenly took action. The sword light in his hand flashed like a raging fire, and he instantly resisted the opponent's attack. His movements were as natural as flowing clouds, without any superfluity, revealing his profound strength. Basic skills in swordsmanship.

The disciple did not stop when he saw this, but became even more excited. His sword moves were even sharper, as if he was about to defeat Chen Xuan. His figure was flying in the room, the sword light was burning like fire from the sky, and the violent aura almost destroyed the entire place. Devour.

A touch of indifference flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. The swordsmanship in his hands was still calm, but every move contained infinite power. He was not affected by the opponent's madness, but instead focused more on the opponent's attack method. Sword light and sword energy are intertwined and surging in the training place. Waves of energy are surging, as if they want to break the entire space. The sword skills of the two are intertwined in the place, suddenly like fire, suddenly as soft as water.

This disciple seemed to be gradually feeling tired. His attacks became a little chaotic and his breath began to become unstable. However, Chen Xuan still remained calm and calm, not being swayed by the opponent's violence.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's swordsmanship underwent subtle changes. His sword moves contained more ingenious power, as if he had found a flaw in the opponent's attack.

With each move, his swordsmanship gradually gained the upper hand. The opponent kept retreating and his breath began to become short, but Chen Xuan remained stable and calm, accurately grasping every flaw of his opponent.

Finally, Chen Xuan took action. A sword light flashed and landed on the opponent's sword accurately, neutralizing his attack. Then, he flashed and struck quickly, and an internal force hit the opponent's body directly.

The disciple was caught off guard and was knocked out by the blow and fell to the ground. He struggled to stand up, but his internal injuries were severe and he could not support himself.

 Chen Xuan looked at him, his tone still calm: "In terms of cultivation, arrogance and arrogance will only make your situation more difficult."

This disciple stood up with difficulty, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

 “I will remember you!” He said through gritted teeth, turned and left the practice place.

Chen Xuan did not pursue him, he still remained calm and calm.

 Chen Xuan stood quietly in the training place, his brows still filled with tranquility. He looked at the departing disciple without any disturbance in his heart.

This disciple's body was trembling when he left, as if he had been greatly stimulated. However, Chen Xuan had no extra expression or emotion, and just stared at the retreating figure quietly.

On the path of spiritual practice, everyone has their own confusion and struggles. Chen Xuan knows very well that arrogance and arrogance are just superficial cover-ups, and that real power comes from inner tenacity and understanding.

 He silently recalled the scene just now and thought deeply about the challenges he faced in cultivation. During this time, he strengthened his understanding and belief in cultivation.

Cultivation is not only the cultivation of skills, but also the cultivation of one's mind. Every challenge encountered is a test of one's own cultivation, and true strength is based on inner determination and talent.

Chen Xuan is quietly savoring all this, with his thoughts swirling in his heart. In the exploration of spiritual practice, he will continue to move forward firmly, constantly exploring the way of swordsmanship and his inner realm.

The practice place gradually returned to tranquility. Sunlight shone through the windows and shone on Chen Xuan. He closed his eyes and began to settle and condense his heart, preparing to devote himself to practice again.

He picked up the sword in his hand again, and the sword light shone brightly in the room. He was no longer disturbed by the outside world and focused on the practice of swordsmanship. His mind gradually became immersed in it and turned into a large amount of sword intent.

Each move is more subtle, and each swing is more natural and smooth. He seems to be one with the sword, comprehending a more mysterious and profound truth in the sword's intention.

As time goes by, the practice place is quiet and peaceful. Chen Xuan’s practice has not stopped. He continues to explore the subtleties of the sword, constantly challenges himself, and pursues higher realms.

During the sword strokes, he seemed to have found a deeper realm. The sword intention lingered in his heart. His swordsmanship gradually understood a new realm, incorporating more whizzing and changes.

Every move and every move emerged in his mind. The sword light burned like heavenly fire, but it also contained more spiritual energy from heaven and earth. This kind of swordsmanship had both the scorching heat of heavenly fire and the churning of wind and clouds. It was unpredictable. Measurement.

His cultivation is constantly improving, and the subtleties of his swordsmanship are gradually being perfected and brought into play. His state of mind becomes more peaceful during his practice, and his inner clarity and spiritual power seem to also improve.

 In the training place, every practice is an exploration of one’s mind and realm, and every thought is an understanding of the way of the sword.

 Chen Xuan practiced quietly, and he gradually exuded a restrained and powerful aura. He knew that there was no end point in his cultivation, and what he pursued was the sublimation of his state of mind and the perfection of his swordsmanship.

 (End of this chapter)

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