Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 502 Earth Dragon

On the third floor of the Spiritual Pagoda, soul flames danced everywhere, and screams came from all around. It was the soul singer singing loudly, singing about the loneliness and resentment after death.

Occasionally a gargoyle or two flew in the sky, and the dragon knights didn't have the ability to attack the air without summoning the dragon. The attack power is not bad, but it didn't slow down the team's speed.


A gargoyle was shot into a hedgehog by Xin Yu's sharp arrow, and fell down after a shrill scream. The sharp claws were still twitching, the wings were broken into several pieces, and the poisonous tail His tailbone had also been knocked off by the Wind Feather Arrow.

I flew forward, raised the flying feather sword and quickly made a slash, which immediately ended its life, and a gleaming scepter burst out.

Xin Yu let out a "huh~" and said with a smile, "I'm lucky, I didn't expect such an ordinary monster to burst out with purple equipment."

Xin Yu has a lot of experience in judging experience, and has quickly identified the grade of the equipment.

I picked up the scepter, unfolded the attributes and looked at it.

[Stand of the Petrifier] (purple equipment)

Magic attack: 440-530

Intelligence: +134

Stamina: +110

Agility: +65

Strength: +40

Additional: The staff formed by the gargoyle essence has a 2% chance of petrification when attacking the target, which can petrify the target, making it impossible to take quest actions within 5 seconds

Requires level: 105


The additional points are not very optimistic, but there is an extra petrification effect. Although the probability of the effect is low, it is better than nothing. Many times, this special attribute can bring unexpected surprises to the user.

I happily put the staff into the package, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, and I have gained something new. This trip back to Silvermoon City, I will definitely be able to make a fortune. Hehe, Xinyu, we are also in the urban area Buy a house and use it as a small nest."

Xin Yu smiled and said: "Okay, whatever you want, this kind of thing should be done by you, anyway, if you have a lot of money, you can either put it in the bank, or buy a house for investment, you can do it yourself, Xuehan and I have another If you don’t plan to share the money for these equipment, don’t worry too much,”

I didn't think about that. If they need it, I can give them all these equipments.

Thinking back to the days when everyone fought BOSS together to produce equipment, and the money sold was shared equally. The joy of harvesting at that time is very memorable. Now the equipment is indeed getting better and better, but the equipment market is not as crazy as it used to be. After all, everyone's level is now high, and blue equipment can be bought in the store. After having the equipment, it is not a problem to form a group to fight the super boss. Once you have the strength to fight the boss, you don't have to worry too much about the equipment up.

Thinking of this, I opened the equipment rankings and looked, and suddenly found that I have not paid attention to it for a long time. Great changes have taken place. On the overall rankings, the points of Feiyu Sword are still number one, but Murong Shanshan's Psychic Sword But it has already ranked fifth, that is to say, there are already four pieces of equipment that have higher ratings than the Necromancer Sword. This kind of equipment can definitely make someone a master. Once two pieces of god-level equipment fall into the On the same player, that is unimaginable.

When the Indian siege, the knight had two artifacts, but they were both low-level artifacts, and the points were also ranked behind Murong Shanshan's psychic sword. At this stage, the low-level artifacts have come out again A few pieces, most of the IDs hidden by the owners, although I also hid the ID behind the Feiyujian, but it didn't work anymore, now everyone knows that the owner of the Feiyujian is me.

On the weapon rankings, the Feiyu Sword ranks first, and the Necromancer Sword ranks third. There is a dagger used by thieves named "Devil's Strike" in the middle. The owner is unknown, but the location is in China, as far as I know , Now the power hot pot FIRE still uses the spiritual weapon dagger, that is to say, someone else owns this artifact. It seems that another master thief has been born in China.

It's a pity that Devil's Strike is still only a low-level artifact, and the current mid-level artifact is only the Flying Feather Sword. Moreover, the Flying Feather Sword had attributes after it was strengthened by Malfurion, which means that the Flying Feather Sword is actually It has surpassed the attributes of mid-level artifacts to a certain extent, and it can be regarded as a top-level mid-level artifact.

As for the rest of the weapons, there are quite a few top-quality ones. That Japanese sub-artifact can only be ranked 12th on the list of total weapons. That's all the equipment.

There is also an ax that is also a low-level artifact, called the "Savage Tomahawk". It is ranked fourth and is owned by a European. It is estimated that it should be a fighter such as a tauren. With this kind of attack power, it is very strong Explosive weapons, coupled with racial specialties, really don't know how strong it will be.

In addition to weapons and armor, there is also a low-level artifact, and the owner arrogantly disclosed the attributes of the equipment. When I clicked on it, I gasped. The armor has a defense of 670, and, in In the additional attributes, 25% of the total defense, 40% damage reduction, and 40% reflection damage are added. This attribute is too BT. Damn, God bless me not to let me meet such a difficult opponent. However, the data It shows that this person is a Bulgarian, and the distance is so far, there should be no chance to meet him. Even if I do, I will use my advantage of being invisible to kill him. Once the god-level armor bursts out, he will develop.

I'm not interested in the rest of the equipment, so I didn't look at it too much. I happily observed more than a dozen sets of obsidian warrior suits in the package, and my heart was extremely happy.

At this time, Bing Lan's eyes swept over me, and she couldn't help smiling and said, "He's another guy who is greedy for treasures."

I asked: "Binglan, why do you say "again"? Is there anyone else like this among the people you know?"

Binglan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly a trace of disappointment flashed across her face, she said: "It's nothing, that person is long gone..."

I didn't ask further, for fear that others would think I was a mother-in-law.

But Rot raised his head and looked at the scattered gargoyles in the air, and murmured: "These undead creatures are not the only ones in a zithering tower, those little flying insects flying in the air always feel like they are spying on us at any time, Master Binglan, There must be many ambushes ahead, they have been prepared for a long time, we may not take advantage of it..."

Binglan said: "So what, we have no reason not to go, and you have also seen that Dragon Whisperers who are as strong as Mike are also forcibly controlled by them. Some masters are going to become puppets of the undead. This time, Lich Rich’s task should be to collect strong human beings and corrupt them all. Naturally, the date of the undead natural disaster’s massive attack on the human alliance will not be far away. A catastrophe is inevitable, I can only try my best to save something, although, I don't know if it makes sense to do so, "

Binglan's words were to the point, and Rotor nodded immediately, saying loudly, "We will follow in your footsteps and fight for the survival of mankind, even if we all die in battle, we will not hesitate,"

This kind of knight declaration can often be heard in the academy for further study, but at this time it has a different flavor. Everyone knows how dangerous the front is. The power of the lich is extremely terrifying, and there are a large number of undead troops to assist. Ice Orchid Although it is very good, it is still very difficult to deal with so many enemies, and her strength cannot be fully utilized due to the previous injuries.

Perhaps, the final result of this trip is really all killed in battle...

I couldn't help shivering, I hope it's my own overthinking.

Binglan walked up to me and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

I hurriedly said, "It's nothing, the damn weather is getting colder and colder,"

"Heh, you should practice more,"


Going forward, going further, the city walls on both sides of the third floor of the psychic tower gradually disappeared, and were replaced by the dark night. I don't know how long it has been here, but the game has already gone from early morning to late night.


There were creepy screams from around, and the shrill singing of the banshee in the distance. Fortunately, it was far away from us, otherwise it would really be a kind of destruction, but it was just "Woo~" The screams of the two beauties have already paled the beauty of the two beauties. The inside of the psychic tower was originally eerie, but now it is even more frightening after the dubbing. Filled with warmth, Rot and other dragon knights on the side showed ambiguous smiles, NND, the current NPCs are getting worse and worse.

About ten minutes later, rough areas began to appear on the ground, and the city bricks on the ground disappeared. Instead, the ground was wet and red, and it was unknown whether it was terracotta or blood-stained magic soil.

"My lord, look at the front, what is that thing?"

Rot stopped in his tracks, his eyes fixed on the two strange objects in front of him, which looked like the tentacles of monsters, but the things were already covered with dust, even monsters should have been dead for a long time, however, an occasional slight Moving makes people no longer think so.

Bing Lanxiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Go over and have a look, be careful."


A dragon knight drew out his dragon cavalry spear and walked over cautiously, but when he walked between the two tentacles, a sudden change occurred.


The ground shook violently, and then tore apart. The two tentacles slammed into the middle, and there was a crisp sound of "Dang~", but the target was not hit. The dragon knight had been thrown into the air, and he himself It was also a leap, and he was already in the high sky at this time.


The soil cracked, and a huge monster emerged from the soil. The two tentacles were actually the front jaws. The upper body of the monster was like half a centipede, and both sides of the body were formed by sharp claws.

"Aww~" With a roar, the monster also jumped up, and the target was the dragon knight.

"Ah," Lu Xuehan exclaimed, and I was also extremely nervous.

However, seeing that the dragon knight was not intimidated by the terrifying monster below, he quickly formed a magic circle in the air. After a dragon chant, the dragon appeared out of the sky, and with a light sweep of its tail, its owner had arrived back.

The dragon knight was a little angry, so he raised his spear, and the dragon cavalry gun immediately fired a light gun that was more than twenty yards long, sweeping across the monster's body, only a dozen worms with severed arms fell down.

The monster screamed in pain, opened its mouth, and spat out a black mass.

Binglan's expression changed, and she said in surprise: "The elemental body entangled in death, hum,"

When I looked again, Binglan had disappeared in place, and her beautiful body appeared in mid-air. With one left palm, the black thing that the monster spit at the dragon knight was immediately shot down. After the skeleton was soaked by this black object, it immediately turned into a pool of black water.

The dragon knight on the back of the dragon in the air was shocked and said, "This is... oh my god, what a terrifying costume power,"

Bing Lan's face was covered with a layer of frost, and her figure had turned into a light and shadow in a flash. After flying around the monster a few times, the monster immediately fell apart, and the entire huge body was cut into several pieces. When it fell to the ground There was no sound.

Bing Lan and Dragon Knight fell back to the ground, and Dragon Knight said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the adults rescued me just now, otherwise I would definitely be doomed. Damn it, I was too careless."

"Everyone, be careful. It seems that our enemy this time is not limited to the Lich Ricky. If I'm not wrong, even the extremely high-status death knights in the Scourge of the Undead are here too,"

"What, death knight," Rott was shocked.

Binglan nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, the creature just now is the demonized mutant earth dragon summoned by the death knight. These earth dragons were originally a branch of the earth dragon, but after being infected by the undead, they became For this reason, the death knight specially injected the energy of death entanglement into the body of the earth dragon. After thousands of years of experiments, the earth dragon also possessed the ability of death entanglement. The death knights are much worse, now, only ordinary death knights can be played, their strength is only equivalent to that of a lich, but if it is a commander-level death knight, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with our strength."

Rott spat, and said: "It's actually a death knight, God knows, we should have invited one or two paladins from Silvermoon City to help out, they are much better at dealing with these dirty undead creatures than us, "

Binglan smiled lightly and said: "Complaining at this time is useless, so don't worry too much, I think, even if there is one more death knight, as long as we can seal the Dragon Ball immediately, there is still a great chance winning,'

"Sealing the Dragon Ball, why haven't I heard of it before," Luo Te was very surprised.

Bing Lan said: "That is a new sealing magic I created. I originally planned to seal the Dragon Killing Ball, but I didn't want to let the Lich succeed first. After a while of fighting, I will try my best to kill the Lich and get back the Dragon Killing Ball as soon as possible. If you seal the Dragon Killing Ball, then all of your power will be released, I believe that the twelve dragon knights will never lose to a death knight."

Rot patted his chest and said: "Of course, without the coercion of Dragon Killing Ball, Dragon Knight will never let you down, sir."

So we decided on a strategy, and we continued to move forward. As we moved forward, more and more demonized earth dragons penetrated below the ground. Fortunately, the dragon knights also understood the weakness of this creature. It is not difficult to dodge the spit attack and chop them into several pieces.

Dilong has a lot of experience. When I reached the fourteenth head, a ray of light flashed from my body, and I was successfully promoted to level 110. Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu also looked very happy. Obviously, their experience It is also skyrocketing. After a few days of tasks, their experience can be said to skyrocket.

It seems that this mission of seeking riding skills is really worth the money. Although many days were wasted, I got so many benefits before the mission was completed, and I can still master riding skills after completion. Cool, I will definitely be the first swordsman to ride a mount.

But the difficulty of the task is definitely BT. After clearing out a lot of dragons, we finally saw the lich's lair, which is a huge cemetery, where many ghouls, abominations and gargoyles are entrenched, densely packed One piece, the goosebumps of all who watched it, so many, even if they were to be killed, it would probably take a long time to kill them.

On the cross in the center of the necropolis, the Lich Ricky was standing there, looking at us, and said with a smile: "My friends, you are finally here, I have been waiting for a long time, as a courtesy, I will give you the first Introduce a noble knight, here, this is the great Baron Frostfire of the Kingdom of Darkness, he is a gentle and gentle man, and he will definitely give you the most noble death eulogy, and you should feel quite honored."

A group of ghouls dispersed one after another. Amidst the clatter of horseshoes, a black knight came out from the center of the necropolis, holding a rune sword in his hand, with flowing long hair, but his face was very bad, and his face was full of Wrinkles, a group of horses with goat skulls on their crotch, with dim lights in their eyes, very scary.

A few words floated above the black knight's head: Baron Frostfire (Junior Death Knight).

Bing Lan beside me breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled lightly at me: "Great, it's just a junior death knight. If it's a high-level death knight, we're afraid we'll be in trouble~"

However, is the junior death knight really easy to deal with? My heart is pounding.


Happy Singles' Day everyone,

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