Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 415 The chick is pregnant!

Didn't sleep well all night. The appearance of parents kept spinning in my mind. The one who spoils himself. Trying to coax his mother. That carried me on my shoulders. A father who has always been proud of me. They grow old as the years go by. But I did not fulfill my son's due responsibilities. not only. I also deeply hurt them with my persistence. concerns of the elderly. The arbitrariness of youth. This seems to be a knot that will never be untied.

when Wake up. Sweat was all over his forehead. Even his shirt was sticky to his body. In the evening, go online to participate in the battle between Golden Dawn and Hurricane City. There are more important things in the morning. That is to see Murong Shanshan's mother. I haven't been able to meet since the last glimpse. This time Murong Shanshan took the initiative to ask me to go with her to meet her mother. I don't know what's going on.

get up. After taking a shower, I changed my clothes. Very casual set. But according to Li Qing. This suit is considered a first-class world famous brand. Xin Yu bleeds a lot because of this dress.

Just go out. Then I saw Xin Yu carrying a badminton racket and pulling Lu Xuehan down the stairs. So I went up and asked: "What is this for? Are you exercising early in the morning?"

Xin Yu nodded and said: "Yes. Xuehan is so quiet and doesn't like to move. I need to find some exercise to make her active~"

I looked at Lu Xuehan. A pure white sportswear. With a pretty face and long hair. It looks so beautiful.

Xin Yu looked at me. Said: "Going out."

"Well. Go out to meet Shanshan's mother once. She may want to ask about the latest progress of our company. I will accompany them to have dinner at noon. You don't have to wait for me. Be sure to come back on time in the afternoon."

Xin Yu smiled slightly: "Go. It will be great if you can come back~"

I laughed. Walked to Lu Xuehan's side. She looked at me with a smile. The delicate and beautiful appearance is like a small white flower just blooming in the morning light.

My heart skipped a beat. He stretched out his arms to wrap around Lu Xuehan's slender waist. Hug her. Said: "Then I will go first."

Lu Xuehan smiled and nodded. Xin Yu is a little unbalanced. Ask: "What about me?"

I am walking outside. Bian turned around and smiled, "Let's talk about it tonight."

Xin Yu stopped talking. Instead, Lu Xuehan looked at her questioningly: "Tonight... what happened to you at night."

Xin Yu hurriedly explained: "It's nothing. Let me tell you the story of the little white rabbit and the little gray rabbit tonight."


Lu Xuehan didn't understand. It seems that I can only explain it to her when I come back at night.

look at the time. 7:30 in the morning. still early. But there was nothing to delay either. I had no choice but to take a taxi and go directly to XX University. When getting off at the school gate. It was exactly 7:50. The standard time for students to attend classes. I saw boys running wild with buns everywhere along the way. Some still held milk in their hands. Or soy milk.

I was just about to walk in the door. A guard next to him suddenly stopped him and said, "You are not a student of our school, are you?"

Take a look at your attire. There is nothing wrong with that. How do they see it.

I said, "No. I'm here to find someone."

"Who are you looking for? First register the entry and exit records. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to enter."

I was slightly taken aback. When did this school close down?

walk over. A swipe of the pen on paper. Write down who you are looking for. Unexpectedly, the guard actually sneered and said, "He's looking for Murong Shanshan again. Are the students of Su University annoying or not? It's all over. There are ten people this week. Hmph. This is not bad. At least the students in the hand No flowers."

The doorman looked at me with contempt in his eyes. I am very confused. Even if those boys pursue Murong Shanshan, there is nothing wrong with it. TMD. Could it be that everyone in XX University thinks that Murong Shanshan is private?

I am very upset. He just said: "If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't be a motherfucker. What's wrong with me looking for Murong Shanshan. What's hindering you. Hmph. I despise this kind of person the most. I don't have the courage to pursue Be honest by the side. What's the point of cynicism."

The guard suddenly became angry. He came over and said, "Why. You're still in a good mood, aren't you? You think it's okay if you have a few stinky money. Can you play with ignorant girls wantonly. Damn it. I just see you are not happy."

Another guard hurriedly stopped him. He said in a low voice, "You fucking calm down. We can't afford to mess with this kind of person. If it comes to the General Affairs Office, we'll have nothing to eat and walk around."

The guard snorted bitterly. He actually said another sentence: "Murong Shanshan is not in the school. You can go. I will not let you enter the school."

I am puzzled. He asked: "So, before me, there were many boys from Soochow University who came to Murong Shanshan. Why didn't you stop them. But you just made things difficult for me."

The guard didn't speak. The other one said: "Those boys are all poor-looking. How could Murong Shanshan talk to them. You are different... Hey. My brother has a bad temper. You are so tolerant..."

If we were to guess wrong. This excited young guard should also have fantasies about Murong Shanshan. Otherwise, how could there be such an aggressive performance.

So don't tell them much. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Murong Shanshan's number. Tell her that I have arrived at the school gate. The guard wouldn't let me in. Murong Shanshan asked me to wait.

Not long after. Murong Shanshan's beautiful figure appeared on the campus trail. Wearing a black T-shirt. She wore a creamy white open-chested coat. Dress very simply. But also feel very refreshing. Standard campus MM dress up.

It started with the appearance of Murong Shanshan. The doorman never took his eyes off her. Eyes full of admiration...

"Lin Fan. I didn't expect you to come so early~~" Murong walked in slowly. Take my arm with one hand. He smiled and said, "Let's go. Let's have breakfast first. The school cafeteria. My treat~~"

I glanced at the doorman. He's already there. Probably never seen Murong Shanshan being so intimate with anyone.

Murong Shanshan frowned at the guard. Just about to speak. I hurriedly stopped in a low voice: "Forget it. No matter how you say it, I don't mean anything malicious..."

Murong Shanshan snorted lightly. Pulled me into the school. The guard didn't dare to say a word.

Many students around are desperately rushing to the teaching building. Probably late. But Murong Shanshan's beautiful scenery appeared on the campus trail. So many people looked back reluctantly while running. There are not a few people who hit the tree and lose the bun in their mouth.

I laughed a little and said, "Shanshan. I heard that many boys from Soochow University came to look for you. Is there such a thing?"

Murong Shanshan nodded. Reluctantly said: "I have no choice. If they come to ask me for money, I will give them some charity without hesitation. But what they want is people. I can't give myself away."

I smiled awkwardly: "Yes. Of course I can't send it out."

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly. Said: "Mom hasn't seen me for almost a month. This time I made a special trip back to Suzhou to see me. This kind of situation is rare~"

"So. You have to pull me."

"That's not true. My mother said that I heard about your company in Shanghai. I heard about it. So I want to meet you. As for other things, I don't know. How about it. Don't be nervous."

Murong Shanshan tilted her head to look. The look of smiling.

It would be a lie to say I'm not nervous. after all. Anyway, Murong Shanshan's mother is a very standard strong woman. In front of this kind of person, I always feel as if I will be seen through. Little tricks don't work anymore.

"It's okay..." I prevaricated in one sentence.

Murong Shanshan smiled and didn't pursue it. He also said: "At noon, my mother will drive over to pick us up. The place to eat is tentatively set at the Violet Hotel."

"It's said to be very expensive there. A glass of water costs hundreds of dollars."

"Don't worry. My mother treats you. You just have to eat as much as you want. It's rare for me to come back once. If you don't give her a good meal, you can get over it. Besides. Tens of thousands of dollars are nothing in her eyes."

"Shanshan, you are such a good daughter..."


Eat a little something in the cafeteria. Murong Shanshan and I are very cautious not to eat too much. Because I know there is a big meal at noon. Take it easy.

After dinner. I asked: "What's next? What are you doing? Auntie will take a long time to come over."

Murong Shanshan looked at the time. Said: "The first class is just about to end now. I will take you to listen to a very interesting big class. The professor is famous far and wide."

I showed embarrassment: "Shanshan, can you not go? I haven't been to school for a long time. When I hear the voice from the professor's loudspeaker, my whole body twitches and my blood pressure rises. If something happens to me, you will regret it. .”

Murong Shanshan was speechless. Pulled me directly to the teaching building. On the one hand, he was still counting: "You are too unmotivated. If my mother finds out about this state, she will definitely blame me for messing around with dubious friends."

I think so too. Soaking in the game all day seems to make me lose my fighting spirit. Inspirational in the game. That's bullshit. Things that can be done in the game. In reality, it may not be possible.

When we come to class. The second quarter just started. The strange thing is that almost all the students in this class sit forward. There are not many in the back row. It can be seen how popular this professor is.

Murong Shanshan and I sat down in the last row. Not even a book. He stared at the professor with big eyes and small eyes.

I looked at the blackboard. It's about philosophy and stuff. Immediately confused. Is this kind of literary class topic very interesting? Why did Murong Shanshan bring me here. Said to relieve boredom.

The professor is talking about Chairman Mao's point of view that there is great strength in numbers. He said: "Build a house. It takes 7 days for one person. Ask. How many days for 7 people."

A student said loudly: "1 day."

The professor nodded appreciatively. At this time, another person below said: "The 168 people will only need an hour to build."

The professor twitched. Still smiling and nodding.

The nightmare has just begun. Another fierce man stood up and said, "So, it only takes a second for 604,800 people to build together."

Everyone sweated profusely. The professor immediately changed the subject. He also said: "This is only a relative issue. You don't have to look at it from a secular point of view. For example, weasels actually don't eat chickens. Once. A scientist put a weasel and a chicken in the same cage. No. Two days. Guess what happened."

A student wearing gold-rimmed glasses raised his hand and said, "Teacher, is that chicken pregnant?"

The professor began to tremble all over. But he continued the course with a good temper.

I finally know why Murong Shanshan brought me here. This school is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Almost every student here is not an easy person. It is estimated that picking one at random is enough to kill the professor in seconds. But this professor is NB incomparable. No matter what, don't fall down. And fight with students. The whole class turned into a quiz...

I didn't dare to come forward. For fear of being recognized as not a student of the school and being thrown out. Murong Shanshan is also low-key. Lying on the table next to me, I just smiled and watched others play.

Until 10:30. Murong Shanshan's phone finally rang. At this time, we have already left the teaching building. Walk all the way outside.

After hanging up the phone. Murong Shanshan said: "Mom will pick us up at the school gate in five minutes. Wait a few minutes."

I nod. Elders are to be respected. Don't talk for a few minutes. Even if it is a few hours, you have to wait honestly.

Murong Shanshan and I stood side by side outside the school gate. The little security guard who clashed with me just now looked at me with some hostility. I also ignored him. If you are hostile, be hostile. You can't stare at me anyway.

I said to Murong Shanshan, "It's been so long. I still don't know your mother's name. It doesn't seem very good to call you aunt all the time."

Murong Shanshan said: "My mother's name is Murong Xuan. Xuanxuan's Xuan. I follow my mother's surname~"

I nodded: "Got it."

Not long after. A pure white BMW pulled up next to us. I looked a little dazed. TMD got a new car again. I've seen the model of this car in a magazine. It is said to be maddeningly expensive. Murong Shanshan's mother is indeed rich.

The window fell down. The woman who resembled Murong Shanshan smiled at us: "Get in the car. You are all hungry."

Murong Shanshan called out delicately: "Mom, why did you come here? It made me wait an extra half an hour in class~"

Murong Shanshan's mother. That is, Murong Xuan frowned slightly. Ask: "Shanshan. You refuse to obediently attend class."

"No way. I can concentrate in class~~"

Murong Shanshan's sophistry was quickly seen through. Her mother smiled dotingly: "I don't know you yet. Get in the car. You are not hungry. Lin Fan is still hungry."

I hurriedly said: "I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry about me~"

"Hehe. Don't talk so much. Get in the car first."

Murong Shanshan opened the rear door. Say, "Get in the car."

I got in. Thought Murong Shanshan would sit beside her. So let it go in. But she didn't expect Murong Shanshan to sit in the passenger seat. With her mother. Murong Xuan saw it. Just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. But he didn't say anything.

behind the car. The security guard was already at a loss when he saw a woman who looked exactly like Murong Shanshan. It wasn't until Murong Shanshan called out "Mom" quite loudly that she woke up. Then when I got in the car. The security guards were probably also desperate. and. Murong Shanshan's mother Murong Xuan seems to have a good attitude towards me.

The surrounding scenery kept flying backwards. The car got on the road smoothly. I am more embarrassed to sit in the car. Had to look out the window. Occasionally, one or two good MMs can be seen strolling on the street.

"Shanshan. I want to ask you something." Murong Xuan asked while driving.

Murong Shanshan was playing with the small pendant hanging in front of her. Casually said: "Well. What's the matter."

"Did you ask grandpa to help you do something extraordinary?"

Murong Shanshan turned pale with shock: "Mom, how did you know. Grandpa promised me not to tell anyone."

Murong Xuan smiled faintly: "But. I am his daughter-in-law. Don't I have the right to know about it? Besides, I need to execute a very important part of it. Think about it. This matter can really be hidden from me Shanshan. You have grown up. Many things can be decided by yourself. But this matter is quite ill-considered. Don’t you think why you are begging grandpa like that? Is it really worth it. "

Although I can't understand what they are talking about. But it seems. This thing is vaguely related to me.

Murong Shanshan looked straight ahead. Suddenly leaned on the seat. With a firm gaze, he said: "There is no worth or not. There is only willing or not. I don't want to make mistakes. I will not give opportunities for mistakes to come."

Murong Xuan was stunned for a moment. The car deviated slightly from the track.

"Mom. What are you worried about? Are you afraid of Hua Tian?" Murong Shanshan asked back.

Murong Xuan gave a wry smile. Said: "I have been an old opponent with Huatian for many years. I have never lost to them. Do you think I have a reason to be afraid of them. It's just that I didn't expect it. This time, the old man should come forward to settle them. Maybe this is God's will. They were doomed not to escape this."

I was shocked. Hua Tian knew it. That is the company founded by Mr. Xu Fei. It is well-known in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

I couldn't help but say, "Shanshan. Are you and your aunt talking about Xu Fei?"

Murong Shanshan looked back at me. Sweet smile: "You heard it all."

nonsense. Not so loud yet. I am not deaf.

certainly. It is impossible for me to say that with the elder Murong Xuan present. Just nodding.

Murong Xuan wrote lightly: "Originally this is a matter for you young people. I shouldn't interfere. But this matter involves many joints. With your ability, you may not be able to handle it cleanly. Hey. Who made my precious daughter... "

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