Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 457: Artifact Rush

[Began to explode, the first update today, please subscribe,]

The left and right were in turmoil, Indian players on both sides swept in, but the most terrible thing was the giant elephant cavalry that came out of the Lost City. These cavalry moved very fast, and the body of the elephant was also very huge. It is unstoppable, and these cavalry must also be the killer of a certain NB guild, and they are rampaging towards the sword and rose position at the moment.

I roughly counted and found that the number of these cavalry was very large, maybe even over 10,000. After coming out of the wide gate of the Lost City, they covered a long distance horizontally, and the sound of rumbling hoofs when they charged shocked hundreds of miles.

After a fierce collision, the Swords and Roses collided with the Giant Elephant Cavalry. Unsurprisingly, the infantry combination in front could not withstand the huge impact of the cavalry. hang up.

A fiery red figure came up to me, and I quickly recognized it, that's right, it was Murong Shanshan, she was holding the newborn low-level artifact, the psychic sword, and at this moment, she had already knocked down a cavalry with one sword, and was chopped off together with the mount Going out, the audience was shocked by their skills, and those giant elephant cavalry were also stunned. They never thought that a pretty little girl would have such a powerful force.

As a result, Murong Shanshan became the target of public criticism, and the cavalry quickly recognized that this girl was a well-known figure in Silver Moon City. As long as this girl was killed, it would definitely cause a huge psychological blow to Sword and Rose, the number one guild in Silver Moon City.

There were almost a dozen cavalrymen attacking Murong Shanshan at the same time, but the little beauty did not back down, she did not give up an inch to defend the position where Sword and Rose were, and the light on the psychic sword became more and more dazzling.


Two cavalrymen galloped past Murong Shanshan at the same time, and the huge knight's spear carried a huge force and knocked Murong Shanshan back several steps, but the knight's spear that was swung away by the psychic sword did not stop, following the trend After piercing through the two thieves who were trying to rescue Murong Shanshan, the two corpses turned into white light and were reborn in the air.

At this moment, the cavalry attack was as intense as a meteor shower, and there was no one around Murong Shanshan who was able to stay. All the players who tried to rescue the boss were sent back to Silvermoon City by the powerful Indian cavalry.

There are too many cavalry, almost equal to half of the members of Sword and Rose present. The advantages of the profession are clearly revealed. The originally powerful Sword and Rose are so vulnerable at this time, everyone can only watch Murong Shanshan alone Struggling and resisting like a flat boat among the cavalry.


I immediately looked back at everyone, Xu Lin and Xin Yu nodded almost at the same time and said: "Go, leave this place to us, and bring Shanshan back safely,"

Lu Xuehan looked worried, and quickly said: "Go, go, Shanshan is in danger, we'll talk about it when we come back."


I glanced at everyone gratefully, and rushed forward quickly, even opening the swordsman swiftly, and the whole person turned into a blue phantom and galloped forward.

I don’t dare to make too much of it, I didn’t collide head-on with those Indian cavalrymen who had just pierced through the Swords and Roses front, so I had to rely on the fast speed bonus of the swordsmen to dodge properly, but for some players who stick out their spears and try to pick me up You're welcome, he stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed the barrel of the gun, and pulled him off the mount in a staggered figure. The blood-red sword mercilessly passed across his neck, killing him instantly.

Stumbling into the group of cavalry, she even saw Murong Shanshan's figure dozens of yards away. Difficult to keep invincible.

At this time, an Indian Asan knight with a big beard was rampaging, swinging a big sword and chopping off more than a dozen players with swords and roses in a row, including the thief who stole the sky. The long spear, but at the moment the body was lifted, the hand was loosened, and the person disappeared into the air.

Everyone was stunned. This knight was obviously a leader, and his attack power and level were outrageous.


Sparks splashed everywhere, and Murong Shanshan's psychic sword was swung away for the first time, and she couldn't help but fly backwards after being hit by the huge force, and she sat down in the grass all of a sudden, her face was full of unwillingness, and she couldn't stop He looked straight at the knight in front of him.

The knight slowly raised his spear, the tip of the spear was filled with pale golden light, it turned out to be a low-level artifact level treasure, no wonder it was able to repel Murong Shanshan's psychic sword.

The knight cursed for some reason, and raised his spear to end Murong Shanshan's life. The little beauty had already lost half of her remaining vitality in the violent retreat just now, and now she has less than one-third of her vitality. It is impossible to withstand this attack.


The knight's spear came with the wind, like a deadly weapon.


Murong Shanshan closed her eyes tightly in fright. When she opened them again, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief. I arrived in time, facing her snowy and pale face, and said softly: " Shanshan, it's me..."

At this moment, I am almost half kneeling in front of Murong Shanshan. Due to the critical situation, I can only resist the opponent's attack with my own hand. At this time, the spear has pierced through my arm, and the armor at the bend of the arm is shattered When it opened, blood splashed drop by drop on the blade of grass.

Murong Shanshan was about to cry, she threw herself into my arms and kept saying, "I thought I must have died, I thought I must have died..."

"Grandma, I'm in pain... kill this bastard knight first, okay?"

I reluctantly said, my arm was piercingly painful, and the tip of the gun was still twisting inside.


Murong Shanshan responded, and took out a large bottle of red potion to replenish my blood. I turned to look at the knight leader. Clamping his arms, he must not be allowed to regain this magical gun, otherwise, Murong Shanshan and I may not be able to beat him. After all, Murong Shanshan's blood is less than half now, and my blood is less than half. With the rush of blood, it decreased sharply.


The Indian knight scolded something we didn't understand, and I turned around and raised the blood-red sword to chop off his arm. If I can force him to let go, maybe the ownership of the knight's gun will belong to me. It must be a big profit.

But the knight leader didn't let go, but quickly pulled out the knight's sword from his waist and fiercely met the blood-red sword.


After the crisp sound, there was only one handle left on the blood-red sword in my hand, and I was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, this bastard's sword is also an artifact, damn, how could such a thing happen,"

Murong Shanshan didn't answer, swept the psychic sword horizontally, and the two legs of the knight's mount were separated from the body immediately. Amidst the howling sound, the giant elephant collapsed to the ground, turned into white light and returned to the master's summoning space, and The leader of the knight was thrown to the ground along with the body of the mount, and he took me a few steps forward. He jumped up, released the spear in his hand, and suddenly my figure fell backwards.


The sound of sharp blades piercing the wind came, and I faintly felt chills in the back of my head. The knight leader unexpectedly moved to my right side quickly, and the divine sword in his hand quickly chopped down towards my right hand holding the blood-red sword.

After the sound of "Dang~", Murong Shanshan barely blocked the blow with the psychic sword, but her strength was not as strong as this knight's, and her petite body was also knocked back. After the shock, the knight also thought that I must hang up, and a nasty smile began to show on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I clenched my right fist tightly, and a trace of cold air drifted through. It became more and more condensed, and the ice-blue air mass rotated at high speed around my right fist. At the same time, snowflakes began to dance out of thin air.

"Fuck you,"

When I punched Frozen Slash, the knight was still complacent, but the complacent look froze on his face. With a "boom~", I punched him hard in the chest with all my strength. On the chest, even the knight's breastplate was cracked, and the knight's leader was quickly frozen.


Four digits floated out from the head of the knight leader, I was very surprised, I didn't expect to hit such a high attack with my fist.


A long sword pierced through the chest of the knight leader, and under the urging of power, a huge sword glow burst out. The sword glow swept across, and several cavalrymen who were galloping behind were instantly killed together with their mounts.

The knight looked at the long sword on his chest in disbelief. His breastplate was completely damaged and torn apart, and the flesh behind his back was ripped apart. He had already died under Murong Shanshan's blow of sword energy.


I sighed deeply, finally, we did not hang up.

The spear on the shoulder also disappeared the moment the knight hung up, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

When watching the situation in the field, Murong Shanshan was a little dazed. There were almost no members of Sword and Rose standing around. Many people had already dispersed to the distance. The coalition forces of TOT and Lilac held the last line of defense tightly, lost On the other hand, the Paradise has already exchanged fire with the Nino City players coming from the right. The battle was extremely fierce, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.


The gates of the Lost City were opened again, this time even more exaggeratedly. A combined force including some cavalry came out aggressively. Although the number of cavalry was not as large as the previous one, it was at least more than 5000, and the dust rolled in.

Looking at the rear, the loss of the previous wave of giant elephant cavalry is not too big, and they still retain more than half of their troops. On the contrary, the Silver Moon City coalition army was caught off guard and was rushed in and out by others. The loss was heavy, and the number of players killed in battle was absolutely Several times above the opponent.

Seeing that this battle is extremely difficult to win, I shouted: "All retreat, withdraw troops and lose the forest,"

My voice was not loud, but the inside of several guilds immediately began to communicate, and soon, the most peripheral Lost Paradise retreated slowly, leaving only a small group of players to resist the opponent's attack, TOT and Lilac closely Afterwards, Sword and Rose, which suffered the most losses, was ranked at the back, and the remaining player power was preserved as much as possible, and the most important work behind the scenes was handed over to Scarlet Sky and the Hall of Fame.

This time, Xuehong sent me a text message with great courage and said: "Brothers, you retreat first, I will cover, remember to deploy defenses on the edge of the Lost Forest to meet us,"

I was a little touched, I took Murong Shanshan's little hand and quickly evacuated, my vitality and blood had already been fully regenerated when we kept drinking the red potion, and the Indian players I ran into occasionally were also taken care of by Murong Shanshan, and I, because of the blood red The sword was also shattered, so he could only fight hand-to-hand, punching to the flesh.

A large number of Silvermoon City players moved into the Lost Forest. This process took almost an hour. When the last guild hall of famer entered the forest, there were not many of them left.

The forest is full of rough roads, and the cavalry can't move forward at all, so the cavalry from the Lost City wandered around a few times, and returned to the city after clearing out the single players in Silvermoon City on the plain. The players teleported from the station were afraid that they would be besieged if they entered the forest, so they dispersed after watching for nearly two hours. After all, almost all the elite players of Silvermoon City lurk in this large forest, so rushing into the forest has nothing to do with Suicide is no different.

Under a vigorous ancient pine tree, all the leaders of the big and small guilds were there, everyone found a stone and sat down, with blood red and mournful faces, this time apart from the sword and the rose, the loss of the bloody sky and the Hall of Fame The biggest one, especially the Hall of Fame, in order to cover the retreat of everyone, there are not many people who finally entered the Lost Forest.

I supported Murong Shanshan to sit on the grass next to a stone, walked over and said, "The first battle is over, how do you feel?"

With a blood-red face, he said: "I don't have any good feelings, but I think we really underestimate the enemy, otherwise we wouldn't have lost so badly..."

I sat down on the rock next to Murong Shanshan and said, "We have underestimated the enemy, and everyone is responsible. Don't be too busy criticizing yourself. Let's first count the battle losses of each guild. Try to let the brothers who died come over as soon as possible, and prepare for the next battle."

Ye Qiu was the first to say: "Our TOT's loss is relatively small, the death rate is 25%, and we still have the main force at present."

Xu Lin said: "There are less than 15,000 people left in Paradise Lost, and the loss is nearly half, which is quite serious."

The boss of Qixia Town and Renzai Jianghu said that less than half of his guild lost, most of the players were hacked to death by cavalry, and Lilac's Ah Yue suffered the least loss. More than 17,000 people participated in the battle, only Less than a thousand people were killed.

Murong Shanshan next to me was very unhappy, and said disappointedly: "The death rate of Sword and Rose is 75%, I don't want to talk about the specific losses, blood red, what about you?"

Xue Hong said with a blank face: "There are still some people in the bloody sky, the death rate is 82%, the Hall of Fame... Damn, only 17 brothers came back alive..."

A fiasco, an absolute fiasco.

Everyone was silent, and after a long time, Xue Hong said: "What should we do now?"

Ye Qiu looked at the time and said, "This battle lasted for 10 real hours, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, everyone probably didn't have lunch, why don't you go offline and have dinner together?" Now, let’s discuss countermeasures later.”

Xue Hong said in a muffled voice: "Fuck, the loss is so serious, I don't even have the face to see my brothers, how can I have the appetite to eat?"

Ye Qiu laughed dryly, and said: "It's useless to be anxious. Now we can only regroup and fight again. We can't let those players who play tricks rush around. That way we will only lose. In fact, all of our guilds should start fighting." To set an example, we acted first, and those players will naturally follow our steps, and they will also be a fighting force that cannot be ignored,"

Xu Lin also said: "That's right, the most urgent thing is to wait for all the players who died in battle to come from Silvermoon City, and then we can make a long-term plan. As long as we command properly, we can actually fight against those Indian cavalry. For example, today, those cavalry came too fast. Our archers didn't have the slightest blocking effect at all, relying on warrior players to go up and resist, it's just death."

Blood Hong sighed, and said helplessly: "That's the only way to go. I just ordered my brothers to come over overnight and prepare for the second battle tomorrow. This time, we must not fight like this again. We lost too much in the first match. There are too many, and now many players lack equipment, which is cheaper for those players in India."

Ye Qiu also said: "Well, continue to gather troops tonight, and we will fight against them tomorrow,"

Everyone's fighting spirit was burning again. Although I didn't want to disturb them, I couldn't help but say: "Everyone, have you ever thought that the best time to attack is tonight?"

Xu Lin asked in amazement: "Why is it tonight? We were seriously injured just now. If we continue to attack hard like this, do we want the remaining players to go and give them points?"

"It's not about attacking the Lost City." I stood up, stretched out my hand and pointed to the west, and said, "What we want to attack is the oracle capital of the West, the city where the Indian player claims to be the number one player's resident."

"The capital of the oracle is the station where many Indian players rushed out to aid today. With our current strength, can we take it down?" Xu Lin questioned my proposal.

Xue Hong and Ye Qiu also looked puzzled, while the bosses in Jianghu and Qixia Town directly criticized: "No, we have already lost a lot during the day, if we go out at night, not only will everyone feel uncomfortable, but if we lose again If not, I am afraid that many players will ask to leave the guild,"

At this moment, Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "Everyone, don't worry, let's first listen to why Lin Fan wants to attack tonight."

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