Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter two hundred and eightieth big shot

In the morning, he was woken up by a loud noise, and when he went out, he saw Li Qing packing his clothes in the hall.

Probably because the room was too crowded and there were too many clothes, she put a few suitcases on the floor, and many clothes were pulled out and scattered on the sofa. For a while, lace panties and sexy bras were flying all over the sky, and there was a long tube of stockings with suspenders beside the table.

In the past, everyone's clothes were dried and hung on the balcony. I didn't have the perverted desire to peek at underwear, but now it's different. A coquettish Li Qing doesn't even care whether there are men in this room.

I walked over, took my toothbrush and asked, "Girl Qing, what are you doing, are you packing up your things and running away with the boy?"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Sister, I really want to, but it's a pity that there is no boy to ask for it. As for packing up, didn't Sister Lin say that she is going to move, I am planning ahead..."

"Fuck, I know how to use idioms, NB,"

I sighed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, but I saw Xinyu washing her face there, so I walked over and patted Xinyu's butt: "Xinyu, make room, squeeze~"

Xin Yu immediately moved to the left to make room for me. At this time, Xu Lin also came. It was a coincidence that everyone got up so early today. She smiled and asked, "Do you want to make room for me?"

I winked at Xin Yu, she immediately understood, turned around and said to Xu Lin: "Lin Fan asked you to stay by..."

Xu Lin was speechless, she glared at me and said, "By the way, Lin Fan, what happened to what you told Shanshan last night? You went to bed so early last night, and I didn't have the nerve to wake you up."

I didn't go to bed until after 11 o'clock last night, so it can only mean that Xu Lin went to bed later than me last night, so desperately, what is she doing.

"Shanshan has basically agreed, but she still has to ask her mother for her opinion, but it shouldn't be a big problem, she's already patted her chest to give me a guarantee,"

I looked back at Xu Lin and found that her eye sockets were slightly darkened, so I asked with a smile: "Sister Lin, what did you do last night, it seems that you stayed up late."

Xu Lin pursed her lips and explained, "I couldn't sleep after going offline, so I checked the office building resources online. I contacted two companies last night, and I can go and have a look today. If everyone is satisfied, I can just buy an office building. If Lin Fan is what you said, you can make a lot of money, and you can collect the rent to make a living if your business loses money in the future."

I suddenly thought about the security guards of Fengshen, so I said: "I met a few players online yesterday. There are four of them in total. They were all security guards. I think their character is not bad, so I let them come to our company in Suzhou. Anyway, we need to recruit security guards in the future. It’s good to reserve the staff now. Besides, there must be a lot of people who need help when the company is newly opened. Having a few lively young men to take care of it should relieve us a lot of burden."

"As long as you think it's okay, then it's fine. I believe in your vision." Xu Lin smiled slightly, and said, "Fortunately, you and Xin Yu have been helping me. Otherwise, I may not be able to support a big company as a weak girl. It's great to have you here~"

"By the way, Murong Shanshan said that she wants to invest 30 million yuan, what do you think?"

Xu Lin was pleasantly surprised: "That's great. Shanshan's willingness to join us will definitely make us even more powerful. In this way, if there are any problems in our company's business and civil affairs, Shanshan will not stand by."

I looked down on her, NND, so it's just because Murong Shanshan is useful...

Not long after, everyone gathered in the hall. After breakfast, everyone was well dressed. Even Lu Xuehan changed into an exquisite women's uniform suit. The waist design perfectly outlined her almost perfect figure. Under the open collar, a section of snow-white high-necked shirt was exposed, and her snow-white skin was extremely alluring.

Lu Xuehan looked a little embarrassed by me, Xin Yu walked over and said, "How about it, Xuehan looks very seductive in uniform, right?"

It is true that Lu Xuehan appeared a little mature after wearing this elegant outfit, which also added a bit of the charm of a mature woman, but unlike Xu Lin, Lu Xuehan's maturity was only relatively speaking. On the whole, she still gave people a pure and pure feeling, not Xu Lin's ability and maturity honed through many years of ups and downs in the business world.

I immediately affirmed Xin Yu's words: "Of course, a beauty like Xuehan looks good in anything she wears."

Xin Yu pouted and didn't say anything. I looked around for a week and found that even Guo Zi and Li Qing had already put on uniforms. Although they were not much different from Lu Xuehan, I always felt uncomfortable. I felt that it was more natural for these two people to not wear clothes.

Xu Lin walked over and said, "Let's go. An office building on XX Road in the new district has just been built and can be rented or sold. Don't let others snatch it away."

"Let's go then,"

I had just finished speaking, but the phone rang at this moment, and everyone immediately looked at me, Xu Lin asked: "Who is it, do you want us to avoid it for a while?"

I quickly took out my phone and saw that it was Murong Shanshan's number, so I said, "It's Shanshan's, please wait a moment, I don't know what's going on with her."

When I got on the phone, I asked, "Shanshan, can you call me early in the morning?"

"Of course, about applying for a business license,"

Xu Lin and the others also heard the voice on the phone, and immediately looked at me nervously.

"Your mother, won't you refuse?"

"That's not true, but my mother said that although this matter is not difficult to handle, it still takes a lot of effort, so she wants to meet the person in charge of this company,"

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Well, let Sister Lin meet her."

Murong Shanshan's voice suddenly became much softer, and she said: "Mom specified that you are the one who wants to see..."

"I'm not in charge, see what I do," I was greatly surprised.

Murong Shanshan was a little helpless: "How do I know? She just flew back from Guangdong last night. When she heard about it this morning, she said that she wanted to meet you very much. Besides, she seemed to know you. She was able to tell you your name before I said it. Could it be that she knew about the rumors on the Internet..."

According to rumors on the Internet, it is probably because my relationship with Murong Shanshan is rather ambiguous.

I'm in trouble this time, I don't know if the news that Murong Shanshan's mother heard is positive or negative, God bless me to get through this disaster...

"But don't worry, you won't be afraid of being crooked when you are upright." Murong Shanshan was actually comforting me, and she added: "I have to calm down and say that we are just ordinary friends. I believe she won't doubt it. After all, there are so many people chasing me, why should I choose you~"

I broke into a sweat and said, "We're just ordinary friends, aren't we?"

"What did you say?" Although I was on the phone, I could still feel the bursts of murderous intent coming from the other side, and I suddenly felt like I was sweating profusely.

After a while, I cautiously asked: "Shanshan, when will Auntie see me?"

"At 9:30 this morning, on the second floor of Peninsula Cafe on XX Road," Murong Shanshan was still a little unhappy.

"It's so early,"

"Idiot~," Murong Shanshan cursed bitterly, gnashing her teeth and said, "I don't need to treat you to breakfast, and you don't need to have lunch with me. I'm just helping you save money. If you treat my mother to dinner, it's too low-grade. Do you have the nerve to take it out?"

I couldn't help admiring: "Shanshan, you are so smart and virtuous,"

In the end, she was actually a little embarrassed, and replied shyly: "Mom said that girls should be gentle and virtuous..."

Xu Lin and the others heard it clearly, and they covered their mouths and tried their best to hold back their laughter.

I looked at the time, and it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, so I said, "I live here is still some distance from XX Road, or I'll leave now,"

"That's right, there are too many people going to work in the morning, and it's too easy to get stuck in traffic. If you're late, your impression on my mother will be greatly reduced," Murong Shanshan said with a smile, "You can let my pigeons go, but my mother's pigeons can't be let go."

I am very wronged: "NND when did I let you off the pigeons?"

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be any in the future," Murong Shanshan said with a rascal look, "Okay, okay, you go out quickly, mom will drive over to pick me up in a while."

Turning off the phone, I suddenly felt inferior. His mother picked her up in a car, but for me, I had to call a taxi to go there. I really lost face.

Xu Lin saw that I had made an agreement with Murong Shanshan, so she didn't say anything else, and told me to be careful on the road, and then she took a few girls out.

I stayed and locked the door, making sure everything was safe before leaving. When I got downstairs, it was already 8:30, and there was still an hour before the agreed time.

Standing under the green tree, I was a little apprehensive, and my heart was beating violently "thump~thump~". Although it was just a simple business communication, after all, the other party was and is now a popular and popular woman in Suzhou and even in the entire triangle business circle. More importantly, she is Murong Shanshan's mother, a person I feel a little eager but afraid to see.

An inexplicable desire and fear, which makes me quite contradictory.

In case, if she asks me what kind of profession I am, how should I say whether I am a professional gamer or a homeless person? Moreover, if she asks me straight to the point if I have fantasies about her precious daughter, then what should I say? Is it hypocritical to say that I just treat Murong Shanshan as an ordinary friend, or is it true that I can't help drooling every time I see Murong Shanshan.

My mind was in a mess, and when a taxi pulled up, I was still thinking about what would happen after the meeting.

"Sir, where are you going?" the driver asked.

"XX Road, Peninsula Coffee..."

After finishing speaking, the driver concentrated on driving, and the scenery on both sides of the street quickly reversed, and my thoughts also stretched back quickly, until the day when I first met Murong Shanshan, in that crowded KFC, Murong Shanshan walked past me with a lot of food in her hand, but the faint fragrance and beautiful figure on her body kept me haunted.

From the first meeting, to the gradual contact, and then to getting tired of being together all day long, I can feel that Murong Shanshan is growing. In just over two months, she has completed the transformation process from a game rookie to a top player. Although it has a lot to do with my help, it is undeniable that she has extraordinary talent and unparalleled intelligence.

After thinking about it, the car had already stopped in front of Peninsula Coffee, and I didn't even know about the half-hour traffic jam on the way. After paying the bill, I found out that it was already a quarter past ten. Then I ran into the coffee shop in a panic, and hurried up to the second floor. After looking around for a week, I didn't find Murong Shanshan, so I sat down at a seat by the window.

It's almost time. In the noisy city, there is a constant flow of cars. Which one should they take?

As I was watching, a milky white car drove into the parking space in front of the coffee shop. Judging from the logo on the front of the car, it seemed to be a BMW. Although I was not very interested in famous cars, I still knew about those famous brands.

As I expected, after the car came to a complete stop, Murong Shanshan, dressed in casual women's attire, had already opened the door from the passenger seat and got out of the car. She quickly glanced downstairs and smiled slightly, as if she had spotted me.

The door next to the driver's seat opened slowly, and I immediately opened my eyes wide and waited for the legendary person to appear.

A few seconds later, a mature and generous woman got out of the car. Strictly speaking, she should be the type who still has charm. She is dressed in light but stylish high-end clothing to highlight her level. Compared with her, Murong Shanshan has become a veritable little girl.

The two of them went upstairs very quickly, I immediately went up to meet her and stretched out my hand but I didn't know how to address it, but Murong Shanshan's mother actually smiled, stretched out her hand to shake me lightly, and said with a smile, "You are Lin Fan, right? It's not quite the same as the one on the poster. My family's Shanshan has always mentioned you."

Different from the young MM's Fadia, even when she uses modal particles, it will only make people feel very friendly, instead of feeling numb all over. Murong Shanshan secretly stuck out her tongue at me, motioning for me to lead the way.

So I hurriedly stepped aside, pointed to a table in front of me and said, "Sit here, I'm so sorry, Auntie is so young, I can't believe you are Shanshan's mother, just now I was hesitating whether to call you Auntie or Sister~"

"Call me Auntie, Lin Fan, you really know how to joke. How can someone at my age look so young?"

Although she has a lot of experience, I think my compliments still make her feel good.

Everyone sat down and each ordered a cup of coffee. Murong Shanshan was sitting next to her mother. Seeing that I was still a little reserved, she smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. My mother just heard that I want to invest in your company, so I want to know more about you. People think you are forced to come on a blind date because of your restrained appearance."

I was even more embarrassed immediately, and I couldn't play hooligans in front of her mother, so I had to say fakely: "How could you think of that... Shanshan, you really know how to joke..."

"Shanshan has been like this since she was a child. You must not see outsiders. I am too busy with business and have no time to accompany this daughter. That's why Shanshan is like this. She often has a lot of weird thoughts. You must have suffered a lot when you were with her."

I was a little embarrassed and said, "It's okay, Shanshan also helped me a lot in the game. Without her, the guild I'm in may not be able to be established."

Murong Shanshan smiled at me very satisfied, and said: "You are too polite. Without you, my sword and rose might not exist. Have you forgotten that even the lightsaber I use now is a birthday present from you. This gift is too precious."

I pretended to drink coffee with my head down, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Murong Shanshan's mother twitching her mouth, as if she wanted to laugh, but held back.

"Let's talk about the company you want to start." Murong Shanshan's mother smiled slightly, and continued: "As far as I know, there is a company of this type in Shanghai. Shanghai Huitong Online Game Resource Operation Company has just been established for more than a month. It mainly operates the currency and equipment in the online game "Yueheng".

I nodded: "Well, I've heard of this too, but the first person to do it will often earn more profit than others. Auntie, you are a good player in shopping malls, so you naturally know this,"

"Of course, but the first one is often very risky. Suzhou is different from Shanghai. Can you be sure that you have the ability to run the company as well as the company in Shanghai?"

I was stunned. It seems that Xu Lin should answer this kind of thing more appropriately.


Ask for flowers~

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