Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 466 What does 2B mean?

[Continued to erupt. Today's second update]

Under the iron hooves of the Mammoth Cavalry. The player at the front is obviously Kuangjian. As a melee profession like a swordsman. He actually withstood the siege of three cavalrymen. Although the qi and blood have been impacted to the point where there is less than a third left. And the scattered players behind him didn't cooperate with adding blood to him. But Kuangjian still persisted. His eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

"Blade Sword was killed later. I don't know if he came back after returning to Silver Moon City." Xu Lin said. She asked again: "What do you think of Kuang Jian?"

"He has fucked Ah Yun..." Li Qing blinked and said.

I said: "Just because he fucked Ah Yun, you can't assume that he is a bastard. Although it used to be like this. But the recent performance of Kuang Jian can still be seen. He at least understands right and wrong. He used to hang around behind Xu Fei's ass. Maybe it's just It's just because money is needed. What do you think?"

Li Qing still insisted: "If you have done it, you have done it. Don't you want to admit it after you wipe it clean?"

"Damn it. There are too many people who have done Liu Yun. Do you want to take them back one by one and castrate them all?" I was a little annoyed.

Li Qing let out a sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "Don't. Most of those people are customers. Customers are God. How can you cut off the dick of customers..."

"I knew it. It's nonsense to tell you."

I looked back at Xu Lin. Xu Lin smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I have a point of view with you. Kuang Jian is indeed a not-so-bad bastard. But I don't support taking him into our guild. Paradise Lost doesn't need a head that can eat people at any time. wolf."

I nodded and said: "Yeah. I never thought of taking him into Paradise Lost. Now Berserker is still in a super small guild. The total number of people in that guild is only a few hundred people. Hehe. Let's do it." A small team from the society will be able to destroy it."

Lu Xuehan continued to open the webpage. Found a video to watch above. There are as many as twenty dozen videos per half-hour episode. It turned out that the entire broadcast of the National War has been broadcast for two days. and. For the convenience of players to watch. There are also multiple perspectives. The production is clear and beautiful. It is in line with the belief of Yueheng Company. Keep improving. Everything has to be better. It is precisely because of this boutique concept that Yueheng Games occupies more than 50% of the market. It is in full swing.

in. There is a topic called "Heroes". Lots of screenshots. All of them looked like Silvermoon City players were killed in battle. Especially the Silvermoon City infantry players who stand in the front and are ravaged by the opponent's cavalry every time there is a large-scale conflict. A lot of close-ups were given. The person in charge of the emotional forum also believes that cannon fodder is honorable. But one thing can't be changed. Infantry is indeed a relatively low-level arm. It simply cannot be compared with high-level professions such as mages and knights. Although there is a certain balance in the game. But in large-scale wars. This disadvantage is still evident.

I couldn't help but say: "It won't work like this. There must be a task to be able to mount a mount. If we can have the qualifications to mount a horse, our swordsman's charge should be scum. Otherwise, there is no way out. Day. Seeing other people's cavalry is like seeing a ghost."

Xin Yu laughed and said, "Last time. Didn't you say that Dak can find out how to make a swordsman a knight? Why don't you ask?"

I shook my head and said, "No. That's the news that Brother Koma revealed to me. But now Koma has died in the Golden Dawn war. How can I talk to Dak. Besides. Dak is now Hurricane City The king of the world. How can I, an ordinary player, see it when I want to see it?"

Xin Yu couldn't help laughing: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of embarrassment in the game? Since you want to own a mount, then go boldly. It is impossible for all the good things in the world to fall on your head. Even if it falls from the sky, you will You have to run over and grab it from others."

I take it for granted. Can't help but praise: "Xin Yu is getting smarter and smarter. That's right. Girls should be a bit intellectually beautiful. Unlike someone. No breasts and no brains."

Li Qing was embarrassed. She puffed out her chest in embarrassment and said, "Who you say has no breasts. Who you say has no brains."

"Ugh. You have brains~~~ but pig brains."

"¥%#¥%¥@." Li Qing was so angry that he picked up the cup and drank water.

Xu Lin smiled and said, "Lin Fan. Don't tease the girl. She's been here these days. She's in a very unstable mood~"

"Ah. That's coming. Qing'er, you didn't say it earlier. Let the chef cook a black chicken soup tomorrow. It will save you from losing too much blood. Haha..."

I see that what I said was not sincere. Li Qing downed another whole glass of water.

At this time. Lu Xuehan said: "Do you want to know? How do players in Silvermoon City evaluate this national war?"

"What evaluation." Everyone's attention was attracted.

Lu Xuehan opened a voting option. Said: "Look. 17% of people think that our 'impulsively launching the national war is a 2B act'. Those who think that 'misconduct on the first day of the national war caused huge losses. The top leaders of several major guilds are idiots' accounted for 12% %. 54% of those who believed that 'the second day of the national war fought back with fewer victories to show off our country's prestige'. And 17% of the people were soy saucers."

Lu Xuehan let out a "huh". Q: "What is 2B. I've only heard of 4B and HB pencils..."

I explained: "Xuehan. 2B means 'two to five'. It should be... a derogatory term..."

Lu Xuehan immediately felt relieved: "Oh. So they were scolding us..."

Xu Lin smiled and said: "There are so many right and wrong. No matter what he does. The people talking there are all boring idiots who can stand up and talk without back pain. Maybe 80% of them didn't participate in the national war. The words of such people Whatever he does. Besides, places like forums are not much cleaner than sewers."

Everyone agrees. So they went back to their rooms to rest. Waiting for the siege of the second day.

I go back to my room. Looked at the phone. No calls or messages. Then open the contact directory. Turn up a few times. Scroll down a few times. at last. Still staying on Murong Shanshan's frame. Since God has decided. Then call and say goodnight. So I hit the dial button.

After the bell rang for a few seconds. Murong Shanshan's sweet voice came from over there: "Lin Fan~~"

After calling me, there was no sound. I was stunned and said: "Shanshan, why don't you talk."

"It was you who called me. You should have something to tell me. What do you want me to say... What's the matter with you?"

"Er. Good dinner."

"Yeah. Not bad. Today is Coco paying us to eat. I also ordered pizza~~uh... the worst pizza I've ever eaten in my life is today's one. It's just to spread some sauce on the biscuit and cut it Order shredded pork and diced fruit. What is it? To fool consumers."

I'm dying of envy. Wiping his saliva, he said, "Pizza. Damn. I haven't eaten that kind of high-end stuff in my life. I've only eaten local specialties like fried dough sticks and soybean milk."

Murong Shanshan smiled coquettishly: "The local products are good. Let's continue to eat. I don't know how many Chinese young people are fed by fried dough sticks. By the way. What did you eat at night? Is there any leftover? Pack it up for me and Keke Let's have a late night snack..."

"Damn. You're so poor. NND. I'm so stuffed with dinner. The chef's skills have improved recently."

"Hmph. You are comfortable. There is also a chef cooking. I can only drag cocoa to the cafeteria every day~~~ah. The food is full of shit. The charcoal-grilled pig's feet are full of hair. Fortunately, I am not like Wu Dong If you eat fried vegetables like that, you will get cockroaches~~”

Murong Shanshan said resentfully. Ali's laughter immediately came from over there: "Wow. We Shanshan can act like a baby too. Hehe. Who is that person? A handsome basketball guy from the School of Design and Engineering. He is also a sunny nerd from the Department of Materials and Heat. Tsk tsk~~~I Say Shanshan. That handsome basketball guy is pretty good. He played basketball so well. Did you watch the game yesterday. He even covered four hot pots for the gorilla in the mathematics department. Wow. He’s so handsome. He gave it back to you yesterday Wrote a love letter. Hey. Where did the love letter go? Damn. Shanshan. Why did you put the love letter on the table... Humph. If you don’t want him, then I will do it~~ You really No. That handsome guy is from a rich family."

Ali seemed to be shouting out loud. I don't know if the administrator downstairs will kill her upstairs and throw her out. I was also taken aback when I heard it. so. Murong Shanshan is still being pursued at school. Don't those bastards completely ignore my existence.

I was about to ask a question. Murong Shanshan turned around and gritted her teeth and said to Ali: "Damn girl. Go back to your own bed and think about spring. Talk nonsense again. Be careful that your aunt throws you downstairs. What a handsome sunny guy. How rich is it? Auntie Gougou made money with her fingers." There's more money than his property."

I broke out in a cold sweat. After Murong Shanshan taught Ali a lesson. Immediately changed his tone. Li Sheng smiled sweetly at me: "Ali recently entered puberty. Leave her alone. Let's continue talking~~"


We chatted from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. When the phone prompts that the battery is low. I said to Murong Shanshan: "The phone is out of battery. Don't talk about it. Besides, I won't get up again tomorrow..."

Murong Shanshan was surprised and said: "The phone ran out of battery after only two hours of talking... What kind of phone is that. I'll buy you another one. It can talk for more than ten hours~"

"Damn it. Are you a cell phone battery or an electric car battery? More than ten hours..."

"Then do you want it?"

I thought about it. The current mobile phone was given to me by Xinyu. Back when everyone had a little money. She bought me this phone. The value is 4000RMB. It also cost her a lot of money. Now Murong Shanshan wants to buy it for me. Don't think about it. She must have chosen "top configuration". It's just that the phone Xin Yu bought is very memorable. I would never be willing to throw it away.

So I said: "I don't want it anymore. I use this phone easily. It takes time to get used to it. I don't have time to play with my phone. Besides, this phone is not damaged. Don't waste it. Shanshan, save more Some money. In the future, I will buy a big house to live in..."

Murong Shanshan was speechless: "How big a house do you want? I can also buy the entire real estate..."


So we chatted a few more words. Say good night. Wash and sleep.


Have a good night's sleep. Woke up the next morning. The leaves outside the window are covered with dew. Being blown by the morning breeze, I leaned against the glass window and scratched. Leave a trace of water.

I lie in bed. look at the time. 6:40 am. It's a little early. Another 50 minutes before normal wake-up time. So he hugged the quilt and refused to get up. Open your eyes and look at the scenery outside.

Pull the curtains all the way back. The square is green. The old man who got up early and did morning exercises was doing Tai Chi. The breakfast vendor speeds by on an electric scooter. That speed is comparable to iron cavalry.

He vaguely heard the sound of Lu Xuehan opening the curtain next door. She may have heard me pulling the curtains. Immediately afterwards. Xinyu's voice came from outside: "Xuehan. Hurry up and wash your face. Use this facial cleanser I bought recently. It matches your skin's properties~"

I can't help the cold. Cosmetics are now all about attributes. These MMs have already been deeply poisoned by the game.

Xin Yu said again: "After washing, let's go get breakfast. Let's bring back Lin Fan's portion too. He's been too tired for the past two days. He needs to take a good rest~"

Lu Xuehan gave a soft "um".

There is a warm feeling in my heart. It feels good to be cared about. suddenly. I also thought of what Xu Lin once said to me, "When you enjoy love, try to give some. If you don't want to lose love."

So I quickly got out of bed. finish dressing. Quick fix for personal hygiene. When he walked out of the room, he happened to see the backs of Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. Immediately follow up.

Both Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu were surprised. Question: "Lin Fan. Why did you get up so early?"

I smiled: "From now on, I will get up so early every day. I will walk with you in the morning every day. Then we will have breakfast together. Okay."

Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu were overjoyed immediately. Nodding at the same time: "Okay~"


After breakfast, we walked around the street for a while. It was exactly eight o'clock when I returned to the dormitory. The siege can begin.

After going online. Appeared in the city of the oracle capital. Players around are already coming and going, ready to go to war. Quickly found Xu Lin, Lu Xuehan and others. Never Surrender, Night Kill and others have already been online. Murong Shanshan is organizing Sword and Rose players outside the city to prepare to attack the city. After a night of corrections. The number of members of several major guilds has basically reached its peak state again.

The Lost Plain is already full of voices. The war horse neighed. The army of Silvermoon City surrounded the Lost City extremely tightly in a semicircle. The gaps on both sides of the City of Oracles and the City of Miracles also blocked many players. As a result, the players of Nino City in India can only look at the city from the mountain road and sigh. The strong strength of Silvermoon City guarded there condescendingly. It is impossible to break through.

Xu Lin said to me: "From 12 o'clock last night, the players from Nino City began to storm the mountain pass guarded by the two garrisons. But the terrain on our side is really good. Until 7 in the morning They finally gave up at the point. I don’t know how many players were hanged overnight. Anyway, those players who were responsible for guarding the pass were all so happy that they were killed by the national war points.”

I smiled and said, "That's what they deserve. Staying up there all night. It's not something everyone wants to do."

At this time. We have come to the city. Piggy with a sword is organizing cavalry. Now that the secret weapon of the iron cavalry has been exposed. Then there is no need to hide it anymore. Except for the iron cavalry. Other players from Paradise Lost have already been waiting in line there. The siege began with just a command from the commander.

Xue Hong and Ye Qiu also walked over. Xue Hong looked up at the archers and NPCs defending the city. Playing with a smile: "They probably think they can guard this thin city gate."

I said, "Have you prepared any policy to deal with the city gate?"

Xuehong laughed: "It's not really a phalanx. It's just a good idea to knock down the city gate. Lin Fan, you don't have to be so diligent today. Why don't you just watch how our Scarlet Sky takes down the city."

I'm certainly happy to sit and wait for the payoff. So he said, "Okay. Let's get started."

Xuehong immediately sent an order to his subordinates to start the battle. Not long after. A column of as many as 1000 Scarlet Sky Cavalry appeared at the front of the line in Silvermoon City. Under the command of the leading knight. All players unload their spears. All equipped with heavy shields. And raised the shield high against the arrows from above.

Xin Yu was surprised and said, "What does this mean? Could it be that the opponent can be defeated only with a shield?"

Xuehong laughed: "Beauty Xinyu. Just wait and see~"

There was a "rumbling" sound of horseshoes. The cavalry with their shields ran down the wall to the gate. in a row. The "clinking" of arrows flying in the air hit the shield but did not cause substantial damage. A better shield is immune to more than 75% of the piercing attacks of bows and arrows. The loss of blood can be imagined. Basically, it can be added back by blood bottles. estimated in this case. Only a super strong archer like Xin Yu could forcibly blast away the shield defense of the cavalry with his attack power. Naturally, those level 85 NPCs and level 80 players in the city couldn't do it.


A group of wolf cavalry rode their mounts and ran over in small steps. They quickly approached the city gate under the cover of the Scarlet Sky Top Shield Cavalry. The saber in his hand gleamed coldly. Also at this moment. Blood Hong's intentions were finally revealed. It turned out that if he used the defensive line of human cavalry to cover the relatively weak wolf cavalry to destroy the city gate.

No wonder. The first day of the National War. The attack power of wolf cavalry on defensive buildings is obvious to all. I'm afraid that if you want to knock down the bloody city gate, you can only rely on this kind of wolf cavalry. If it was Murong Shanshan who used sword energy to fight. It can be done in about a dozen times. But arrows fell like rain on the city. Murong Shanshan definitely couldn't bear it.

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