Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 495: The Destruction Suit

What does happiness taste like. I can't understand. So he took Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu to continue the task. It is reasonable to buy more equipment and sell more money. After all, the money in the guild is now in Xu Lin's name. Only when we make our own equipment and sell it for money is it truly our own. Happiness must be maintained by material wealth. Otherwise, he would have to take two beauties to eat biscuits to survive.

But after what happened just now. Lu Xuehan was not very restrained anymore. Joking as usual.

Xin Yu opened the map. Said: "Well. Not far ahead. The entire map has turned into dead gray. It should be infected by the undead. Our mission goal should be there."

On the mountain trail. And there are no other players. Birds and flowers are everywhere. No one would think that the forest behind has been transformed into a land of corruption by the Lich. Fortunately, there are not many players here now. Otherwise, there will definitely be many people who will venture into the Land of Corruption. In that case, I really don't know how many people will be hanged. The monsters around here are only around level 90 to 110. Corruption not far away. The monsters there are at least level 135 or higher. Players certainly would not have thought that there was such a big gap. and. The most terrible thing is that the terrible Lich Ricky lives in the Corrupted Forest. Although he was hit hard by Ice Orchid. But with the remaining strength, he could still deal with the senior players from Silvermoon City with ease.

five minutes later. The landscape before us had changed from a field of emerald green to a scene of withered death. I couldn't help sighing: "The power of the Lich is too powerful. How long has it been? It can turn this place into a place where nothing grows. I remember that only the powerful Dichlorvos I saw when I was a child has such a powerful effect."

Lu Xuehan said with a smile: "People are infected by the plague. Of course it should be quick. Probably all the monsters in this forest are also infected by the plague."

She just finished. Suddenly, a wild bear started to crumble out of the nearby woods. Look at the name. It is actually called "the black bear infected by the plague and ran away". Never seen a monster with such a long name. Xin Yu immediately drew out her bow and arrow and shot a concussive arrow. The next two normal attacks lightly killed the level 92 normal monster.

Enter the battle zone. Lu Xuehan then helped Xin Yu and me add the effect of the fire of the soul. Then everyone started to swim around the edge of the corrupted forest. What is going on with the Destroyer that Bing Lan said. It's not clear yet. Naturally, I don't know where they are lurking.

But it didn't take long for me. A statue stands in front of us. The statue is dark brown in color. The chassis is completely covered in grass.

Xin Yu was surprised. So go over. While walking, he said, "Hey. Why is there such a thing here. It looks familiar."

I feel something is wrong. So I lost an identification. Generally speaking. If it is a monster, it must be able to identify it.

After a soft sound. The attributes of the statue came out. .

[Obsidian Statue] (Strengthen Elite Monster)

grade:. . .

attack:. . .

defense:. . .

Description: The primary form of the Destroyer. When the obsidian statue is disturbed by the outside world, it turns into a destroyer. When the Destroyer battle damages. Turning back into an obsidian statue can restore the best state of life


It was actually the first form of the Destroyer.

I hurriedly shouted: "Xin Yu be careful. That thing is a destroyer."

Xin Yu was startled. But it was too late. Her hand has touched the edge of the obsidian statue. Only a "huh~" was heard. The obsidian statue shook a few times. Suddenly soared into the air. Huge black wings cover a small forest. Two attacking staffs were flashing with lightning.

"Ah. What is this?" Xin Yu ran back in fright. After observing for a while, he realized: "It really is the Destroyer."

I couldn't help laughing secretly. Xin Yu's reaction was really slow.

Lu Xuehan started to attack. Several curses were thrown in the past. But what is surprising is that only a few big "MISS" are obtained. Lu Xuehan was not reconciled. Continue to bombard with magic. Even Leidong Jiutian was used. The surrounding forest soon caught fire. The original darkness was also swept away.

Something even more surprising happened. Lu Xuehan's successive attacks did not receive any effect.

My heart skipped a beat. Immediately said: "Xuehan, don't fight. This thing may be the legendary magic immunity. You just help Xinyu and me. Let us handle this monster."

Lu Xuehan nodded. Xin Yu has also started a skill attack. The colorful archer skills are really gorgeous. It hits the Destroyer every time. With Xin Yu's attack. At most, it can deal nearly 2000 damage.

The Destroyer is not a master of beatings. It fought back. Two sticks swung down. A ray of dark gray directly hit Xin Yu. Nearly half of Xin Yu's 7,000 qi and blood was wiped out in a single stroke. Fortunately, there was Lu Xuehan beside her. Lu Xuehan's healing output could pull back so much blood.

I rushed up. But the Destroyer was high in the air. I have to run to a certain position and start the attack. After having the ball of venom. Don't know how to attack the target in the sky.

"Brush ~."

A green sword qi was thrown out from Feiyu Sword. Like a tiny laser beam. Ready to hit the Destroyer after half a second. The huge body of the Destroyer seemed to be shocked by electricity. Suddenly lost a chunk of blood. The number 5000 jumped out from above his head.

Normal attack cooldown remains the same. After a little more than a second. I swung the Flying Feather Sword again. For the second time, the green sword energy rushed towards the Destroyer again. Although the Destroyer has a high level. But it can't stand such ravages. Tens of thousands of qi and blood were lost in a few strokes.

I am very happy. The swordsman can actually attack from the ground to the air. And my attack has not been reduced. When I swung the third sword. Xin Yu couldn't help being dissatisfied and said: "Lin Fan is too perverted. Every time I hit him, the blood is several times what I output."

Lu Xuehan smiled and said: "Of course. Lin Fan's actual attack is almost 6000. Now I add my inner fire. And the 500 attack of the venom ball. It's no wonder it's not powerful. That's fine. You Seeing that the Destroyer has a lot of energy and blood. If there is no Lin Fan, just you alone. It will take at least ten minutes. And Lin Fan's magic resistance seems to be pretty good~"

Lu Xuehan was right. With the magic resistance effect of the flying feather sword. Each time the Destroyer can only destroy about 2000 of my blood. With my 17000 qi and blood, it is relatively safe. even. Lu Xuehan can add an eternal healing technique to me and leave me alone. Concentrate on adding blood to Xin Yu. Xin Yu, a Mingao archer, attacks very frequently. It is also very easy to attract the attention of the destroyer. Generally speaking. The Destroyer attacked Xin Yu twice before he had time to attack me once.

Rough estimate. The Destroyer's total HP is around 1.2 million. Equivalent to the blood of a level 100 boss. It seems that after the level is higher. The strength of monsters really does not increase proportionally.

But even with 1.2 million qi and blood. Under the indiscriminate bombardment of Xinyu and me, it can still be done within 10 minutes. at the same time. Lu Xuehan's support ability also proved how wise we were to pick her up. If not for her. I'm afraid Xinyu and I have already been chased all over the mountain by the Destroyer.

"Puchi~" sounded. The Destroyer's massive body crumbled to pieces. It fell from the sky and there were sparkling things in it. Either equipment or gold coins.

We all walked over. I saw a mess on the ground. A small pile of gold coins. There is also a shiny leather armor next to it. Next to the leather armor. It was a pitch-black cane. If I didn't guess wrong. This is our mission item.

Xin Yu stepped forward to collect the gold coins. Then hand me the leather armor and staff. Said: "Captain. Please accept."

I smiled and said, "They're all my own. Don't call me the captain. It's too weird~~"

Lu Xuehan smiled lightly. Said: "Don't be poor. Hurry up and see if that is a mission item. And the leather gloves. What attributes."

So I took a look. The name of the cane is [Destroyer Cane]. Marked as a quest item. Just what we were looking for. If you collect 50 of them, you can go back to Ice Orchid. Leather gloves look exquisite. I take it lightly. Its attributes will appear in the team channel. .

[Wrist of Destruction] (leather armor. Orange equipment)

Defense: 220

Strength: +180

Stamina: +200

Agility: +220

Intelligence: +175

Additional: Increase defense by 100 points. The attack power of all archers' professional skills increases by 3%

Set effect: Possesses destructive power. All attacks evolve into chaos effects. Deals 80% more attack damage against any armored target. All skill attack power increased by 50%. Increases damage reflection effect by 25%. and. The person equipped with the suit can get a chance to respawn every 10 minutes. Times cannot be stacked

Requires level: 100


Look at this NB property. Everyone was stunned. After a while. I finally made up my mind. Said: "In the past two days, I have been doing Destroyer. I must help Xin Yu to complete this set."

Xin Yu is pleasantly surprised. Said: "Lin Fan is so kind."

In fact. The set effect of the destruction series leather armor is absolutely comparable to that of an artifact. This is just orange gear. If six pieces of equipment can be put together to achieve such a powerful effect (helmet, breastplate, leggings, wrist guards, boots, cloak). That's definitely worth it. There is a chance to revive every ten minutes. That is to say, after Xin Yu put together a set. As long as the interval between two hangs does not exceed 10 minutes. Then it can be revived directly.

and. I also don't know if the Destroyer will burst out suits for other professions. For example, a warrior's armor set. if so. That is also quite powerful. Even if I don't. Taking a set to an auction for a set auction can also make a fortune. certainly. The mage's cloth armor is also popular.

All three of us are very excited. This is the first time I have encountered the concept of "suit" in Yuehengli. perhaps. Not only orange equipment has suits. Even spiritual weapon. Even artifacts have sets. Sets of advanced equipment are destined to be difficult to get together. This also gives players more space and direction to work hard.

Xin Yu happily put on the Destruction Bracers. An orange light immediately appeared on her snow-white hands. The Bracers of Destruction have a unique shape. The workmanship is also finer. It is very suitable for a fashionable and beautiful woman like Xin Yu.

"A wristband actually adds 320 points of defense. I really can't believe it. In the future, if I can make up a set, then the defense will definitely be no worse than the purple knight~" Xin Yu said with great enthusiasm.

I laughed. Said: "Of course. The level of this piece of equipment is 100. The equipment on my body. Except for the Flying Feather Sword. I don't have such high-level equipment. Hmm. Let me see. NND. The average level of my whole body equipment Only around 70. It seems to be behind."

Lu Xuehan couldn't help laughing and said: "You still have the nerve to complain. All your equipment is above the orange level. Even if those spiritual weapons are only level 75, the attributes may not be inferior to the 100-level orange equipment. However, this set of destruction suits is indeed Not bad. If you can collect them all, Xinyu's attributes will definitely improve a lot."

I nodded and said: "Yes. That's right. That's it. Let's continue quickly. Time is precious. Fight more. In case the Lich dies suddenly. The Destroyers are all killed by Ice Orchid and those Dragon Knights. Then our suit dream It's over. And. Have you noticed? In fact, this suit is similar to a one-time explosion. Because with the end of our mission, all the destroyers in this forest will disappear. Others will not be able to find them if they want to fight .”

Xin Yu smiled and said, "Yes, yes. Then hurry up. This time, my equipment will completely surpass Miss Lin~"

So continue to walk around the Corrosion Forest. Didn't get very far. Saw another statue of the Destroyer's predecessor. Xin Yu ran over to trigger its transformation as usual. Then he ran back with the Destroyer in a panic. I rushed up and gave a loud bang. The only frustrating thing is when attacking the air. I can't use skills at all. It can only rely on the ball of venom to send out long-range attacking sword energy again and again.

As a result, when the second Destroyer exploded, only a pile of gold coins fell out. Neither equipment nor quest items. It does not appear to be a high rate of violence. But when we hit the first one, the RP value was full.

Continue to look for the third one. finished. There are still only a few hundred gold coins. Until we kill the seventh Destroyer. Finally the quest items are out again. and. A plump breastplate tumbled into the grass.

I am very sure. It was a piece of armor equipment.

Xin Yu picked it up with a smile. Give it to me and say, "Come and see for yourself. It's your equipment~"

I took the breastplate. I kept calling in my heart: I want a spiritual weapon. At least a spirit weapon. A suit of spirit-level warriors. I don't know how cool it is to wear it out now.

The result was a flash of light. The properties of the equipment are displayed. .

[Obsidian Armor] (Armor.. Purple equipment)

Defense: 225

Strength: +110

Stamina: +125

Agility: +120

Intelligence: +100

Additional: Increase defense by 30 points. The attack power of this occupation skill is increased by 1%

Set effect: Possesses destructive power. All attacks evolve into chaos effects. Deals 30% more attack damage against any armored target. Critical strike chance increased by 40%. All skills attack power increased by 20%. Increases damage reflection effect by 10%. and. The person who wears the suit can get a chance to respawn every 90 minutes. Times cannot be stacked

Requires level: 90


It turned out to be purple equipment.

It is equivalent to a replica of the destruction suit. It's just that the attributes and grades are much worse. But put together a set of words. In fact, the effect is quite considerable.

Xin Yu asked: "Lin Fan. This obsidian outfit. Do you want it?"

I shook my head: "No. The spiritual weapon level equipment on me seems to be more powerful. This set. If you can get a set, let's sell it at the auction in the form of a set. Now everyone just upgrades to around 90 Yes. This kind of purple advanced equipment must be very popular."

Lu Xuehan smiled and said: "Yes. Advanced orange equipment is not easy to fight. Those bosses are too strong. Purple equipment is what those advanced players need most. The price. A set should be able to sell for millions."

I nod. Actually speaking personally. This attribute is greater than grade equipment. If there is no 5 million yuan, it will basically not be sold. Although the equipment market is sluggish now. But good gear. The price must be low.

I also collected the obsidian equipment for Xin Yu. Anyway, she didn't have much in her package. Lu Xuehan and I came out. One needs to bring a lot of red medicine. One needs to bring a lot of blue potions. Only Xin Yu belt has very few things. A quiver worth 2,000 gold coins can hold several days' worth of arrows. But it only takes up one space in the package.

So continue with this task. From 9am to 9pm. A full 12 hours. We're pretty much running around the Corrupt Forest. The Destroyer killed countless. Only 21 of the Destroyer's Staff required for the mission have been collected. But the equipment has gained a lot. After all, the Destroyer is also an elite monster. in. The Destroyer set that Xin Yu can use. In addition to the [Destroyer Bracers] we hit earlier. Boots and helmets were shot again. Even if there are only three pieces, you can make up a set. Maybe it's because orange equipment is more difficult to explode. But obsidian's purple suit appeared a lot. a whole day. Actually collected four sets of obsidian suits. and. There are a few more parts. It can be said. The benefits of the day today are huge.

Make an appointment with Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu tomorrow to continue this oily task. Anyway. Even if the task items are collected. Xin Yu's destruction suit still needs to continue killing monsters to complete. There are a huge number of Destroyers around there anyway. It can't be finished in one hour and three quarters. Playing a set of destruction should be no problem.

night. A person is lying on the bed. He heard Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan talking and laughing from next door. Soon fell asleep.

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