Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 494: Ball of Venom

I smiled and asked: "Then Binglan, what reward are you going to give me?"

Binglan smiled and said: "It's not impossible to tell you in advance, and I think you also need to rely on it to complete the task, well, this is it,"

Bing Lan stretched out her hand and spread her snow-white palm. A green bead was in her palm. The bead exuded a soft light. It seemed that there was some energy flowing inside the bead. The leaves seem to be wrapped, but the leaves are just inlaid textures, the beads are still round, and there is always a curved moon shadow on the edge.

I was a little surprised and asked, "What is this, it looks very expensive..."

"Of course it's expensive~" Binglan couldn't help laughing, "I got this from a tribe of night elves decades ago. At that time, I helped them wipe out a mammoth that was in a berserk state. In order to thank For my kindness, they donated the most precious treasure in the tribe, which is this ball of venom, here, take it and see if you can use it~"

When I took the beads, I felt a coldness in my hand, which was very strange, and there was a trace of hotness in the coldness, so I immediately checked the properties of the beads with appraisal technique.

[Ball of Venom] (Special Item)

Equipment effect: increase physical attack/magic attack by 500 points, and enable the wearer to gain long-range attack against air units. When attacking the opponent, it will poison it, and within 10 seconds, it will lose 3% of the current blood per second. The effect on special units is greatly reduced (such as humanoid NPC, BOSS, etc.)


I was very surprised that I was able to fight against the air. This is the most embarrassing thing for melee professional players such as swordsmen. According to legend, once a knight has an air mount, he will be absolutely suppressed against swordsmen and other professions. Archers It's okay to say that those NB professions are like mages, but fighters will become the most depressing profession.

But now, after equipping the venom ball, I can have air-to-air attack power, so I am not afraid of any sky knights, no matter how NB knights can't stand the devastation of my 6000+ attacks, not to mention, if the knights After going to the sky, the mobility and so on will be greatly restricted. After all, the air is not as good as the ground. You don’t want to turn a few somersaults. Turning around and circling will take time. If you are attacked by a swordsman The Cavaliers will immediately be at an absolute disadvantage.

What's more, the most perverted aspect of this venom ball is its venom effect, which reduces the opponent's current qi and blood by 3% every second, so after 10 seconds, it can kill a total of 26.3% of the opponent's qi and blood. If the effect can last, Killing 60% of the opponent's vitality within 30 seconds, and killing a total of 86% of the opponent's vitality within one minute, this is not considered the weapon attack effect. In this way, if the opponent I meet is not a BOSS, it will be extremely powerful. It may kill him in a minute, no matter how much vitality the opponent has.

Choose a lot of perverted knights with full blood, most of them act as tanks in the guild to fight bosses, in order to make these tanks more powerful, those guilds often give priority to the distribution of top-quality defensive equipment to these people, which also As a result, this crowd doesn't pay much attention to fighter players outside, because with their defense, ordinary fighters can't break through the defense, but now, if I meet this kind of person, I can probably rely on the ball of venom to break through the defense. , Empty hands can grind them to death.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being complacent, grabbing the bead to equip it, but only then did I think of where to equip the venom ball.

There are no grooves on the Feiyu sword, and there are no grooves on the equipment...

Binglan seemed to see my concerns, she chuckled and said: "Don't worry, this ball of venom is spiritual, and it can be integrated with your own attributes. It doesn't need any equipment. It is equivalent to, you have an extra venom attribute, how about it, think about it, if you want to choose to integrate the attribute of the venom ball, I can help you, "

I was undecided, Xin Yu smiled and said: "Incorporating the ball of venom, it is equivalent to Ouyang Feng, which is poisonous in itself."

I shuddered when I was told, but Binglan smiled and said: "No, if there are other attribute beads in the future, they can also be replaced. In fact, everyone can combine one of these attribute beads, and there is no need to worry about bringing them with you." This lifetime,"

When Binglan said this, I immediately felt relieved, nodded to her and said: "Then, please help me fuse, I think, when dealing with the Destroyer, I really need the effect of the venom ball,"

Binglan smiled and nodded, took the ball of venom, put it in the palm of her hand, and suddenly exerted force, the ball immediately turned into a green smoke-like brilliance, but under the control of Binglan, it did not drift away with the wind, but instead flowed continuously. It cascaded down from the top of my head, and when the last trace was exhausted, there was a system bell.


System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully fused the venom ball, the hidden attack power is +500, and you have the venom attack effect.



I was full of pride in my heart, at this time Binglan said: "Then please go down the mountain, help us clear the way, and kill those destroyers in the dark. After collecting 50 destroyer sticks, give them to me. After completing the task, I will There are more rewards for you,"


System prompt: Your team has accepted the follow-up task [Clear the Destroyer].

Task content: Follow the direction directed by the Dragon Whisperer, go there to destroy the violent Destroyer around the edge of the Corrupted Land, collect 50 Destroyer Staffs and give them to Ice Orchid.


I couldn't help feeling a little thankful that Lu Xuehan joined the team when she first went online, so she also shared this task.

Xin Yu tilted her head and asked: "But, how do we go down now, we can't fly around like ice orchids..."

Binglan couldn't help smiling, and said: "When you are so strong that you can break through the human domain and reach your own domain, you will naturally be able to fly. As for the matter of going down, I will send a dragon knight to escort you down the mountain, okay? "

I hurriedly said, "That's a good relationship, thank you, Binglan,"

Binglan smiled slightly, turned to a dragon knight and said, "Rott, you are responsible for escorting our friends down the mountain. If they have other requests, do your best, understand."

Na Luote is a very young boy, he looks very simple and honest, he saluted Bing Lan: "Yes, my lord, I will definitely treat them as honored guests,"

After finishing speaking, Rot said to me again: "Then, let's go down the mountain to carry out the mission,"

Binglan smiled and nodded, so Xin Yuzai and I jumped onto Rot's giant dragon, and after a gust of wind, the dragon soared into the air. The dragon flapped its huge fleshy wings and flew out sweeping the wind and snow all over the sky.

I could barely see anything in front of my eyes, the wind and snow were blowing, I couldn't help but pulled my cloak to cover my eyes, Xin Yu hid in my arms, and said with a smile: "We will be halfway up the mountain in a while, let's ask Rot to go to Silvermoon City Bring Xuehan up, otherwise it will take a long time for Xuehan to come up by herself."

I couldn't help laughing: "This is a bit too much."

"Excessive, hum, you will think it is too much," Xin Yu looked at me disdainfully.


A few minutes later, we turned over the small hill, and the wind and snow gradually subsided. About ten minutes later, we came to the junction of the snow mountain and the green mountain, and further down was the leveling place for level 90 players. Basically, Now the top-ranked senior players in Silvermoon City gather here to level up. After all, the monster explosion rate on Silvermoon Mountain is not generally high, and it is also very concentrated. It is quite efficient to have a five-person team to kill monsters .


The giant dragon landed on an open grassland. The surrounding small animals were frightened by the huge monster and ran around, and the grass was also trampled by the dragon's wings.

Xinyu and I jumped off the back of the dragon, but Luo Te was already dripping with cold sweat. He said: "Not far ahead is the place where the Lich inhabits. The pressure brought by the Dragon Killing Ball is getting bigger and bigger. Breathe, I won't go with you, that can only become your burden, "

I said politely: "How could it be~"

Xin Yu suddenly said, "Brother Luo Te, can I ask you to help me with something?"

Luo Te suddenly felt refreshed. Such a charming and beautiful elf archer called himself "brother", so he had to agree to everything.

So Luo Te said straightforwardly: "Little sister, just tell me if you have something to do, and I will try my best to do it. This is what the Dragon Whisperer told me."

"That's good," Xin Yu said without being polite, "We still have a companion in Silvermoon City at the foot of the mountain. We need her to help us complete the mission. Can you help us pick her up at the foot of the mountain? Moon City is far away, and there are many dangers lurking along the way, I am worried that it will be difficult for her to come up alone."

After listening to this, Rot said with a smile: "This is very simple, you tell me her name, as long as you are in Silvermoon City, I can find her quickly, and it won't take long to bring her here."

So Xin Yu told Luo Xuehan's ID: "Qingcai Keke", and then Luo Te greeted his giant dragon companion and flew into the sky with a scream, only to fly in the direction of Silver Moon City. Probably, Lu Xuehan has not left yet Silvermoon City.

About seven or eight minutes later, on the big map, the orange dot represented by Lu Xuehan moved over quickly. Not long after, with a dragon chant, Luo Te had brought Lu Xuehan over.

After jumping off the dragon's back, Lu Xuehan looked excited and said: "Everyone in Silvermoon City was stunned. I was looking for equipment at the equipment consignment NPC. I didn't expect the dragon knight to descend from the sky. Rott told me that it was You and Xin Yu asked him to pick me up, when I jumped on the dragon's back, hehe, the East Gate Square was boiling, those guys seemed to have never seen a dragon knight before."

I chuckled and said: "Of course, we haven't seen Dragon Knight before~ Congratulations, Xuehan, you will definitely be on the headlines of the forum tomorrow. I don't know how many people will take screenshots of Dragon Knight's photo. Alas, it's a pity, you should hang a sign on your body to advertise our company, "

Lu Xuehan smiled angrily, and said: "I don't, by the way, I also received a reminder of the mission just now, did you receive the mission from Dragon Knight, it seems that you want to kill the Destroyer, what is the Destroyer thing,"

I thought about it, and suddenly realized that Lu Xuehan died yesterday before the Destroyer appeared, no wonder she didn't know what the Destroyer is, so I said: "Originally, I could have successfully killed that Necromancer, also known as the Witch, yesterday." Damn, it’s because of those destroyers who can absorb magic effects, that’s why we’re in such a mess today and have to go down the mountain to kill them, but that’s okay, we finally have a task to do.”

Lu Xuehan smiled slightly and said: "Well, let's go, the map shows that the task is on the right,"


"Wait a minute~" Xinyu called us suddenly, and then she turned to Luo Te and said, "Brother Luo Te, since you have nothing to do when you go back, why not just wait for us here, once we gather all the destruction I will come to meet you immediately, and then you will take us up the mountain to deliver to the dragon whisperer Binglan, otherwise, we will not be able to climb such a high cliff with our strength."

After thinking for a while, Rott said: "Okay, no problem, I'll wait here, if you encounter any trouble, just come and call me, okay?"


Xin Yu smiled sweetly, turned around and hugged my arm after speaking, and said, "Everything is settled, the traffic is really convenient now~"

I couldn't help but say: "Xin Yu, you still talk to others in such a coquettish way in front of me,"

Xin Yu was taken aback, looked at me with some grievances and said, "I thought you only cared about Xuehan and Shanshan, not me~"

"Why don't you care..." I muttered in a low voice.

Xin Yu smiled lightly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll only talk to you like that from now on, okay?"

I didn't speak, but Lu Xuehan covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

I said, "I've been so tired these two days, you two can choose one at random, and come to my room tonight,"

"What are you doing?" Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu asked almost at the same time.

"Sleeping..." I said with a smile.

Lu Xuehan blushed immediately, and whispered, "No,"

Xin Yu hugged me intimately until my heart beat faster due to the pressure of her full breasts, and then said with satisfaction: "Okay, there is no problem, but Xuehan is here today, how about another day, let's go out and get a room... "

I put my arms around her and said, "Okay, okay, choose the most expensive hotel, so that no one will cheat, just choose the newly opened star hotel in the new district. I walked in front of it last time, I think there Very classy,"

"Yeah, you have the final say," Xin Yu said happily.

At this time, Lu Xuehan blushed and said, "No, if you go, I will go with you too,"

Xin Yu and I both laughed, and Xin Yu said: "Xue Han, you are still young, it is better not to get in touch with some things so early, besides, the three of us together, I am afraid you will be embarrassed, or wait for you to try it out with Lin Fan first. It's over, let's play some exciting games after getting familiar with Qingmen, I actually don't mind~"

At this time, I have already entered the depths of the dense forest, and there is no one around, so I couldn't help but think about it, so I said: "Xuehan, do you still remember the last time I was on the road to Yongye Town in the west of Silvermoon City?"

How could he not remember that time when someone broke into him kissing on the road, Lu Xuehan immediately blushed and said, "Of course I remember... what do you want to do?"

I stretched out my left hand, hugged Lu Xuehan in my arms, and said, "I want to do it again, in front of Xin Yu, okay?"

Lu Xuehan was taken aback, I had already quickly kissed her, Lu Xuehan's lips were warm, moist, and sweet, but before I could taste enough, Lu Xuehan had already angrily pushed me away.

"Lin Fan, that's enough, Xin Yu is here too," Lu Xuehan was really angry, tears fell down her cheeks.

Xin Yu was also stunned, and murmured: "Lin Fan, what happened to you today, why did you do that..."

I felt so powerless, I leaned back against the tree, still hugging Xinyu, Lu Xuehan looked at me blankly, after a few seconds, she suddenly threw herself into my arms, and cried out loudly, crying Intermittently said: "Lin Fan, I know what you're thinking... It's my fault, it's my fault..."

I hugged Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu from left to right, but couldn't say a word.

After a few minutes, Xin Yu asked softly: "Xue Han, what's going on, why I can't understand at all,"

Lu Xuehan raised her head, wiped her tears, looked at me and said, "Lin Fan, you hope that Xin Yu and I can accept each other, don't you?"

I nodded and murmured: "I know, this is a bit wishful thinking, but I don't want to lose any of you. I always dream about whether we can live like this forever... But there are some things that young men and women are together. It will definitely happen, this boundary separates us like a gap, I don’t know if it’s right to do this, but I really hope that you two can be my girlfriend and wife together... "

"So, you just try to make out with the other in front of one of us until we don't reject each other, right?" Xin Yu asked.

I nodded, but Xin Yu chuckled and said: "Lin Fan, you are so stupid... To be in love requires tolerance, we all need to be patient and sacrifice, if we still can't overcome the jealousy and possessiveness in our hearts, then even in the We won't be happy together, do you think the three of us are happy together now?"

"Of course... happy," I thought silently, being able to be together every day, and having enough money to go shopping together, and wanting to flirt with Li Qing, how could this kind of life be unhappy.

Xin Yu smiled lightly: "Since this is the case, then what is the gap? We tolerate each other, no matter how polite it is, as long as we can be together and be happy, nothing is important..."


Another new week, please ask for flowers and tickets~~

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