It is impossible for Xu Lin to come here. And it can't possess my soul. More importantly, it was me who was asked.

Think about it. I cleared my throat and replied: "I believe in my ability. I know more about the price dynamics and equipment prices in the game than the average person. And I also think that I have the ability to handle the entire operation process of converting gold coins into RMB in online games. I think this should not be a problem."

I expected applause for my magnanimity. But he didn't expect that Murong Shanshan's mother just smiled lightly. He said noncommittally: "Shanshan decided to add her own shares. Have you thought about how to arrange her position in the company? Also, you know. Shanshan is going to school. Get involved in the company's affairs now. Don't you worry that it will affect her studies?"

I was stunned again. Each of these problems is more acute than the other. As an outsider to me. How can I answer.

As a result, Murong Shanshan immediately rescued me. She said to her mother in a tired voice: "Mom, don't worry about me. Haven't you read my report card? It's almost all excellent. Besides, it's good for me to get in touch with the society early. I don't want to be a dull student who doesn't understand the world when I leave school."

Was robbed by Murong Shanshan. Her mother couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that what you said is very reasonable. Well then. I will give you and Lin Fan this opportunity. Let you make a good show in Suzhou. Afternoon. Well, Lin Fan, what is the name of your company? Tell Shanshan in the afternoon. I will help you to register the name. As for the license and other things, go and approve it. It is estimated that you can get it tomorrow morning."

I couldn't believe my ears for a moment. Just because Murong Shanshan acted coquettishly, the matter was settled smoothly.

"Hey, don't be in a daze. Thank you to my mother." Murong Shanshan reminded.

I quickly apologized and thanked you again and again. As a result, people were very polite. Just simply said: "No. I'm just helping Shanshan. Could this girl be able to calm down and do something practical. If I, a mother, can't even help with this, then it won't make sense. "

glanced at me. She said again: "Lin Fan. Can I ask you something."

Murong Shanshan lowered her head. It's like texting. Or evading on purpose.

I nodded awkwardly: "Auntie, you can ask whatever you want. I will tell you what I know."

"Hehe. Don't be nervous. It's just some unimportant things." Murong Shanshan's mother smiled slightly. He glanced at Murong Shanshan who was sitting beside him. Ask me: "What do you think of Shanshan?"

I was stunned. Is there anything wrong with it? its not right. Until now, I haven't dared to look Murong Shanshan in the eye. There shouldn't be any clues revealed.

"Auntie... you mean those aspects. Shanshan is very smart. She has outstanding grades. She has a good personality. I think. If you want me to evaluate it, it is very good. Um. Very good..."

My ambiguous words froze her tone. But who is she. soon. She smiled and shook her head and said, "I don't mean this aspect. How good my daughter is. I know better than anyone else. What I want to ask you is. Do you think she is very suitable to be a girlfriend."

I broke out in a cold sweat immediately. Ruined. Something must have been discovered. Otherwise, why would she ask such a straightforward question...

I set my sights on Murong Shanshan. Found her lying on the table. Twirling coffee mug. Occasionally sneak a look at me. From her unconscionable eyes. It seems that she can't be counted on.

My voice trembled a little: "'s not good for me to judge. Shanshan is so good. Being her boyfriend must be very tiring. She is compared to her everywhere."

Actually what I said is true. Murong Shanshan talked about appearance. No man seemed to be good enough for her. On wit. I'm afraid no one can shock her. On martial arts. Um. Consider her skill. I still feel my scalp tingling.

"That is to say. Shanshan is not suitable to be a girlfriend." Murong Shanshan's mother looked at me playfully. He also said: "Then why are there so many boys chasing her at school. I really can't help it. I just didn't go home for a few days. There are more than a dozen love letters in the mailbox at home."

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily it wasn't alluding to me. Otherwise, I must have been ashamed just now.

"Actually, I have always been very strange. Shanshan has never been interested in any boy. But why is she not disgusted with you? This is very puzzling." Murong Shanshan's mother smiled slightly. Then he said, "I still remember a little boy who waited downstairs holding flowers until midnight last year. It rained a lot that day. He seemed to be very patient. He didn't stop until he was taken away by the police~"

I was startled. Is she messing with me?

Laughed embarrassingly. I said, "Shanshan has such a charm. Naturally, some people will wait foolishly."

Murong Shanshan snorted and said, "Let me tell you. You also know that person."

"It's Xu Xing."

In my memory. This is the only person I can remember.

Murong Shanshan pouted as a tacit agreement. Then her mother looked at her. Some reproachfully said: "I always told you to give someone an umbrella. But you. Even such a simple thing is not willing to do it."

Murong Shanshan argued: "It's easy to say. I want to say open the door and send the umbrella out. What if he barges in with the cheek. Then say that the clothes are wet. Take it off to blow it off or something. Isn't this leading wolves into the house."

Her mother smiled slightly. Do not refute. Instead, he looked at me and said, "What if Lin Fan was waiting for you downstairs in the rain. Would you be so cruel that you wouldn't even give me an umbrella?"

Murong Shanshan blushed immediately. Angrily said: "This is completely incomparable~"

She glanced at me. Said: "Let's talk about it. How could Lin Fan have the courage to hold flowers and wait downstairs at the girl's house..."

I feel very wronged. I still gave her N flowers on the eve of Valentine's Day. She actually forgot all about it. This guy is really bad.

I can't get mad in front of other people's parents. Had to endure the humiliation. He took a sip of coffee and swallowed hard.

Murong Shanshan's mother looked at me. Look at your daughter again. It seems to have noticed something. She pursed her lips and smiled. Looking out the window. Youyou said: "It's nice to be young. You young people should cherish the time you can enjoy now."

I don't understand why she expresses such emotion. A business strongman like this. There shouldn't be a life full of leisure and emotion.

Murong Shanshan also looked confused. But she is more courageous than me. She asked: "Mom, what are you feeling? We are here today to discuss starting a company. We are not here to discuss what to do when we are young."

I took the opportunity to ask: "Auntie. From your point of view. How much do you think the number of people in this network technology company should be controlled?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the size of your company. However, generally this kind of company should not recruit too many people. After all, the capacity of network resources is limited. And the overall operation of these resources through the network does not need to spend too much manpower and material resources under the intelligent management of computers. One of them is that the level of technicians who do web page architecture must be excellent. Because your company is built on the basis of virtual networks. So this is especially important."

I nodded in agreement. At this time, Murong Shanshan also asked: "What about other organizations in the company besides the technical department. Mom, please give me some advice."

"You two think of me as a planner." Auntie smiled. He said patiently: "The general organization does not need to set up too much. In addition to the technical department, there is also a department for operating transactions. This is also very important. It is responsible for all offline transactions. In addition, marketing. Responsible for integrating market information and formulating corresponding business development directions. Of course, due to the particularity of the company, this department should be divided into two parts: network and real.

What I said made me, a rookie who had never experienced anything in the world, regard her as a heavenly being. Murong Shanshan also flattered her and said, "Mom really came here. She knows so many things..."

As a result, her mother was immediately speechless by what she said.

In fact, these are fine work. basically. Even if I don't ask. Xu Lin should also know. after all. She had previously held senior management positions in large companies. This kind of thing must be well known.

I looked at my watch. Murong Shanshan said: "Mom, didn't you say that you have to discuss business with clients at 10 o'clock. The time is almost up..."

Her mother looked at her watch hurriedly. Stand up and say: "I almost forgot about this. Shanshan. You can go back by yourself in a while. I will go home in the afternoon. Remember to tell me the name of the company. I will send someone to do this."


Murong Shanshan responded lightly. Her mother is going downstairs. I quickly followed along. Delivered to the door before turning back to pay the bill.

The door of the coffee shop. Murong Shanshan looked at her mother as she drove away. Turning around, he said, "How is it? My mother seems to be okay."

I don't understand. Ask: "What is okay?"

"Forget it. You're like a piece of wood. You won't understand if you tell me."

Murong Shanshan turned her face away. He glanced at the supermarket across the street. Say, "I'm going home. And you."

Xin Yu and Xu Lin went to see the house. I have nothing to do now. So he said, "It's okay. I'm going to go back to have lunch~"

Murong Shanshan gave me an angry look. Say: "Think of the name of the company at noon. Tell me in the afternoon."

I was just about to answer. Then my cell phone rang. It's an unfamiliar number.

It's a male voice. He asked, "Is it Lin Fan?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"Oh. Hello, boss. I'm Fengshen. I've arrived at Suzhou Railway Station now. I don't know where you are. Why don't you give me your address."

I smiled and asked, "Did Wang Xue bring it?"

Fengshen was a little shy. It took a few seconds before the answer: "Bring it. We are now in the lounge at the exit of the train station."

I thought about it. Said: "Then you wait there. I'll be there soon. Well. I'm wearing dark blue casual clothes. The four of you are with a MM. I should be easy to recognize."

"Okay. Boss."

hang up the phone. Murong Shanshan asked me in surprise, "Who are we going to pick up?"

"A few security guards from the company in the future." Seeing her puzzled. I explained again: "I met in the game. The RPs of several people are not bad. At least I think they are more reliable than those recruited at the job fair. So I let them come to Suzhou from Shanghai. There are also people who help when the company opens these days."

Murong Shanshan said in relief: "Oh. So, have they arrived in Suzhou now?"

"Well. I'm going to pick them up at the train station now. Would you like to join in the fun together?"

I thought Murong Shanshan wouldn't go. But she didn't expect her to say quickly: "Okay."

The words were let out. Then there is no other way. I had to hail a taxi and go with her to the train station.


When I arrived at the train station, I realized that there are so many fucking people in Suzhou. After each train alights passengers. You can always see that the small corridor is full in an instant. The crowded scene is spectacular. in. The man complained and cursed. The woman was mixed with thin screams. It didn't get better until the people in front dispersed.

I pulled Murong Shanshan and carefully walked in through the side door. The big waiting hall is in front of you.

I didn't know how naive I was until I entered the hall. It is not easy to find four men and one woman in the vast sea of ​​people.

In desperation, he had to call Fengshen. he told me. They are in the westernmost seat of the hall.

Such a crowded waiting hall. It's hard for them to find a seat to sit down. Murong Shanshan followed me with some dissatisfaction. It's dangerous for a top-notch beauty like her to be in a crowded crowd. Some lecherous people came to squeeze her side even if they didn't squeeze her. One of the brave ones even tried to profane.

I can't stand it. He immediately reached out and pulled the little beauty into his arms. Staring at the wretched young man just now, he said, "Have you ever taught you not to touch girls casually when you go out?"

That wretched young man has a thick skin. Immediately raised her voice: "Fuck. Which of your eyes saw me touch her."

I was furious. But someone is more angry than me. Murong Shanshan struggled out of my arms. Quickly approaching the wretched youth. With a sudden elbow hit, the man crouched down hugging his stomach. It was so painful that I didn't even cry out.

My day. This little MM is too violent. .

Murong Shanshan's movements are smooth and flowing, done in one go. The most important thing is to be fast enough. When you finish beating that person. Few of the surrounding passengers noticed what was going on here.

See me in a daze. Murong Shanshan has returned to my side. He stretched out his hand and pulled me forward without looking back. NND. I see. That's a quick way to get away from the crime scene.


The crowd in front gradually dispersed. There are always very few people near the toilets.

it's here. We found Fengshen and a group of people. Their appearance is almost the same as in the game. Not much has changed.

The first to stand up was a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I recognized him quickly. He is the wind god in the game. One of my favorites.

"Boss. You're here."

Very surprising. Fengshen actually recognized me. The Ice God behind him murmured in disappointment: "The green cabbage seduces the beautiful woman and didn't come..."

TMD. Guys who only know how to look at pretty women. despise!

Although very contemptuous. But I still stood aside. Tell them: "Xin Yu didn't come. But I brought another beauty..."

Murong Shanshan showed her signature sweet smile behind me. Reach out to say hello to everyone: "Hi~"

for a moment. Fengshen, Iceshen and others all froze like petrification. One by one looked at the smiling little beauty in front of them in disbelief. Shocked speechless...

"It's really... Murong Shanshan..."

After a long time. Fengshen spoke with difficulty.

I am a little surprised. Turn around and pull Murong Shanshan to her side. Patted her on the shoulder and said to several people: "It's just a little girl. Is it worth being so surprised? It's like seeing a ghost..."

Murong Shanshan looked up at me. He retorted softly: "I'm not a ghost, okay..."

Looking at Murong Shanshan's delicate appearance. Fengshen couldn't help saying embarrassingly: "Boss, you are different from us. We are all little people. Murong Shanshan is the god of Yueheng. How can we little people not be excited when we see her. I am really honored today. I actually met her here..."

I was speechless immediately. Pointing to Murong Shanshan, he said, "Don't worship her anymore. She came here specially to pick you up today..."

Murong Shanshan nodded cooperatively. She said with a slight smile, "Hi everyone. I'm Murong Shanshan..."

I felt like I was talking nonsense. She added: "In the future, I will be an employee of this company. Everyone can be regarded as colleagues. Don't be cautious~"

I whispered: "NND. In the future, you will definitely be a managerial executive. It's strange to see that you are not reserved..."

Murong Shanshan immediately asked back: "Why haven't I seen you get nervous before..."

"I'm nervous. Haha..." I laughed exaggeratedly twice. In the end, I didn't know what to say. I had no choice but to say: "Let's go. Let's go out of the train station first. I will contact Sister Lin immediately to arrange accommodation for you."

finished. My eyes fell on MM behind Fengshen. She hasn't spoken since we arrived just now. Has been hiding behind Fengshen. Very silent.

MM is still a beauty. Very handsome. The cyan sweater contrasts with the light-colored pants. Make her look more pure. She sees me looking at her. Suddenly a little cramped. Looking at me, I dare not speak.

I asked a question:

"Wang Xue."


Ask for flowers~

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