Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 612: The Opening of the City Defense Battle

I had no choice but to give up my original plan, turned around and slashed a piece of ghouls to pieces with a laser sword, then turned my horse's head and galloped down Silvermoon City.

The Silvermoon City players in the city had already lined up, and the archers stretched out their heads to wait and see, and couldn't help but wonder: "Damn it, isn't that Lin Fan on the white horse? Why was he chased so badly by the army of undead? Don't send anyone down to rescue him."

Immediately one person responded: "Idiot, do you need to save Lin Fan? Besides, now the four gates of Silvermoon City have been forcibly closed by NPCs. Anyone who goes down now will die. be spared from death,"

While they were talking, I had already taken out the city scroll from the package and ran forward. After a certain distance, I crushed the scroll. A white light flashed and appeared in the city.

Looking up, it was the power of Paradise Lost defending on the east wall. Xu Lin, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu were all there, and the archers behind them lined up densely.

I immediately put away the Pegasus, and quickly climbed up the defensive wall of the city from the steps next to it, and when I came to Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan, Xin Yu smiled and said: "Shanshan is watching TV with Guo Zi, oh, it's listening to TV, Now the game channel has directly broadcasted the live broadcast of the monster siege, Feier explained on the spot, although Shanshan couldn't see it, but she could understand the situation very clearly, "

I nodded and said with a smile: "Then let's behave well, don't let Shanshan hear that we acted like grandsons in this battle of defending the city,"

Xu Lin smiled slightly, and said, "Don't be poor, the monsters will come to the city soon, and I don't know how many there are. It seems that the end of the undead army can't be seen,"

It is true that the Yinyue Plain is almost full of undead army at this time, and it is a mighty area. If you look at the organization of the undead army that Murong Shanshan and I killed in the fifth-rank mission, the undead siege troops in the city at this time are at least There are about 50 such legions, or even more. In short, even the first battle under the city of Lingtong in France was not so spectacular. Moreover, the power of the undead in the air is particularly conspicuous. Gargoyles are flying up and down, ready to attack the humans in the city. The Legion strikes.

I stood next to the city wall, stepped on the wall bricks, and looked down. The army of ghouls under the city was densely packed, and the gargoyles in the sky were also trying to approach. The light of the sky was almost covered, and Silvermoon City was surrounded by darkness shrouded.

Xu Lin looked at those monsters, and said with some concern: "Lin Fan~~ Can we really hold on today?"

"Yes," I nodded affirmatively, and said, "After our people die, they will be resurrected in the city directly. Each person can be resurrected countless times. If we can't hold on like this, how can we talk about defending the national war in the future?"

Xin Yu chuckled beside him: "That's right, monsters attack the city, maybe our sacrifices will be more, but we will definitely not be unable to defend, unless Yueheng officials don't want to continue to make money,"

At this time, the undead army finally came like a tide, and soon arrived at the gate of Silver Moon City.

I immediately ordered: "Archer, attack at will,"

The two rows of archers by the wall immediately switched to shooting. Suddenly, a rain of arrows fell on the city wall. The condescending advantage increased the damage of the bows and arrows. Under the baptism of the rain of arrows, the ghouls fell to the ground and turned into a pile of broken pieces. Bones, only a few abominations are still struggling to support, holding up the sickle and chopping the city gate with all their strength.

It's a pity that the walls of Silvermoon City are strong and thick, so it's something that a few abominations can handle.

The first round of the ghoul army is not over yet, and they flock to the city one after another. Our side of the city wall is relatively strong, and the other three sides should be similar. Basically, there is no need to worry too much about the first wave of ghouls attacking.

Xin Yu came to my side, I put my arms around her waist and let her body lean out of the city wall, at the sound of the bowstring, several abominations who knocked on the door fell to the ground, Xin Yu said happily: "There are a lot of points for defending the city!" Well, what's the use of it?"

I shook my head and laughed, "I don't know, if you kill more monsters, you should be able to get substantial benefits after the defense is over."

The attack of the ghouls under the city intensified. They almost rushed to the bottom of the city without fear of death. Their sharp minions attacked the foot of the city wall frantically. The archers and the archers assembled on the lower city square and city avenues began to project in peaceful mode,"

Immediately, the archers who had been waiting for a long time gladly took the order, and a shower of arrows rained from the inside of the city to the outside of the city, continuously washing the highly concentrated army of ghouls. The fire-type group spells, when bursts of fire rain fell, the offensive of the ghoul troops seemed even paler, as if they were purely here to send points.

About two hours later, most of the ghoul army of the Undead Scourge lost half, and the mysterious commander in the rear finally decided to activate the army of pure hatred. The 135-level enhanced hatred has many times more blood than the ghouls. It is no longer so simple to rely on the attacks of the archers to wipe them all out of the city.

So, I turned around and ordered: "Little pig with a sword, integrate the cavalry in the city, and prepare to open the door and go out for a while, otherwise the cavalry will not know what to do."

The little pig with a sword was already eager to try, so he smiled and said, "Okay, no problem, will Lilac's cavalry also act with us?"

I took a look, and the square was full of cavalry. Sure enough, there were not only people from Paradise Lost, but also people from Lilac, so I looked around for a while, and finally found Ah Yue among the crowd. She was instructing a mage what.

So I quickly ran over and said, "Ah Yue, hand over the cavalry from your guild to Little Pig with Swords, and let's go out and fight together for a while, okay?"

When Ah Yue looked up and saw me, she smiled and said, "Okay, just say a word, we are always at your disposal,"

Afterwards, Ah Yue found a thin knight, who turned out to be Lilac's cavalry leader, I immediately took him to negotiate with the sword-wielding piglet, after both sides pretended to express their admiration for each other, the two went together The nearly 40,000 cavalry of the meeting were integrated in one place.

At the same time, I got the news that TOT and Sword and Rose also adopted cavalry advance measures. After all, the supplies of archers and mages will not be so convenient after entering the war. We must try our best to save the arrows on them With arrows and blue potions, the knight's burst can not only increase the participation of knight players, but also have no harm to the overall situation.

For nearly three hours, I have been watching Xin Yu and Xu Lin having a great time in the city. I have long held my breath, and now it is time to go out and fight hard.

Summoned the Pegasus, I lined up with the little pig with a sword at the front of the queue, then turned around and smiled at the knights and players behind me: "Brothers, we may not be able to come back after we leave the city this time, so everyone is here After leaving the city, you must fight the enemy bravely, and earn back the ticket price, then talk about it."

Everyone immediately drew out their long swords or spears, and shouted in unison: "We want to earn points, so don't let anyone stand in the way."

So, I smiled, and negotiated with the city guard NPC, exchanged my 10,000 points of reputation for a chance to open the city gate, and then led a large group of cavalry to swarm out, and the sound of roaring horseshoes shook Silvermoon City The clouds above.

Due to the speed of movement, Little Wolf 001 left the city before all of us, turning into a ball of fire and raging in the army of hatred. To open the way for us, Lu Xuehan's Thundering Nine Heavens skill also caused thunderstorms under the city wall, and the large blood bars of hatred continued to decrease under the raging of such fierce magic.

Tianma ran so fast that I became the second person to go out of the city after Little Wolf 001. This time I didn't stop at all, and directly swung my sword to kill the abomination in front of me. They fell in groups, and the Paradise Lost and Lilac Cavalry coalition forces behind them rushed, presenting a triangular shape and tearing a hole in the heart of the undead army.

I rushed to the forefront. If the pig with the sword is the sharp knife of the cavalry phalanx, then I am the vanguard.


The light of the laser sword soared into the sky, and the large pieces of hatred were smashed to pieces, and some were even thrown into the sky. When they fell, they not only died themselves, but also killed many companions.

With the cavalry rushing to help, the pressure on the city was reduced a lot. The archers and mages could also unleash all their firepower on the monsters in front of them. The entire war machine was constantly killing those undead units that were not afraid of death. It kept falling down, making a dying cry.

The city defense points are constantly rising in the high-intensity fighting, and there are countless undead troops falling under the city of Silvermoon. Almost every second, there are countless abominations and ghouls lying in a pool of blood, but what worries me Things haven't come yet, if it's just ghouls and abominations, it's too simple, and the Silvermoon Palace Guards led by Nana can handle it.

About two hours passed quickly, and nearly two-thirds of the cavalry I fought in the city had lost, and the remaining 10,000 people were still fighting hard, but if nothing else happened, their fate would be hanged. Falling back to the city, it is impossible to open the city gate again. There are ghouls and abominations around the city gate. Once the city gate is opened, they will rush into the city regardless of everything.

But at this moment, the most terrible situation happened.

An order came from the base camp of the undead army, and the gargoyle army that had been waiting in the distance finally took action. They flapped their wings and hovered in the air, and began to attack the cavalry below the city.

In less than ten minutes, a large number of cavalry fell down, and they were unable to attack the gargoyle, but the frequent attacks of the gargoyle made people quite uncomfortable.

Seeing that it was about to be unstoppable, the little pig with a sword pointed at the silver moon plain in the distance, and said in surprise: "Boss, look what it is, a piece of golden light,"

I turned around and laughed, "The Golden Knights of Hurricane City are finally here."

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