Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 503: Ice Orchid Falls

[Baron Frostfire] (Legendary Boss)

Level: 140



Qi and blood:,,.

Introduction: One of the vanguards of the undead Scourge, with the primary title of Death Knight


Baron Frostfire is even bigger than a lich. There is a row of banshees on his left and right, kneeling there as if worshiping. Farther away, a neat army of undead is waiting for orders. The army of ghouls is densely packed, and the army of skeletons There are even more of them, and the stench can be heard from several rows of disgusting huge bodies. In the sky, the black gargoyle army is flapping their wings rhythmically. Their eyes are shining with green light, peeping at the creatures on the earth. Everything is moving.

I couldn't help but gasped. When I actually saw these monsters, I was still taken aback. The number of monsters here is beyond words to describe, even the one that Tyrande killed with falling stars in a different space. The number of undead troops is less than one tenth of that here.

The field of vision expanded, and there was a dense area in the distance, and the low roars of the undead came and went one after another.

Rott gripped the Temple Sword equipped by the Dragon Knight, and said in a trembling voice: "Perhaps, this is the biggest battle against the undead that I have participated in in my life."

There was no fear in his voice, but rather excitement.

But Binglan smiled lightly, and said without turning her head: "Rott, you are one of the best dragon knights, and you have more missions than that. I will not allow you to die here,"

Rott smiled knowingly, and said, "We will always follow the adults,"


In the distance, Baron Frostfire said with a strange voice: "Ignorant human beings, it seems ridiculous to me that you swear, and the Dragon Whisperer who claims to be the strongest human being, I will show you soon The taste of death, life is ugly, only death can sublimate the true beauty, "

Rot stared at Baron Frostfire for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: " are the young prince of the Kingdom of Luxembourg, why...why did you degenerate and become a servant of the Lich King,"

Baron Frostfire laughed loudly and said: "The prince of the Kingdom of Luxembourg, someone still remembers it, but I have already forgotten it. What kind of prince, what kind of kingdom, are all vulnerable. Only eternal life and endless power are my only ones." Hey, young prince, what have I got, the girl I love is married to the palace magician of the Silvermoon Kingdom, bah, that old and ugly guy, just proficient in magic can take away my Is it a woman?"

Baron Frostfire was full of resentment, and the lich standing on the cross added fuel and jealousy: "Dear Baron Frostfire, just be angry, your beloved woman was crushed and ravaged by an old man many years ago, she Enduring too much shame, your father doesn't love you, for the sake of alliance, he separated you and the girl you love, I will help you kill this old guy, help you end that girl's pain, and make her a noble the Banshee,"

The words of the Lich really worked, and Baron Frostfire said bitterly: "Ugly human souls, love is treated as a transaction for the powerful, I hate human beings, these selfish creatures should all go to hell long ago, since I entrusted my soul From the moment I gave it to the Lich King, I never looked back. Hmph, that ridiculous Dragon Whisperer actually thought he was still that young and ignorant prince. I don’t know how he felt when I thrust my sharp sword into his chest. "

The Lich laughed and said: "Thanks to you, I successfully defeated the difficult Dragon Whisperer Mike, but I have already sensed that Mike's aura has completely dissipated just now. If there is no accident, he has already died in front of your eyes. In the hands of the Dragon Whisperer, a vicious human woman actually killed Mingyu's teacher."

Binglan's complexion changed, and she said coldly: "Shut up, you don't deserve to mention the name Mike, let alone Mingyu,"

"Really, Mingyu, that cowardly, incompetent Dragon Whisperer who is reluctant to give up the friendship between teachers and students?" The voice continued to come out of Lich's cold mouth: "Creatures without power are not qualified to live in this world."

After finishing speaking, the lich waved his magic staff, and suddenly, a burst of icy frost exploded around us, only a "bang~", the ice orchid had already summoned the defensive cover, and the azure light ball surrounded us and twelve people. Dragon knights are protected in it.

The Lich was slightly surprised, and said: "The strength has recovered a lot, well, then the next thing will be left to you, respected Baron Frostfire,"

Baron Frostfire nodded and said, "Lord Lich, please rest assured."

After finishing speaking, he waved his long sword and shouted: "Warriors of darkness, tear up all the creatures in front of you, and enjoy their fresh flesh and blood to the fullest."


The ghouls swarmed up immediately, and the gargoyles in the air were not far behind, and they hated the huge body hitting the ground, making a heavy sound, which was very shocking. Groups of undead ordinary mages were stumbling over, waving The staff of the undead is waiting to deal an evil blow to human beings at any time, and in the rear, the armored troops of the undead, the meat grinder has also driven out, each car is loaded with many human corpses, when those corpses are thrown out At the time, the plague was already spreading everywhere, poisoning the innocent.

Luo Te stepped forward with his sword straightened and asked, "My lord, what should I do?"

Bing Lan calmly ordered: "You hold Baron Frostfire and his undead army, and I will deal with the Lich. The Dragon Killing Ball in his hand is our biggest enemy. Only by obtaining the Dragon Killing Ball can the Dragon Knights summon the dragon to fight ,"

"Yes, my lord,"

Binglan glanced at me again, and said softly, "Please help Rot, okay?"

I nodded, Luo Te and others were unable to attack the air, which meant that the gargoyles in the air were mainly handed over to us.

Although I can attack air units, it is a single-target attack after all. In fact, to suppress the air, I still rely more on Xinyu's wind feather arrows and multiple arrows.

The Twelve Dragon Knights had already started fighting with the enemy, and rays of light flashed everywhere. The 130-level ghouls couldn't block an attack at all, and they all fell to pieces on the ground, which happened to be the material for the necromancer to summon the skeletons behind. , Not long after, the Skeleton Legion also advanced. They were numerous in number, but our Dragon Knights did not give in at all, sticking to the only front.

I fought side by side with Rot without hesitation. The level of the laser sword has risen rapidly, and it is now level 5. I can use it every three minutes, but every blow can cause huge damage to the ghouls and skeleton army. The monsters in the film mean that a lot of experience flows to us, but this time is too nervous, and I don't have the mind to pay attention to how much experience I get.

This time, Lu Xuehan's level 10 group spell skill Thunderbolt Nine Heavens really worked. Every skill cast created a vacuum in the undead army. Those level 130 ghouls couldn't survive the thunder and lightning at all. For a few seconds, and the lightning attribute also had an advantage on the wet ground, the scurrying electric current destructively killed piles of ghouls.

As for the air-to-air power, only Xin Yu is the only one, but equipped with the destruction suit, she has already entered an invincible state at this moment. The white light arrow brought by the wind feather arrow swept across the sky above her head. Under the killing effect of the wind feather arrow, those stone statues The ghost kept being torn apart, screaming and falling down.

When we were fighting in full swing, a flash of white light flashed, and Binglan had already leaped out. With a sweep of the rapier, the light of the sword immediately cut the cross where the lich was living into two ends. The lich was not in a hurry, relying on a few gargoyles The support still stays in the sky.

Binglan gritted her teeth, and her figure had come to the back of the lich in a flash. She stabbed fiercely with the rapier, only to hear a "Dang~" shock, and a blue air shield appeared out of thin air behind the lich.

"Haha, the beautiful Dragon Whisperer, the synonymous attack method, I won't get hit a second time, don't you understand such a simple truth," Lich smiled proudly.

Binglan smiled slightly: "Really?"

The Lich was stunned, and was surprised to find that Binglan retracted her rapier, and swung her left fist heavily on the air shield. After a deafening sound, the air shield cracked instantly, and purple gas leaked out indiscriminately.

Just when the lich turned pale with fright, a green light group suddenly hit Binglan's back, Binglan hurriedly dodged to dodge, quite embarrassed.

On the ground, Baron Frostfire pointed his sword at the sky, and said in surprise: "Master Lich, why can this human dragon whisperer fly in the air? You don't seem to have mentioned this to me. I can't fly, so I can only use death coiling to fly." I can do you a little favor."

The Lich gratefully said: "That's enough, respected Baron Frostfire, this Dragon Whisperer is very tricky, otherwise I wouldn't ask for your help,"

Bing Lan's expression froze, and the rapier in her hand flashed again.

The Lich hurriedly ordered the gargoyles to dodge, but how could the speed of the gargoyles stop the speed of the ice orchid? The Lich only felt that the chest was pierced by the rapier as soon as the wind passed by his ears, and the huge blue light flew into the air. Go out and kill a piece of gargoyle in a flash, and the pieces of gargoyle fall down profusely.


A cloud of green liquid hit the Lich from the ground, and the precarious situation of the Lich immediately improved. The undead power carried by the green liquid quickly healed his injuries. Bing Lan looked down, impressively It was discovered that Baron Frostfire was healing the Lich with Death Coil.

Binglan was a little helpless, the lich's frost attack was always with her, and she had no way to withdraw to deal with the death knight. In this way, it was equivalent to one person fighting with the commanders of two death legions at the same time, and the physical consumption increased sharply.

I looked up and saw that Bing Lan's chest was heaving and unsteady, it seemed that she had exhausted a lot of strength, and if this continued, danger might appear.

So I said to Rot: "Rot, should we interfere with Baron Frostfire, and don't let him and the Lich attack Ice Orchid?"

"That's what I meant, but there are too many undead troops in front of us, we can't penetrate through them at all, because we can't fly in the air like Lord Dragon Whisperer," Rot said agitatedly, and said: "Now kill The Dragon Ball is right up there, we are under a lot of pressure, our strength has been greatly reduced, in fact, everyone is almost exhausted, we cannot summon dragons at this time, otherwise they will be torn to pieces by the gargoyle when they are weak."

Seeing that Luo Te said that, I have nothing to do. At this time, the undead army in front of me is all gathered together. Even if I charge, I can't break through their defense line, and even if I rush in alone, I will be killed alive. Inside, these are level 130 undead monsters, and their huge attack power is not just for fun.

At this moment, the death knight Baron Frostfire suddenly let out a long howl, and the sound of dragon chant faintly came from the sky. Rotor immediately changed his face and said in horror: "My God, isn't this death knight summoning the frost dragon? "

Within a few minutes, Rotor's prediction came true, as many as eighteen frost dragons flew from the sky, with faint blue light, piercing through the dark night.

The eyes of the dragon knights were full of despair. There were so many giant dragons, and their own dragon attribute attacks couldn't be used. With the power of ordinary humans, they couldn't compete with the terrifying frost dragon.

Xin Yu withdrew her bow and arrow, looked up at the sky and said, "Lin Fan, what should I do, this kind of giant dragon, my attack can't break the defense at all."

Lu Xuehan also looked at me with a confused face, I was very helpless, I was just a little swordsman of level 110, but I met a frost dragon whose level was not lower than 130, how could I deal with it? .

In the blink of an eye, the giant dragon had already arrived at the front line. After a "Puchi~", a snow-white icy dragon's breath splashed on the nearest dragon knight, and the dragon knight's vitality suddenly dropped by about one-fifth. , Everyone was surprised, fighting with skeletons and ghouls, usually dragon knights don't lose much blood.

When everyone was panicking, a white shadow stood firmly on top of the leading dragon's head in a flash in the air. The night wind was blowing, and the ice-blue and snowy face was very clear under the moonlight. The brilliance of the thin sword is lingering, and a penetrating attack is about to come.

The giant frost dragon obviously felt something on top of its head, so it roared loudly and shook its head desperately. The ice cubes of the frost dragon's breath flew rapidly in the air, hitting the ice orchid's armor and screaming " Ding Ding ~" sound.

"Chi la~,"

Binglan suddenly sank, and the rapier had been inserted straight into the head of the ice dragon. The giant frost dragon danced wildly in pain, and its whole body was out of balance in the air like a large fighter jet that was about to fall.

The blue blood of the undead was flying in the air, and the ice orchid pulled horizontally again, and the rapier immediately tore a long gap in the head of the frost giant dragon. I didn't know what was inside, but I saw a red The light continued to dissipate in the air, and the dragon's roar gradually died down, before finally crashing down.

Binglan jumped up, shot away, and then appeared under the head of another ice dragon. The ice dragon had been prepared for a long time, and the shaking huge head directly hit Binglan, only to hear "Kach~" With a sound, Bing Lan's rapier has already opened a big hole under the dragon's jaw, and the blue sword light shot up into the sky.

The second ice dragon was thus dealt with.

Binglan stood proudly in the wind, her chest heaved even more violently, thin bloodstains appeared on her cheeks, presumably she was cut by the dragon's ice armor fragments just now.

Seeing the most powerful undead army being damaged, neither the Lich nor the Death Knight could stand it.


The Lich's Frost Nova exploded one after another in the air, Bing Lan hurriedly dodged, a little weak to cope, and slightly slowed down, the corners of her skirt were already concentrated by the effect of the Frost Nova, and her ability to move was greatly reduced.

The death knight Baron Frostfire saw the rare opportunity, and immediately stepped on the bone scythe horse under his seat, and the whole person jumped into the sky with a "swoosh~", blocking the trajectory of the ice orchid, the rune sword flashed, and slammed go down.

Binglan couldn't dodge in time, so she had to resist with a rapier. As a result, after a "boom~", her beautiful figure fell straight into the area where the army of death was located. There was a "quack ~ quack ~" sound from his mouth.

My heart skipped a beat, it's over, Binglan is in danger.

The twelve dragon knights didn't care too much, and immediately summoned their own dragons together. After a dragon roar, the twelve dragons burst out of the air, and the dragon knights' dragon lances also began to shine frighteningly. shine.

But the good times didn't last long. In less than a few minutes, the giant dragons were already scarred by a large number of gargoyles. Under the sound of wailing, the giant dragons could not bear the huge pressure brought by the dragon killing balls, and fell down one after another.

Seeing the dragon knights falling down one after another, like swatting flies, I was helpless, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were also dumbfounded for a moment.

The dragon knight who fell to the ground immediately took back his dragon and continued the battle on the ground. When the last Rot jumped off the ground, the dragon knight's ascension tactics were considered a complete failure.

Looking into the distance, wondering if Binglan was okay, Rotor was restless, his eyes turned red, and he desperately slashed at the endless ghouls in front of him with his two-handed sword.

The other eleven dragon knights were also fighting frantically, but they all felt powerless. They were so desperate, but they couldn't help much.

In the air, the Lich Ricky looked down at the ground, and said with a smile, "Is this the strongest Dragon Whisperer? Isn't he also defeated by the sword of Baron Frostfire?"

The dragon knights were completely crazy. Looking at the place where the ice orchid landed, all of them had red eyes. This excellent commander must not be in trouble, otherwise everyone will die here.

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