I suddenly fell into an ice cave. Did she know about Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan? Am I really going to leave Murong Shanshan?

Murong Xuan's expression was calm. Said lightly: "Maybe you think I'm unreasonable and unreasonable. But I can tell you very frankly. I don't hate you. Even. If Shanshan is with you, I will be happy for her too. Because I can see it. You treat Shanshan very well. Just like she treats you. But even so. I still can't tolerate you liking other girls besides Shanshan. Do you know what to do."

I know. Avoid anyway. There are things I always have to face. So he asked: "So. What do you want me to do?"

Murong Xuan looked at me. Word by word: "Leave Lost Paradise. Join Sword and Rose. If possible. I will help you with the admission procedures. You and Shanshan finish college together. That way you can stay together forever. I will also feel at ease."

I laughed. Murong Xuan then asked: "What are you laughing at?"

"Auntie. Is it too idealistic for you to think about it. Is it okay?"

"Why not. If you really love Shanshan, you should sacrifice these things for her. I know. The two girls in Paradise Lost like you very much. One is Xin Yu and the other is Lu Xuehan. And I also know that they both It's beautiful. That's probably why you can't bear to let go."

I denied it flatly: "Auntie, you are wrong. It's not because they are beautiful. It's because I have shared hardships with them when I was at my worst. Asking me to abandon Paradise Lost is absolutely impossible."

Murong Xuan smiled softly. It seems to be feeling something: "Can you be sure of what you want? You are still young. Everything you missed when you were young and frivolous. It cannot be made up for. Sometimes. You desperately want more. But in the end. You lose everything .This simple truth. You don't understand it, do you?"

Murong Xuan's clear eyes seemed to see through me. I felt as if I was completely naked. So I said, "Auntie. Give me some time. I need to calm down and think about it."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly: "I hope you understand. It's okay to perfunctory me. But perfunctory yourself, perfunctory Shanshan. This is not good. The final bitter fruit is for you to eat. You are not the kind of flashy superficial youth. Your experience must have taught you a lot. I don’t need to remind you of these.”

See how preoccupied I am. Murong Xuan came over. He patted me on the shoulder and said: "In short, you must be worthy of your own conscience. In addition, let me reveal. In order to help you completely eradicate Xu Fei's forces, Shanshan made a special trip to her hometown in Nanning by herself. Grandpa waited for a long time. In the end, the old man couldn't help it. That's why I agreed to ask my students to help me. You have to know. Shanshan has never done such a thing for anyone since she was a child. Including me and her father. You have changed something Her personality. That comforts me. And I hope you don't let her down."

I nodded silently. I have mixed feelings in my heart. It's like knocking over a five-flavor bottle. Murong Shanshan did disappear for a few days a while ago. I thought she was going to fool around with Coco somewhere. But I didn't expect that she said that she traveled thousands of miles to ask for help for me. This is really embarrassing...

Follow Murong Xuan downstairs. under. Murong Shanshan got impatient with waiting. Murong Xuan smiled and said, "Shanshan. I'm in a hurry this afternoon. I won't take you back home. You can take a taxi by yourself. Or take the bus back. If you are energetic, you can go for a walk."

Murong Shanshan pouted and said, "As fast as it comes, it goes too fast. Mom. When will you be back next time?"

"Wait until I'm free. I'll go first. You and Lin Fan go back by yourself."

finished. Murong Xuan drove away.

Murong Shanshan looked back. See me frowning. So I asked, "What's the matter? What did Mom tell you just now?"

I feel very depressed. She shook her head and said, "It's nothing. Shanshan~~ walk with me back home. I feel very sad."

Murong Shanshan looked at me suspiciously. But there is no objection.

The weather is starting to heat up. The MMs on the side of the road also wore short skirts. A cool breeze blows. Orioles fly and butterflies dance, and the garden is full of spring.

I didn't have the heart to enjoy such beautiful scenery. Murong Xuan's words kept circling in her mind. She has been through more than I have. Nature also understands these better. Today's meeting made me look at her with admiration. On the one hand, she analyzed me quite thoroughly. on the other hand. Murong Xuan is not mean like those rich women. Quite the opposite. She feels like spring breeze. But when the words are targeted, it makes people have nothing to hide. In front of her, I can only retreat steadily.

But in the end it was my fault. I can't put my hands on my hips and say to her, "I'm very philanthropic. I just want to be on three boats. Your daughter is one of them. What's the matter. Maybe you have an opinion."

if that is the case. I'm dead. and. Murong Xuan was quite magnanimous. She gave me opportunities and time. And hardly too much pressure is applied. I can tell. This is a visionary mother. All her goals are only based on the happiness of her daughter. Murong Shanshan is almost everything to her.

"Lin Fan. What's the matter?" Murong Shanshan took my hand. Shaking.

"Shanshan. Auntie is so kind to you." I didn't answer the question.

Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes. He smiled and said, "Isn't your mother treating you badly?"

I gave a wry smile. Then he said, "Shanshan. Do you think I'm cowardly? I've never dared to make a decision."

"I don't think so." Murong Shanshan looked at me seriously. Then said: "On the contrary. If you decide immediately. I will look down on you instead."

"Why do you say that?" I was very surprised.

Murong Shanshan said: "You gave up on Xinyu. This is your fault. Because you betrayed her. You gave up on Xuehan. You are even more wrong. Because she can't live without you..."

I suddenly felt that Murong Shanshan was like an understanding little angel. So he asked, "What about you?"

The beautiful angel showed her fangs: "If you dare to give up, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

"Then... Shanshan. What do you think I should do?"

"Don't kick the ball to me. That's your own problem to solve. Hmph. That's why you're frowning. My mother scolded you for not being motivated~"

"Hey. If she really scolds me, I'd be happy too..."

Murong Shanshan giggled. Suddenly said: "Lin Fan. Do you really want to go back?"

I nodded: "Yeah. I just finished eating. Walking improves digestion. Besides. It's not good to stay in the game every day."

"But. I want to go online to inspect the situation of the cavalry regiment of Sword and Rose."

"Then. I'll go back by car later."

"Well. Now let's go shopping by the way. Although the roads in the park are wide and there are few people, there is nothing to see."


Later, I took a taxi back. After sending Murong Shanshan back to school. It was almost evening when I returned to the company. Although Murong Xuan's words make me feel embarrassed. But after all, she has acquiesced to Murong Shanshan being with me. And Murong Shanshan also recognized her relationship with me. This is undoubtedly a huge surprise. The former poor boy finally got the favor of the beautiful princess. And the psychological haze that I have always been so inferior that I dare not climb up to Murong Shanshan has been swept away. Be sure to perform well from now on. As Murong Shanshan said. I can't be ashamed of Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. Don't be ashamed of her either.

Look at the time and it's almost the time when Golden Dawn and Hurricane Kingdom are at war. Can't care too much. Enter the game after drinking a glass of water.

After going online. The lower right corner of the interface displays the current time: 16:45.

I appeared not far from the Golden Dawn camp. At this time, a group of cavalry had galloped out of the barracks. Dust billows. Flags are waving. Formed a blue ocean.

Open the friend list and have a look. The names of several MMs are bright. Even Murong Shanshan went online immediately. She didn't have time to take part in the war against Hurricane City. I can't force it either.

Sent a text message to Xinyu. Ask: "Xin Yu. Where are you now?"

A few seconds passed. Xin Yu replied: "On the front line. Golden Dawn has already exchanged fire with the Raiders Corps. We plan to take advantage of it."

I was speechless immediately. Just going to check it out. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. look up. It turned out to be Captain Koma on a horse.

Koma said: "Brother. The front line has begun to fight fiercely. We need you. Commander Dak himself is there to command. Let's go together."

I say yes. As a result, Koma ran away in a flash. It was extremely difficult for me to follow on foot. Fortunately, Koma has a conscience. Every time I run a distance, I stop for a moment and wait for me. A group of cavalry behind him all sullenly. The boss looked reluctant.

I am a little embarrassed. Just say: "Captain Koma. You lead the soldiers to go first. I am an infantryman. It will slow down everyone's marching speed."

Koma said carelessly: "It doesn't matter. We'll just wait for you. It's you. With your tyrannical strength, you can already conquer the mount. Why do you keep walking on foot. Could it be that brother, you like to fight off the horse."

I faintly heard something. So he asked: "My strength is enough to tame the mount. Captain Koma, you mean. I can also have a mount. Can I ride a pet to fight like a knight?"

Only then did Koma realize that he had made a slip of the tongue. Busily shook his head and said: "No, no. Swordsmen do not have the ability to tame mounts. This is an eternal truth in the mainland. Unless..."

"Unless something." I was full of joy. It seems that there is really a play.

Koma looked at me steadily. He suddenly shook his head in frustration and said, "Forget it. That's too demanding. You can't finish it at all. If I say it, it's better not to say it. Lest you will be disappointed."

I secretly said: You NND. NPCs also learn to wow people. It really doesn't make people alive.

"Brother Koma, just say it. I'm not afraid of being disappointed. If you don't say it, I'm in a panic."

Koma saw me so persistent. So he said: "Do you know. Captain Dake was originally a swordsman. And he was one of the few high-level swordsmen on the mainland. But he later proved himself. So he was baptized by the holy light of the knight. Riding ability. Now. Strictly speaking, Commander Duck is not a knight. But he can own a mount. Even. The ability to fight on horseback is no less than that on horseback."

"How he got the ability to ride a mount."

this. That's what I care most about. Ha ha. If you can really have a mount. When he had time, he took Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan to run on the grassland. What a cool thing that is. It is said. As long as the friendship between players reaches a certain amount, they can ride together. But only between men and women. This is more reasonable. If two big men sit on the mount one after the other. That must be disgusting to death.

Koma is no longer hiding anything. Said directly: "Leader Duck was originally a nobleman in Hurricane City. But he preferred sword skills so he gave up the opportunity to become a noble knight. However, these were just the beginning. Later, Captain Duck and several companions formed The adventurer team was formed. Five people broke into the death forest to explore the unknown mysteries there. At that time, Dak showed extraordinary ability. At the moment when the team was facing life and death, Dak stepped forward. With his own The power killed the undead evil mage hidden in the forest. And captured the necromancer's skeleton staff."

Koma smiled. He also said: "The skull rod is the source of endless evil mana. Dak has proved his courage. Therefore, as a nobleman in Hurricane City, Dak has been amnesty. He took the skeleton rod to Silvermoon City to find the beast tamer master Learned advanced riding skills. Since then, he has become a high-level knight proficient in master-level swordsmanship."

I can't help being a little disappointed. Question: "Then I'm not a nobleman. Can I be the same as Dak. Go get the skeleton rod. Then go to the master of beast taming to learn riding."

Koma laughed and said, "Of course not. The forest of death has already been thoroughly explored by adventurers. It is now the Silvermoon Valley. It is the hinterland of Silvermoon City. All the power of the undead has been wiped out. Not to mention necromancers with high status in the field of undead. I am afraid that even a low-level skeleton mage with bone strengthening cannot be found. Moreover, there are many fake skeleton staffs now. The nobles of Silvermoon City Not blind. Of course they can tell."

I was extremely disappointed: "Then. How can I have the same ability as Dak."

Koma thought for a moment. Said: "This. You can ask Captain Dak yourself. With your contribution to the Golden Dawn, I think he will give you some pointers. Now. Let's hurry to the front. The battle has already begun. Our reserve force We must follow up quickly. Otherwise, the Hurricane Kingdom's army may hold back our elite forces by virtue of their large numbers."

go further. It can already be seen that the mighty army is distributed on the wide plain. The main forces of the two sides are tit for tat. A small group of forces has already bitten the two wings of the formation.

Except for the Golden Dawn's Golden Cavalry. There are also many players from the Silvermoon City camp here to help out. In the crowd. I found them according to the coordinates suggested by Xinyu. Xu Lin, Lu Xuehan and others were all there.

"Huh. Lin Fan came back so early. I thought Shanshan would keep you overnight." Li Qing said carelessly.

The expressions of Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan changed slightly. I immediately glared at Li Qing. Said: "You shut up. No one says you are dumb."

Li Qing looked at us innocently. He whispered: "What's the matter? Such a big temper..."

Xu Lin seemed to see some clues. So I asked: "Lin Fan, what's the matter. I heard that I went to see Shanshan's mother. What did you all talk about. Can you tell me?"

I shook my head and said, "It's not convenient."

Xu Lin was taken aback. Immediately looked forward and said: "Then don't ask. Let's see if the Golden Dawn is as powerful as the legend. Is the kingdom army in Hurricane City as bad as the legend."

behind us. Almost all of them are players from Paradise Lost. It seems that there are hundreds if not a thousand. Not far away, players from several other guilds also appeared. Swords and Roses are indispensable there. From a distance, it should be young and frivolous as the leader. Next to Swords and Roses. The Bloody Sky and Hall of Fame troops led by Bloody himself are also in full swing. On the other side of the bloody sky, a lilac player unexpectedly appeared. Although there are not many people in the Lilac Guild. But many people came. only. There was no shadow of Ah Yue.

Xu Lin leaned against me. Suddenly he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Surprised: "Hey. Lin Fan. Look. There seems to be a player on the other side~ It seems to be a member of the Yujian League. Hehe. Li Guanghui is really interesting. Almost all the players in the guilds of Silver Moon City are biased towards Golden Dawn. Only He still stays in the Kingdom of Hurricane City like an idiot. I don’t know what he thinks. Maybe he thinks it’s gambling. If you want to win, you will win big.”

I laughed. Said: "Baby Xinyu. You are so interesting. Li Guanghui wants to join Golden Dawn. The key is that there is no room for him here."

Xin Yu was taken aback. Probably never heard me call her so intimately. Within seconds. She looked delighted. He hugged my arm and rubbed it with his great chest. Li Qing's eyes were straightened.

At this time. Li Guanghui also seems to have discovered our group of people. Although at least 200 yards apart. But he still drew his long sword. Demonstratively raised on his chest. And pointing forward. The look is very insolent.

"Damn. He seems to have forgotten the last time he died like a dog."

I cursed bitterly. Li Qing stretched out his five onion-like fingers in Li Guanghui's direction. Four fingers slightly bent. Than the middle finger. And cursed: "Fuck me."

Surprised, I turned around and asked her: "MB, you have that thing. Why do you fuck people?"

Li Qing blinked: "I don't have it. I'll borrow it from you."

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