[Continued to erupt. Today's first update. Please subscribe for support. 】

when opening the door. I found myself already suffering from back pain. High-intensity games for two consecutive days. The whole person seems to be exhausted. usually. The swordsman player is the most tiring melee profession. You must constantly wield heavy weapons to fight. Unlike mages. Just throw a fire. Wait a few seconds and try again. Not only easy. Earning points is also fast as hell.

but. There are exceptions among fighters. Just like Murong Shanshan. If I am not mistaken. This guy didn't take the initiative to kill people with normal attacks in the afternoon. Only when the sword energy in a few minutes CD time is good will it kill a lot of people. Very relaxed next to me. The Indian players we faced were dumbfounded when they saw this beautiful little beauty. How can I bear to attack. So all the swords greeted my head. On the contrary, Murong Shanshan was very leisurely. While watching the play, he joked, "Wow. Lin Fan, what did you do to offend them? Look at how heartbroken they are for you. Did you peek at their wife taking a bath?"

I was angry all afternoon. Murong Shanshan still has more points than me even in this situation where she is killing people while molesting me. This world is really unreasonable.

but. The points of Murong Shanshan and I are only ranked 20th in the national war points. The real masters are Lu Xuehan, Xu Lin and others at the front. Including some horde mages with high mana. The enemies they kill are definitely higher than ours.

I went downstairs while thinking. I saw Li Qing downstairs molesting the new intern. Li Qing was wearing a low-cut shirt. Look down and look at others. As a result, a large piece of looming breasts was exposed from the loose skirt of his clothes. The boy immediately blushed. He tried his best to restrain himself but couldn't help but look a few more times.

Li Qing saw it. He giggled and said: "From now on, if you don't understand anything, come to the office and ask me. Also, don't call me Sister Qing. It's like how old I am. Why don't you call me..."

Li Qing was thinking outside. Just don't know what to call it.

"Call me 'Qingmei'." I couldn't help but say.

Li Qing immediately looked back at me. Surprised: "Lin Fan, what did you call me?"

I was shocked: "Damn. I didn't call you. Don't get me wrong."

"Don't. I'm so embarrassed after being called. Let's go. Let's have dinner together..." Li Qing tugged at my sleeve. Shy like a little girl. She said to the intern boy again: "That, Xiao Li. Go and eat by yourself~"

finished. Without any explanation, he dragged me into the cafeteria. As a result, as soon as they entered, they saw Xin Yu and Xu Lin talking. They glanced at me. Xin Yu immediately asked Li Qing: "Girl Qing. Why are you dragging my family Lin Fan? You can seduce any man outside. Just let Lin Fan go..."

Li Qing stuck out his tongue. Said: "I'm too lazy to seduce him."

I patted my sleeves. Quite "disgusted" and said to her: "Cut. You treat me like those little white faces. Something like you. I won't take it for free."

If you say this to other people, you will definitely get angry. But Li Qing was different. The thickness of her skin is unimaginable. I looked around. She changed the subject: "Where is Xuehan? Why don't you see her? I haven't eaten all day. Are you hungry?"

Xu Lin said: "Xuehan sweated a lot. She won't come until after taking a shower. It's about the same. We'll just wait for her for a few more minutes."

So everyone sat down. I asked Li Qing: "Qing'er. What does that handsome guy have to do with you just now? Why did you ask someone to come to your office to talk to you about work. Do you not let your children go..."

Li Qing stared and said: "Work is work. Where are you going? How could I like this kind of young boy who doesn't know anything... But then again, this kid is very handsome. And he is so strong. He is also an adult ..."

Li Qing looks like he is thinking about spring. I hurriedly stretched my head to look at her. fine. The hands are on the lap and nowhere else.

At this time. Xu Lin finally couldn't bear it anymore. He tapped the table with his cup. He coughed and said, "Pay attention to the impact..."

aside. The waiter MM who was carrying the tea was desperately holding back her laughter. She knew that most of the people in this hall were veterans of the company. But I didn't expect these high-level officials to be able to act like this.

Within minutes. Lu Xuehan is here. Wearing a white sportswear. Hair just blown. Still a little wet. After sitting down beside me. I said: "Xuehan worked hard today~"

Lu Xuehan pursed her lips and smiled. Said: "I didn't work hard. You worked hard. You haven't been idle since you went online in the morning. When I went down to the city with Xin Yu and the others, the situation had already turned to us. Why did I work hard. I just went to share the results of the battle. That's all~"

Xin Yu also said: "Yes. Looking at today's battle, the 10,000 cavalry in the morning fought against the 10,000 Indian cavalry. It was the most difficult time. At that time, thanks to Lin Fan, you and Shanshan led the infantry players to block the battle. Their retreat. Otherwise, our cavalry would have collapsed long ago. Of course, the iron cavalry of our guild was also very difficult when they attacked. Although it looks like the cavalry that swept across 20,000 Indians, anyone with a discerning eye can see it. A lot Time is completely life-changing."

I feel the same way. Said: "Yes. I expected that the national war would be fierce. But I didn't expect it to be this tragic. It was a war of war. Only millions of our brothers were killed..."

Xu Lin couldn't help smiling and said: "If you die, just die. It's just a loss of one-third of the experience of the level. It can still be resurrected. Didn't you see them coming from Silvermoon City? They are all alive and well. ..."

finished. Xu Lin suddenly turned to look at me. Said: "Lin Fan. From the fiasco on the first day. Then the main decision-making was your idea. Facts have proved that you are much better than those guys. About how to attack the Lost City next. What do you think. Now. In Silvermoon City. I'm afraid there is no one who speaks more powerfully than you."

"Really." I chuckled. Accidentally. He has become a strategizing general.

Xu Lin smiled slightly. Said: "What's your idea next. Let us reveal it first. You can not."

I took a sip of tea. Touched his belly. Said: "Let's talk after dinner. Okay."

Xu Lin disagreed: "Not good. The chef is still cooking now. Why don't you eat a piece of steamed bun as a cushion. Anyway. What is our Silver Moon City going to do next. You have to reveal it. Don't tell me. Are you still afraid that there are people here? It will be a secret."

I look around. Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu are unlikely. Neither will Li Qing. Although she usually kills people with sex. But her dependence on us as a whole and her feelings for everyone. It can still be seen. As for the fruit. She has now dedicated herself physically and mentally to never giving in. Definitely Paradise Lost. Absolutely will not betray everyone. Only one JOLY is the unknown factor. She seemed to understand what I was thinking. Get up and go now.

I hurriedly stopped and said, "JOLY. Sit down. We have been together for more than a year. Don't you even have this little trust?"

JOLY smiled. Say: "I want to go to the bathroom. Do you want to take care of this? Do you want to. Come and visit together."

I thought to myself: "What's so interesting. Could it be that I haven't seen any part of your body yet?"

But he said: "Then be careful. I heard that the toilet over there flushes upwards. Don't get your ass wet..."

Everyone froze collectively.

It's been a long time. Xu Lin praised: "Lin Fan really cares about women. He even knows about the women's restroom..."

JOLY is gone. Xu Lin asked again: "What action will we take tomorrow? Do you have any good ideas for winning by surprise?"

I immediately shook my head: "No. There is no need for a surprise victory now. Just find the eight hundred wolf cavalry who "plunder the world" and tear down the gate of the lost city. Then everyone rushes in. Implement the three-light policy. Kill all the NPCs and players. Then take out equipment stores, drug stores, grocery stores, weapon stores, raw material stores, jewelry stores, shopping supermarkets, etc. Whether it is Carrefour or Wal-Mart. All of them are robbed and removed. Loot our silver moon The characteristics of the city come."

Everyone was stunned again. After half a minute. Xu Lin said again: "That...besides robbing Indians of Wal-Mart. Can we do anything else?"

Xin Yu also said, "Yes, yes. I'm not interested in Wal-Mart. Is there any other spoils?"

I thought about it. Said: "Of course there is. It is said that in order to meet the special needs of players and enrich the local characteristics of the game. Every major city in India has a special belly dance dance hall. It's almost like an arena. Otherwise, let's go in and kill the dance hall. Smash it. Snatch all their belly dancers and go back to Silvermoon City and place them in the Great Sept to set up a stage to dance. Tickets are 10 gold coins. Alliance guild members are half priced at 5 gold coins. 20% off on holidays. The money is rolling in."

Xu Lin gritted her teeth. If it wasn't for Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu being there, maybe I would have been wiped out.

Seeing that Xu Lin was on the verge of breaking out. I hurriedly said seriously: "The rest is all false. The real thing to do is how to enter the palace of the lost city to get the king's token. And. We don't know where the token is now. And. How can we get the king's token?" City scrolls cannot be used. I don’t even know about that.”

Xu Lin nodded in thought for a moment. Said: "It shouldn't be possible to use the city return scroll to teleport. That would be too easy. A thief can sneak in and seize the city. Yueheng's designer won't be so stupid."

Lu Xuehan also said: "Yes. I always feel that there will still be a strong battle waiting for us when we snatch the token of the king. Although we have achieved a decisive victory today, the city is deeply entrenched. It will definitely not be easy. It can be defeated. Besides, the system stipulates that 80% of the NPCs in the city must be killed. I guess. There are still a large number of NPC troops in the city. When we attack the city, we may have to fight in the streets~"

I hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes. It is only half successful now. I guess it will take a lot of work to get the king token back to Silvermoon City. NND. I really don't know what the result will be. It's too difficult. The brothers in Silvermoon City must be exhausted these days."

Xu Lin smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you are tired. They play games just for this passion. It would be too boring to practice level all day. Play PK. Engage in siege warfare. Molesting the team when teaming up to fight the boss MM. This is the main theme of online games. Isn’t it.”

I said: "Yes, yes. It's a pity that our family is too powerful now. And all the enemies have been expelled. Otherwise, I am busy going online all day long, shouting and killing, looking for enemies to kill. That's passion. You come and I go. PK in and out of the city. The game is so passionate."

Xin Yu smiled and asked: "Why. Isn't it good that the business is getting bigger now? Do you still want us to have a small studio. For a piece of purple equipment, you have an enmity with another group of people. Kill when you meet. The equipment you get It's not worth much money. You can be happy for a few days if you sell it for a thousand yuan. Then you will be spotted by another big guild. Then you become someone else's little guy. Is that good."

I smiled slightly: "Of course it's not good. What I'm talking about is that ordinary players also have their happiness. We are too flamboyant now. Just my ID. I went to Qingfengling to ask people to form a team. There must be no one for a long time Willing to come. People will think that you need to form a team when your head was kicked by a donkey~”

Xu Lin smiled and said: "Okay, okay. I don't know how many people envy you before it's too late. You complain here. Eh. Go to the kitchen to hurry up. Everyone has been hungry all day. Their hands and feet are so slow. Could it be that they want to be hungry We can't do it if we die."

The fruit went away immediately. Didn't take a few steps. The waiter has come over. Served a bowl of soup. He said with a smile: "Master Liu knows that everyone has been hungry for a day. First serve a soup to warm your stomach~"

I glanced at it. Great white soup. There are a few emerald green vegetable leaves floating on it. It really is a good health soup.

But everyone is just being kind. So the waiter served a bowl for each of us. original. There are no waiters in the company. but. Xu Lin wanted to make the cafeteria, the second restaurant, a bit more upscale. So I recruited a few small MMs. I don't care about the money anyway. In the future, the company will have guests over for dinner. It also seems that our company is more layered. the most important is. These MMs were selected by the fat guys from the previous technical department. All of them have some beauty. As a result, many employees who dine downstairs always come to tease them before meals. Otherwise you will lose your appetite.

Waited for a while. Finally started dinner. A serving of fish-flavored shredded pork was instantly killed as soon as it came up. The second time I held out my chopsticks there were only empty plates. Immediately speechless. Said to the chef: "Boss, this is what the company eats. It's not a restaurant. Could you please have more servings?"

The chef was also speechless. Said to me: "There is half a catty of meat in this plate. There is absolutely no such a large amount of shredded pork on the market. How would I know that you eat so fast..."

Fortunately. The other dishes came out quickly too. but. Before the second dish was finished, I had already stuffed a bowl of white rice into it. Li Qing's face paled in shock. He kept saying that I was an idiot.

I don't care about her either. Still go its own way. Maybe it's because I'm too hungry. Xu Lin is not so dignified anymore. Holding an unknown fried food full of oil and water in one hand, he started to eat it. That food is flour on the outside. There was something red inside. It's not bean paste or something. Anyway, everyone was happy to see Xu Lin eating happily.

A meal lasted an hour. Drank some red wine. As a celebration of today's tragic victory on the frontal battlefield. The frustrating thing is that I didn't start drinking the wine until after I had finished three bowls of rice. Don't mention how strange that feeling is.

Eat too much. When I put down my chopsticks. I found it difficult to walk. Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu smiled slightly. One left and one right supported me on their shoulders. immediately. I turned into hugging left and right. I can't enjoy it for a while. Li Qing was mentally unbalanced. He said: "Have you become weak so soon? It seems that Xuehan and Xinyu will have to live a hard life in the future. Poor. They are young. They actually fell in love with a guy with soft feet."

I immediately said: "Qing'er. Who are you calling weak?"

Li Qing smiled and said, "Of course I'm talking about you. Why? Are you not convinced? Do you want to try it?"

I snorted: "Try it. I won't try it with you. You'd better find your little handsome guy to try it..."

finished. I patted Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan's shoulders respectively. He smiled and said, "To prove that I don't have soft feet. I'd better walk by myself. NND. Even those who are full are suspected of being crabs with soft feet. These days..."

Xin Yu smiled and said: "It's okay. Girl Qing said that grapes are sour because she can't eat grapes. Let's leave her alone. Let's go. I just bought new pajamas yesterday. Lin Fan, you want to see it."

"Okay. Go to Xuehan's room to change. I'll go and see."

My trick is special seconds. Lu Xuehan will not be angry. I was also lucky. The last time Xin Yu wore a white shirt in my room, it almost killed me. At that time, I was afraid that Lu Xuehan would hear it. It's like having an affair. Both Xin Yu and Xin Yu were nervous to death. The atmosphere did not dare to make a sound. Not burned to death by passion, almost suffocated by myself.

At this time, Lu Xuehan said: "If you two are free, go to my room. Everyone, let's take a look at the forum's response to the two-day national war. Wouldn't that be better."

Everyone decides immediately. Not only me and Xin Yu. Even Xu Lin followed Lu Xuehan's room. It seemed that she was really bored in the room by herself.

Lu Xuehan's room was still tidy. Turn on the computer and go to the official website of Yueheng. I saw the words "National War" prominently displayed on the homepage of the Southeast Mirror Station. After processing. The two words are still slowly dripping blood. It was shocking.

under the big letters. Impressively, it was the scene of the cavalry assault from Paradise Lost. Rendered by frame one. Sure enough, it was like a divine soldier descending from the sky. Especially the Paradise Lost logo on each member's shoulder. It looked so cool.

Xu Lin smiled slightly. Suddenly said: "Hey. Isn't this Kuangjian?"

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