Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 46 Chicken Stew with Mushrooms

It was completely dark, and when I did some personal hygiene, everyone else went offline to eat. Today's meals are in charge of Lu Xuehan, and you can smell the tempting smell coming from the direction of the kitchen from a distance. fragrance.

"Lin Fan, I've reached level 22 today!" Lu Xuehan came out of the kitchen with a plate, not forgetting to report on the progress of the leveling. A small floral apron was tied around her waist, she looked very cute, yes , cute, if it was tied around Xin Yu's waist, I wouldn't say that.

According to my visual inspection and testing, Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan may be the last two pure women in our studio...

I said, "Oh, I'm 22, not bad, Xuehan, what are you serving, so fragrant?"

“Chicken stewed mushrooms~!”

At this time, Xin Yu and Xu Lin also walked out of the room with a smile. It seemed that today must be very rewarding. After asking, it was true... In just one afternoon, the trio of Xu Lin, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu I got three pieces of green equipment above level 15, one of which was usable by Lu Xuehan, and the other two were sold for more than 500. It's a pity that those equipment were not melee weapons, otherwise they would have made a lot of money.

"Lin Fan, what did you gain last night?" Xin Yu asked with a smile.

I thought about it, and said: "A level 26 blue cloak, and a level 24 green boots, both of which I can use, oh, and there is also a skill book for the battle ax fighter, I already have it on the exchange It’s on consignment, I don’t know if anyone will buy it, and the level has been directly raised to level 27.”

"The harvest is not small~" Xu Lin smiled, then looked at me ambiguously and said, "Last night, the top two ranks in this city's leaderboard both rose several ranks. There is no special connection, right?"

Xin Yu added, adding insult to injury, "In the middle of the night, lonely men and widows, um, apart from leveling, there are no other programs, right?"

I immediately explained in embarrassment: "Yesterday, I was just doing missions with Murong Shanshan. She has good equipment. It will be easier for us to complete the missions together. If I were alone, many missions would be very difficult."

Xu Lin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not that we don't allow you to associate with her. Besides, I learned from Xin Yu that Murong Shanshan is a college student, beautiful and rich. If you can It would be nice to catch her."

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with her. If she is so rich, would she take a fancy to me as a poor boy?"

"I want to cover it up~"

"Hmph, forget it, don't talk about it!"

I quickly picked up a piece of stewed chicken with mushrooms and put it in my mouth. I tasted it carefully. It tasted very good. I still remember the mushrooms I picked in the wild after the rain when I was a child. The stewed mushrooms with chicken made by my mother probably tasted like this Yes, Lu Xuehan is indeed a gentle, virtuous, beautiful and generous top-quality MM!

"Xuehan, the taste is very good~ I wish I could eat it every meal!" I praised while eating.

Lu Xuehan blushed slightly, and said in a low voice: "If you like to eat, I'll just cook it every day from now on."

"But, they have Murong MM, Xuehan, shouldn't you take our Lin Fan back?" Xin Yu's tone was sour.

Lu Xuehan smiled and stopped talking, just eating quietly.

Xu Lin suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Lin Fan, at seven o'clock our family accepted a player's employment mission. That person is a merchant in Shanghai and asked us to help their boss complete the career promotion mission, no matter how difficult it is. , all with a commission of 2000RMB."

I smiled: "Don't think about it, the difficulty of the task will not be very low, he must have failed to invite us."

Xin Yu nodded and said: "That's right, there's no such thing as cheap things in the world, but the job promotion tasks for the few of us are very simple, and the level of monsters to kill is not high. Why is the difficulty so high, is it different for everyone?"

Lu Xuehan put down her chopsticks, blinked her eyes and said, "It should be like this. I heard that there was a person's promotion task in another city that hired 10 players above level 20 to barely pass."

I suddenly raised my head and asked: "After you complete the promotion task, do professional trainers have reward skills?"

"No, it's still the few skills that can be learned before, and the new skills are not very powerful. Why, do you have rewarding skills?"

I nodded and said: "Well, because I am the first player in the world to advance, I was rewarded with a skill book, Frozen Slash, which can stun people for 3 seconds and reduce their movement speed by 50% within 60 seconds! Super PK skill , I used this skill to kill a level 17 fighter yesterday."

Lu Xuehan's face was full of surprise, Xin Yu's saliva was about to drop, Xu Lin's face was also full of joy, and the other MMs all looked at me with adoring eyes.

"But there is one thing..." Xu Lin's expression darkened, and she continued: "I don't want to deal with the matter of your enmity with Kuang Zhan, but our group is for money, so we can't provoke people like Kuang Zhan , if Lin Fan has no objection, I think you will not be recognized as a member of our family in public places. This will be beneficial to everyone. Lin Fan can also be at ease, kill whoever he wants, and be a lone ranger , but the family still has to help when they need it.”

I nodded silently and didn't speak. Although what Xu Lin said was reasonable, I always felt like I was abandoned by everyone, and I felt very uncomfortable.

Xu Lin took a peek at me, and said softly: "Actually, I also want to have a happy grievance with you and kill all those who don't like me, but the reality doesn't allow me to do that. Fees, all consumption needs financial income, if everyone is busy going to PK, it will be inconvenient whether it is to buy equipment or accept tasks in the future."

I smiled and said, "It's okay, anyway, I like someone alone, besides, one day I will meet a team with a lot of MMs, maybe I can mix in and embrace a beautiful woman~"

Xu Lin knew that I was joking, so she gave a dry laugh and began to eat vegetables with her head down.

Lu Xuehan's gaze was like water, she looked at Xu Lin, she seemed to want to say something but hesitated to speak, and then said softly to me: "Hurry up and eat, there is still half an hour before we gather to help people kill missions Yes, oppression is late and will affect the reputation of our studio."

Everyone stopped talking, and there was only the sound of chopsticks and plates colliding for a while.

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