Murong Shanshan's mother hesitated to speak, sighed faintly and concentrated on driving, while Murong Shanshan turned her head and smiled at me, and chatted with her mother again.

The car was parked next to a luxurious hotel in the park, and it was already 11:30, Murong Shanshan quickly jumped out of the car, patted the windshield and said with a smile: "Mom, this car will cost you money at least." A few million dollars, your car has been changed too frequently these past few years, I don’t even remember which one it is... When will you buy one for me, I have to squeeze the bus when I go out now ~"

Murong Xuan couldn't help laughing and said: "If you want a car, don't you know how to buy it yourself? Don't cry poorly with me. I don't like this anymore. Hehe, I checked the value of that Swiss bank card. It's a lot of money. ,"

Murong Shanshan said: "Stop talking, eat, I'm hungry,"

Murong Xuan probably didn't expect her daughter to change the subject so quickly, she smiled angrily and led us into the hotel.

I found a private room, ordered some dishes and sent the waiter away.

Soon, the dishes were served one after another, and I dare not be too restrained, otherwise Murong Xuan would think that I am a freshman who has never seen the world, and might give me a check and say: "Isn't this what you want? , leave Shanshan, you are not suitable for her, with this money, you can find any woman, you can go."

Of course, the plots in Qiong Yao's novels are basically nonsense. Murong Xuan is not the head of the family, and I am not the kind of idiot who shreds checks and shouts "I only want Shanshan". Lost Paradise elopes with Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan, the world is big, there are too many places that can accommodate us.

The dishes in this hotel are quite weird, many of which I have never seen before, but they are all more elegant and delicate, and they really seem to be more suitable for Murong Xuan, a mature, dignified and successful woman.

Murong Xuan picked up food for her daughter, and said, "Shanshan, the food at school is not good, so you should eat more. Also, try not to go out to eat during school hours, it's easy to get out of the crowd, you know?"

Murong Shanshan nodded and said: "I know, usually I don't go out to eat, um, I really like the preserved egg porridge in the cafeteria~"

Murong Xuan couldn't help smiling and said: "You are much more sensible, so I have saved a lot of worry, hey, Lin Fan, you also eat vegetables, oh, I forgot, you should drink some wine, waiter, Have a bottle of red wine,"

I hurriedly said: "Auntie, no need, I don't usually drink alcohol,"

Murong Xuan smiled and said: "You're welcome, I want to drink some too, so just treat it as if you were with me."

I hesitated and could only nod.

Not long after, the wine came, it was the kind of high-end red wine with a base made of exquisite iron equipment, and it was all in English, which I couldn't decipher, and just asked to teach the little beauty beside me, but Murong Xuan said: "Shanshan, You help Lin Fan and me pour the bar, don't patronize and eat~"

Murong Shanshan put down her chopsticks unwillingly, took the newly uncorked wine from the waiter, poured a full glass for me and her mother, then asked for another glass, poured half for herself Cup, and said with a smile: "Since you are all in such a good mood, let me drink some too. Anyway, there is no class in the afternoon,"

Murong Xuan chuckled and said, "It's up to you,"

Murong Shanshan raised her cup obediently, and said to Murong Xuan: "I wish my mother will stay young forever~"

"Heh, I'm still young, so you will never grow up," Murong Xuan said, but her face turned into a flower with a smile.

Under the table, Murong Shanshan kicked me lightly and gave me a wink. Then I came to my senses and quickly raised my glass, but I couldn't think of a good blessing for a while. Immortals and blessings will last forever, longevity will be equal to the heavens, forever and ever, and unify the rivers and lakes", I almost blurted out, but fortunately, I realized that this was not appropriate in time, my brain was running fast, and I finally thought of the rhetoric within 5 seconds, so I said: "Auntie, you are too modest , you look like you are just in your early 20s. Didn’t the waiter misunderstand you as Shanshan’s sister just now? Besides, Auntie is so beautiful and temperamental. Shanshan should feel inferior when walking with you~”

As soon as I said it, I was almost disgusted to death by myself. Although Murong Xuan has taken good care of herself, time is not forgiving. It is too fake to say that she looks younger than Murong Shanshan.

Murong Shanshan greeted her again and again: "Yes, yes, when I'm with my mother, I'm almost dying of inferiority~"

Knowing that we are boasting indiscriminately, but women always like to hear such good words, and the wise Murong Xuan is no exception, she said with a smile: "You two, stop flattering, I can hardly tell the difference, come on , drank this cup together, "

Damn, drink a glass whenever you feel happy, it's too NB, I began to wonder if I should praise her just now.

As soon as I raised my head, I drank the wine in the glass with a "gudong". It was a bit bitter, but there was an intriguing aftertaste in my mouth. This is probably the special feature of good wine.

Murong Xuan looked at her pretty daughter with a slight smile, her eyes were full of pride and love, Murong Shanshan looked at me suspiciously, and said, "Lin Fan, do you have anything to say?"

I nodded and said to Murong Xuan: "Auntie, I can probably guess that what you and Shanshan said in the car just now was about the collapse of Xu Fei's father's company, Huatian Real Estate, right?"

"That's right, Shanshan said you were stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so smart,"

Murong Xuan's tone was flat, and I felt a little uneasy, and then said: "Xu Fei is the person I had a conflict with him that led to the end. Originally, I should have resolved this matter by myself, but now I want you to worry..."

Murong Xuan interrupted me suddenly, and she said calmly: "I heard about Xu Fei from Shanshan a long time ago. In fact, Shanshan had a conflict with him. Don't feel guilty. We don't care about Shanshan. I don't care, you know, I only have one precious daughter, Shanshan, and the whole family regards her as a little princess, so naturally we won't allow others to bully her, even if she does, it depends on whether that person is qualified enough, "

I froze for a moment, this sounded really fucking overbearing.

Murong Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "I'm not hiding it, just tell you directly, Shanshan likes you, do you know that?"

I hesitated for a while, but Murong Shanshan next to me said angrily: "Mom, don't talk nonsense, okay?"

Murong Xuan laughed and said: "It doesn't matter if you admit it or not, but in your hearts, you know how important each other is, but I, an outsider, can see it, don't you think you don't know it? "

Murong Shanshan and I looked at each other, as if we were both asking: "Do I really like you, or is this just an illusion?"

Murong Xuan smiled and said, "You two, don't pretend that I don't exist, okay?"

Murong Shanshan blushed, lowered her head and sipped the red wine she had just poured.

Her mother said to me very seriously: "You know, originally, I didn't want Shanshan to be with you,"

"Ah, why," I was astonished.

"Because, I don't think you can surpass my daughter in any aspect," Murong Xuan said mercilessly.

I froze for a moment, and was about to refute, when Murong Xuan said: "But after I checked your information, I found that you still have some outstanding features, for example, your persistence in certain things, this, It’s very rare among young people today,”

"Shanshan hasn't suffered much since she was a child. You know this, so I don't want my daughter to suffer with others in the future. A marriage without bread support is unstable, but I am not worried about it. Shanshan is very good at making money, not to mention supporting herself, even supporting a family is more than enough,"

I was a little puzzled as to what she wanted to express and whether she was willing to give her beautiful daughter to me.

Murong Xuan sighed, and said: "You know, in the game, Shanshan's performance is well known, and you are the only one who can surpass her. It seems that you are the only one in Silver Moon City. That's why I allow Shanshan to associate with you. One of them, but what made me finally make a decision was an event that happened half a month ago,"

"What's the matter?" Murong Shanshan and I asked this sentence almost at the same time.

Murong Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "That is Lin Fan, a fool who indirectly donated a huge property of 300 million US dollars to charity. Of course, I don't agree with this approach. God knows how much of that money can be used for practical purposes." , Lin Fan's actions are enough to prove that he is stupid~"

Murong Shanshan couldn't help scolding: "Mom, can't you be more tactful? I wanted to say these words a long time ago, but I held back, but now you say them."

Murong Xuan smiled and said, "You really care about Lin Fan's feelings! In fact, apart from proving that Lin Fan is stupid, this incident also proves that he has no ambitions, that is, he is not very self-motivated. "

Murong Shanshan was stunned, and her heart beat like a drum: It's over, I really let my mother see that he is a guy who is not motivated.

Murong Xuan looked at the performance of Murong Shanshan and me with a smile, and said with a smile: "But it is precisely this that makes me agree with the two of you to continue dating. A man is such a creature that it is not good to be too ambitious. Endless desire It will blind his conscience, he will no longer remember any promises, and of course, he will ignore the people around him, but Lin Fan, he has the ability to realize those ambitions but he didn't ask for them. No one is qualified to say that he is imbecile, He just doesn't want to let himself fall into that whirlpool."

I was suddenly at a loss, why didn't I take the 300 million US dollars? Am I really just like what my aunt said, I am a wild crane.

Absolutely not, I also look forward to being able to reach the top of the world. In the WCG competition that year, didn’t I always dream of being able to win the championship trophy? On the battlefield of the national war, he marched westward and conquered the main cities of India and France in one fell swoop.

In fact, it boils down to one sentence, I just enjoy the process, as for the result, it is not important, but it is also this kind of character that formed my cowardly side, facing Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan has always been difficult to choose .

Murong Shanshan looked at me, and suddenly said: "Lin Fan is not an imbecile, he is a hundred times better than anyone else,"

I was dumbfounded. In my impression, this was the first time Murong Shanshan praised me, and it was a one-hit-kill compliment, which made me unable to accept it for a while.

Murong Xuan couldn't help smiling, and said with a smile: "I know, you don't need to emphasize so much, Lin Fan is not outstanding, and my daughter won't like him either,"

After finishing speaking, Murong Xuan looked at me again and said, "I will cut off Hua Tian's black hand for you, but you still need to walk your own way in the future, although I don't want you to come into contact with these undercurrents hidden under the bright appearance Surging, but these are all you have to face sooner or later, I will grow old one day, and I will lose power, Lin Fan, your personality may make Shanshan live in happiness every day, but it cannot guarantee this happiness It can go on forever, you and Shanshan are too eye-catching, you have to learn to protect yourself, you have to learn to deal with black enemies in a black way, understand,"

I nodded, okay, I will discuss with Fengshen Bingshen and the others to form an underground brick team when I go back, and shoot anyone who is unhappy in the future...

Murong Shanshan said: "Mom, it's rare for you to come back. Don't keep talking about such depressing topics, it makes me almost lose my appetite."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly: "Okay, let's not talk about this, Lin Fan, you accompany Shanshan for dinner, I'll go out and make a phone call."


I responded, and Murong Xuan got up and walked out, not knowing what was important.

Murong Shanshan looked at me, and I looked at her too, and I said, "Auntie said just now that you like me..."

"I didn't," Murong blushed suddenly.

"Then, Auntie wants us to live a good life in the future..."

"Nonsense, you live yours, I live mine, of course it's all good,"


I said again: "Shanshan, sister Lin and I are doing camp missions on the Pegasus Plain now, do you want to come too?"

Murong Shanshan shook her head and said, "No, I'm currently managing the resources of the guild. I can't leave for a short time, and I don't even have much time for leveling. When Golden Dawn is about to capture Hurricane City, you can let me know and I'll go Participate in the final battle~"

"Then, what about the task in the City of Life? The two pieces of parchment in my package haven't been handed over to the High Priest of the City of Life yet,"

"Well, when you are free, just call me and let's go there together,"


I suddenly thought about going home on May Day, and I really wanted to tell her, but after thinking about it, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan must go with them, there are already enough of these two people, if I take Murong Shanshan with me, although The icing on the cake, but my parents may not think so, maybe they will misunderstand that I have turned bad, seduced so many beautiful girls home, the neighbors are going to gossip, so many beautiful beauties are concentrated in In the small town, it's no wonder those people are jealous.

"Why, you have something to tell me," Murong Shanshan was smart and quickly saw the clue.

I hesitated for a moment, and said, "I won't play games during May Day, I'll go home..."

Murong Shanshan immediately beamed with joy and said, "Isn't that great? If I want to go with you, it's like going on a trip."

I showed embarrassment: "But, I have promised to take Xinyu and Xuehan with me..."

Murong Shanshan looked at me straight, her eyes were a little confused, when I saw this situation, I hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I'll take you with them."

According to previous understanding, Murong Shanshan would definitely smile and nod at this time, but today was an exception, she said flatly: "I still don't want to go, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan are more important, what if I go... "

I got a big headache, so I said, "Well, what do you want,"

"It was you who first promised to accompany me to your hometown, but now you have backtracked. I still want to ask you what you want." Murong Shanshan was a little excited, and her voice was a little louder. She was a little depressed, and said: "I know, It is impossible for me to have the same experience as you and Xin Yu..."

I whispered: "I would rather Xinyu not have such an experience,"

Murong Shanshan looked at me and said, "I'm sorry,"

Under the table, I touched Murong Shanshan's little hand on her lap, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but Shanshan, you are happy, do you know that?"

Murong Shanshan nodded lightly: "I'm self-willed, right?"

After I thought about it, I said, "You are right. On May 1st, go to a small town in the south of the Yangtze River with me, but there is one thing I want to tell you in advance, so that you are not mentally prepared."

Murong Shanshan blinked: "What is it?"

I felt a bit embarrassed to say it, hesitated for a few seconds, but made up my mind and said: "Because I called my family yesterday, Sister Lin and the others said that Xuehan is my girlfriend, and Xinyu can only feel wronged for the time being." , just be my ordinary colleague, is that okay?"

Murong Shanshan was stunned, and after a while, she smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I will do as you said, heh heh, will ordinary female colleagues accompany you home? It's really a cover-up."

I can only smile wryly, this kind of paper-like illusion does not exist in front of the smart Murong Shanshan.

Not long after, Murong Shanshan's mother came back, with a smile on her face, and said: "Basically, Shanshan, what you asked grandpa to do is coming to an end, at most two months, Huatian, who is still in full swing, will It will collapse completely, and Huatian's name will also change hands. In this way, without a lot of financial resources, Xu Fei will not be able to do anything. I have arranged a few trusted people to protect Shanshan, but they will not Appear, you don't have to care, "

Murong Shanshan was very dissatisfied: "Mom, I hate being watched by people the most. You let those people go, or if I see you, you will definitely not make them look good,"

Murong Xuan smiled helplessly: "No one will protect you, how can I rest assured, have you finished eating? I have something urgent to drive back to Shanghai in the afternoon, so I can't accompany you any longer,"

I asked, "Auntie is leaving in such a hurry,"

"Well, you should pay more attention to Shanshan in the future, you know?"

"Okay, I get it now,"

Murong Xuan's words undoubtedly handed over her daughter to me, and I was secretly delighted.

But Murong Xuan said to her daughter: "Shanshan, you take my card and go down to checkout first, Lin Fan and I have a few words to say,"

"There's nothing you can't say to my face,"

"Just go, don't ask too much,"

Murong Xuan didn't seem to have much patience, and Murong Shanshan didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she had to go downstairs.

Murong Xuan turned around and looked at me, and suddenly said: "I'll give you two choices, either focus on Shanshan wholeheartedly, or leave her, I don't want anyone to play with my daughter's feelings,"

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