Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 458 We have to fight back

"It's very simple, because now the players in the Lost City are waiting for the celebration banquet," I pointed to the west, and said, "Look, everyone, the oracle capital is located on the right side of the Lost City, and the two cities are far apart. If it is converted by the player's walking, it will take about two hours. As you have seen just now, they seem to have premeditatedly sent a large number of players from Nino City to the Oracle Capital, and then attacked the right wing of our Silvermoon City army. In fact, it is equivalent to a battle between the main players of Silvermoon City and Nino City, and after our defeat, you have also seen that those Nino City players all retreated to the Lost City, because they knew that we would definitely make a comeback, As far as I know, Nino City has a teleportation array directly to the city of the oracle, but the Lost City does not. The teleportation array of the Lost City is on the back mountain behind the entire city. It used to take half an hour, and more importantly The most important thing is that during the national war, players from their own country are not allowed to use the city return scroll in their homeland,"

Xu Lin was surprised and said, "How do you know this?"

I smiled and explained: "The terrain was collected by Shanshan's guild members at the risk of their lives, and the rules of the national war were updated when the national war started in the morning. Haven't you checked it out?"

Xue Hong stood up and said, "That is to say, what you think is the current oracle capital is actually an empty city,"

"If I'm not mistaken, it's true. The city of the oracle is only a second-level resident. The defense value of our lost Paradise garrison is higher than it. A city of this level cannot resist our current power at all, let alone the city. The defensive force inside is quite weak. On the other hand, the Lost City not only has a strong city wall, but also the Kingdom Army of the Lost City is guarding it. In this way, the player's sense of security and belonging will dictate that they choose the Lost City as a resting place. The supply point, the city of the oracle is naturally neglected. Perhaps in their eyes, the city of the oracle is only equivalent to a teleportation point, but it is different for us. The large amount of potions and other supplies in the warehouse of the city of the oracle will help us take the Lost City,"

After I finished speaking, I felt that I had talked too much, so I sat down and rested for a while.

Xue Hong pondered for a moment, then slapped his thigh and said: "There is no better way now. Indeed, you can try what Lin Fan said. Although there are elements of risk and gambling, it is still a good plan. Okay, let's There are still more than 5,000 people left in Scarlet Sky and 17 people from the Hall of Fame. You can dispatch them as you like, so let’s go all out today. Damn, everyone don’t eat dinner. Now is just the time for the players in India to finish their meals. Let’s take advantage of it. Taking this opportunity to take down one of their resident cities as a counterattack, "

So it was done immediately, and everyone agreed, but Murong Shanshan showed a trace of tiredness, and said: "From last night until now, I haven't eaten anything yet."

"I didn't eat breakfast either,"

"Just wake up and start the national war, how can I have time to eat?"

I said with concern: "Why don't you go offline to eat, there are more than 7,000 people left in Sword and Rose, and you can leave it to the young and frivolous to command. I am here, don't worry, when you come back from the big meal, you will find God The banner of Silvermoon City is planted on the gate tower of the City of Enlightenment, "

"No, I want to accompany you," Murong Shanshan said suddenly, and everyone looked sideways. Murong Shanshan probably realized that what she said was too ambiguous, so she scanned the crowd and said, "You don't want to go back. Gather the troops and set off in half an hour. All the bosses of the guild listen to Lin Fan's command, and this time we must not attack the city in a disorderly manner."

I hurriedly said: "No, no, no need to make much fanfare this time. Anyway, the Lost Forest extends all the way to the edge of the oracle capital. Let's go directly through the forest, and then select a group of thieves to stealthily kill their defending mages and open the city. Gate, once you succeed, everyone will make another move. It will be more clever to win that way, and you can also minimize the loss. There are fewer and fewer players in Silvermoon City in this Lost Plain, so we can no longer confront them head-on."

Everyone had no objection, and went back to dispatch their guild members to move to the west of the Lost Forest, while those scattered guilds and single players also followed the main guild without knowing why. In this primeval forest.

The main force of Paradise Lost is still there, and the loss is much smaller than that of Sword and Rose. At this time, many players are distributed in the forest. After getting the news in the guild channel, they immediately headed west. Walking over under the leadership of Ye Sha, he said, "Boss, are we really going to fight the oracle capital?"

I nodded: "Why, don't you want to avenge the brothers who died?"

"Of course I want to," Ye Sha gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, so many brothers were hacked down by those asses without any power to fight back. I'm going crazy. How can thieves compete head-on with cavalry? We inserted on the right side of the phalanx to avoid the archers' troops, otherwise our losses would not be so great, there are only more than 1,000 thieves players, I don't know if it is enough, "


I looked at the city of oracles shrouded in the night, and murmured: "Thieves players can't be used on the frontal battlefield at all. The mistakes made in the morning are my fault and Xu Lin's... Now, it is the thieves who come in handy." At this time, it is up to us whether we can help our brothers and allies open the gate of the oracle capital."

"Well, no problem, just a word from you, brothers go all out,"

Obviously, the fighting during the day cast a shadow over the night killings, and at the same time made him hate the cunning and fierce Indian cavalry.

I asked again: "Ye Sha, how are our cavalry players doing?"

"Cavalry, hehe, these valuable guys have hardly suffered any losses. The idiot Piggy with the sword refused to let the cavalry go to the front, but in the end, the swordsman professional players lost almost all of them."

I smiled: "Don't blame the little pig with the sword, I let him do that. The cavalry is too precious. If we can capture the city of the oracle, then the burden of defense and counterattack will all fall on the cavalry , you don't want us to have no power to fight back, right now, in Yueheng's combat system, the cavalry's group charge is temporarily unsolvable. I have thought for a long time that the only ones who can fight against the cavalry are the cavalry. There are no pikemen among the players, this is a blind spot,"

Ye Sha nodded and said: "Well, originally, the concussion arrows of the archers can absolutely suppress the cavalry, but unfortunately, the current charging state of the cavalry is too immune to the skill state, and the concussion arrows can't do anything at all. However, I heard that one of the attributes added to the archer player after the fourth turn is the 100% increase in the stun chance of the charge. In this way, the occurrence rate of the concussive arrow effect is definitely above 80%. However, There are no level 100 archers yet, so the cavalry charge will remain invincible for a long time..."

"Hehe, it's good that you know, let's try our best. This time, if we really can't capture the Lost City with the power of Silvermoon City, our Chinese virtual competition will lose our lord. Everyone is responsible, you and I They are all sinners~"

Ye Sha chuckled: "Do it with all your heart, but please have a clear conscience."

So I also packed my bags and bought a purple long sword from Li Qing. Its attack is 500 and the level requirement is 75. It is worse than the blood-red sword, but at least it can be used. It is better than fighting with bare hands.

After that, I said to Li Qing: "Qing'er, go offline now, tell the chef to prepare a table of sumptuous meals immediately, we will be offline in about two hours, Xinyu and Xuehan must be starving , remember to prepare some light soup, appetizer, "

Li Qing said, "I'm hungry too, why don't you care about me,"

I immediately said: "Okay, baby Qing'er, hurry up and get off the assembly line to prepare meals, don't starve the bucket waist, and there is no need for a beast trainer like you here, hurry up,"

Li Qing pouted, but felt that it was useless for him to stay, so he went offline.

Ye Sha felt it was funny, so he said, "Li Qing, you like her too,"

I smiled slightly: "What do you mean by liking it? It's just that I like Xuehan and Xinyu. I should always care about Li Qing. In fact, that girl is also quite pitiful, with no brains and small breasts."


As night fell, the entire Lost Forest was shrouded in darkness. Only the magic luster attached to the players' armor or robes shone. Although more than half of the players were lost during the day, the entire Silvermoon City coalition forces still remained. Hundreds of thousands of people, it is quite strenuous to move together, it feels like the tail is too big to drop, and the movement is also very loud. The birds in the forest are constantly startled and fly together.

The forest and grass are full of dew, and soon, almost all the players' pants are wet, which affects the speed of action to a certain extent, but fortunately, we have enough time, currently it is about 5 o'clock in India, It's dinnertime, and if we attack before 6 o'clock, we're sure to catch them off guard.

After I bid farewell to Xu Lin, Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan, I brought the 1000 thieves players from Night Kill and Lost Paradise to the front of the coalition team. At the same time, the bosses of the other guilds also gave tacit orders Players from my guild joined the camp behind me, and in a short while, nearly 20,000 thieves were completed.

A large group of thieves walking on tiptoe in the forest is also quite spectacular.

I was afraid that the command could not be implemented again, so I divided them into four teams based on guilds. Night Kill commanded 5,000 of them, and the other two thieves from Sword and Rose and Scarlet Sky commanded the other two. Of the 5,000-member team, I personally commanded the remaining one. Tens of thousands of people seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, covering the entire forest horizontally.

Soon, the thieves team was divided into four phalanxes and distributed at the edge of the forest, waiting for the commander.

I glanced back and found that Murong Shanshan was smiling at me in the distance, her snowy face reflected by the bright moonlight was extraordinarily charming.


She texted: "Revenge us Swords and Roses, please,"

I couldn't make sense, so I immediately replied: "Understood, Shanshan, you wait to lead the remaining players to rush out and occupy the city. This big loss, we will definitely get it back,"

After sending the text message, Murong Shanshan stretched out her snow-white arm and gave me a thumbs up under the moonlight. Immediately, my heart felt warm. At least, there was a lovely person behind me cheering me on, even if I was hanging There are no regrets on the front line.

So I pulled out my long sword and said in a low voice to everyone: "All sneak, aim at the oracle capital, take the north as the direction of twelve o'clock, the first team sneaks into the city gate at three o'clock, and the second team sneaks into the city at six o'clock." Gate, the third team sneaked into the city gate at 9 o'clock, and the fourth team sneaked into the city gate at 12 o'clock. At present, they have not closed the city gate, everyone must be careful, you have 10 minutes, all enter the relevant positions, four captains Wait for my order, let's work together to kill all the hostile players and NPCs in the city, so that they won't grow even a blade of grass,"

"Okay, not a blade of grass grows,"

A player called out excitedly, and Ye Sha immediately glared at him and said: "My day, keep your voice down, do you want to die, and you will take over the city in a while, and no one will care about you if you sing about mice loving rice on the top of the city gate?" ,"

I smiled, and ordered in the frequency division where the four captains were: "It's time to act, everyone,"

So everyone stood up and acted separately. Four rows of phantoms stretched out in the forest. All the sneak players moved very slowly, but there was no big problem in reaching their respective positions within ten minutes.

I hadn't gone far when I suddenly found a figure following me. I looked back and was shocked: "Ah Yue, why are you here?"

The masked beautiful girl smiled and removed the effect of the mask, and said: "All the thieves here in Silvermoon City have acted, how can I be missing, don't tell me, Lin Fan, do you despise my attack?"

I chuckled: "Come on, come on, Lilac's boss will participate in this operation, I believe our success rate will be higher,"

Ah Yue pursed her lips and walked side by side with me. Due to the strengthening of stealth, I moved faster than ordinary thieves in stealth, so I had to slow down to let Ah Yue keep up. She soon realized that, With a sweet smile on his face, the lilac thieves next to him were stunned.

I don't have much thought to admire the beauties. If I want to see it, I will treat Ah Yue to dinner another day. If I see enough, she probably won't object. The most important thing at present is how to get revenge. One hundred thousand players, such a disastrous defeat is unacceptable to the proud Silvermoon City players. After all, Silvermoon City is truly the number one main city in the world, and the number of players occupies the absolute top position. Among the five players at the top level, Silvermoon City occupies two seats. If we can't show our prestige in the next battle in this national war, I'm afraid we will be scolded by domestic players as scum when we go back.

In about five minutes, our front team of thieves approached the city gate at six o'clock. At this time, the city of the oracle was obviously not on the defensive, because some players were going to the lost city, so the four cities The doors are wide open, and occasionally three or two players leave the city chatting and laughing. It seems that today's battle made them very happy. In the main city of Silvermoon City, Indian players felt a sense of national pride from the bottom of their hearts.

On the city tower, there were a few archers standing sporadically, and there were not many NPCs. It seemed that they were not willing to buy it. The players on the city wall also looked like they were not doing their jobs. After a closer look, they found that they were actually two male players, one The female player, the woman's skin is a bit dark, but she has a good figure, very well-proportioned, her slender legs exposed under the leather armor are very beautiful, her chest is a little smaller, but it can barely be seen.

Looking at the top, Ah Yue couldn't help but chuckled softly: "They're very leisurely, they actually flirted on it. Speaking of which, I'm really embarrassed to bother other people's Qingqing~"

I said, "Everyone's busy, and there's no time to wait for them to finish their flirting, and besides, I think they're probably going on forever, maybe for a few hours,"

Ah Yue pursed her lips and smiled, and stopped talking.

I was the first to walk into the city gate. My level is higher than these hostile players, and the invisibility effect of enhanced stealth is much higher than that of ordinary stealth, so there is absolutely no need to worry about being seen through.

The archers on the city tower did not release the lighting arrows to scout, probably because no one came for a long time, so they slacked off.

Following me, 5000 thieves players filed in. The whole progress was very fast. I learned from the frequency chat that the other three teams have also entered a state of preparation. You can even see a large number of stealthy thieves from a distance. Then pull out the sharp blade and put it behind the Indian player or NPC, and wait for my order to solve the opponents in a unified manner.

But accidents are always easy to happen. When I was about to give the order, I found that the battle had already started at nine o'clock. The white light of the bow and the red fireball of the mage flew across the air.

"Damn, what's going on," a thief said angrily.

I made a decisive decision and said loudly: "Start attacking,"

The Indian players in our city tower were just alerted, but they didn't have time to react, because there were almost 2 to 3 thieves ambushing around each of them. A knight with a little more defense, otherwise he will have to confess on the spot.

As a result, white light flashed continuously on the tower, and nearly a hundred defenders and NPCs were instantly killed almost at the same time.

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