Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 45: Lonely or Abandoned

There are no monsters on the way back. We killed too fast just now, and we haven’t spawned them yet. After adding two more high-level equipment, the defense has reached 212, and the attack has reached 200-245. Killing a skeleton of the same level can cause more than 300 damage without a fatal blow.

The equipment adds a total of 71 points of agility, which is enough to compete with thieves of the same level. Unfortunately, the bonus of the rogue profession to agility is 200%, so it is basically impossible to attack and run faster than thieves Yes, unless this thief is wearing white equipment...

Looking back at Murong Shanshan, there was a trace of tiredness on her snowy face, it seemed that she was also very tired after fighting all night. The mission does not require any items. When our necromancer explodes, the system will remind us that the mission is completed. The only thing we need to do now is to go to the lumberjack to receive the mission reward.

The hut was still the same, and the lumberjacks were waiting for Murong Shanshan and me to arrive. When we approached the room, the task was officially completed!


System prompt: You have completed the task - Evil Necromancer, gained 84000 experience, 8 gold coins, reputation +620, and got the skill book: Battle Ax Strike!

Tomahawk Strike: Book, the unique skill of Tomahawk fighters - throwing the transformed battle axe, causing great damage to the target, reducing the hit rate by a certain amount, the first-level skill causes 15% of normal damage, and the degree of damage increases with the skill level , learning level: 14

I looked at Murong Shanshan in surprise, and she also looked at me in surprise. Obviously, she also got the skill book.

I spoke first: "I got the skills of the battle ax fighter, what about yours?"

Murong Shanshan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Mine is the thief's skill - Speed, which increases the thief's movement speed by 100% within 30 seconds, and the cooldown time is 5 minutes."

"Damn, good stuff!" I feel a little regretful. If I had been a thief, I would have been able to come and go without a trace after learning this skill. With my sharp operation, I will definitely be able to give full play to the thief's elegant control flow style. come out.

Now... practice the high-attack swordsman's instant kill skill well!

At this time, no one would have thought that in the future, I would be able to perfectly embody the professional characteristics of a thief in a swordsman...


"Hey~" Murong Shanshan sighed quietly, and said helplessly, "Sell this book to Xu Xing for 50,000 RMB..."

"What? Fifty thousand? It would be great if this thing could be sold for ten thousand. Do you want to sell for fifty thousand?"

Murong Shanshan was in high spirits: "Hehe, Xu Xing will definitely buy it. It just so happens that I also have activity funds to pay back your two thousand!"

I was speechless for a moment, this girl doesn't like people and wants them to buy her own things, I don't know what she thinks.

"Shanshan, don't you have any class today? It's almost time for class now?"

"Class? Oh, I forgot. I haven't been to the classroom for almost a week. I'll show my face later and come back to sleep. By the way, when will you go online again?"

"I'll probably sleep until dinner time, and I'll be online around 6 o'clock."

"Well, then I will contact you then."

"OK, 8~!"

Murong Shanshan went offline in the hut, and I went back to the city directly. Let’s talk about the book on consignment. At present, there are as many Tomahawk fighters at level 14, and there are as many rich people in Suzhou and Shanghai. Our Hurricane I don't know how many children from rich families in the city have, and there must be a lot of people who can pay high prices.

Put Tomahawk Strike on the shelf at a reserve price of 5000RMB, no limit on the highest amount, and sell it at the price of the highest bidder six hours later, the money will be automatically deducted from the buyer's bank account, and at the same time 2% will be extorted by the system handling fee.

I looked at the time, it was 9 o'clock in the morning, and I was so tired that I was about to die. Everyone else in the studio had finished their breakfast and went online, and there was soy milk waiting for breakfast on the table.

I ate something casually, and I went back to my room when I felt almost 80% full.


When I turned the door, a soft body bumped into my arms, I looked down and found Lu Xuehan who was blushing, her snowy little face was as red as a ripe apple, she was only wearing thin pajamas, snow white Her skin was looming under the silk, and the black underwear looked extremely alluring.

Lu Xuehan held a washbasin in her hand, with shower gel and shampoo in it, as if she was going to take a bath.

"Xuehan, take a bath early in the morning?"

Lu Xuehan lowered her head shyly and whispered, "I played too late last night, so I only washed it in the morning. Lin Fan, did you log off just now?"

"Well, how old are you, Xuehan?"

"It's almost 21."

"Oh, slow down, Murong Shanshan is ranked above you, already level 25, you have to work hard~"

"En." Lu Xuehan obediently agreed, and entered the bathroom under my fiery gaze.


"Tsk tsk... This girl's figure is so hot, why didn't I notice it before?" I wondered, lay down on the bed and began to fall asleep with my head covered.

The early winter sun was unusually warm, the snow-white quilt was extremely warm, and the breeze from the window brought in the smell of the plants downstairs. This kind of resting environment is really rare!

After a long time of leveling, I was very tired and fell asleep after a while.


In a trance, I seem to have come to the gate of the TOT club again. Everything is so familiar. The picture of WAR3 Princess Ning Xiner on the glass door seems to have not changed. The computer in the club has not been touched. The LCD monitor I like is placed next to the door, and there are two seats next to the computer, one is for me, and the other is for her. He cheers on the pretty girls.

"Lin Fan, Ye Qiu was killed just now, hurry up and help get the points back!"

This is a tall student talking. He is the main player of the TOT team, FINE. He has never left since the establishment of TOT. When I left TOT, he was still doing his duty for TOT.

Beside FINE, Ye Qiu is looking at me with a smile, that is probably the brotherhood...

I walked in quickly, but everyone seemed to be unable to see me. Xiaoyu's beautiful face became clearer and clearer, but it was so far away. Their laughter and laughter made me think about those days deeply, and I missed them so much. Heartache.


The picture gradually blurred, until I was standing alone in the deserted wilderness, with the drowsy sky above my head, I felt so lonely...

Everything has passed, want to cry?


A few drops of cold rain fell on my face, damn it! Before dinner, it rained!

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