Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter six hundred and thirteen: the speaker has no intention

A striking ray of light bloomed at the front of the Golden Knights, almost sweeping away the hatred. The ray is very familiar, and it has a bit of the brilliance of the Holy Sword of Light, but in my memory, it seems that the Holy Sword of Light Already corrupted by Malfurion.

Dak can also be regarded as a personal conquest, for the survival and dignity of the Human Alliance.

At the same time, a large number of human troops also appeared in the southwest corner of the Silver Moon Plain, which is the real strength of Silver Moon City, the coalition of the four ace legions.

The gates of Silvermoon City were also wide open, and the palace guards came out in a file. Nana's beautiful figure appeared first. She was riding a tall horse, with a red cloak fluttering behind her, and a silver rapier in her hand. Heroic.

I glanced at the Paradise Lost cavalry behind me, and ordered loudly: "Take advantage of this opportunity, all of you retreat into the city. Since the NPC army is dispatched, let's reinforce the city."

But Little Pig with a Sword said: "I can't, Boss, since we have all come out, we have the determination to die. If we go back, it's nothing, no, no matter what, we have to be brave once under the city!" no, "

I was speechless, so I nodded and said, "Then follow me and continue to fight,"

Anyway, most of the equipment on my body is an artifact that won't explode, so even if I die, I won't lose too much, so it doesn't matter.

After meeting Nana, she smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to fight alongside you,"

I nodded and asked, "Nana, if you hang up with the imperial guards, will you not come out in the future?"

Nana was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "It is the honor of every soldier to die for the king, and it is an honor for us to die,"

I smiled: "Don't you think about yourself, or, try not to die in battle, I'm really afraid I won't find you in Silvermoon City anymore,"

In fact, having a familiar NPC in the game is definitely a real estate asset. If Nana and Dak die in this battle, it is tantamount to a major loss for me. Red names and the like will be very difficult.

But the speaker didn't mean to listen, but my words made Nana's eyes soften. She silently glanced at me and didn't speak.

The undead army's offensive wave after wave, gargoyles danced wildly in the air, and the green attack was overwhelmed, but the cavalry on the ground had no way to fight back. Although the Golden Knights chopped melons and vegetables The people above hate the army, but their own troops are constantly falling under the attack of the gargoyles.

The Silvermoon City Imperial Guard led by Nana is equipped with a certain amount of archers, but after all, the number is not enough, and it is impossible to kill the gargoyles in a large area, and the Silvermoon City players on the city wall cannot rush to help because the attack range is not enough. The four ace legions of the Silvermoon City Alliance continued to destroy the power of the undead legion in the distance, but they were not equipped with enough archers, and the few magicians were not enough for the overall situation.

Seeing that the situation was not quite right, I immediately said to Nana: "This is not acceptable. When the abomination army of the undead is destroyed, I am afraid that we will all die under the attack of the gargoyles."

Nana nodded: "Well, that's right, what should we do then?"

I reined in my horse and said, "Nana, you lead the imperial guards back to kill, keep the city gate and prepare to meet the Golden Knights and the Kingdom's four major armies. I'll go over and tell them, and use the archers on the city wall to kill those gargoyles first." besides, "

"Well, be careful..."

Nana looked at me, and immediately turned around and ordered loudly to the subordinates behind her: "All soldiers obey the order, immediately fight back, open the city gate, and prepare to welcome the Golden Knights into the city."

In the next second, the imperial guards of the royal palace slammed back and killed the past, and I rode my horse and raised my sword to kill in the direction of Dak. It can also help me wipe out a group of monsters almost at once, and the little wolf 001 has already killed the monsters with great joy. Although it has lost about half of its own blood, the undead that died under its claws There are already countless troops.

My city defense points have skyrocketed. Looking back, the huge Silvermoon City has been shrouded in a bloody storm. The ghouls and gargoyles are divided into two groups of attack, which are constantly destroying the city of Silvermoon. The city wall, and behind the undead army in the distance, there is a faint red light. Don't think about it, the commander of the undead must be there.

In fact, if you are strong enough, if you kill all the undead commanders alone, you may be able to win the victory immediately by defending the city, but unfortunately, I don't have that ability. If I go there alone, there will only be one result. It was instantly killed by the commander of the undead.

If Binglan is here, maybe there is still a chance of winning. After all, Binglan's strength is simply impossible to estimate. If she can single out the Lich King to win, I will also believe it.

The light rain began to fall from the sky, making the horse's footsteps unsteady on the road, and the attack of the sickle of the hate slipped on my armor, the damage of the attack was reduced a lot, but the swollen fat of the hate It seemed that it became easier to cut in. Every time the sword went down, blood rained, and a large piece of meat fell to the ground. A few ghouls rushed to bite it, making greedy gnawing sounds, and the abomination was extremely angry. Swept away several ghouls with one knife.

I cut down the abomination with a sword, and the Pegasus neighed and jumped forward on the corpse of the abomination, and the Golden Knights led by Duck were also very close at hand, when the monster in front of me was sent back to hell in a golden light , Da Ke came to me with a sharp sword in his hand, he laughed and said, "Brother, I didn't expect that we would meet again here."

I looked behind him, several cavalrymen were thrown to the ground by the attack of the gargoyle one after another, so I said: "Dark, there are too many gargoyles outside now, I suggest that your soldiers retreat to Silvermoon City immediately, I have asked Captain Nana of the Palace Guards of Silvermoon City to open the city gate for you."

Dak pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he loudly ordered the troops to kill the city and then enter the city.

I pointed to the southwest direction again, where there were swords, lights and swords.

"Dark, you are the king of the Hurricane City Kingdom, so I hope you can go there to give orders to the four major armies of Silvermoon City, let them fight down the city immediately and then enter the city, otherwise, the troops may be wasted in vain. Under the siege of the undead army, "

What I am worried about is that I have no friendship with the chiefs of the four major legions, and the friendship is not high. If I were to convey this order, someone might not dump me, but Dak is different. Hurricane City seized power. Dak has long been famous all over the world, not to mention that he once held the holy sword of light in his hand, and he is already a well-deserved king. In addition, Hurricane City is a subordinate city of Silvermoon City, so Dak's order will definitely not be rejected by the four major legions.

After hearing my words, Dak asked his adjutant to lead the legion to break through the siege, and he went to the four major armies of Silvermoon City alone, but the adjutant said worriedly: "Your Majesty, you are alone in the siege of evil. , is it too risky,"

Da Ke raised his sword and said with a smile: "I've been a soldier all my life, so what's the point of this scene, just don't worry, I'll be fine."

The adjutant was still hesitant, so I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will go with Duck, I believe nothing will happen, our opponents are just those dirty and low-level ghouls and abominations."

So the adjutant nodded, and led the mighty Hurricane City troops to cover and kill Silvermoon City.

Dak shouted loudly, raised his sharp sword and urged his horse to rush out. The undead creatures along the way smelled invincible, and none of them could block his edge.

I also urged the horse to go, and the movement speed of Tianma was actually stronger than Dak's mount, so I quickly caught up with Dak, and swung the flying feather sword to charge forward side by side with him. Feather effect, causing continuous damage to all surrounding enemy units.

Glancing at the feathered light, Dake couldn't help laughing loudly: "Brother, I didn't expect that you and I would kill the enemy together today, and you would be so powerful. It's really worthy of Adjutant Linhe's ardent expectations for you!" ,"

I was taken aback, Lin He, he has already left us, the matter of life and death is really hard to determine.

Probably under the command of the undead commander, those gargoyles actually fired at us from top to bottom. Dak couldn't attack in the direction of the sky, so he said very angrily: "These annoying little flying insects, hum, If they dare to come to the earth, I must let them have a taste, "

I couldn't help laughing, and immediately turned around and swung my sword to attack the gargoyles in the sky, with an average of three swords, and the gargoyles fell to the ground under the effect of the venom ball.

About an hour later, although our marching speed was disturbed, we still quickly arrived at the positions of the four major legions in Silvermoon City. We found the four legion commanders in that neat formation, and Duck immediately issued an order to them. After giving the order, as I expected, the commanders of these legions all nodded and obeyed the order.

I took a look, and it seemed that a quarter of the vast plain was occupied by the armies of the four major legions of the Kingdom of Silvermoon City. With a complete combination, such an army has only one chance to die during the monster siege, so it is better to save it for use when it is really needed. It is a pity to be surrounded and eaten by the undead army here.

There is a red light looming behind the undead army, and the dull sound of dragons can be heard faintly, but I don't know how many frost dragons they dispatched. Besides the frost dragons, will they have more powerful enslaving creatures?

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